Strange Gentlemen

Chapter 78: 13. Raise a family of bears


Fierce and manic roars echoed throughout the snowy plains. This was a higher-level monster hunting. The weaker monsters of lower levels hid when they heard the sound, and the wild beasts were so frightened that they ran away.

Soon, the only ones left were the huge monster with long hair and sharp horns and another monster with a long tail and a piece of its body bitten off.

Muri followed the sound and passed by wild beasts running wildly in fear, but he did not hunt them.

He came to the battlefield between the two monsters. The hairy and horned monster was gnawing on the body of the other monster, enjoying its spoils.

This long-haired, long-horned monster has snow-white fur. Most monsters and ordinary wild beasts living in the polar regions have white fur, scales and skin, because only such a color can better hide themselves and survive in the polar regions.

Muri also has snow-white hair, but he prefers to wear clothes and be the most conspicuous presence on the snow, because he is not afraid of being regarded as prey by monsters. All monsters and wild beasts that dare to hunt him will eventually become food in his mouth.

Sensing the bad aura on him, the monster looked over at him warily and roared threateningly. Muri was not afraid of the monster that was much taller than him and rushed straight towards it.

He was attracted by the long and thick fur of this magical beast. He searched for two days before finding one, so of course he would not let it go.

Generally speaking, the taller the monster is, the more powerful it is. However, there is a huge difference between high-level monsters and low-level monsters, and this difference has nothing to do with height or size.

High-level monsters have strong bodies, as well as the same wisdom and thoughts as humans, but they are rare in number, and most of them live in the deepest parts of the polar regions, places that humans cannot explore.

The more peripheral the monsters are, the lower their intelligence is. For example, this mid-level long-haired monster has amazing strength but low intelligence. As for the monsters at the outermost edge, they are basically the same as ordinary wild beasts.

Muri knew very early on that he was a hybrid of Warcraft and human. His grandfather who picked him up told him that he might be the descendant of some kind of highest-level Warcraft in the depths of the polar regions, so even if he was still a cub, he could hunt Warcraft here and raise himself.

Now, he is about to enter adulthood, and there are no more monsters here that can threaten him.

The long-haired monster also sensed the danger. It roared and threatened in a bluffing manner, then turned around and tried to escape, even abandoning the spoils it had fought so hard for.

If the other party was also after food, then the food it gave up could save its life. Unfortunately, Muri came for its fur.

Muri was faster in the snow than outside. Like a shadow, he flashed to the back of the long-haired monster and climbed up onto it by grabbing its long hair.

He wanted the intact fur, so he didn't attack its body. Instead, he stepped on the top of its head, grabbed the sharp horn, and used it as a fulcrum to attack its eyes on both sides.

The thick eyelids of the long-haired monster failed to block his attack, and it shook its head violently in pain, trying to throw him off. Muri used its sharp horns to swing his body, stepped on its wide-open mouth and hung on its shoulder.

The ears hidden in the thick fur were also one of its weaknesses. Muri pulled out his spiked weapon and stabbed it deep into the ears of the long-haired monster, directly into its head.

After a while, Muri jumped off the huge monster, and the ravaged snow was instantly splashed with blood.

He picked up a handful of snow from the ground and wiped it on his spikes. After wiping off the dirt, he put it back on his waist and worried for a while at this mountain of thick, hairy flesh.

When he killed a monster in the past, he would usually only take a portion of the meat from the monster, enough for himself, because he was too lazy to deal with the rest. The rest would be left there and would soon be eaten by other animals.

He didn't know how many weak animals who picked up the leftovers were fed by the food he left behind.

But now there is a human in his house, and she needs warm furs to keep warm. In addition, she also needs food, so the meat must be brought back. Finally, she also needs a fire to be burning in the lighthouse.

There are no burning trees in the polar regions. Only the furs of wild animals and the bones of magical beasts can be used as fuel. After being left for a period of time, the magical beast bones will exude thick fat and can burn for a long time.

Murri himself was not afraid of the cold, and except for barbecuing, he did not often light a fire. The humans at home needed warmth, and they could not live without a fire, and they also needed a lot of monster bones.

So the bones had to be taken back too.

After looking around, they decided that they could only take all the monsters back home. Murray walked back with the monster's body, stepping on the snow and making deep pits one after another. His cute and sweet bear face was full of steadiness.

He has become a bear who has to shoulder the burden of supporting his family and can no longer be lazy like before.

Meili stood up from the fire, wearing a piece of fur and simple shoes made of small pieces of fur. She walked around the fire a few times and looked at the gate of the lighthouse, feeling a little anxious.

Murray had been out for a long time and had not come back yet. She couldn't help but worry as she watched the light from the top window on the wall disappear bit by bit.

It was snowing heavily outside, and she was freezing cold just by opening the door to take a look. She had only been here for two days, and she had not yet adapted to the extreme cold. She could only hide in the lighthouse temporarily and stay by the fire to keep her body warm.

She took her bow and practiced for a while by the fire, feeling her body warm up slightly. She wrapped herself in furs and climbed the narrow stairs fixed to the wall of the lighthouse.

The small staircase spiraled upwards, and she held onto the cold railings and stone walls, moving up step by step. Halfway up, she looked down and suddenly felt as if she were a piece of cloth nailed to the wall, dangling in mid-air.

She stopped looking down and concentrated on climbing up. She finally reached the top floor. Suddenly, the view in front of her eyes became bright, and a fresh and cold breath of snow and wind blew towards her.

The top floor is a small platform next to a window, which is inlaid with a transparent material, so you can see the scenery outside.

There was a broken window, and the snow and wind blew in from there. Meili felt that the snow and wind took away the warmth from her body, so she quickly picked up something to cover the broken hole, then moved closer to the intact window, wiped off the dust on it, and looked out from there.

For a moment she was so overwhelmed by what she saw that she could not utter a sound.

She had never seen such a snowfield before, it was vast, clean and white, as if all the colors in the world had been taken away and only this one color remained in the world.

The glacier in the distance was not very clear because of the sky, only a vague outline, which seemed to be the end of the sky.

After watching for a while, she soon found something moving on the snow not far away, a white mass. After looking more carefully, she found Muri under the white mass, and he brought back a large prey.

The lighthouse stood on the snowy plain like a lonely boat. Muri saw it from afar and felt inexplicably excited. He quickened his pace again while carrying a huge magical beast, and was eager to go back.

He had never felt this way before.

He didn't understand what kind of feeling this was, but he felt happy when he thought that Mary would be happy to see him bring back the prey.

Throwing the prey at the door, Murray pushed the door open and went in. In the lighthouse that could be seen at a glance, there was no trace of Mary, only the orange flames swaying in the wind and snow, and the shadows on the walls of the lighthouse in all directions began to shake.

Before Murray could look around, a voice came from above his head.

"Muri, I'm here."

He looked up and saw the platform at the top of the lighthouse, with Merry sticking her head out from the gap.

Murray walked to the narrow staircase and tried to squeeze up, but after going up two or three steps, he was stuck between the railing and the stone wall.

He freed himself with a little frustration, stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked up, and saw Mei Li running down the narrow stairs at a rapid pace.

The steep stairs made her unable to stop for a while, and when she reached the bottom of the stairs, she almost ran into Murri's arms. Murri didn't pay attention to her momentum, caught her, and carried her to the fire.

Because Mary couldn't stand the cold, she was held in Muri's arms to keep her warm most of the time these two days. They both got used to this kind of contact, and Muri no longer got angry easily.

"I found a long-haired monster. Its fur is very thick and can be peeled off to make clothes." Muri spoke of his achievements today with an excited tone and a bit of lovable pride.

When Mary heard his tone, she wanted to praise him.

Muri was flattered by the praise and tried hard to hold back his laughter, acting like a calm and steady little bear who was not easily affected by praise or criticism. He then ran outside with brisk and excited steps to deal with the monster corpse.

Mary peeked out through the crack in the door and saw that the little bear had skinned the long-haired monster and was rubbing the fur on the snow, dealing with the remaining flesh and blood on the fur.

He rubbed and shook the big ball of white fur as if he was rolling around in the snow.

Mary: “…” He is having so much fun.

After a while, he came back with steady steps, dragging the fur and a large piece of cut meat.

The meat was dinner, but the fur needed further processing. Meili prepared the barbecue while watching Muri take out the snow-white ashes of the monsters burned under the fire pit and sprinkle them layer by layer on the fur for tanning.

He rubbed the fur quickly with his big hands, looking very focused, only the round ears on his head moved occasionally.

Mary looked at him, and as she looked, a smile appeared on her face.

Murray accidentally looked up and saw her smiling face. He asked in confusion, "Why are you always smiling at me?"

Ah, because the little bear looks so cute when he rubs his fur.

Meili: "... You rubbed it really well. This fur must be very comfortable."

Murray believed it immediately, thinking that she envied his strength, "This is for you, don't worry, I will help you take care of it."

Mellie smiled and nodded, trying not to laugh out loud.

At night, as the fire slowly died down, Muri lay on his back, sprawled out beside it, sound asleep, and Meili lay on top of him, covered with an old fur. She curled up in the fur, nestling in the warmest embrace, with only her red hair showing.

While sleeping, Murray suddenly turned over, and Meili fell down in a daze, hugging the fur and lying beside him to continue sleeping. However, the thin layer of fur under her body was still a little cold against the ground, so she didn't sleep well.

Murri woke up and saw her curled up on one side. He picked her up and put her back in his arms, continuing to sleep on his back.

Mary was half asleep and half awake, listening to the warm and regular heartbeat in the chest beneath her. Her whole body relaxed and she slept more soundly.