Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 112: Traitor of love


There is an unknown story behind every case. In the case of Qi Chengtian's bizarre death, there is a hidden love story. Now, the heroine of the story, Ruan Jing, is telling us this story—

Before sister Ying went to Canada with her man, she taught me a way to absorb the energy of men, because she has always instructed me on how to exercise the lower body, so I learned it as soon as I learned it. She told me that using this method can take a man's essence for himself, so that he can maintain his youthful appearance. However, you can't only absorb the essence of one man for a long time, or absorb the essence of the other party all at once, which will lead to death. She told me to make good use of my princess status, because when a princess can sleep with different men, as long as she absorbs a small amount of energy from each man who sleeps with me, she will not hurt each other and keep herself young. . If possible, it is best to have more sex with virgins, because virgins are the most energetic, even if they breathe a little more, there will be no problem.

She also told me that with this method, she can not only absorb the man's spirit, but also boost the man's fortune, so that the guests will have good luck after sleeping with her. Every time the guests go to bed with her, everything goes well, and naturally they will revolve around her like a bee seeing honey. After she said this, I remembered that her client seemed to have mentioned it. One of her regulars came to her the next night after taking her out of the bell, saying that she had won hundreds of thousands of bets on horses. He even rewarded me with a few thousand dollars in the evening.

After Sister Ying immigrated, I became the ace princess of the nightclub. In those years, Hong Kong's economy was very good, and my income also rose. After paying off my mother's gambling debts, the savings in the bank account will never be less than seven figures.

When I had no money before, I always thought about what I would do if I had money in the future, but when I have money, I don't think so. Others like to buy cars and houses, but I don't want to be tied down by these things, I want to continue to live a free and unfettered life. So no matter how much money I have in the bank, it's just a number for me, and my monthly expenses are the same. I once thought about not being a princess anymore, immigrating or doing business with this money, but when I learned about Sister Ying's situation after immigrating, I gave up this idea.

After Sister Ying immigrated, she didn't sleep with different men every night as she did when she was a princess. Although she has the nourishment of her husband, she dare not absorb the essence of her husband. After not absorbing the essence of men for a period of time, she began to show obvious signs of aging. Originally, she looked about the same age as me, but in about half a year, she became a middle-aged woman of more than 30 years. Her husband thought she had some strange disease and she was no longer as beautiful as she was, so he divorced her immediately. The previous oath of mountain alliance looks like a joke at this moment.

Fortunately, Sister Ying made a lot of money when she was a princess before, and it was not a problem in life, but since then, she no longer believes in men. When she got divorced, she called me back and said, "If you can trust a man, pigs will climb trees! When you are young and beautiful, they will still seem to be circling around you like a chihuahua. You kicked away. Therefore, as women, we must rely on ourselves, never on men."

(“If a man is reliable, a pig will climb a tree” is a common Cantonese saying, meaning that men are unreliable. “乸” refers to a female animal, as opposed to a “male”, such as “pig”, “cat”, “a” Dogs, etc., refer to sows, cats and dogs respectively. Some people also use it as a nickname for their wives, such as "My house is only a bird" means "my woman".)

It is because of Sister Ying's words that I have always been a princess all these years, and even a few people thought of raising me at a high price, but they were all rejected by me. However, women always want to find a man who really likes them to love them. I met such a man fifteen years ago.

His name is Brother Nan, and he is the boss of the underworld. He watches the scene in the nightclub where I work. Once, a guest drank too much and tried to take me out of the bell. I really didn't know what to do. When Brother Nan saw it, he rushed over and slapped him twice, and then asked the younger brother to drag him out. I was young at the time, and I thought Brother Nan was cool and felt safe with him, and he didn't mind me being a princess. So, from that night, I followed him.

I thought that with Brother Nan's care, I would be able to live happily ever after, but I soon found out that he doesn't actually love me. Although he was super nice to me, he was really just trying to keep me in the nightclub where he was watching. I know this because one time after I slept with him, he thought I was sleeping and called the owner of the nightclub, his boss. I heard him tell the boss that if he didn't keep me, he wouldn't be cheap if he slashed my face. I was very sad to hear what he said. Sister Ying was right, men are unreliable.

I am not willing to be deceived by my feelings, and I am not willing to continue to be used by others, so I want to take revenge on Brother Nan. However, I'm just a weak girl, and Brother Nan is the boss of the underworld. How easy is it to get revenge on him? After thinking about it, I can only think of one way, which is to use the method taught by Sister Ying to completely absorb his energy on the bed.

I thought that after absorbing all of Nange's essence, he would only accelerate his aging, but I didn't expect him to turn into a white-haired old man overnight, and he died before dawn. At that time, I was very scared and didn’t know what to do. I just thought that I had to leave. If I didn’t leave, even if the police didn’t bother me, his subordinates wouldn’t let me go.

Fortunately, as a princess, I finally knew quite a few people over the years, and one of them was a fake passport. I found him before dawn and asked him to help me make this fake passport, so that I could immediately escape to another place. I originally wanted to take a flight to Canada to join Sister Ying, but I had to book a ticket in advance, and it might be found that I was using a passport, so I had to flee to the mainland first, and plan to find a way to find Ying after arriving in the mainland. sister.

Although I can use the method taught by Sister Ying to help men rush for transport, but I can't help myself. Maybe that was the worst time in my life. As soon as I escaped to the mainland, my luggage was stolen at the station. . I am a woman, I have no relatives in the mainland, and I have no money. I really don't know what to do? And I went to the mainland to seek refuge, so of course I didn't dare to ask the police for help. But fortunately, I am a princess, and with my appearance and body, I do not have to worry about life.

Because of Brother Nan, I didn't dare to go back to Hong Kong, and I didn't dare to use the name Tang Baoyi again, so the money I kept in the bank in Hong Kong was a waste. Fortunately, I have the looks and body, and I am also very popular in nightclubs in the Mainland. It is not difficult for me to make money. Originally, I planned to go to Canada to find Sister Ying after I made enough money, but later I found out that it is more troublesome for mainlanders to go to Canada than Hongkongers. And I gradually settled down, so I didn't want to go to Sister Ying anymore.

About seven or eight years ago, a university professor often came to cheer me on. His surname is Xu, and he usually looks very gentle, but in fact he is just a sane old pervert. He can't see any trace of gentleness when he takes off his clothes. I originally hated him, but because of his relationship, I could meet a lot of college students, and it was easy to find some virgins, so I was willing to associate with him.

Later, after I got acquainted with the boys in college, I didn't need him anymore, so I always ignored him. However, once I ran into him while walking in college, he actually pulled me to a place where no one was there and wanted to follow me. Although I am a person, I also have my own dignity. If I don't want to do anything with him, I just push him away and want to leave. But he grabbed me, tore my clothes, and said fiercely to me: "You are just a man, if I have money, you have to follow me!" He missed me as he spoke.

Although I was very reluctant, my shirt was already torn, so I had to accept my fate. Just when I thought I would definitely not be able to run away this time, a boy suddenly rushed over, grabbed Professor Xu and kicked and punched him, and yelled at him: "She is my girlfriend, if you dare to touch her again. One hair, and I'll beat you to death!" The boy was Chengtian.

Chengtian is a student of Professor Xu. I know him through Professor Xu, and of course I have a lot to do with him. I never dreamed that this guy only slept with me once, and I knew that I was a little boy who would call me his girlfriend and beat his teacher for me. At the time, I was really moved, and then I started dating him, just like a boyfriend or girlfriend. To be honest, I really fell in love with him.

Not long after, Chengtian was kicked out of school for beating up Teacher Xu, and then joined Chu Fan's company. In fact, I had known Chu Fan for several years at that time, and he turned against his family for me, and proposed to me several times. However, I no longer follow in the footsteps of Sister Ying, so I never agreed to him.

After Chengtian joined Chu Fan's company, about half a year had passed! He told me that he didn't want to see me and Chu Fan in the company anymore, it would make him feel very uncomfortable. I said that this is no problem, I will just not see Chu Fan in the future. In fact, he has said similar things to him before, and I have not seen Chu Fan for several days because of this. However, it didn't take long for his attitude to suddenly change, acquiescing to me and Chu Fan, but this time I don't know why he said this to me again. Later, I finally figured out that the reason why his attitude changed at noon to six o'clock was because he wanted to use me to win Chu Fan's company.

(“The flowers at noon will change at six o’clock” is a Cantonese saying, which means changeable, and mostly refers to people.)

However, I didn't think about it that much at the time, and he was kicked out of school for me, and his future could be said to be ruined by my hands. So when he proposed to get Chu Fan's company, so that Chu Fan would no longer be able to approach me, I agreed without thinking.

At that time, Chu Fan trusted me very much, because before that, I used the method taught by Sister Ying to promote his fortune, especially after Chengtian passed his company. So every time he goes to bed with me, something good happens to him. He thought it was because his Feng Shui formation was very powerful, and I was just his nobleman. In fact, if I hadn't helped him with the transportation when he opened the company, his company would have closed down long ago.

I took advantage of Chu Fan's trust in me, eavesdropped on his phone calls, peeked at his company's confidential information, and told Chengtian all the information I had collected. Chengtian used this information to secretly plan how to get his company.

About five or six years ago, Chengtian had already mastered all the customer resources in the company and had enough ability to start a new business. And I heard Chu Fan tell the customer on the phone that the actual quantity of the batch of steel that is being imported is much larger than that declared to the customs, and as long as it is handled carefully, a large amount of tariffs can be saved. I told Chengtian the news. He thought it was a good opportunity, so he spent money to clear up the relationship. Not only did he expose Chu Fan to the customs for tax evasion, but he also made things worse.

In fact, Chu Fan's crime was not a big one, and he would have been fine as long as he spent a little more money, but because Chengtian was working in secret, he still had to go to jail for nine months in the end.

After Chu Fan was imprisoned, Chengtian immediately started a new company and dug up everything that could be poached in Chu Fan's company. In just nine months, Chu Fan's company was dug up by him and only an empty shell remained.

Chu Fan came to see me after he was in prison, but I didn't dare to see him, just had a phone call with him. I told him on the phone about my relationship with Chengtian, I thought he would yell at me, but in fact he didn't blame me, just asked me: "Have you ever liked me?"

At that moment, I suddenly felt that Chu Fan loved me more than Chengtian. Unfortunately, it was impossible to go back to this point, so I told him, "No, I have never liked you." Maybe. Before, I did not love Chu Fan, but from this moment on, I fell in love with him. It's a pity that it's too late. Since I can't be with him, why should I ask him to worry about me

After Chengtian hollowed out Chu Fan's company, the new company's business gradually got on track, and he couldn't make a lot of money, but although he said he loved me, he never mentioned that he wanted to marry me. But I don't care about my status, and Sister Ying's experience has taught me that I can't give up my job as a young lady, because I can't sleep with different men often, and I will age quickly like Sister Ying does in a short period of time. My actual age now, I think I won't say, you can probably guess. If I stop being a young lady, the youthful appearance I have now will be lost immediately. Will Chengtian still be willing to be with me

Therefore, I don't want Chengtian to marry me, as long as I can continue to maintain the current relationship, I am already satisfied. However, I feel more and more that Chengtian doesn't love me at all, because for the sake of the company's business, he often asks me to socialize with his clients or high-ranking officials, and even ask me to sleep with them. He is completely different from Chu Fan. Chu Fan will be very angry when he sees me making out with others, but he doesn't feel anything, and even sends me into someone else's arms with his own hands.

I began to realize that in Chengtian's mind, I was just a tool, a tool to attract business for him, and he didn't love me at all. I kind of regret choosing him instead of Chu Fan.

Although I know in my heart that Chengtian doesn't love me, but women are so stupid, and there is always an unrealistic fantasy that Chengtian will stay by my side forever. Looking back now, I feel ridiculous.

Now Chengtian is no longer the innocent little boy he used to be. He treats me as his girlfriend because he slept with me once, and beats his teacher for me. Now he just treats me as a tool, or a gift.

About two months ago, I knew he was going to marry the daughter of a business partner. This is also as it should be, he is twenty-eight years old, it is time to start a family. If you want to get married, of course you have to find a decent girl. That girl is right in line with him, and her net worth is innocent. How can I compare to her? Therefore, I am also very knowledgeable and interesting. After knowing that he was going to get married, I did not take the initiative to look for him. He also hinted to him that I didn't mind him marrying another woman, as long as he had more time to come to see me.

However, he didn't think like me. Not only did he plan to marry another woman, but he also wanted to get rid of my burden.

He recently talked to Director Niu of the Traffic Police Department about the new expressway. It takes a lot of steel to build the expressway. If the steel is purchased from his company, he can earn a huge price difference. However, the matter of who to buy steel from is all based on the words of Director Niu, so he tried to please Director Niu in every possible way, and he has sent me to the other party's arms more than once.

Although Director Niu is fifty years old, he is also an old pervert. He liked me very much and offered me to be his mistress many times, but I rejected them all. But Chengtian really wanted me to agree to Director Niu's request, and he had hinted to me several times, but I just thought I didn't hear it.

On the night of Chengtian's accident, he mentioned the matter of Director Niu to me again. This time he also said that if I agreed, he would give me one million. I've been with him for so long, he knows exactly who I am, I've never been short of money, and I never cared about it, but this night he offered me a price.

I finally gave up. This man doesn't love me at all. In his eyes, I'm just someone who can get away with money. The opposite of love is hate. Back then, because I loved him, I could betray another person who loved me, and now I can kill him because I hate him! Just like fifteen years ago, when I sucked up Brother Nan's energy...

Deep love, hate all. The world always thinks that people are as good as they can be, so there can be no love in China. However, there are many people like Ruan Jing, who dare to love and hate, don't care about their status, just want to occupy a place in the hearts of lovers. Her love is pure and without any flaws, but unfortunately she chose the wrong object of love and finally embarked on this road of no return.

Volume 9 sucking princess epilogue


After finishing the case, I went to Qinglian Temple and told Xue Chufan about Ruan Jing. After listening to this, he showed a sudden realization, and after a while, he replied: "No wonder, no wonder, I just spent one night reading the scriptures that my master gave me, and the next day I went back to the company to set up a feng shui array, and at first I still I thought I was talented, and I could create a feng shui array that would attract wealth and treasure by mistake. But after learning Taoism with my master, I gradually realized that the feng shui array I set up at that time was full of flaws and should not have any effect. It is even less likely that I will exhaust my life's luck.

"I have thought about it over the years, and I just thought that the reason why I was going well at that time should be because I met Lily. Lily has a face like a prosperous man, which will bring her to those who have been married to her. Good luck. However, even this will only make her man a little luckier, and it will never be possible to exhaust all the luck of a lifetime. So, I think it may be that I made some taboos when I set the feng shui array. It will lead to bad consequences later. I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Now that you know everything, do you hate her? After all, she ruined your life." When I said this, I paid special attention to his expression.

He frowned a little, but quickly stretched it out, replying with his usual smiling face: "Well, if you had told me these things two or three years ago, I would have hated her. But now I won't hate her anymore. Don't look at me in retreat here now, I just live a simple and plain life, which can't be compared with the past, but I like my life very much. Speaking of which, I have to thank her? If it weren't for her, It is also impossible for me to become the master's apprentice and concentrate on studying Tao here."

A few years ago, Xue Chufan took a steel pipe to his cousin's company to ask for guilt in order to turn against his family and for money, but at this moment, his speech and demeanor all showed a free and easy way of being indifferent to the world, just like his slogan "forgetting hate" In the same way, forget all hatred and put aside all troubles.

Is this the wisdom of Taoism? A kind of wisdom that can resolve hatred and relieve troubles, and a kind of wisdom that can make the former bohemian prodigal son return to a simple life.

Perhaps, "The Great Way" is just like that.


"How could such a thing happen! This Ruan Jing can absorb the essence of a man on the bed?" After listening to Liang Zheng's report, Director Liang was stunned for a while before saying this sentence.

Liang Zheng seemed to be satisfied with the surprised expression of his brother, who was his boss, and smiled slyly: "If you don't believe it, you can test it yourself. I won't tell my sister-in-law."

Looking at the photo of Ruan Jing on the file, the director was a little moved, and he really had the urge to die under the peony flower. But after all, he is an old fox who has been in the officialdom for more than 20 years. Of course, he knows that this is absolutely impossible to do, so he smiled and said: "Don't be joking, I taught you the truth of the cunning rabbit not eating the grass on the edge of the nest. Or say Go back to this case, what are you going to do with this woman?"

"Isn't it easy to do? She was originally from Hong Kong, and committed a similar murder in Hong Kong. She was led back to Hong Kong, so that the compatriots in Hong Kong would worry." Liang Zheng put on an expression of indifference.

"That's fine, she's a Hong Konger anyway, so I'm afraid she won't be able to go through the court's procedures. And if she gets into trouble, we won't be able to deal with it... Then hand her over to the Hong Kong police as you wish! After the director closed the files, he dug out one of the files from the piles of files and handed it to the other party. His expression suddenly changed from the lightness just now to a very serious expression: "There have been many murder cases at Lenan College, and the deceased They were all male, and they were all circumcised after death, and they all died in very weird ways."

Liang Zheng took the file, and after flipping through it for a while, the small eyes in his fleshy face suddenly opened to the widest, and then he showed a love-hate smile, "Interesting, interesting, this case must be very interesting!" He was so excited His hands also trembled slightly, and the reason why he was so excited was because of a line of words on the file-the deceased were stabbed to death by unknown sharp weapons, and the blood was drained from the whole body, like a mummified corpse!

This case is too similar to the Gujian serial murder case two years ago. Perhaps it was committed by the same murderer. Liang Zhengwei waited for this opportunity to wash away his shame for two years. And more importantly, in this case, there may be clues related to Xiao Xiang, who has been missing for two years.

Volume 9 The supernatural file of the princess who sucks the essence of the prostitute The prototype of this volume was provided by a netizen who studied Buddhism. Since a certain request promised to arrange an important role for him, his name will not be disclosed first, and he will be called "Mu Mu" for now. master".

The ups and downs of the hero Xue Chufan's life in this volume is actually the real experience of a Buddhist friend who studied Buddhism with Master Mu. A certain Qiu created this story according to Master Mu's retelling, and the girl Ruan Jing, No. 100 in the story, is also a real person.

The experience of the Buddhist friend is almost the same as in the story. When he was young, he told an expert fortune-telling, saying that he would be rich and noble in his life. Afterwards, he encountered difficulties in opening a steel company, but after meeting Ruan Jing, everything went smoothly from her saying "wealth and beauty", and then she turned against her family because she was infatuated with her.

A few years later, a friend of Buddha lay in the hospital for nine months because of a car accident. When he was discharged from the hospital, he found that the company had been hollowed out by his most trusted cousin. Although all the money has been lost, there are two sides to everything, and it is because of these things that he reconciled with his family. Later, he met the expert who fortune-telling for him before, and asked the other person when he fortune-telling for him back then, he clearly said that he would be rich and rich, but why is he impoverished at this time

The expert again fortune-telling for him, this time the result is similar to the previous one, he is indeed rich and noble. However, the difference from the above is that the blessing he had hit before could enjoy a hundred years of old age, but the result of this calculation is that the blessing has been exhausted. The expert was also puzzled by this, and forced him to ask about everything that had happened since the last time they were separated.

After hearing about Ruan Jing, the master asked him if something good would happen every time he had sex with Ruan Jing? He said that was indeed the case, that's why he often looked for Ruan Jing, and later even turned against his family because he got too close to her.

The expert said that some people will use some methods of urging the guests to win the favor of the guests and make their business better. Ruan Jing must know this method. However, there is a certain amount of fortune in a person's life, and the only way to increase the fortune is to do good deeds and accumulate virtue. The method of making a side-by-side approach promotes good fortune. Although you can have good luck in the short term, this is just an overdraft of your future wealth, and such an overdraft needs to pay expensive "interest". When the fortune is exhausted, it is The day of calamity.

After listening to the master's words, the Buddhist friends have a great sense of enlightenment. It is true that they are not lucky in their days with Ruan Jing. They have picked up millions of dollars first, and customers and colleagues seem to be lining up to deliver them. It's like spending money on him. But since the day of the car accident, he has been unlucky. Apart from reconciling with his family, he has never encountered a good thing.

The master said that his luck in life has been exhausted, and in the future, if he wants to live a better life, he will have to do good deeds and accumulate merit for himself. He also gave him a book called "The Four Precepts of Liaofan", and urged him to study Buddhism at home. In the story, because of the plot to bring out the curse, it was changed to learn the Tao. Although Taoism and Buddhism are different, they are both orthodox teachings that lead people to be kind, and they are harmless. Now that he has given up all bad habits, he works as an ordinary salesman in the daytime, meditates and studies Buddhism at night, and does more good deeds when he is free on weekdays.

He told Master Mu about his experience and asked Master Mu to tell a certain request. The purpose was to let more people know that the so-called "chasing good fortune and avoiding evil" is actually just to change the time when fortune and misfortune come, and to truly change fate, There is no other way but to do more good deeds.

After talking about the general situation of the Buddhist friends, I will add some details.

The Buddhist friend met Ruan Jing thirteen years ago. She was working in a bathing center and her job number was 100. At that time, Buddhist friends were more indulgent and often went to and from the venue. That day, because the company encountered difficulties, I wanted to relax in the bath center. As a result, I ordered her to serve, and there was a story of "both money and sex".

Because every time she has a relationship with Ruan Jing, she is lucky, so every time a Buddhist friend goes to that bathing center, she will only order her to serve. However, when he went to the bathing center, Ruan Jing happened to have a rest, so he ordered a random number 58 to serve him. This No. 58 is really not bad, he looks a lot like Liu Yifei, and he is very satisfied with the service.

Two days later, he went to the bathing center again. This time Ruan Jing was at work, so he told Ruan Jing about No. 58. Who knew Ruan Jing would actually say: "On the 58th, because of a quarrel with a client half a month ago, she stopped working here, and she doesn't look like Liu Yifei at all."

Ruan Jing also showed the photo of No. 58 to Buddhist friends. It was not the same person as No. 58 he saw two days ago, and there was no woman who looked like Liu Yifei in the whole bathing center. However, he did order number 58 here that day, and took her to the hotel to open a room.

Who the hell is No. 58 who has a relationship with him? He still hasn't figured out what's going on.

Back to Ruan Jing. The Buddhist friend said that when he met Ruan Jing thirteen years ago, she looked like eighteen years old. Now that thirteen years have passed, she is still the same, and she must not grow old. And the place where she works has also changed from a bathing center to a nightclub, and she has become an ace princess. Every night, many people come to praise her.

It is said that there are many dignitaries who want to take care of her, and the prices they pay are higher than the other, but she never let anyone take care of her. A few years ago, a minister-level high-ranking official threatened to take care of her and put a lot of pressure on the nightclub where she worked. She didn't have the means of a high-ranking official, so she just patted her ass and left, wandered around in other provinces, and came back after a few years.

And she likes to give virgins very much, as the story says, where she goes to work, almost all virgins are her. If she encounters a guest who is still a virgin, not only will she not accept money, but she will also give the other party a red envelope. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why she can maintain her youthful appearance.

[End of Volume Nine]

Volume 10 Introduction to the Sword of Obsession


"Master, why is there always something wrong with our house? My wife fell down the stairs yesterday and broke her bone. My son is also often sick, and this time he had a fever for a week and it didn't get better. And I often have headaches. , injections and medicines have no effect at all, what kind of dirty things have our family provoked?" A middle-aged man in his thirties anxiously asked the old man with a dusty face in front of him.

The old man was silent, pinching his fingers as if he was calculating something, after a long time he shook his head and sighed, and answered in a heavy tone: "You did provoked something unclean, but this is all because of your sins. Now you both The family is trapped by the debts. Resolving the debts is not easy, and it is not an overnight thing. The only way to solve the urgent need is to suppress these poor souls with amulet, so that they can't do anything wrong for the time being. "

Hearing this, the man immediately turned his worries into joy: "Okay, Master, please help me with the magic talisman, my son is still having a fever!"

The old man was slightly hesitant, but after the man's repeated urging, he finally shook his head helplessly. He immediately took out cinnabar, a writing brush and yellow paper from his small but heavy burden, and concentrated on writing quickly. Although he didn't have to draw the magic talisman in a moment, it seemed that he had spent a lot of energy and looked extremely tired. He lightly closed his eyes and took a deep breath, adjusted his breath a little, picked up the magic talisman he had just drawn, and said to the man in a serious tone, "This magic talisman has limited power, it can only suppress the wronged souls for a month, and then they will come out to make trouble again. "

The happy face that the man had just shown disappeared immediately because of the old man's words, and he asked worriedly, "Then, then, is there any way to avoid future troubles?"

"The grievances of these grievances are extremely serious, and they have reached the point where they cannot be resolved. They can only be suppressed by means of violence and violence, and evil to suppress evil..." The old man said and did not go on.

"Violence is easy to be violent, and evil is used to suppress evil..." The man muttered, as if he didn't understand the meaning, and asked anxiously, "What should I do?"

"The grievances of these grievances are so deep that they can only be suppressed for a long time with ancient artifacts." The old man said helplessly and shook his head, sighed and said: "But ancient artifacts are things that can't be met, and whether they can be obtained can only be seen. Opportunity cannot be forced."

"Master, you must help me. I don't care how much it costs, as long as my family is safe and sound." The man knelt down and grabbed the old man's feet, begging with choked words: "Master, I Please! It doesn't matter if I live or die, but my son is the lifeblood of our husband and wife! You must find a way to help us... "

The old man hurriedly helped the man up: "The man has gold under his knees, you should get up first."

"Master, are you sure about us?" The man's sadness remained undiminished, he just knelt down and refused to get up.

"Get up and talk, get up and talk." The old man finally got the man to stand up, sighed and said again: "Although what you have done is against the law of heaven and ruined the yin and virtue, but you and I have a relationship in the world and can help. I will try my best to help. It's just not easy to find the artifact..." He thought for a moment and then said, "Well, now I will use the magic talisman to suppress the wronged soul, and then immediately set off to find the artifact. Whether I find it or not, I will come back once a month. Change the magic talisman until you get the artifact and relieve the troubles for your family."

"Okay, okay, as long as this matter can be resolved, everything will be obeyed by the master. As for the remuneration..." The man hesitated, obviously wanting the other party to speak first.

The old man smiled helplessly: "I only offered to help you because of your kindness to me in your previous life, why would you charge me a penny? I just hope that this matter can be resolved, and you will not do such a sinister thing in the future. It is enough to cultivate more virtues and accumulate blessings for yourself.”

"Definitely." Although the man readily agreed with his mouth, he had no plans in his heart: If we don't do such a lucrative business, do we want our whole family to beg for food? Promise you first, wait until the matter is resolved...


Quiet night, the moon is full and the stars are eclipsed.

Under the night, Linan College is quiet and mysterious. The bright moonlight falls on the calm small lake, like a handful of silver sand sprinkled on the lake, which brings a bit of poetry to the quiet campus.

Beside the grass by the lake, there is a bench where the street lights can't shine. A pair of men and women who look like students are sitting on the bench and whispering.

"Do you really like me?" Although there was no street lamp lighting, but with the help of the bright moonlight, it was hard to see that the girl's slightly childish cheeks showed a crimson color, and the shyness in her heart was displayed in front of others.

"Of course you like you, don't you believe it?" The boy had an obscene smile on his face, but he turned his back to the bright moon, so the girl knew that she was a prodigal son, and only saw a handsome face The outline, and blushing and heartbeat for it.

The boy slowly leaned on the prey he had in his hand. Although his eyes were in the shadows, they still flashed a heart-warming light, as if telling the other party, "I love you..."

"What do you want?" The girl was slightly panicked, because the other party had already embraced her and slowly brought her handsome face closer.

"What do you think?" The boy suddenly held the girl's face, and before the other party could scream in surprise, he sealed his mouth with hot lips.

The girl made a reserved resistance, but this resistance was so weak at the moment. After a while, she stopped struggling, and her body was like a melting soft ice cream, snuggling into the other's chest, allowing the other to greedily suck the body fluids in her mouth.

However, the boy was not satisfied with this, he continued to kiss the other party skillfully, his hands seemed to grope on the other party's soft and tender body, and inadvertently put his hands into the other party's shirt.

"Don't..." The moment the bust was taken off, the girl resisted in panic, but this was just to show her restraint. The boy once again slyly used his hot lips to keep her from making any sound, and his dominated hands overcome all difficulties and reached the top of Yufeng.

The girl's crisp breasts, shaped like bamboo shoots, make the boys love it, and the strawberries on Yufeng are more like treasures to him. Seeing that there was no one around the dim lake, he became bold, and under the weak resistance of the other party, he completely took off his reserved coat.

"Don't... let people see..." After being pushed and half pushed off by the other party's shirt, the girl's face was as blush as the sunset, and she plunged into the other's arms with both hands protecting her chest, hoping to be protected from it. However, she never thought that a warm chest is the abyss of eternal depravity.

The dominant boy takes off his disguise while taking off his opponent's shirt. After the lips left each other's silky cherry lips, they continued to swim down the neck, and finally stopped between the two peaks and kept moving from side to side. His hands did not relax, one hand hugged the other person's soft body tightly, and the other hand gently caressed the other person's body exposed outside the short skirt again, gradually and slowly groping, Explore the mysterious place where life originated...

"Don't be here, you will be seen..." The girl's last line of defense has been lifted. Although the first taste of the forbidden fruit made her temporarily forget the consequences of her depravity, the sense of shame still made her reluctant to taste it in this open place.

"Let's do it in the grass over there! No one will see it there." The anxious boy picked up the half-naked prey and walked quickly towards the dense grass, in order to vent the burning desire in his body as soon as possible.

However, when they reached the secluded and hidden wild place, the scorching fire in their hearts was easily extinguished in an instant, and it was replaced by a heart-wrenching fear. Because, they found a corpse in the dense grass, a dry corpse...