Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 111: The Art of Preservation


Asking Pandora to help ask the Hong Kong police for information on a case from 15 years ago, she thought it was just a small effort for her, but she unexpectedly said that in order to obtain the relevant information, she used almost all the interpersonal relationships. I can't help but wonder about this, because according to my previous experience dealing with the Hong Kong police, although the procedures for asking them for information are more troublesome, I can basically get whatever information I want. So he asked: "Isn't the information transparency of the Hong Kong government very high? Is there anything unusual in this case?"

"Of course it's not difficult to ask for information on an ordinary case, but this case is very unusual, so it's a little difficult." She said in a serious tone, but paused and smiled again: "In order to ask for information for you, I owe it to you. someone else's favor..."

This foreign girl is really going to beg for cheap, but since she has already spoken, I can't say no to it! So he said to her, "I don't forget that I promised to invite you to dinner, and of course I won't forget to owe you a favor."

"I'm sure you won't forget it! I have sent someone to send the relevant information to your office, I hope it can help you." She said and hung up the phone. The worst thing in the world to repay is the debt of favor. I hope that when she uses this favor, she won't ask me to eat hot coals, drink boiling oil, and break a big stone in my chest.

Hearing her say that Fifteen's case was very unusual made me feel a little ticklish and wanted to know immediately how unusual it was. And this matter was related to Ruan Jing, so I wanted to read the information before going to her, so I immediately returned to the conspiracy team.

When we returned to the conspiracy team, the materials had already been delivered, and I immediately picked them up and read them carefully. It's okay not to look at it, but I was startled when I saw it, and I knew why Pandora encountered difficulties in obtaining these materials. In this case, which happened fifteen years ago, the deceased in the case was almost exactly the same as Qi Chengtian. They were both in their prime, but died of natural aging overnight!

What's even more incredible is that among the photos attached to the document, I found one of Ruan Jing's photos. She in the photo has not changed much from what I saw not long ago, but this is a photo from fifteen years ago!

After carefully reading the content of the information, I learned that Ruan Jing's name was Tang Baoyi fifteen years ago, her stage name was Tangtang, she was twenty-three years old at the time, and her occupation was a nightclub princess. She had a close relationship with a small leader in Xinyi An, the deceased in the case. According to the confession of the deceased's subordinates, the deceased was with her before her death, but she disappeared after the accident happened...

There are only so many records about Tang Baoyi and Ruan Jing in the information. Although the Hong Kong police are very suspicious of her, unfortunately there is no whereabouts of her so far. Because the case has not yet been solved, and the deceased in the case died in a strange way, and involved underworld figures, these materials are set to a higher level of confidentiality. This is probably the reason why Pandora encountered difficulties in obtaining information.

Qi Chengtian's death was very similar to that of the underworld leader, and both had contact with Ruan Jing before his death. More importantly, after the death of the leader, Ruan Jing fled to the mainland to change her name and lived for fifteen years. If it was said that she had nothing to do with the leader's death, no one would believe it. Then Qi Chengtian's death must have something to do with her, and it may even be her murderous hand.

Although I don't believe that a weak and slender woman like her can put people to death in such a strange way, and she is a man who used to be intimate with her. However, there will not be two such incredible, but almost identical coincidences in the world, there must be something wrong with her!

Now that I know there is something wrong with Ruan Jing, there is no need to waste any more time. I plan to rush to her residence with Zhen Zhen and arrest her. But before I set off, I suddenly thought of a question, how can I make her confess

Although based on the information I have now, I have absolute reasons to suspect that she is the murderer of Qi Chengtian, but I lack the evidence to make her plead guilty. After all, Qi Chengtian's cause of death was due to natural aging. There is no murder weapon or evidence that can be used to testify against her, and no witnesses have witnessed the incident. If she refuses to admit to killing Qi Chengtian, we can't help her.

Just when I was hesitating about this, Viagra suddenly ran up to me excitedly, and showed a wretched smile at me with a face that asked for credit. I asked him what was wrong, he smiled and asked me: "Guess what good news I will bring you?"

"I'm not a roundworm in your stomach, so I know what news you'll bring me!" I was worried about Ruan Jing's affairs, so I didn't have the mood to pay attention to this wretched man.

"Don't be so cold, Brother Mu, this is an important piece of information that I spent a lot of time getting, and it's definitely great news for us." I want to shove him down the toilet.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, don't waste our time!" Zhen Zhen's impatience made her unable to stop beating Viagra.

After Viagra was beaten, he didn't dare to talk nonsense any more, and immediately said the main point: "I know how to make a person die of old age overnight."

"What?" Zhen Zhen and I shouted at the same time, Zhen Zhen grabbed Viagra by the collar and shook his head vigorously, asking for details.

"Let go of me, let me go, I'll say it now." After Viagra let Zhen Zhen let go of him, he took a few breaths and gave us a scornful look: "Just now he ignored me..."

"Don't tell me soon!" Zhen Zhen raised her fist, her eyes were fierce.

"Tell me, I'll say it now... um, where should I start?" Viagra seemed to be shaken by Zhen Zhen and forgot what she wanted to say, but with the "help" of Zhen Zhen's fist, she quickly remembered now—

You should remember the forum administrator who told us the address of Qinglianguan. I chatted with him about a recent investigation and asked him what curse can make people die of old age overnight. He said that there is indeed a curse that can make people age faster, but to make people grow old and die overnight, as far as he knows, there is no such curse that can have such a powerful power. Even if there is, there are some ancient curses that have long been lost, and it is impossible for anyone to know how to use them in detail.

Hearing him say this, I was quite disappointed, but he thought about it for a while and then said: "There is no curse, but I once heard that there is a faction called 'Tianxianmen'."

He said that Tianxianmen is a mysterious cult that once flourished somewhere in the south at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, but it was only a flash in the pan and has long since disappeared. The members of Tianxianmen are all women, and they are all immortal and beautiful, but although they have beautiful appearance, they practice the extremely sinister exercise - "Na Yun".

It is said that this type of exercise can only be practiced by women, because this exercise relies on exercising muscles and is performed during the process of intercourse between men and women. The women of Tianxianmen use some exercises in the process of intercourse, which can absorb the essence of men and use them for their own use, so that they can maintain a young and beautiful appearance. And the men who are absorbed by it will shorten the yang life, that is, the body will be depleted, and the aging will be accelerated. In severe cases, the energy will be exhausted, and they will age instantly, and even change from a strong young man to a white-haired old man overnight.

He also told me that the reason why this exercise is called "Saving Good Luck" is not only because the woman who cultivates can absorb the essence of men who have sex with her, but also because they can absorb the luck of the other party. But she couldn't use the luck she had absorbed on herself, and only passed it on to other men who had sex with them. However, this is only anecdotal rumors, and it is difficult to verify whether it is true or not...

Just now, I was worried about how to make Ruan Jing plead guilty. Now I don't have to think about it anymore. With the information that Viagra gave me, even if she refuses to confess, I can always make her confess. If it's a big deal, I'll sacrifice and do a "test" with her in person, even though I'm unwilling in my heart.

When I came to Ruan Jing's residence with Zhen Zhen, it was already night time. It didn't take long for the doorbell to ring, but Ruan Jing, who was downplayed, opened the door for us. She is already very beautiful without makeup, and even more gorgeous with light makeup. However, her beauty, in my eyes at this moment, is coquettish with evil spirits.

"Do you still have anything to do with me? I'm about to go to work!" She looked calm, as if she was an innocent girl who had never done anything wrong. But when I think of her innocent appearance, there is a soul that has been at least thirty-eight years, I feel a little disgusting.

I took out the handcuffs and said to her solemnly, "You are suspected of killing Qi Chengtian, and now we are going to arrest you!"

She turned pale and said in surprise, "What? Did you make a mistake? Although I was with Chengtian when he died, I didn't do anything! Being incapable of making him suddenly become an old man."

"Stop pretending, you have this ability, and fifteen years ago you used this method to kill a Hong Kong underworld boss!" Zhen Zhen suddenly yelled at her.

"That, that, that is, fifteen years ago, I was only ten years old, so I can have sex with a man!" The panic had made her unable to think seriously.

"We didn't say that you killed Qi Chengtian and that underworld elder brother, Tang, Bao, Yi!" I said her name word by word, and then threatened: "You better explain everything to us honestly, otherwise We will hand you over to the Hong Kong police, and there may be a large group of young and bewildered boys waiting for you to come out at the police station gate."

She realized that she had said the wrong thing, and also realized that we already knew a lot about the inside story. With a look of fear on her face, she unconsciously took a step back, and then showed a helpless smile: "If you want to come, you will always come. Although I can Avoid it for a while, but it's impossible to avoid it forever."

"Actually, as early as 20 years ago, I started to be a princess in a nightclub..." After she invited us into the house, she told us about her past in the living room, including her love-hate relationship with Qi Chengtian and Xue Chufan hatred-

I am from Hong Kong, from a low class, my mother is "Sister Feng", and I still don't know who my father is. My birth is destined that I cannot live like a normal person. My mother has been busy with her "business" since I was a child and has no time to discipline me. So I learned to smoke and drink at a very young age, and I didn’t drop out of school before finishing Form 5.

("Feng Jie" is one of them, and is more common in Hong Kong. Feng Jie usually rents in low-cost housing and operates prostitution services in her own home, so she is also known as "one phoenix on the first floor". Fifth, it is equivalent to a high school in the mainland.)

After I didn't study, I would play outside all day and hang out with some young and dangerous boys. However, this is nothing, at least I didn't want to sell my body at the time. After all, I am more beautiful, and there are some water fish that are willing to give me money. The reason I went to the nightclub to be a princess was actually because of my mother.

My mother has always been very addicted to gambling. It is a common occurrence that the creditors come to the door after losing the gambling. I have long seen it. However, when I was eighteen years old, I came home one day and found that my mother was not at home, and I couldn't get through if I called her. I thought she was fighting across the sea again, but then I found out that it was not so simple. It turned out that she had a big bet and lost more than one million. What was the concept of more than one million at that time, even if she kept picking up customers every day, she might not be able to earn one million in her lifetime. So, she ran away without even saying a word to me.

(“Crossing the sea” means taking a boat from Hong Kong to Macau to gamble. And “betting on the outside” refers to betting on private organizations, such as horse racing and football, which is similar to the private lottery in the mainland. .)

When my mother ran away, I haven't seen her in the past 20 years, and I don't know if she is alive or dead, but I can clean up the mess she left behind. The underworld in Hong Kong has their own rules. The father's debt is paid to the son, and the child's debt is paid to the daughter. Anyway, if the person who owes the money runs away, he will find someone who has a relationship with him. The debt my mother owed, of course, fell on me.

I didn't even finish Form 5. I was asked to find a serious job to pay back the more than one million yuan. I'm afraid that taking out my full salary would not be enough to pay the interest, and my creditors wouldn't wait for me to repay the money. So, I was caught by them and went to a nightclub to be a princess.

Maybe it's because I was forced into the industry. At first, I hated it. I always felt that it was a shame to go to bed with a strange man. I was always afraid that the guests would take me out, even in a nightclub. Tricked, and several times made the guests angry. It was not until later, when Sister Ying told me about the origin, that I began to like this identity.

Sister Ying is the ace in the nightclub. Every night, many customers ask her to take her out of the bell, and they even quarrel over her. She was really beautiful, had the best skin I've ever seen, and even though she looked about my age at the time, she told me privately that she was actually more than ten years older than me. I thought she was using some magic skincare product to keep it going so well, but then I found out that she doesn't use skincare at all.

Sister Ying was very sympathetic to my experience, so she took special care of me. When she saw that I was scolded by the manager for offending guests, she came to comfort me, and told me that there was nothing wrong with it, and it was not necessarily a dirty business. She also told me that it actually originated from religion and is a sacred profession. The Babylonian kingdom appeared in 3000 BC. In addition to male priests, servants, and craftsmen, there were many respected female priests in the temple at that time. These priestesses, usually from wealthy families, perform rituals on behalf of "God" to cleanse the body and mind of the praying person, which is what this ritual is.

The priestesses, known to historians as "the priesthood," were the main source of income for the temple. Herodotus, a Greek historian in the 5th century BC, once described the priestesses in the Babylonian temple as follows: "At one time in her life every local woman must go to the temple, sit there, and give her body to the temple. To a strange man... Until a man throws silver coins on her skirt and takes her out to sleep with him, otherwise she is not allowed to go home... A woman has no right to choose, she must vote with the first one Go out with the man she paid for. When she sleeps with him and has done her duty to God, she can go home."

So it was not a shame to do it at the time, but a sacred duty.

After listening to Sister Ying's words, I felt that she was very powerful, because most of the people in our industry are people who can't study, and there is no one in a million who is as knowledgeable as her. And since then I no longer feel shameful to do it, and gradually like this profession.

After that, Sister Ying also taught me a lot of things, such as how to please the guests, how to make the guests fall in love with herself, and even techniques. However, among the many things that Sister Ying taught me, the most important thing is how to stay young.

In fact, if we are with us, we will age faster than ordinary women. Even if many sisters wear masks and skin care products every day, they can only be in their thirties at most. When you are a little older, the wrinkles on the face will appear, the skin will lose its elasticity, and the most important thing is that the bottom will become loose. This will be very disappointing for the guests, and naturally it will not be possible to stay in the nightclub any more, only to be low-end like my mother.

The way Sister Ying taught me to stay young is very special, that is to exercise the lower body, which is... At first, I thought that this exercise was only to prevent the lower body from becoming loose, but later she told me that this exercise not only makes the lower body look like it will always be The virgin is so tight, and it also makes the appearance more and more youthful. This is how she keeps her eighteen-year-old appearance.

Actually, Sister Ying only planned to teach me some training methods at the beginning, because although we are good sisters, we are peers after all, and there will always be competition. However, she later followed a Hong Kong citizen who had become a Canadian citizen and planned to immigrate to Canada, so she told me the complete method...