Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 28: 27 Destruction


Red line!

The red line was still dripping with blood. The other three people were so scared that their legs went limp and they screamed and retreated, but Luo Yu'an immediately jumped over them and tried to touch the red line. Unfortunately, her hand went straight through and failed to touch it.

Although she had expected this, she was still unwilling to accept it. She turned her head and looked at the empty shrine. Since the red thread was still there, it meant that her second brother should still be here! She thought that with the old house in this state, the Qin family might have declined and her second brother might have died.

"What's going on? Dawei?!"

"Someone's dead, someone's dead, Dawei is dead!"

Amid the incoherent screams of terror from the three men, a shadow appeared in the empty, dark shrine. The shadow swayed, its long sleeves dragging on the ground, appearing and disappearing between light and darkness. This time, Luo Yu'an and the three men noticed it, and Luo Yu'an saw it more clearly than the three men.

It was a terrifying sight she had never seen before. The white clothes were wrapped in twisted black gas and threads. Even the hair had turned into twisted insects and snakes, tangled and wriggling. Black threads flowed out of the white clothes and wandered chaotically on the ground. If it weren't for the white clothes wrapped around it, this extremely unstable and chaotic object would hardly look like a human.

He slowly turned his "head" while screaming, and his "face" was pitch black without any facial features, with only occasional raised black lines. It was unknown where the strong sense of being stared at came from, and it brought with it a chilling horror that made the hair on the head stand on end.

As if noticing the three people crying and screaming in the yard, he left the shrine and walked towards the yard. In the process, the darkness in the shrine moved with him from inside to outside.

Wherever he was, the dark black followed, and soon the whole yard turned into the gloomy sky on a rainy day.


A bunch of wriggling black lines fell from his body and approached the three people as if they had life.

"No... what kind of monster! Don't come over here!" The short-haired girl collapsed. She was so frightened by this scene that she forgot about the boy who had died inexplicably at the door and rushed to the door without thinking. The next second, her whole body was cut into several pieces and blood splattered irregularly around her.

At some point, several more thin lines appeared on the door.

The remaining man and woman were unable to even scream, with extreme fear and despair on their faces. They watched the chaotic humanoid figures getting closer and closer, not knowing where to escape.

Shi Shen raised his sleeves and stretched out his "hand" - a ball of thread squirming in the black air, and placed it on the boy Liu Yuandong's head.

"Are the children of my Qin family back?" A strange voice came out from the gaps between every line.

"No." He muttered to himself, his voice echoing without any ups and downs. The boy, who was trembling with fear after being touched by his black lines and black energy, suddenly gasped in agony, blood dripped from his head, and he stopped moving. His body was chopped into pieces, and every piece of scraps and blood was devoured by the black lines hungrily.

The black lines that devoured the flesh and blood briefly turned bright red, but soon, the bright red was covered by black again. When Luo Yu'an saw this scene, he inexplicably thought of a word - pollution.

Was the second brother polluted at this time? What exactly happened

"Have the children of my Qin family returned?" After devouring one person, Shi Shen asked the remaining girl, Lin Luo.

Lin Luo was so frightened that she almost lost her mind, but she still answered the question bravely. She probably thought that saying yes would prevent her from being killed, so she said tremblingly, "Yes, yes."

The black lines curled up on her head. Ujigami's voice sounded strangely gentle. He said, "No."

"Don't kill me—ah—"

The surging black lines turned bright red for a moment. It turned out that the red lines on the door were also red because they cut people and were stained with blood. At this moment, they turned black again.

The disfigured second brother devoured the remaining two corpses. Luo Yu'an followed behind him, watching him wandering around as if looking for something. Finally, he slowly moved back to the shrine and disappeared into the darkness.

Luo Yu'an stood there, watching the rapid changes of weather around him. This silent, deserted old house had been dead for a long time, and would only be briefly revived when the next group of people came here.

"Wow... Look at this house, it's really beautiful. Why don't we sleep here tonight? It's well preserved here."

"There are ancient trees all around. Let's put our things down and take a look around first."

"This place is so beautiful, why hasn't anyone discovered it before?"

The breath and sounds of human activities startled the sleeping ghosts and gods. Luo Yu'an saw the twisted figure reappear in the dark shrine. Just like last time, he devoured everyone who came to this courtyard. Obviously, he no longer abided by the principle of "devouring evil".

Someone behind me said, "What happened before this?"

Luo Yu'an turned her head in surprise and saw the black cat with a strange smile leaping towards her. Her eyes blurred again and she was standing in front of the gate of the old house again. At this time, the gate of the old house was closer to her impression and not as dilapidated and desolate as before.

At this time, the gate of the old house was extremely lively, crowded with people and cars, and it was as chaotic as a vegetable market.

"Everyone should believe me now. Our clan god was polluted when it began to devour our people more than 200 years ago. It has degenerated into a monster!" Qin Zhi, who looked to be about 25 or 26 years old, stood in front of everyone and said excitedly, "It used the so-called blessing of infants to pollute the newborn children in the clan, making them unconsciously controlled in their minds and defending it fanatically and devoutly. We can't be controlled by it like this anymore!"

"Those stubborn elders are all dead, and the tribesmen controlled by it have been eradicated. As long as we can completely destroy it today, we will be able to break free from its control in the future and we will be free!"

Everyone's face was full of enthusiasm and excitement. They should all be members of the Qin family, but none of them was familiar to Luo Yu'an. These people rushed into the old house with weapons under the leadership of Qin Zhi.

"Let us destroy this place that we were not qualified to come to before! Just like destroying this rotten old monster!"

They smashed, looted and burned crazily, and the surging emotions were like a mighty wave, coming with unstoppable force. In this way, they rushed all the way to the shrine. The two old women with gray hair desperately blocked the crowd and shouted at everyone, especially Qin Zhi, "We cultivated you like this, Qin Zhi, how could you do such a thing!"

Qin Zhi stepped forward and pushed the two men away, sneering: "They are just two running dogs of the old monster, and they have been completely controlled by it."

Someone tied them aside, and Qin Zhi led people into the shrine, revealing the cocooned clan god. He looked at the cocoon, unlike the others who showed hesitation and fear, but instead, his face was full of hatred, and he raised the knife in his hand and stabbed it in without hesitation.

"Everyone, come up, let's cut this thing open together! It just devoured the Liang God, and now it is at its most vulnerable, with no way to resist!"

Several young men following behind him responded immediately, rushed forward, and cut the red cocoon in two or three strokes. Finally, they cut out a ceramic statue from the red cocoon. There was a crack on the chest of the ceramic statue, and black air was constantly oozing out.

Qin Zhi raised the knife and inserted it into the gap, "Let's smash this thing today!"

"Break it! Break it!"

The two old women screamed miserably, but failed to stop the surging crowd. They rushed forward and smashed the statue like crazy.

"Stop! Stop it!"

"You will be cursed!"

The two old women were kicked to the ground by the excited young men, breathing rapidly and twitching, and stopped breathing in the chaos. The originally hard and indestructible statue was cracked one after another as these Qin clan members destroyed it crazily.

Qin Zhi was surprised to see this, and became more certain of his thoughts, "Yes, it is true. Only the Qin clan can destroy the Qin clan god!"


The statue was completely shattered.

Before Qin Zhi had time to cheer and announce their victory, overwhelming blackness surged out from the broken statue and covered the entire old house.

"What's this?"

"Isn't this Ujigami?"

"Didn't they say that if you smashed the statue, the god would disappear? What's going on?"

The excited crowd calmed down a little and began to feel scared, but it was too late. Darkness enveloped everyone, and countless red lines emerged from the darkness, hanging on the necks and hands and feet of these people. Amid screams and cries, they were devoured, including the bodies of the two women.

Outside the old house, there were people coming in droves. Some were instigated by Qin Zhi and wanted to overthrow the control of the clan god and grab more benefits together with Qin Zhi; some were against Qin Zhi and wanted to stop him. No matter who it was, after entering the old house, they could never get out again.

Everyone was devoured by the god. His red line slowly turned black, and turned into a weird shape that was no longer human.

No Qin clan members came to the old house anymore. It was unknown whether there were no Qin clan members left or the remaining ones were afraid to come. As time went on, some young people who heard the news and came to explore began to appear. They were backpackers who came here by accident and found this place by chance... Everyone who came to the shrine and woke up the clan god could not escape the fate of death.

"Qin Zhi." Luo Yu'an watched all this, stood in place and whispered the name.

The sunset was infinitely beautiful, with pink and orange clouds transitioning perfectly in the sky. Luo Yu'an stood in the flowers and realized that she was back. Nothing around her had changed. There were still crystal clear water droplets on the leaves in front of her, which were the water she had just watered not long ago, and the mysterious black cat was nowhere to be seen.

She suddenly turned around and ran towards the shrine, lifted the curtain, went to the innermost room and hugged the silent red cocoon tightly.

Just now, she wanted to hug the horrible polluted God countless times. She wanted to stop him, wanted to save him, but there was nothing she could do, she could only watch from the side. When the statue of God shattered, she felt that she was shattered along with it. How painful it must be for the second brother to be shattered by the tribesman he protected!

When he was born, his bones and flesh were ground and shattered, and he was severely broken. He must not be broken again!

"Second brother, second brother, second brother..."

Luo Yu'an hugged the red cocoon, buried his face in it, and rubbed it in shock.

After a while, she calmed down a little and found that her body was covered with red threads. Those bright red threads were slowly sticking to her body, and some were even tied into bows on her arms in an interesting way, making her whole body almost tied in a red cocoon.

She calmed down completely, untied the loose red threads on her body, wrapped them back around the red cocoon, and stood up. "Second brother, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do. I will accompany you later. You should have a good rest."

She drew down the curtain and stepped out of the shrine.

At night, except for the daughter of the clan, no one else would hang out in the old house. Most people would automatically go into their rooms after dark. So the old house was particularly quiet at this time. Luo Yu'an first went to the kitchen for a walk, then walked to where the guards of the old house lived, and went directly into Qin Zhi's room.

She is no longer a human. As long as she wants, she can penetrate the door and possesses a power that ordinary people cannot resist. This is the power given to her by her second brother.

Qin Zhi hadn't slept yet. He almost immediately noticed that there was another person in the room. He jumped up from the bed and asked in a vigilant tone, "Who is it?"

After asking this question, he looked at Luo Yu'an clearly, and his face was immediately filled with confusion, "Madam? Why are you here?"

"I want to ask you a question." Luo Yu'an stood in the middle of the room and looked at him, "Do you want to destroy the God of Clan?"

Qin Zhi's face changed and he denied it flatly, "How could it be! Of course it's impossible!"

Luo Yu'an: "Really? But your answer is not that important."

Qin Zhi: "What do you mean? Madam, did you misunderstand something? I..."

Luo Yu'an ignored him and continued, "In the past, you needed him, so you used cruel methods to create him, hoping that he would protect the family. Now, you no longer need his protection, so he has become a waste, a cage that needs to be destroyed. You enjoy the benefits, but you don't want to give anything in return. There is no such good thing in the world. You have all been spoiled by him."

Qin Zhi's expression changed again and again, and he couldn't help showing his true emotions. He was only nineteen years old now, and his mind was completely exposed. He could no longer remain calm and retorted: "You said it well, protecting the family, then why did he devour more than four hundred people in my branch? Do you know why he devoured them? It was just because they wanted to leave the Qin family! Such a clan god is not worthy of our worship!"

Luo Yu'an walked towards him, "Really? If you think you are righteous, then yes. It's just a pity that I am evil."

She showed the knife in her hand, "I'm sorry, just now, I decided to kill you."

Ming Hui and Ming Huang walked through the corridor holding lanterns and saw Luo Yu'an carrying a large bag and walking towards the shrine. They greeted her.

"Sister An, what are you preparing to give to the God?"

Luo Yu'an did not answer this question, but just smiled gently at the two of them and told them: "Go to bed early and don't stay up late."

"Okay, got it." The two girls left with a smile.

The gate was closed, and Luo Yu'an carried the heavy bag without any effort. The bag was well sealed, and not a drop of blood dripped out. She dug a big hole like she did when planting flowers, poured the body parts in the bag into the deep hole, and covered them with soil.

Finally, she planted a new red camellia on it.