Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 104: Walk to the top


I came to the county where Qinglian Temple is located, but I couldn’t find this damned Taoist temple. I thought it would be a waste of time this time. Fortunately, when we were eating in a vegetarian restaurant, Boss Ding told us the address of the Taoist temple. When we were about to go to the Taoist temple to find Xue Chufan immediately, Boss Ding stopped us and said that it was difficult to find the Taoist temple in the evening, so we had to wait until tomorrow.

When I was looking for a hotel for the night, I jokingly said to Zhen Zhen, "How about we only need one room, which will not only save money, but also make it easier to take care of each other."

She blushed immediately when she heard this, and shyly scolded: "Who wants to share a room with a pervert like you? If you want someone to sleep with you in the same room, go to the woman from yesterday." She was still concerned about Ruan Jing's affairs. , which proves that she has my place in her heart.

The next morning, before dawn, Zhen Zhen came to my room and knocked on the door, forcibly pulling me back from my dream. This crazy girl can get up early even if she wants me to be as early as her, and she won't let others go to bed later. There is no other way, since she has already woken her up, she should just go to the Taoist Temple as soon as possible.

Wulian Mountain is not difficult to find. We drove to the foot of the mountain in ten minutes according to the route that boss Ding said. Although the east has turned white, the sun has not climbed up from the horizon like a lazy man in bed. I thought the sky had already started to light up, it shouldn't be difficult to find Qinglian Temple, so I hiked up the mountain with Zhen Zhen. However, it was much more difficult to find this Taoist temple than I thought.

The forests of Wulian Mountain are very lush, and the vision is relatively clear when going down the mountain, but after going up the mountain, because the dense forest blocks most of the light, and the fog rises, the vision is very blurred, and there is no thing even ten meters away. Can see clearly. Although the view is not good, but we are already up the mountain, we don't want to run again. So I decided to try my luck to find it first, anyway, the vision will become clearer later.

However, my thinking seemed naive, because not only did the fog not dissipate over time, but it grew thicker and showed no sign of dissipating at all. It is not a pleasant thing to be in a foggy mountain forest, because in the thick fog, the surrounding trees have become blurred shadows, like a group of monsters with fangs and claws. It's not a good feeling to be surrounded by countless monsters, even Zhen Zhen, who has always been agile, leaned towards me unconsciously. Of course I couldn't be better there, and I also leaned towards her, and the two walked side by side without knowing it. I thought it was a good idea, but I stopped thinking about it right away.

"Oops!" When I was walking by a big tree, I was actually knocked on the head, presumably because I got too close and was beaten by Zhen Zhen. However, when I asked her why she beat me, she showed an inexplicable expression: "You are crazy, I beat you!" Strange, there are only the two of us here, who would it be if she beat me?

Although I felt inexplicable, I didn't care too much, and I continued to search for the goddamn Qinglian Temple with her in the misty mountains and forests. However, we didn't go very far when Zhen Zhen screamed suddenly and then kicked me. I didn't know what she was doing, so I asked nonchalantly, "You have nothing to do and kick me!"

She answered confidently: "Who told you to touch my butt!"

I didn't touch her ass, but why did she wrong me inexplicably? Although she is usually hot-tempered, she will not make trouble unreasonably. Someone should really touch her butt, and she is the only one who kicks me, but it's just the two of us here! I suddenly felt a chill, and thought to myself, there must be a ghost here, right

I told Zhen Zhen what I was thinking, her face turned pale immediately, and she said in a trembling voice: "Are you trying to scare me?"

"Why am I scaring you, I really didn't touch you just now, and I didn't know who hit me on the head before, eh..." Before I could finish speaking, I felt my trouser pocket was ripped out, and subconsciously went to When I touched my trouser pocket, I found that my wallet was missing. So I quickly looked back, but I didn't see anything.

"Look there!" Zhen Zhen pointed to a big tree beside me, I looked there and saw a small black figure running away in the distance.

Because the fog was too thick, it was difficult to see what it was, so I chased after it, trying to see what it was at close range, but even the policeman dared to steal the wallet. However, I was toppled by dead branches on the ground before I could run a few steps. "Wait for me!" I heard Zhen Zhen's cry, she didn't seem to notice that I was overwhelmed, she passed me and ran forward like an arrow. I think she was probably freaked out.

I got up and told her not to run around, otherwise it would be troublesome to run away with me. However, I called her several times, and she didn't answer, she seemed to really get lost. I quickly took out my phone to call her, but I couldn't get through. I looked at the screen of my phone and found that there was no signal at all. This time, I was really in big trouble. There seems to be something strange in this forest. Now that I have been separated from Zhen Zhen, I really don't know what to do.

It's definitely not a good idea to continue staying in this ghost place, but I couldn't leave Zhen Zhen alone, so I had to call her name as I walked. But after calling for a long time, I didn't hear the crazy girl reply. I think she has probably run far away. Just as I was feeling anxious, my ear was suddenly pulled, and I naturally jumped to the side. This time, I saw a small black shadow flash across the big tree next to me. God of longevity, I must have met a dryad!

I don't know if it's because of the thick fog, I felt a chill again, and felt a ghostly atmosphere here, so I couldn't help shivering. Zhen Zhen is very good at punching and kicking, so there shouldn't be any major problems, I'd better escape from this ghost place first.

However, it doesn't seem to be easy to leave this forest, because the fog is so thick that I can't tell the direction at all. And the vision is also quite blurry, and there are many dead branches and leaves on the ground, and you will stumble if you are not careful. What was even more frightening was that the entrepreneur, who was suspected to be a tree spirit, kept biting me, and often suddenly appeared on the big tree beside me, knocking me on the head and pulling on my ears. But when I turned around, it flashed and didn't know where it went.

Damn it, the dryad seems to treat me like a toy and play tricks on me every now and then. But that's okay, it doesn't seem to be a threat to me, at least I haven't been hurt so far. However, just when I thought my life was not threatened, a "bang" sounded, my eyes suddenly darkened, and the pain from my forehead made me feel dizzy, and I couldn't help squatting down. I reached out and wiped my forehead, the entire palm of my hand was covered in blood. On the ground in front of me, I felt a small stone stained with blood, which I thought was greeting my forehead just now. It seems that the dryad is no longer satisfied with knocking his head and pulling his ears. It wants to play more exciting, and maybe it wants my life!

The current situation is not optimistic, the terrain here is very complicated, and the thick fog makes the vision extremely blurred, let alone fleeing this ghost place, I can't even see what the goddamn tree spirit looks like. Just as I was apprehensive about what the Dryad would do to me next, a hazy figure appeared ahead.

Strictly speaking, this is not a figure, because I did not see its head, nor its feet or palms. The shadow was like a robe that had been hung up, hung from a tree by a rope about the thickness of two fingers. It's strange enough to see a robe hanging from a tree in this deep mountain forest, but that's not the point. What scares me the most is that the robe actually moves and is waving at me. It seems that this time I am not encountering spirits like tree spirits, but hell!

"Wow!" I shouted and ran back immediately, but I tripped over a dead branch on the ground before I ran far. Although I fell a hungry dog, and there was a lot of blood coming out of the wound on my forehead, but To survive I got up and ran, but I stumbled again before I ran very far. I just stumbled and ran for a while, and although I fell all over my body, I didn't dare to stop. Because that terrifying robe kept chasing me, every time I turned around, I could see it floating from one tree to another, anyway, it always followed me about ten meters behind me, so I could barely see it , but can't see clearly. However, the less you can see, the more frightening you are. To make matters worse, it occasionally throws small stones at me, and every time it hits the back of my head with a lot of force. I'm terrified of being thrown through the head next time.

I was a little panicked by the terrifying robe chased, and I ran and ran with a bang when I was knocked over by something in front of me. I thought I was hitting a tree, but I didn't feel right because what I hit was softer, not as hard as a tree trunk. I think I bumped into a person, and a woman. Sure enough, I soon heard Zhen Zhen's voice: "Why don't you have eyes!"

"The fog is so thick now that it doesn't matter how many eyes I have, and I'm still being chased by ghosts." Although I felt helpless, I was relieved to finally find a savior. Having her by my side at least gives me courage, though she's more timid than I am when it comes to ghosts.

"There are ghosts there, don't talk nonsense." She didn't stand up, but quickly crawled on the ground a few times and leaned beside me.

"It's right behind me, if you don't believe me, see for yourself..." I pointed behind me, "Hey, weird, why did it disappear all of a sudden? It was biting me hard just now!"

"You're trying to scare me again, I think you're the ghost!" Zhen Zhen said and squeezed my arm fiercely, and my tears were about to fall from the pain.

"Oh, I really didn't lie to you! You don't even see that my head is covered in blood, it's almost bleeding." I pointed to the blood on my forehead to show her.

"Bah! You scream when you have so little blood, how dare you call yourself a police officer!" Although she said so, she tore off one of my sleeves, and was going to help me bandage the wound on my forehead to prevent the blood from continuing to flow out .

Zhen Zhen first tore my sleeves into strips of cloth, and then bandaged the wound for me. She was quite skilled, probably because she often went to help in Uncle Shrimp's medical clinic, and it was wrapped up in no time. After wrapping her up, she looked at me and giggled. I asked her what she was laughing at. She laughed for a while before she said, "You look like an Indian now. Hahaha..." I think she was doing it on purpose. I wrap it up ugly, but I can't help it. It's not bad to be able to stop the bleeding in such a deep mountain and old forest.

After meeting up with Zhen Zhen by accident, nothing strange appeared, and the sun had already risen and the fog gradually dissipated, but we were still lost. There is no "road" in this forest, we can only rely on the sun to identify the direction to the top of the mountain. But after walking for a long time, I couldn't reach the top of the mountain. Although we kept walking towards the top of the mountain, I felt that we were just going around in circles. Because I always feel that the scene in front of me seems to have been seen not long ago, but I can't find the mark I left just now.

"Are we always going around in circles?" At noon, Zhen Zhen finally couldn't help asking me.

"You found out too, I think we've encountered a ghost hitting the wall." I smiled bitterly.

Zhen Zhen's face turned cold, she leaned against me unconsciously: "Is there really such a thing?"

"You will meet now." I replied irritably.

She was getting paler and paler, and she looked scared. This crazy girl usually looks like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, but when faced with ethereal ghosts, she is more afraid than anyone else. It's noon now, and although the current situation is rather strange, I'm not as scared as she is, so I might as well make fun of her. At this point, I said to her with a serious face: "It seems that we are in big trouble this time, and we may have been trapped in this forest."

"I've been trapped here..." Her face was as white as snow, and her body was shaking slightly.

I deliberately said in a naive voice: "Well, it's fine now, at least those things won't be too blatant in the daytime, if it's nighttime, it's hard to say..." At this moment, Zhen Zhen suddenly called out "Wow", and she still He threw himself on me and hugged me firmly, his plump breasts pressed firmly against my chest, making me a little breathless.

I thought I could earn it this time, so I stroked her back and said softly in her ear: "With me, don't be afraid, I will keep you." But she told me in a trembling voice: " There's a lot behind you... those 'things'..."

Hearing what she said, I immediately felt a shiver all over my body. I wanted to look back to see what was frightening her, but it seemed that I didn't need to look back, because as soon as I raised my head, I found that there were many trees around. There are at least twenty or thirty shadows I can see.

Although it was noon now, because the forests were very lush and the branches and leaves blocked most of the sunlight, it was still very dark, so I couldn't see clearly what it was, and I could only see groups of black shadows resting on the branches. Seems to be the dryad that attacked me in the morning. What's even more disturbing is that although I couldn't see what the tree spirits looked like, I could see their eyes with hostile eyes. It is not a comfortable thing to be surrounded by twenty or thirty eyes, not to mention that they may attack us at any time.

"What should I do now?" Zhen Zhen trembled in my arms. Although I didn't know what to do, at this time, I felt that I should show a little heroism, and calmly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I'm here! I've already thought of a way."

"Really, then what are we going to do?" Zhen Zhen suddenly turned from surprise to joy, but unfortunately my approach might disappoint her: "Do you know which one is the most powerful in "Thirty-six Tactics"?"

"do not know."

"It's the last resort, 'Go ahead'!" After saying that, I dragged Zhen Zhen and ran away like crazy, rushing out of the tree spirit's encirclement. Our actions seemed to alarm the tree spirits, a sharp "squeak" came from behind, and at the same time, countless small stones fell on us like a torrential rain...