Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 25: 24 Red


What's going on

Luo Yu'an had never seen such a change before. He watched the red marks under his fingertips spread and bloom around his chest. The irregular red marks, some of them looked like scattered petals, as if flowers were blooming from the cracks, imprinted on his body.

The bright red and jade-colored skin make this scene so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it.

“Red is such a beautiful color.”

Luo Yu'an raised her head quickly and saw that Shishen had opened his eyes. He smiled slightly and held her waist. Most of her long hair was pressed under her body, exposing her chest and half of her arms. Her hair was messy but gave people a feeling of holiness that could not be touched.

She stared at him blankly. The heart should have been gone long ago in this body that did not belong to a living person, but she clearly felt something inside her body pounding on her chest.

Shishen stroked her head at this time, let her look at his chest, and said tenderly: "An, look, this is the red you gave me."

Her ashes burned in his body, growing out from inside, and turned into this mark. This was the first time his body had this color since it was shaped. His seemingly fragile wife had the most tenacious roots in her body, which was why she could bloom such a bright red flower.

"It's so hot." He smiled and expressed his current feelings. It was still hot, but it was different from the burning pain when he was shaped.

Luo Yu'an knew he was talking about the heat in his chest, but it was hard not to think about it. This was what Ming Huang and the others often called "flirting", flirting without anyone noticing.

"Second brother, you've become the smiling face again this time." Luo Yu'an tried hard to keep his eyes on his face.

Ujigami's face came very close to him and he said, "An would be happier looking at this face, right?"

"Second brother, let me admit my mistake first." Luo Yu'an said suddenly.

Ujigami: “Hmm?”

Luo Yu'an took a deep breath and moved his legs.

Ujigami: "What is An doing?"

Luo Yu'an looked at his expression, and her hands became more and more difficult to search for. She felt as if she was committing a crime. However, she quickly thought that it was not like she had never committed a crime before, and she was already dead and had already apologized, so it didn't matter.

“… Can I do this?”

Ujigami tilted his head and didn't answer. He just looked at her and smiled, his expression gentle and pure.

Where did this deep sense of guilt come from? Luo Yu'an bit her lower lip, feeling a conflict in her heart. She had just acted on impulse, and now the arrow was on the string... She wanted to back off a little.

Ujigami suddenly laughed, pulled his white clothes to wrap them both, and put his nose against hers, "An, naughty child."

Luo Yu'an's voice trembled a little, "Second brother, are you teasing me on purpose again?"

"It's clearly An who's moving."

Luo Yu'an suddenly let out a low cry and felt something entangled her legs and hands, "Wait, second brother?" This was a little different from what she thought

Ujigami smiled and covered her mouth.

"Hmm—" Luo Yu'an felt that the originally faint and cold fragrance around him became unusually strong, and this cold fragrance also turned into warm fragrance. The ambiguous and lingering fragrance was like the red lines around him, seemingly soft, but pervasive.

Why could he do such a thing with such a clean and gentle expression? Luo Yu'an grabbed one of his hands and kept getting into his arms, trying to avoid the feeling of being entangled.

"Oh, my wife is so passionate." He sighed like an elder. Luo Yu'an felt ashamed and pulled his hand down, "Second brother!"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Why are you asking me what's wrong in this tone at this time? Luo Yu'an was almost driven crazy by his contradictory expression and behavior. He gritted his teeth, hugged his neck, and subconsciously grabbed his hair.

"Hmm." As she grabbed his hair and pulled it back, Ujigami was forced to slightly raise his head, revealing his slender white neck.

It really looks like a white crane stretching its neck, beautiful and clean—

Luo Yu'an hugged him tightly and bit him.

The fragrance is so strong that it makes people feel a little breathless.

The cocoon made of red thread was still hanging safely in the shrine. Luo Yu'an sat up from the scattered red thread and saw a new cocoon beside her. The god had made a new cocoon, but she came out.

She held her face which was hot because of the memories, stood up and walked out. Thinking about what happened before, she was distracted, her soul seemed to be still entangled in the red cocoon, and she didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment at all, and stepped directly into the sun. After coming to her senses, she quickly raised her foot and stepped back. After a while, Luo Yu'an realized that her feet didn't seem to have the pain of being burned by the sun.

No pain? He stretched out his hand, and saw a white palm that was somewhat similar to the god's. It was almost translucent and lustrous in the sunlight. The sunlight shone on his skin, and the warmth lazily sprinkled down, and the burning pain disappeared!

Has her transformation been successful? Will she no longer be afraid of the sun like a normal person? She couldn't help but turn her head to look at the red cocoon in the shrine, then stepped forward again and walked into the bright sunlight.

It's true. She laughed.

Unfortunately, the smile disappeared when she saw the charred yard. Except for the shrine, everything else in the yard was burned. The roses she transplanted had not yet had time to bloom their first buds, and the red camellia bush that her second brother liked also died.

She pushed open the equally charred courtyard door and walked out of the extremely quiet yard. Ming Huang and Ming Hui, who were waiting outside, ran over and surrounded her.

"Sister An! Are you okay? It's been several days and we haven't seen you. We were really scared."

"Is Shishen okay? What happened to Liang Shishen?"

Luo Yu'an waited for them to finish speaking before answering one by one: "The Liang family god has been devoured, and the family god is still in the cocoon. The courtyard inside..."

She sighed, "Let's repair the yard before my second brother wakes up."

She didn't know when the clan god would break out of his cocoon, and Ming Huang and the two newly appointed clan daughters didn't know either. They found the clan god's genealogy, which was a book that recorded the clan god's cocooning patterns and dates, and showed it to Luo Yu'an.

"Before you came here, Sister An, the cocooning of the Ujigami was very regular, and there were no accidents. We had no reference to any abnormal problems at all."

Luo Yu'an flipped through the genealogy of the clan gods and unexpectedly discovered that it also recorded the number of people devoured by the clan god each time, where the people were found, who in the Qin clan was responsible for each screening, and other information. She flipped forward and saw her own case. Her name was also there, but it was crossed out with a red pen. And she had not seen a second case like hers in the entire book. It was indeed as the clan god said, and he had never encountered a situation like her before.

"In the past, the clan god basically transformed once a year. When the time was almost up, people would look for the right person to devour him when they saw he was starting to change. But now the pattern has been broken, and no one knows when to do this." Ming Hui sighed.

Luo Yu'an put away the book and said, "I'll choose from now on."

Ming Huang: “Ah?”

Luo Yu'an: "From now on, I will take care of Second Brother's affairs."

Ming Huang looked at each other and laughed. Ming Huang said jokingly, "This is the difference between having a wife and not having one. The daughters of our generation have it so easy!"

It took a long time for Shi Shen to break out of his cocoon this time. Even Luo Yu'an did not expect this. She had the yard renovated and had people send a lot of red camellias and roses, which she planted little by little, making the charred yard look brand new. But Shi Shen still did not break out of his cocoon.

She sat beside the red cocoon, occasionally worried, wondering if she had used up too much of the clan god's power, which was why he couldn't break out of the cocoon. This thought made her anxious, and Ming Hui and the others were also a little uneasy, but the situation was far worse than theirs, and that was the Liang family.

The Liang clan's god and his wife disappeared, and they became a clan without a god. Even though the Liang clan god was more symbolic than practical to them in this era, the loss of this ancestor still made many people in the Liang clan panic.

Their old lady, Qi Ji, controlled many of the Liang family's industries. When she disappeared, many of the Liang family's companies were in chaos for a while.

No one knew about Qi Ji's secret killing of Liang clan members and forcing them to be devoured by Liang clan gods. Liang clan did not record this incident, so more than 200 years later, no one knew the inside story. Qi Ji felt guilty for the indiscriminate killings and indulged the remaining Liang clan members. In the eyes of many Liang clan members, she was a strong and protective umbrella. No matter how outsiders viewed her, Qi Ji was a very important existence in their hearts. Her death was the biggest reason for the turmoil in Liang clan.

The Liang family and the Qin family had cooperated a lot. As early as the day when the Liang family god was devoured, the Liang family members came to the Qin family to ask for an explanation. The Qin family members would naturally not let them come to the old house to disturb the family god, and they blocked all the questions and troubles.

During the time when Luo Yu'an was still in the cocoon, the relationship between the Qin and Liang families had become very tense. In fact, as early as nearly a hundred years ago, the relationship between the two families had been a little delicate, and there were often minor frictions. Now they were completely enemies. The turmoil in the Liang family also affected the Qin family a lot.

When they heard that Luo Yu'an had come out, the elders of the clan soon gathered at the old house and told her about the Liang family.

"We have been dealing with the Liang family for thousands of years. There have been frictions and times of harmony. But now that the Liang family god has disappeared, the Liang family will eventually fall apart. I'm afraid we can never go back to the way it was before. What should we do now? We must ask the family god." said the serious old man with gray hair and a vigorous spirit.

Another old man with a ruddy face and a slightly fat body had a hot temper. He said, "If it were you, I wouldn't want to bother the clan god. Since everyone has fallen out, there's no need to talk about any ties. Now is not the time when the two clans lived in harmony. Over the years, the Liang clan's grandsons have taken advantage of us under the banner of harmony between the two clans. We don't need to tolerate them anymore! They brag about how well Jinzhou has developed now, and look down on Yuzhou. What the hell! I've always disliked them!"

The thin and long-faced old man agreed with a cold face: "That's right. The Liang family's style is very different from our Qin family. We have parted ways a long time ago. What's the point of talking about friendship? It's better to disband as soon as possible."

An old man with a big smile on his face said slowly, "Hey, fellow brothers, you don't have to be so irritable. We have a lot of business cooperation after all, and it's not that easy to tear it apart. There's no need to rush. The Liang family is in turmoil and decline is inevitable. Why rush to kill them all? It would be bad if they counterattack. It's better to take it slow, take it slow."

These elders had different personalities, and they were talking to each other. Luo Yu'an was sitting there, looking at them, and suddenly smiled.

She thought that most of these long-lived elders were children who had been blessed by the clan god as soon as they were born, and their personalities were more or less affected by the state of the clan god when the blessing occurred. So through these hot-tempered, cold, serious, and kind old people, she could imagine what the clan god was like at a certain time in the past.

Elders of the Qin clan: “…” Why did the young lady at the top suddenly smile so kindly at them, the old men