Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 210: 17 Three years


She really prepared a dry cloth specifically for wiping Kusheng's hair. Although other parts were difficult to wipe, her head, face and hands were always taken care of. After a period of time, Luo Yujing combed Kusheng's messy hair and felt that it seemed smoother, darker and shinier, not as messy as before. Her face and hands were white and shiny.

—You really need a disk.

But as she rubbed it more and more, she found that the bitter taste became more fragrant, and the bone-penetrating fragrance became more mellow.

Kusheng leaned against the tree root, letting Luo Yujing wipe his hands. As he was wiping, he suddenly saw Luo Yujing staring at his hands, quietly pinching his finger bones and wrist bones, and whispering: "... This fragrance... Make a bracelet."

Ku Sheng was shocked: "You actually want to use my bones to make a bracelet!"

Luo Yujing raised her hand and threw the dry cloth in his face: "Are you stupid? I mean I'm going to make you a bracelet!"

Kusheng thought it was troublesome and refused, "No, it's troublesome to wear it."

Luo Yujing was stunned: "… Rotten wood! Rotten wood!"

Kusheng: "Damn it, why are you scolding me for no reason!"

While Ku Sheng went to look for wooden incense to comfort his soul, Luo Yujing was grinding wooden beads and making two bracelets.

Luo Yujing held his hand and put a string of wooden beads on him: "If you take it off, I will force you to take a bath every day."

Kusheng glanced at the bracelet on her wrist that was half-hidden by her sleeve. Not sure if he was frightened by her "threat" or for other reasons, he said nothing and let the wooden beads hang on his wrist, gradually being stained with her body fragrance.

It was winter again. It snowed heavily while Kusheng was on his way. He didn't want an umbrella and was covered in snow. Luo Yujing brushed the snow off for him and told him not to get wet again.

"You were the one who said that precious wood cannot be wiped with water, so snow is even more forbidden to fall on it," said Luo Yujing.

"That's different." Kusheng was about to say something, but Luo Yujing said, "If you insist on getting snow all over your body, it means you can take a bath. If I take a bath in the future, you have to take a bath too."

Ku Sheng remembered that when he first took her away, he often threatened her, but now, the two of them seemed to have switched positions without realizing it.

Those who did not allow him to go out in the snow and rain bought him a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat. No matter it was winter snow or spring rain, he would be hidden under the straw raincoat and umbrella to prevent him from being corroded by the rain and snow.

The hands that wiped him were warmer and softer than the snow that covered his body.

In this way, spring went and autumn came, winter came and summer went, and another three years passed.

Luo Yujing still wore plain clothes, but she looked more fierce than three years ago, and the name "Bai Daxian" became more famous. He went to more places and gained more experience in killing evil spirits. Luo Yujing's talismans and swords could kill more powerful evil spirits.

For this reason, Kusheng had to keep a close eye on her, lest she accidentally lose her life.

Given the influence of Ku Sheng, Luo Yujing was just like what Ku Sheng taught her in some aspects. She was fearless when facing any evil spirits and would bravely draw her sword to fight.

—Suffering is this virtue.

After chasing the evil spirits to the well countless times, he saw Luo Yujing leading the way down the well. He ran to the well and leaned against the well mouth, shouting, "Come up!"

Three years ago, Kusheng could only walk around three meters away from the wellhead. Three years later, he could already walk to the wellhead. It was all because things like today happened too many times!

Even though Kusheng really hated wells, after seeing Luo Yujing jumping in again and again, he couldn't tell whether he was more afraid of the well or Luo Yujing who jumped into the well without saying a word.

One day two years ago, Luo Yujing went to the well to chase a monster. The monster was cunning and fought with her in the well. Kusheng waited for a long time but no one came out. Then he smelled the blood coming from the well and was afraid that something would happen to her, so he had to go to the well.

Although Luo Yujing came out before he could overcome his aversion to the well and before he could reach the well, such things happened one after another after that time.

The most dangerous incident was more than a year ago, when Luo Yujing discovered a water ghost in someone's well and went down to kill it. Unexpectedly, there was not only a water ghost but also a monster lurking there, and she was trapped and couldn't get out... It was that time that Kusheng overcame his fear and walked to the well.

As soon as he stepped on the well mouth, Luo Yujing popped up with a bleeding head and said to him, "What are you doing here? Just wait on the side."

Later, this happened twice more, so he could now run straight to the wellhead without any hesitation.

Seeing Luo Yujing leaning out of the well again, Kusheng pounded on the edge of the well: "Why did you jump in again? What did I tell you before?"

Luo Yujing was soaking wet. There was water in the well today. She got soaked all over. She leaned over the well mouth and said to Kusheng, "You said we can't jump into the well, but this isn't a fierce ghost. I can handle a small one."

Kusheng: "Count it yourself, how many times has this happened?"

Luo Yujing: "How can I count this?"

Ku Sheng asked suspiciously, "Did you do this on purpose?"

Luo Yujing opened her mouth and sneezed.

It was a very cold winter that year, and water turned into ice. Luo Yujing was soaked in the well, and when she came out, she was blown by the cold wind, and her clothes froze into a ball on her body. She couldn't stand it and fell ill, and her cheeks were burning red.

The wild temple was drafty and difficult to rest, so Kusheng had to take her to a hotel. Luo Yujing was dizzy with fever, and when she smelled the familiar fragrance, she kept squeezing over there. In addition, she was hot, so she subconsciously wanted to find something cool to cool down. As a result, Kusheng, who was sitting on the bed and exuding a cool fragrance, was almost pulled into her arms.

Kusheng: “…”

What else can I do at this moment except burn some incense to comfort her

Luo Yujing unconsciously leaned into his arms, her cheek pressed against his collar, probably because she felt the clothes were rough and uncomfortable, and after rubbing against his collar for a few times, he rubbed it open. Kusheng raised his hand to push her head away, and Luo Yujing grabbed the cold finger rings on her fingers and held them in her arms to cool them down.

After struggling with the feverish and delirious patient for a while, Kusheng finally gave up correcting her posture and leaned against the bed, letting her lie however she pleased.

Whether she wanted to twist his arms into a strange position in a daze and pull them to the other side to use as cushions, or whether she felt his chest was too hard to lie on and punched his chest in anger, Kusheng did not resist.

Only when she grabbed the wooden bead bracelet on his wrist did he pull her hand away and let her grab something else.

He was like a mattress being torn and ripped, with no freedom at all.

The light outside the window gradually dimmed, and the incense that had been burning in the room for a long time was lingering. The person in his arms finally calmed down a little and stopped tossing and turning. But she started talking nonsense again, and Kusheng was so close that he couldn't hear what she was saying clearly.

Suddenly, she uttered two words indistinctly: "Fear of the well."

Kusheng listened carefully and heard her say: "...Are you still afraid of the well..."

It seemed like he was asking him.

Kusheng touched her face and found that she was still asleep and talking in her sleep.

He sighed, gently covered her head with his palm, and said depressedly: "I'm afraid of you."

I'm really scared of her.

I lived for a hundred years before I encountered the most terrifying thing.

Luo Yujing had no memory of what she said or did during her illness... On the surface, she had no memory of anything. After all, waking up in the middle of the night and finding her hands stubbornly stuffed into someone else's clothes was not something that could be easily explained.

After a few days of recovery, she continued on the road with Kusheng and behaved well for several days. Once she felt guilty, she would suddenly become well behaved.

Another half month passed, and as the year was coming to an end, they arrived in Xicheng.

As early as outside Xicheng, Kusheng frowned at his feet. Luo Yujing was carried on his back, with both hands around his neck. Seeing this, she asked him, "What's wrong?"

"There are clan gods here, and there are also evil spirits." Kusheng looked up at the outline of the houses in Xicheng in the distance, "How can there be so many evil spirits in the territory of the clan gods that have not yet completely fallen?"

Luo Yujing also remembered that he had said that wherever the clan god was, the aura of the ground would be changed, and there would be no evil spirits or evil ghosts, so except for looking for the soul-soothing tree, he generally did not go near the clan god's jurisdiction.

For Ku Sheng, having evil spirits is a good thing no matter what.

The two of them headed towards Xicheng. Judging from the houses and streets here, this place must have been prosperous in the past, but now it is quite quiet. It may also be because it is winter, the trees are only left with bare branches, even birds are unwilling to roost, and it looks a bit lifeless.

It was the coldest time of the year and there were not many people on the street. As they passed a stream, they saw a woman washing clothes. When they saw two strangers walking by, they looked over.

"From out of town?"

"I haven't seen him. The one in front looks like a Taoist priest, and the woman behind..."

After turning a corner, the whispers of those people could no longer be heard.

There is an alley ahead with five or six households, with doors facing each other. The strange thing is that there is a lantern hanging at the door of every household, one white and one red. I don't know what the significance of this is.

Luo Yujing listened to the faint cries that seemed to be coming from the walls of the courtyards. She couldn't tell which courtyard the cries came from, but she could hear them all the way as she walked.

After passing this alley, I went to the next alley, where it was the same again, with red and white lanterns hung alternately.

Ku Sheng turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to all this. His eyes were always fixed forward, and his feet kept moving in a certain direction.

The largest house in Xicheng is the old house of the Zhong family. Most of the families in the city are members of the Zhong family. As you walk here, you will see more and more people hanging red and white lanterns at the door. Almost every household does so.

Suddenly, a burst of music sounded from far away, and a group of people dressed in bright and colorful clothes were playing music and carrying a sedan chair decorated with flowers and stopped at the door of a house.

The family opened the door and sent a girl out. The girl's parents cried as they sent her to the sedan chair. The people in the team seemed very numb to their crying. Only after the girl got on the sedan chair did they hand a red lantern to the still crying old couple.

After the team left, the old couple wiped their tears and replaced the red lanterns in their hands with a white lantern in front of the door.

The door was closed, and Luo Yujing looked at the two red lanterns swaying in the wind.

The team moved forward, stopping at the door of every household and repeating the previous process. Ten people got into a large sedan chair, both men and women, old and young, with no regular pattern.

Although the families who sent their children away were sad and reluctant, no one looked particularly excited. Most of them seemed numb and relieved.

Looking at these, Luo Yujing asked Kusheng: "What are you doing here?"

Kusheng replied: "It's not a good thing."

As the team moved forward, passing through the quiet streets, more lively music came from afar. In front of them, in front of the gate of the old Zhong family house, many people were standing. People burned incense and kowtowed, tall incense sticks burned, and red paper was scattered on the ground.