Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 1: Doctor ghost


Road to Road, very Avenue.

Famous, very famous.

These two sentences are from the Tao Te Ching. Although there are only a few numbers, they reveal the truth of all things in the world. To correctly and completely explain these two sentences, I am afraid that it may not be possible to do it in a lifetime, but to briefly explain its meaning, it may be understood as: what can be said is not the truth. Famous things are never eternal.

The world is huge, and there are all kinds of strange things. Unexplainable strange things happen every day. Everyone has their own experiences and opinions. In the face of hearsay rumors, of course, they will add their own subjective ideas. When he tells the rumors to others, it is already another version.

Almost all rumors have become unrecognizable because of false rumors, and even run counter to the facts, and are more likely to become ghost legends in which elders scare children. But who has ever thought that the truth of the facts is often more absurd than the legends handed down orally.

My surname is very much named Shen Yu. When I was young, I was frail and sick. My mother was afraid that I would not be able to raise her, so she gave me to others to raise me. Although it is given to others, but in fact it is just to find a good friend for me. There is a strange custom in the mother's family, that is, to find a goddess to be a good wife for sick children, thinking that this will make the children grow up healthily.

My sister-in-law is called Ghost Poling. She is the most famous goddess in my hometown. Every year, no less than 100 young children come to her. However, Yi Po is not a casual one. She only makes contracts for nine young children every year. I heard that she is afraid that there are too many Yizi and they will not be able to do enough.

I was born in the ghost month, and when I was born was not a month, I was very sick from birth. My mother said that when I was 18 months old, I had a high fever for three days in a row, and the highest was 40 degrees. After being hospitalized for two days, the medicine was still ineffective, and the doctors were helpless. It seemed that I was going to die, but fortunately my aunt arrived in time and asked my mother to carry me to go to the hag Ling for help.

My aunt is a fisherman and spends more time at sea than on the shore. At that time, it was closed in recent years. As soon as she came ashore, she learned that I was critically ill and rushed to the hospital to take my mother and me to look for hag Ling. .

Ghost Poling is a distant relative of my aunt and lives on a dilapidated stone boat. The so-called stone boat is simply a boat-shaped house built on the shore. It is made of masonry, wood, iron and other materials. Although it looks like a fishing boat from a distance, it is fixed and cannot be moved.

It was the day before New Year's Eve, and it was already dark when we arrived at Ghost Poling. Because it was close in recent years, she had already closed the altar and was unwilling to exorcise my evil spirits, so she reluctantly agreed after her aunt's repeated pleas.

According to my mother, when I first entered the stone boat, I was still drowsy, but after going through the hag-ling practice and drinking the divine tea she asked for in front of the statue of "Mother-in-law", I immediately recovered. It's alive and kicking. After going home and decocting the herbs she gave, the fever subsided.

After the New Year, my mother asked the ghost mother Lingqi to be my friend. At first, she refused to agree. In the end, it was my aunt who came forward and begged me again, and she nodded. I heard that in that year, she only contracted me as a friend.

On the day of the contract, Yi Po gave me a small black bead chain made of "Soul Iron". She said that I was easily scared out of my soul, so I had to wear the iron as an accessory for the rest of my life in order to keep my soul alive. Safe.

In fact, every child in my mother's family wears a bracelet or pendant made of fixed soul iron. My mother once wanted to find a bunch for me, but although this thing is not necessarily precious, it is not easy to find. So I still wear the bead chain that Yipo gave me, but because of age, my wrists get thicker, and the number of beads keeps increasing. As for these newly added beads, the aunt asked for it from another distant relative.

Every Chinese New Year and festival, I will visit Yipo. The stone boat she lives in looks nothing special from the outside, but inside it looks like a small temple, with sandalwood incense lingering around and the sound of Buddha reverberating. There are many pennants hanging on both sides of the main hall, all sent by benefactors. Every time I go, I find that there are more than before, and in recent years, there are so many that there is no place to hang them. This probably has something to do with the social atmosphere, because when I was young, Yi Po was regarded as a "bull, ghost and snake god".

There is a small warehouse behind the main hall, which is filled with all kinds of strange herbs. The reason why it is strange is not that these herbs are rare. On the contrary, these herbs could be picked by the roadside before. The strange thing about them is that they can't find any records about them even after searching through the entire "Compendium of Materia Medica". However, I relied on them to cure any minor ailments and pains I had when I was a child. Strange to say, my mother said that I seldom get sick since I got the contract, and occasionally I have a cold and runny nose, etc., and I will be cured immediately by asking my grandma for some herbal medicine and boiling water. Before that, I was not necessarily spending less time in the hospital than at home.

When I was about eleven or twelve years old, I went to visit Yipo before the New Year. She looked at me and was silent for a long time, then sighed and said to me earnestly: "Huazi, Yipo doesn't have great skills, I'm afraid At most, it can only protect you until you are an adult, and when you grow up, you must become a policeman..."

Yi Po said that I was born in the ghost month, and I was born with a ghost. My yin was very strong, and I was easy to provoke goblins. When I was first born, it was because I got a fox fairy in the hospital, so I often fell ill. As for why there are fox immortals in the hospital, she can't tell.

The "sister-in-law" that Yipo believes in is a deity who specifically blesses Huazaihuanv (ie virgins and virgins). And although the soul-fixing iron has the effect of warding off evil spirits, it is only useful for ordinary spirits, and has little effect on some monsters with strong abilities.

I have never been able to figure out which way "sister-in-law" is a fairy, and my mother-in-law has not made it clear to me. Within the scope of my knowledge, the only deity that matches the "mother-in-law" is "Pillow-in-law", which is the legendary Nezha's mother Yin Shi.

Yi Po said that when I grew up, I had to rely on imperial power to force the goblins back so that they would not be able to harass me so easily. Although I didn't understand at the time that when she said "growing up", she actually meant going through the affairs of men and women, but from that time on, I was determined to be a good policeman who can eliminate violence and be good. She also said that even if I have the imperial air to protect me, I have to be careful in everything, because my destiny is to deal with them.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I am nearly thirty years old. I have joined the police force for several years, and I have seen a lot of wind and waves, but I am still a nobody. Although my luck is bad now, I have had good times in the past... Alas, let's not mention the braveness of the past, let's not talk about the past, let's face reality!

"Stop me!" For the past two years, I have said this sentence ten or eight times almost every day, because I am a policeman, a hapless policeman who specializes in catching pickpockets.

The one I bumped into today is a new face, but judging from his skills as a marathon runner, he is definitely not a rookie, he should have come from other communities. Pickpockets are a relatively mobile occupation. They usually don't stay in a certain place for a long time to work... To be more precise, they are committing crimes. After all, they eat partial meals. If they stay in one place for a long time, the disaster of blood will naturally come to the door. .

There are countless pedestrians on the bustling street watching the chase between me and the pickpocket with cold eyes. If one of them can come forward, I don't have to run out of breath. It's a pity that I haven't met such a good citizen in the two years I've been in the anti-stealing team.

I was less than ten meters away from the pickpocket just now. If I could run a little longer, I could catch him, but my damn right leg cramped at an inopportune time, so I could only jog after him. The distance widened in an instant. He glanced back at me, took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills from the wallet he had stolen, and immediately threw the wallet on the ground, preparing to jump into a dark alley. It was too late, but soon, a white arm grabbed his back collar and lifted him up.

I ran to the pickpocket and couldn't stop gasping for breath, and finally recovered. Only then did I realize that it was a tall girl who was holding him. This girl is very handsome, with almond eyes, long flowing hair, slender legs, and not necessarily thick arms. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that she could lift an adult with one hand. stand up. Although the pickpocket is a little short, he must have 50 kilograms. I would never be able to do it.

"Did he steal your wallet?" The girl's tone was majestic, like a green man.

At this time, a young man who came from behind picked up the wallet on the ground, ran in front of us and said, "He stole my wallet." He was the owner.

I took out my police card and showed it to the girl. She glanced at it and said to me disdainfully, "So your name is Mu Shenyu... Pozi can also be a policeman, no wonder the current security is so bad."

I pretended to cough to hide my embarrassment: "Cough, cough... Thank you for your enthusiastic help, you can leave it to me now."

The girl also took out a police card, and learned from the card that her name was Li Zhenzhen: "I'm afraid that you will have a cramp and let him run away later. It's better for me to help you catch him. Brother!"

The word "Senior Brother" came out of her mouth. It sounded particularly harsh, and it was clearly meant to sneer at me. Alas, I really want to find a trash can to get in, damn leg cramps!

"If you two want to play with guns, just go home and play, don't waste my time, okay!" The pickpocket obviously doesn't like being carried by people all the time, and he is still carried by a girl. Seeing him looks more embarrassing than me , my mind is immediately balanced.

Zhen Zhen put him down, but still grabbed his back by the collar, and unexpectedly punched him in the waist and eyes, the pain was so painful that his tears were about to flow out, she yelled at the police to beat him, and immediately attracted a lot of attention. The crowd watching with a big scoop of good deeds.

"It's amazing if you think you're a spy! I didn't steal or rob, so don't try to make a trick!" It seemed that he was about to cheat. Acting is not only an actor's livelihood skills, but also a compulsory subject for pickpockets.

I took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, about a dozen or so for one hundred yuan. I shook the banknote in front of him twice: "Isn't this what you stole?"

"What are you stealing! The money is in my pocket, of course it's mine, let's judge!" This kid is really a loss to the entertainment industry if he doesn't make movies. Alas, I didn't see everyone so enthusiastic when I was chasing him just now.

"You say it again!" I raised my fist to hit his stinky face, of course he wasn't stupid enough to let me touch him, and immediately covered his head with both hands subconsciously. Seeing this, the crowd of onlookers talked a lot, and most of them thought that I was suspected of abusing violence.

I folded my fists and handed the bills to him: "I'll ask you again, are you sure the money is yours?"

"Of course!" His answer was quite confident, as if it really belonged to him.

"Then I will arrest you because you have a lot of counterfeit money." I smiled and showed the banknotes in my hand to the onlookers.

"What?" He opened his eyes wide and looked at the banknotes in my hand. It was indeed a stack of counterfeit money, and the fake money was so obvious that the crowd onlookers could see it.

"This money is not mine, it's his." He hurriedly pointed to the owner, "it's his, it's his."

The owner hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head: "This money is not mine, not mine, I have no fake money."

I ignored the owner like a fool and said solemnly to the pickpocket: "Where did you admit to stealing his wallet?"

"This..." He nodded helplessly.

I raised my fist again, and he hurriedly covered his head with both hands and exclaimed, "I'll fight if I admit it?"

"Who said I'm going to hit you! Look at the money again..." I showed everyone the banknotes in my hand again.

"Is it true? What's going on?" He felt bewildered. Zhen Zhen, who had been treating me like a clown just now, also cast a suspicious look.

Just as everyone was talking about it, a little girl suddenly shouted excitedly: "Uncle Police is a magician!"

I smiled smugly, walked to the little girl, squatted down and gently stroked her hair, and took out a candy: "You guessed it right, a candy for you."

An hour later, I was sitting in the office rubbing my right leg and smoking a cigarette. The pickpocket was caught, but the owner "disappeared". This happens every day, and of course the pickpocket slaps the butt and leaves. This may be one of the main reasons why it is difficult to improve law and order.

"What's the matter, the old problem has relapsed again?" My colleague Zhu Yong came over to condolence to me. Although his concern did not relieve my physical pain, I felt a comfort in my heart. I threw a cigarette to him and tried to put on a more natural smile: "It's okay, just rest for a while."

He sat next to me, lit a cigarette, and complained: "I don't know what to think. You solved so many major cases in the Science and Investigation Bureau before, and you were transferred here to catch the thief. You are a tiger in Pingyang!"

"Ugh..." I sighed. Telling him that, I can't help but feel a little sad. Two years ago, I was in the Criminal Investigation Bureau and Xiaotong was called the king of newcomers. If it wasn't for the investigation of the strange case of serial murders by ancient swords, I would not have ended up like this. Not only did I almost fail to save my right leg, but also caused the boss to be transferred. In the anti-pornography team, the whereabouts of Xiao Xiang's old partner are still unknown. However, even so, if you give me another chance, I will continue to pursue it, and I will never stop until I get to the bottom of it. This is the principle of my life.

After chatting with Zhu Yong for a while, the captain Wang Bin came over with a notice: "Amu, you can finally keep the clouds open and see the moon. You will be promoted in the future, don't forget our brothers!"

"I'm still alive, what's the coffin?" I snatched the notice and felt confused after reading it. This is a transfer notice, telling me to report to the "conspiracy team" immediately, but I have been in the police for many years and have never heard of this department, so I asked them if they had heard of it.

"It doesn't matter what department he is, it's better to go to that department than to catch thieves here." Zhu Yong patted me on the shoulder to show his encouragement.

He's right, there's probably no department in the police force that frustrates me more than the anti-picking squad. Although I was very suspicious, I was still ready to report. Of course, Wang Bin won't let me go so easily, this transfer meal cannot escape.

The notice said that the office of the conspiracy team is within the Public Security Bureau, but I jumped up and down here for four or five years. What kind of conspiracy team is there? It should be newly established. I asked a lot of brothers and sisters, but no one knew it. After running around the building, I found a small sign with "Strange Case Handling Team" next to an inconspicuous door next to the toilet on the third floor.

Pushing the door and entering, I found that the inside is not as shabby as I imagined. The place is quite large and the light is abundant. Five desks and a large filing cabinet are neatly arranged on both sides, and there is a team leader's office in the innermost. There were a man and three women, one tall and one short two girls were chatting with their backs to the door, and the other girl was standing in a dark corner where the light could not shine. The only boy sat in front of the computer and kept typing on the keyboard. He was not tall and thin, as thin as a monkey, and he was a monkey who hadn't bathed for a long time. I suddenly felt that he was a little familiar, like a suspect who had been arrested before.

"Weberon? Why are you here?" After thinking for a while, he finally remembered that the monkey was once arrested and questioned for invading the government's computer system. Unfortunately, there was no evidence at that time, and no case was filed against him.

He raised his head and looked at me with a helpless expression on his face: "I have been recruited."

"Do you know each other?" The two girls who were chatting with their backs to the door walked in, one of them turned out to be Zhen Zhen who helped me catch a pickpocket not long ago.

After the girl who was standing in the corner came over, we each introduced ourselves, and I was the first to speak: "Xiaosheng's surname is very famous, Shen Yu, and he joined the police force for more than six years. Just call me Amu."

"My name is Li Zhenzhen, I graduated from the Armed Police School and worked in the Armed Police Force for two years before." Zhen Zhen glanced at me intentionally or unintentionally, as if to demonstrate to me. To be honest, I don't think the Armed Police is anything special, just a bunch of coolies who can only use their fists but not their brains!

"My real name is Weberon, and all the netizens are called Viagra. If you don't mind, just call me Viagra. Anyway, I'm a little older than you. I used to be a great hacker, and I've done a lot of great things before. You policemen have never been able to do anything to me. But this morning, a few policemen kicked my house for no reason, took me back, said something to be safe, and said that if I don't want to, I'll be locked up for three or five years. ..." Viagra shook his head and sighed, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"My name is Le Xiaomiao, and my friends call me Miaomiao. I just joined the police force, and I can't do anything. Please take care of me." The one who spoke was the short girl who was chatting with Zhen Zhen just now. She is only about 156cm tall and has long hair. Shoulder-length, big and bright eyes, and a baby face. I really doubt if she regards this place as a school and went through the wrong door, so she is a student anyway! And still a high school student. With her height, unless she has a certain personnel relationship, it is impossible to enter the police force.

The rest is a slender mature beauty. In my eyes, her maturity is mainly reflected in the chest. With years of experience in handling cases, I can be sure that she has at least a C cup, and there are many possibilities for a D cup. When I appreciated her figure from her profile and guessed what cup size she was, I found that there seemed to be something hidden behind her slender waist on the right side, but she concealed it well with a coat and was not easy to be found. . Her expression was indifferent, and when she spoke, it was as cold as snow: "My name is Yuan Xueqing, I was transferred from the firearms forensics team..."

As soon as Xueqing spoke, someone pushed the door and came in. The person who came was a fat middle-aged man who came to us with a file folder: "Everyone is here, my name is Liang Zheng, and from now on I will be your leader."

Liang Zheng, a name I haven't seen for a long time, I had long thought that he transferred me here: "Boss, didn't you have a good time in the anti-pornography team? What the hell is going on with this conspiracy team?"

"The conspiracy team was established by the director's order to deal with all supernatural incidents in the province." Liang Zheng handed me the file folder, and said, "There was trouble in the Medical University, and two were killed and one injured. The director said If the case cannot be solved within a week, the conspiracy team will have to be disbanded, and you will all be laid off."

Viagra raised his hand weakly: "I'm not yours!"

The slack muscles on the boss's face suddenly tightened, and he stared at him like an angry tiger dog and yelled: "If you talk nonsense again, I will immediately shoot you for the crime of espionage! How dare you invade the computer system of the Hong Kong police station, and even Leaving the Trojans behind."

"I just want to see a few more body art photos taken by Brother Xi..." Viagra sneered. But the boss was ruthless, pointing at him and yelling: "Xueqing, I order you to shoot this pervert immediately!"

"Yes, sir!" Xue Qing quickly pulled out a 54-type pistol from her jacket and aimed it between Viagra's eyebrows.

Viagra immediately raised his right hand and raised three fingers: "I swear in the name of hackers, from now on I will do my best to assist you in investigating the case, if there is a lie, the whole body will be covered with chickens!" Although it was only a short period of time. Instantly, but his face was already covered in sweat.

"Sir, are you sure you want to shoot the suspect?" Xueqing stared at Viagra and loaded the bullet without hesitation. Her tone was indifferent and emotionless, as if what was in front of her eyes was just a mark for practicing marksmanship.

"Let him live for a few more days. If he dares to make small moves, you can make him a eunuch." The boss glared at Viagra, causing him to tremble a few times.

"Yes, sir!" Xue Qing glanced at Viagra's lower body, then deflected the bullet with a skillful method, and put the pistol back inside her jacket, and then she was still indifferent as if nothing had happened. Viagra protected his vagina with both hands and clamped his legs tightly, for fear that the other party would suddenly shoot him in the crotch.

"What do you think of this case?" the boss said to me calmly after repairing Viagra.

I roughly read the contents of the file, it was a murder case involving ghosts and legends, but from the primal evidence it should not be the work of ghosts: "I don't think it's really haunted! Generally speaking, suspected ghosts The victims all died of myocardial infarction, which means they were scared to death, but the report said that the deceased had obvious scars."

"Well, your analysis also makes sense. I don't care whether the murderer is a human or a ghost. Anyway, the case must be solved within a week. You go to the hospital with Zhen Zhen to learn about the situation at the time and report to me if you find anything." After that, he walked into his office.

Zhen Zhen looked at me up and down with suspicious eyes, I shrugged helplessly: "Let's go, let's see if the handsome guy will have time in the future."

Zhen Zhen rolled her eyes at me: "Che, you are also a handsome guy, and you don't take care of me while you pee."

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