Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 109: Wind and snow


From Gao Zhe's account, I discovered that Ruan Jing's background turned out to be very extraordinary, and she was involved in another murder case fifteen years ago, so it was necessary to investigate her again. But before that, I want to understand clearly what happened between Gao Zhe and Xue Chufan. He lit another cigarette and slowly told us the story of reconciliation with Xue Chufan—

The financial tsunami has swept the world since last year. Of course, my company cannot be immune to it. The business has been greatly affected and it is almost impossible to continue. I don't want a company that has been painstakingly experienced for more than ten years to go bankrupt like this, but the general environment is like this, and I am also very helpless. I told you just now that what we Hong Kong people believe in most is feng shui. I think maybe a feng shui master will be invited to set up a feng shui array, which may help the company's business.

Master, I have invited several, and I have spent a lot of money, but it has no effect at all. I think my company will definitely not survive this hurdle, and I am mentally prepared to close down soon. However, even though I said that, I was still very unwilling in my heart and always wanted to find a way to make the company survive. At this time, I inquired about the Jianqing Lotus Temple on Wulian Mountain. The master of the temple is skilled in the art of ventilation and water. He is an expert in the hidden world. Maybe he can help me. So, I immediately went to Wulian Mountain to find him.

If you can find Master Wanghen, you should also know how difficult it is to climb Wulian Mountain! If it was normal, I would have retreated a long time ago, but at that time I was burning my eyebrows, and I had to endure hardship if I didn’t want to suffer.

After I went up to find the Qinglian Temple, I realized that the master of the temple would only meet people who went up the mountain on the first and fifteenth day of the new year, and the day I went up the mountain was neither the first nor the fifteenth day of the new year. However, I did not go in vain this time, because I met Chu Fan, the master of forgetfulness, in the Taoist temple.

When I saw him again, he was completely different from before, his demeanor and conversation were less frivolous and more refined than before. Moreover, he didn't care about our previous festivals at all, and after knowing my difficulties, he offered to help.

To be honest, I'm not very concerned about his Feng Shui cultivation, because his company has long been cheated by Chengtian, and he can't even keep his own company. How can I believe that he can help me? ? However, he has also brought his company back to life. I have seen this with my own eyes, and at that time I really had no other choice but to trust him once.

Originally, I only believed him when there was nothing I could do, but I didn't expect him to be able to do it. After he set up a feng shui array for our company, all the employees of the company worked very energetically, and the business gradually improved. However, although the business is better than before, it is still sloppy and can only barely maintain expenses, not making much money at all. So, I went to him again and asked him if there was anything he did wrong.

He smiled and asked me at the time, "Are you planning to be like me in the rest of your life, studying Taoism in a Taoist temple?" I don't know why he asked me this inexplicable question, but he still told him that I was only interested in Feng Shui. , I can't bear this hardship if I spend a long time in the mountains for meditation. After listening to it, he smiled and said to me: "If you don't want to suffer, don't be too greedy. Isn't it good now?"

He then explained to me that there is a certain number of misfortunes and fortunes in a person's life. If you want to make yourself happy, you can only rely on accumulating virtue and doing good deeds. On the contrary, indulging in lust and doing evil will bring disaster to yourself. The function of feng shui is not to seek good luck and avoid evil, as the world thinks, but to change the time when good luck and bad luck will come. Destined disasters will come sooner or later. Use feng shui to delay the arrival of disasters, then disasters will come more fiercely and fiercely. Using feng shui to recruit Fuze in advance will weaken his life fortune. It is because he has exhausted his life's luck before, so now he is meditating in Taoist temples and doing more good deeds to cultivate his own virtue. Accumulate blessings.

What he helped set was a relatively mild Feng Shui array. Although it would overdraw my future luck, it was only a small part of the overdraft and would not have much impact on my life luck. In this way, I can not only get through the current difficulties, but not end up in a moored old age.

He also gave me a book called "The Explanation of the Four Precepts of Liaofan" by Khenpo Yeshe Phuntsok, and talked to me about the truth about fate: "Your luck is shallow, and changing Feng Shui can only help you for a while. , it can't help you for a lifetime. Moreover, if you enjoy all the blessings now, you will have to be poor for the rest of your life, and feng shui will not work at that time. Why is it called "Book of Changes", what is easy, and easy is change. Changing one's fortune, changing one's life is all about change. But changing one's life is the foundation. There is no luck in fate, and neither feng shui nor fortune is useless.

"The so-called blessed people live in blessed places, and blessed places blessed people live. This is the truth. Even if it is a place with bad feng shui, as long as people with good fortune live for a period of time, the feng shui will naturally improve. Because the root of feng shui lies in people. Even if people who indulge in evil things live in the treasure land of Feng Shui, they will only have a good time for a while, and when their luck is exhausted, bad luck will come, and the treasure land will gradually become a fierce land."

It seems reasonable to me to hear him say this. Many wicked people have money, and they must have asked Feng Shui masters to show them Feng Shui, but most of them only had a good time when they were young, and then either died in their prime, or Do not end well in old age. So, I asked him how to change his life

He answered me with a smile: "There is a saying in the "Tai Shang Induction Chapter": A lucky person speaks kindly, sees kindness, and does good deeds. One day has three kinds of kindness, and in three years, the heaven will bring blessings; Do evil, there are three evils in one day, and disasters will come in three years. Do it without encouragement! As long as you do not do bad things in the future, and you repent of the evil deeds you did before, you should do more good deeds. Of course, the most important thing is Keep doing this all the time, and your life will naturally get better."

Hearing him say this, I remembered that many rich people are happy to do good deeds, maybe they just do it to accumulate virtue for themselves, as he said. I think what he said has some truth, and after reading the book he gave after returning home, I believed his words even more. After that, I often do good deeds, whether it is big or small. Whenever there is anything to donate, I will definitely donate it. Every weekend when I go back to Hong Kong, I will also buy a flag. When you see someone in need, you will definitely lend a helping hand. Moreover, I seldom go to nightclubs and the like now. I only go there occasionally when socializing with some big clients. I used to be a frequent visitor to nightclubs.

("Flag selling" is a way of private fundraising for charities in Hong Kong. The minimum amount for each "flag purchase" is HK$1, and there is no upper limit on the maximum amount. However, usually no one donates more than a thousand yuan at a time, usually ten yuan. To between 100 yuan. When the donor puts the money into the volunteer's fundraising box, the volunteer will tear a small sticker and stick it on the donor's collar or chest, which is the so-called "flag". Each " The name of the charitable organization is printed on the "flag", and such fundraising activities must be approved by the Hong Kong government, otherwise it will be regarded as illegal fundraising and constitute a crime.)

I followed the method he said, and the business really got better. Although it is still a long way from before the financial tsunami, in the current market situation, it is already quite good. Moreover, I feel that life is much more comfortable now than before. My employees used to be afraid of me, but now I am like friends with them...

After listening to Gao Zhe's narration, I felt very contradictory. I got two important pieces of information from his words: one is that Xue Chufan is good at ventilation and water skills, so it is speculated that he may use some methods that we can't understand to harm Qi Chengtian. ; Second, Xue Chufan said that his luck in his life had been exhausted in advance, so he meditated in the Taoist temple in order to accumulate virtue for himself, and was willing to help Gao Zhe, who had had a holiday with him. At the same time, he also knows that doing evil will bring bad luck to himself. Then how could he possibly kill his cousin? Maybe I should talk to him again, at least I have to find out what kind of relationship he has with Ruan Jing.

I learned from Gao Zhe that Xue Chufan planned to stay at home with his parents for a few days and would not return to Qinglian Temple for the time being, so Zhen Zhen and I rushed to his house immediately. On the way, I called a friend I seldom contacted: "Hello, Miss Philip, can you have a meal with me tonight?"

"It's really surprising! Mr. Mu actually took the initiative to date me. If I could receive the flowers from you now, I would be happier." Pandora came from the receiver? Philip's standard is comparable to the fluent Mandarin of CCTV news reporters.

"That may disappoint you. I only bought a bunch of roses when my ex-girlfriend broke up with me." Although I replied with a smile, I felt a little sour in my heart. I have lived for nearly 30 years, and indeed I have only bought one bouquet of flowers, which was bought when Xiaona proposed to break up with me. Unfortunately, this bouquet of roses did not restore the lost love for me.

"Let's be honest, Mr. Mu! I heard that you already have a good female companion. Don't think I'm a foreigner and think I'm very open. I don't want to be a third party." How could she seem to know about me? Regarding the matter with Zhen Zhen, the news is quite well-informed, and he even made fun of me.

Zhen Zhen was right next to me, although she couldn't hear Pandora's words, I still felt very embarrassed. It's not a good thing to continue this topic, or as Pandora said, he said straightly: "I want to ask you a favor and ask the Hong Kong police for information on a case for me..." Then, I explained to her Ruan Jing In the murder case involved fifteen years ago, I hope she can help obtain relevant information.

Actually, I can get these materials myself, but the process is very cumbersome and takes a long time. However, it would be much easier to ask Pandora, who specializes in foreign-related cases, to help. She maintains close contact with police units in many regions, and it is not difficult to ask the Hong Kong police for information on an ordinary case.

Sure enough, she said to me after listening: "No problem, I will contact you after I get the information. However, you must remember that you said you wanted to invite me to dinner." It seems that this meal cannot be run away, no Knowing that the boss will not reimburse me.

When he came to Xue Chufan's house and pressed the doorbell, someone soon came to open the door, it was Xue Chufan himself. He was a little stunned when he saw us, but he immediately replied with his usual smile: "How can I help you?"

"We want to ask you something, is it convenient now?" After all, we don't have any substantive evidence to testify against him, so this time I came here to ask about the nature. Moreover, although he was captured by us and detained for two days, he was still treated with courtesy. Of course, I had to be polite.

"Convenient, I just play chess with my father at home anyway, nothing special. Shall I go back with you now? Should I be handcuffed?" .

"You misunderstood, that's not what we meant, we just asked you something." His behavior made me feel very embarrassed, so he quickly explained, and then said, "If it's convenient, why don't we find a place to sit and talk slowly. ."

"If you don't dislike the humble house, then come in and talk!" He said and invited us into the house.

"Is it convenient? Aren't you afraid of disturbing your parents?" I was a little puzzled. Most people don't want their family members to know that they are in trouble with officials, and they are afraid that their family members will be worried, but he doesn't seem to care about it.

"There is nothing you can't tell others, and deliberately concealing it is also a kind of deception. Besides, if I go out with you like this, aren't my parents more worried? It's better to talk to you directly at home, so that the parents know what they find, You won’t be thinking wildly.” His thinking is different from the average person, but there is some truth to it.

He invited us to sit in the living room and explained our identities to our parents without any intention of concealing them. Although his parents seemed a little worried, they were very polite to us, unlike most families of suspects, who were either hostile to us or kept telling us that the suspect was a good person.

After sitting down to greet his parents, I went straight to the topic and said to him, "I want to know what is your relationship with Ruan Jing, also known as Lily? How did you meet and what happened between you? ?"

"It was more than ten years ago. At that time, my company was just starting up. Looking back on it now, it feels like a dream." He put away his smile and closed his eyes slightly, as if recalling the very distant past. Just as we were waiting for him to tell about the romantic past, he slowly opened his eyes and said to us: "Before I talk about me and her, I have to talk about the things before and after I started the company..."