Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 215: 22 sisters


Luo Yujing felt as if she was dreaming. The dream was intermittent and vague. She couldn't remember who she was, nor was she clear about who the people around her were. She only knew that the familiar scent made her feel at ease.

Whenever she felt anxious, people around her would touch her head soothingly and feed her something - sometimes she would be forced to eat even if she didn't want to, which was a bit annoying.

Sometimes she would suddenly remember something in her mind and want to say something. She was trying hard, but suddenly she felt her forehead getting hot and she instantly forgot everything. This happened so many times that she always felt like there were two words stuck in her lips that she wanted to shout out.

Maybe he wanted to curse.

But this sense of security soon disappeared, she heard a vague sentence, "...hometown...wake up...", and then she fell into a long darkness.

She kept lying there, with something warm on her chest soothing the pain that came from time to time. Gradually, the pain became less and less, and she slept more and more deeply, no longer aware of anything in the outside world.


Yuzhou, Yuhan District

A new phase of the Yuhan District underground transportation track is under construction, and workers dug out a coffin.

Yuhan District is the earliest city of Yuzhou Prefecture and has a long history. Today, there are still many well-preserved historical buildings in Yuhan District and there are also many ancient tombs underneath. Therefore, extreme caution was exercised during the preliminary survey to avoid digging through any precious underground tombs. Unexpectedly, even so, an accident still occurred.

A coffin is nothing, what is scary is what is inside the coffin.

Qin Mingyu, the person in charge of the project, arrived at the scene and saw the coffin in a separate protected room. There was a woman in plain clothes in the coffin who was not breathing and seemed to be sleeping.

If it weren't for the strange yellow symbol on the woman's forehead and the construction workers on site telling him that the soil had not been moved in the past few decades, he would have thought that the person had just died. Otherwise, how could a body be preserved so well

After carefully looking at the woman in the coffin, Qin Mingyu inexplicably felt a cool breeze on his back. He raised his hand to push up the plain glasses on his nose that he had put on to pay tribute to his predecessors, and took out his mobile phone to take a photo of the coffin and the corpse inside.

Seeing him come out, the construction site manager who was waiting outside the door stepped forward and asked: "Engineer Qin, this thing... What do you think we should do? Our project cannot be delayed, but this is too weird. If we continue, I can't afford if something goes wrong."

Qin Mingyu said, "I will ask for instructions from the higher-ups right away. Don't start the work before then. Tell other workers not to spread the news. Isolate this place and don't allow anyone to approach."

As a member of the Qin family, he knew about the existence of the clan god, so he was naturally not as panicked as ordinary people when encountering this matter. He also had the clan god's contact number and could ask him how to deal with it.

In the Qin family's old house, Luo Yu'an had transplanted a new white camellia, which was said to be a new variety and its flowers were very beautiful. She was busy pruning the branches when her cell phone on the corridor rang.

She was so focused that she didn't hear a white shadow floating out of the shrine, landing behind her and calling her: "An, someone is looking for you."


Luo Yu'an cut off a branch, wiped his hands, walked over, picked up his phone and took a look. Suddenly he exclaimed, "It's from Mingyu."

Qin Mingyu is a relatively outstanding young man among the new generation of Qin's family. He is young but already capable of taking charge. After graduation, he worked under his cousin Qin Feichang for two years and made rapid progress under his training.

Since the accident a few years ago, several outstanding young people of the Qin family have left this world, and some other young people have replaced them. Qin Mingyu is one of them.

This young man was quite courageous. When he was still in school, he dared to send red envelopes to Shi Shen to ask for a card draw, which left a deep impression on Luo Yu'an.

"Is he going to draw a card again?" asked Qin Shishen.

"No, there was a problem with the underground transportation track project in Yuhan District. Well, they dug out an incorrupt female corpse underground there. It's quite strange. I can't make up my mind, so I want to ask the god to take a look." Luo Yu'an raised his mobile phone and showed him the photo sent by Qin Mingyu.

Qin Shishen took a look, thought for two seconds, smiled as if he had remembered something, and said, "It should be a living corpse. About three hundred years ago, an evil god left it there, and never came back to retrieve it. Maybe he can't come back."

Luo Yu'an also heard from his second brother that three hundred years ago, the energy of heaven and earth changed, the spiritual energy withered, the evil spirits dissipated, and earth-shaking changes took place silently. Since it was an evil god, it probably dissipated at that time, leaving only this living corpse here.

"She is so well preserved. She must be a very important person to the evil god." Luo Yu'an took a closer look at the photo. Although the photo showed a woman who looked unfamiliar, she liked her for some reason. So she praised her, "She is very pretty. I like her."

"Second brother, how should we deal with this zombie?" Luo Yu'an asked.

Qin said: "Evil spirits are hard to survive in the world nowadays, and she should not be able to wake up. Since it is someone else's treasure, find a new place to bury it."

After receiving the news from the clan god, Qin Mingyu felt relieved and immediately asked someone to burn incense and perform rituals to ensure that the grandmother in the coffin, whose age was unknown, could be buried again smoothly. He contacted someone to select a new Feng Shui treasured site and prepared to bury the coffin again immediately.

In the quiet room, a black cat suddenly appeared.

He landed on the coffin, stepped lightly on Luo Yujing's chest, flicked the soul lamp on her chest, opened his cat mouth and spoke in human language: "It's time to wake up."

Luo Yujing's eyelids trembled, the soul lamp on her chest suddenly shattered, and the black cat disappeared.

Qin Mingyu was on the phone contacting someone about burial matters while he walked into the room where the coffin of the female corpse was temporarily stored. He hung up the phone and bowed to the coffin and said:

"We have chosen a beautiful and tranquil place for you. I hope you will forgive us and don't blame us for disturbing your sleep..."

Just as he said this, he looked up and saw the female corpse in the coffin sitting up.

Qin Mingyu: “…!” I’ve done this much, are you still dissatisfied with the new cemetery? If you are dissatisfied, just dream about it. You don’t need to get up and say it! Help!

Luo Yujing held the coffin and lifted the yellow talisman on her forehead. She saw a figure flying out of the door and disappearing.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, Luo Yujing's confused expression slowly turned into surprise. The building was made of steel and concrete, with an air conditioner blowing air above his head, and a cell phone left on the table by the person who had just run out.

—Has she returned to her original world

She staggered out, her mind in a mess: Where is Kusheng? With so many evil spirits, how is he doing? And my sister... If this is the original world, then my sister should still be here, right

A plane flew overhead, leaving a trail in the sky.

Luo Yujing looked up at the sky and suddenly heard a commotion. A group of people armed with live ammunition got out of the car quickly and set up a roadblock not far away. A young man wearing glasses leaned half of his body out of the car and shouted at her:

"Please don't get excited! Don't be afraid! We don't mean to hurt you. If you have any questions, you can communicate with each other! Please don't do anything dangerous or radical!"

Luo Yujing: “…” It’s obvious that you guys look more scared and excited, right

But why are they afraid

Luo Yujing took a step back and turned to look at the glass next to her in confusion. She saw her own red eyes and dark purple nails with sharp points. Some images suddenly flashed through her mind.

In the dim well, the evil ghost screamed, and Kusheng stuck his fangs into her neck.

She also lay on Kusheng and sucked the blood from his neck.

Did she... become a zombie

Thinking back to this, smelling the people around her, Luo Yujing felt her teeth itching. Her face reflected in the glass changed a little, and she unconsciously clenched her teeth, as if she was about to show her fangs. She immediately covered her mouth with one hand, pressed back the fangs that were about to grow, and looked over there, seeing that they seemed even more nervous.

Luo Yujing took another step back: "Don't be nervous, I have no intention of resisting."

The two sides finally sat down and talked two meters apart. Qin Mingyu introduced: "This is Yuzhou, the Qin family's territory. You have been sleeping in the ground for hundreds of years. Maybe you have heard of the Qin family before? Our clan god is still here. He will not allow anyone or any non-human to act recklessly here, so it is best for everyone to live in peace. What do you think?"

Luo Yu sat quietly, looked at the date on his phone, and said, "I'm going to Yulin District to find someone."

Qin Mingyu asked carefully: "Who are you looking for? You have been sleeping for so long, the person you know may no longer be here."

It was indeed a long time. Luo Yujing checked the time and found that ten years had passed since her death. But it didn't matter. If this was indeed the world she lived in, her sister should still be there, and she might have married and had children. As long as she could see her sister living a happy life, she would be relieved.

"I'm going to Yulin District," she reiterated.

Qin Mingyu didn't dare to provoke her, so he dispatched the strongest bulletproof car to pick her up, and he also escorted her along the way. On the way, he finally contacted the old house with his mobile phone.

"What, the female corpse woke up?" Luo Yu'an asked in surprise.

Qin Shi Shen also said: "Generally speaking, she should not be able to wake up."

Qin Mingyu was so humble that he almost shed tears: "Ancestors, help me, will zombies eat people? Although I brought a lot of people with me, what if I can't control them? It will cause chaos!"

His predecessors only had to deal with work problems, and no one ever had to deal with zombies. How come it was his turn!

Luo Yu'an said to Qin Shi Shen: "If the other party really has bad intentions, it might not be good. It's better for me to go there."

As the human representative of the clan god, Luo Yu'an would occasionally go out to solve some problems in recent years.

Qin Shishen has been married to his wife for nearly ten years, and his attitude towards her has always been two words—"OK."

As long as she dared to say it, he would agree.

"Then you should go early and come back early." Qin Shi Shen sent his wife to the door of the old house, watched her leave in the car, and his figure instantly disappeared back to the shrine.

Here, Luo Yujing came to the home in her memory with trepidation, but when the car stopped, what appeared in front of her was not the old community, but a brand new community that wiped out all traces of the home in her memory.

She couldn't find her home, and she didn't know where to go when she sat in the car. Suddenly, she remembered something, borrowed Qin Mingyu's phone, and called her sister.

She was a little homesick and hesitantly put the phone to her ear, then heard the reminder that the number was out of service. Did my sister change her phone number? Or did I remember the wrong number? She thought anxiously.

She looked out the window at the world that suddenly seemed strange, opened her browser, and looked up her own affairs.

Although it was ten years ago, there was a celebrity involved in the incident, so there should be news from the past. She just thought that maybe she could find some information about her sister, but... She saw the news that the celebrity and three other people died ten years ago.

This incident caused quite a stir at the time. A relatively famous star, a university professor, and a business owner were killed.

The news was written very clearly, including that these people had molested underage girls in the past, causing the deaths of several girls... Their secrets were exposed, and many people in the old comments were praying for the girls they had persecuted, and even more people were cursing these beasts in human clothing.

But Luo Yujing no longer cared about these, she only saw those simple few words.

The person who killed them was Luo, the sister of one of the victims. She was imprisoned for murder and was sentenced to death that year.

—After becoming the wife of the god, everything about Luo Yu'an became a secret. The only simple and superficial information that can be found about her on the Internet is this.

Luo Yujing stared at her phone for a long time without moving. She had never thought that her sister, who would never argue with anyone, would kill someone for her. But she knew very well that this "Luo" who didn't even have a name must be her sister.

Her sister is dead...her only relative is also dead!

Then what's the point of her returning to the present

Qin Mingyu stood outside the car and saw the zombie inside's originally calm and uneasy expression turned ferocious, with two lines of blood and tears flowing from its red eyes. He was almost scared away.

What did this ancestor see? Why did he suddenly seem to be stimulated and go berserk? Help!

At this time, a car stopped nearby. Qin Mingyu saw a gentle and soft woman getting out of the car, and an expression of rescued appeared on his face.

He pushed his glasses up, reluctantly pulled back his elite attire and put it on, then stepped forward respectfully: "Madam, you are here. The lady seems to have been stimulated and the situation is not good. What should we do now?"

Luo Yu'an had just asked what happened when he saw the car door being pushed open. A man with tears and blood on his face and a murderous look on his body walked down, looking as if he wanted to destroy the world.

Luo Yu'an paused: "Ah, this... does look a little bad."

The next second, when the man saw her, the anger, irritability and depression on his face turned into unbelievable joy. He ran towards her crying and laughing, calling her, "Sister!"