Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 114: Ancient Swords


A series of bizarre murders occurred in Lenan College, and the victims of the cases were bizarrely turned into mummified corpses after death. I wanted to take clues from a couple who recently found mummified bodies, but their confessions didn't really help the investigation. They failed to provide valuable clues, and I had to pin my hopes on the dead.

I sent a cigarette to Liu Nian, who had just done the autopsy for the deceased, and asked about the deceased's condition. He lit the cigarette and took a few puffs before answering: "The deceased's condition is almost exactly the same as the case two years ago. , seems to have been stabbed to death by a sharp weapon, but it did not actually hurt the vital part. The real cause of death was severe blood loss. However, you should be able to see that there is no blood at the scene..." He motioned us to observe the place around the deceased, and there was indeed no trace of blood. You can see even a drop of blood.

The deceased was lying in the grass. If the death was due to excessive blood loss, the surrounding weeds and soil would definitely be stained with blood. The only way to remove these bloodstains is to shovel away the weeds and soil, but everything here is very well preserved, unlike the "big construction" once.

"Could it be that this is not the first scene of a murder?" Zhen Zhen's assumption was not entirely unreasonable, but she suddenly came up with a very important detail.

"Look here." Liu Nian forced a smile to Zhen Zhen, pointing to the deceased's shirt and motioning her to look. There was a hole in the deceased's shirt. Judging from the shape, it should have been punctured by a sharp weapon such as a sword, which corresponds to the wound on his chest. In other words, the murderer stabbed the murder weapon into the body of the deceased through the clothes.

"What's so special about this?" Zhen Zhen didn't notice the mystery.

I looked at Liu Nian, shrugged helplessly together, and then explained to her: "There is no blood on the clothes of the deceased, which means that there was no blood flowing out of the wound when the deceased was killed."

"How is that possible?" Zhen Zhen had a look of astonishment on her face, and continued after a while, "Didn't he become like this because of excessive blood loss? How come there is no blood coming out?"

"Because the moment the deceased was killed, the whole body's blood was burned, just like the case two years ago." I smiled bitterly. In the ancient sword serial murder sect two years ago, the situation of the deceased is exactly the same as this case. It seems that the blood from the whole body was drained instantly at the moment of being stabbed.

"Burn it? How is it possible, the deceased doesn't look like it was burned by fire!" Zhen Zhen's face showed surprise, she seemed to be surprised by this.

When I was about to explain the meaning of "burning" to her, Liu Nian pointed to the wound of the deceased and said to me, "Perhaps, you should go to the city museum to find Ni Xue'er."

"Why?" I asked puzzled.

He finished smoking before answering: "The situation of the deceased is very similar to the case two years ago, so I think the key lies in the murder weapon. In the case two years ago, although the murderer could not be caught, it has been confirmed that the murder weapon is a museum A stolen ancient sword."

I nodded: "Well, you also participated in the autopsy work at that time, and you know more about the murder weapon than I do."

"Yes, although I don't know as much about the case as you, the body can tell me the details of the murder weapon, so..." He paused before continuing: "So I can be sure that the murder weapon this time was definitely not two years ago. That ancient sword!"

"What?" I was stunned. Although this time is very different from the case two years ago, the bizarre death of the deceased is exactly the same, so I am almost sure that the murder weapon is the terrifying ancient sword, but Liu Nian gave me a negative answer.

Liu Nian pointed to the wound of the deceased again and explained to me: "The stolen Tang sword is a Tang sword. Although it is very old, it is very well preserved, and the blade is still extremely sharp. Man, the wound is very flat, and the wound is deep. However, the wound of the deceased is completely different, not only shallow, but also uneven. Therefore, I can be sure that the murder weapon is not the ancient sword from two years ago. "

"What would the murder weapon be?" My thoughts were a little confused, and I asked Liu Nian this silly question.

He smiled forcefully: "That's why I asked you to find Ni Xue'er. Judging from the wounds of the deceased, I thought the murder weapon should be a dagger with a special shape. She might be able to provide you with some clues."

"Hey, I don't want to go to that long-winded Obasan!" When I think of Ni Xueer, I feel a headache.

Liu Nian showed a schadenfreude smile: "Whether you go to her or not is up to you, all I can do is to check the autopsy reports of the four previous deceased people for you to further confirm my inference." Although the case has already emerged so far Five deceased, but because the school and the local police station have been suppressing this matter, it has not been handed over to us until now. Therefore, the previous four deceased were autopsied by the local forensic doctor.

Wanting me to go to Ni Xueer, I was unwilling in my heart, but I had to go to her again, because at this moment, apart from her, I really couldn't think of anyone else who could provide me with clues. Therefore, I had to go to the Municipal Museum with Zhen Zhen.

Today is not a weekend, nor is it a free open day, so the city museum is quite deserted, and we didn't even see a ghost when we came in. In fact, even on weekends, there are not necessarily many people here. Most of the people today are only interested in new things, but they are dismissive of cultural treasures left by their ancestors. I don't know if it is to create a cultural atmosphere, the lighting in the museum is dim, although it is broad daylight, it still looks like a haunted house. I don't know what the designer thought. I didn't feel the cultural atmosphere, but the feeling of chills down my spine was very strong.

I didn't see Cher in the exhibition hall, thinking that she should be in the office, so I went there to find her directly. However, when I wanted to ask Zhen Zhen to come with me, I found that she was staring at an exhibit in a daze. It was an old wooden threshing machine, and although it had some historical value, I didn't think she would be interested in it, so I asked her why she was looking at this threshing machine

She pointed to the back of the threshing machine and said, "That dummy is very realistic, just like a real person."

I looked in the direction she was pointing, and sure enough, I saw a dummy sitting behind the threshing machine with its back against the threshing machine. At first glance, it looks lifelike, but if you look closely, you can't help but feel strange, because the dummy is wearing a white-collar suit, which is incompatible with this threshing machine from the countryside. When I was about to express my doubts in my heart, she went up to touch the dummy's hair and said in amazement, "The hair is also the same as the real one..."

Before Zhen Zhen's words were finished, the dummy suddenly bounced and let out a terrifying scream. In this silent exhibition hall, the scream was like a thunderstorm in the middle of the night, and it almost made my heart skip a beat. Of course Zhen Zhen wasn't any better than that, she fell to the ground in fright, and then rolled and crawled behind me. She grabbed my arm firmly, her body trembled, and she even stuttered: "She can move... She can move..."

Although I was also very scared, but I couldn't pee my pants in front of Zhen Zhen, so I had to stand in front of her calmly and whispered to her: "Don't be afraid, just wait and see." I said this because I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run out first, but my legs were a little weak and I probably couldn't run anymore.

After the suspected dummy-like object moved a few times as if struggling, it muttered to itself, "Why did I fall asleep here..." Then crawled on the ground in a panic, groping with both hands on the floor, as if searching for something and crawled towards us.

Long live! I think what we met was not some weird dummy, but the idiot I didn't want to see the most, but this time it was Ni Xueer who came to her specially.

After she found us, she screamed again: "Who are you, who are you, the museum is closed, how did you get in? What are you doing here? Are you trying to steal?"

I picked up a pair of nearsighted glasses from her side, which might be double or double, and handed them to her. I said to her angrily, "Wake up, comrade, it's your time!"

After she put on her glasses to see who I was, she was stunned for a moment and then smirked at me: "Hey! Aren't you Amu? Why are you here?" She said that she found Zhen Zhen behind me, and was immediately surprised "Wow, your girlfriend is so beautiful, why didn't you introduce me to her?"

"Have you given me a chance to introduce me?" I replied sullenly. Maybe I thought my answer was rather ambiguous, Zhen Zhen's face immediately turned red, she quickly jumped out to clarify: "I'm his colleague, not his girlfriend."

After experiencing a heart-pounding meeting, Cher planned to take us to the office for a detailed discussion, and she kept nagging us on the way. At one point, she said that the work in the museum was so busy that she fell asleep sitting on the back of the threshing machine, and then said that she liked the work in the museum very much, no matter how hard it was. Anyway, before arriving at the office, her mouth didn't stop.

After arriving at the office, Cher didn't seem to want to shut up, and continued to babble. Before she entered the office, Zhen Zhen asked me in a low voice why she told Liu Nian that Xueer was an Obasan, which made her think that Xueer was an old lady in her fifties or sixties, but she didn't expect it to be a girl about the same age as her. I didn't answer her question, but I think by now she should understand why I said Cher was an Obasan.

I managed to catch Xue Er’s time to speak, and I immediately explained my intentions to her: “There have been many murder cases in Linan College. The murder weapon is the ancient sword stolen from the museum. But Liu Nian said that the murder weapon this time is not a sword, it should be a dagger with a special description, so I want to ask you, is there a similar nature to the stolen ancient sword? dagger."

"Dagger..." Xue Er stupidly stretched her hands to the top of her head and drew a circle on her head with her index finger. Zhen Zhen asked her suspiciously why? She replied with a smirk: "It is said that this can speed up the blood circulation of the brain, and it will be easier to think about things."

"Really?" Zhen Zhen asked me this time.

I glanced at her with contempt: "You don't believe it, do you? She probably watched a lot of cartoons when she was a child."

Zhen Zhen was silenced by me, while Xue Er completely ignored my ridicule, closed her eyes and continued to draw a circle on her head. Maybe her method was really effective, and it didn't take long for her to show an expression of sudden realization, hehe said with a smile: "I thought about it, I remember that there should be three Tang swords that were stolen before."

"Three?" Hearing her say that, I couldn't help being a little surprised. I remembered that she hadn't mentioned this to me two years ago, so I asked, "Why haven't I heard of you before?"

"Have you asked me before?" she answered confidently.

Come to think of it, I didn't ask this question before. But it doesn't matter if you asked before or not, what matters is whether one of the other two swords is a dagger with a special shape. I expressed the doubts in my heart and hoped that she would give me a satisfactory answer. However, her answer disappointed me: "No, all three are long swords, and the other two are of the same style as the stolen one, but the pattern is different."

Although she failed to give me a satisfactory answer, I was not discouraged and continued to ask her about the three ancient swords. "Actually, I don't know much. I have told you before. I will tell you in detail again." She said and drew a circle on her head again, and it took me a long time to give me a detailed answer—

It is said that Emperor Taizong of Tang received an incomparably huge different sword in his later years, and the blood from the whole body of the person injured by the sword would be immediately drained by it. He originally wanted to destroy this terrifying different sword, so as not to cause harm to the world, but Li Chunfeng, the commander of the Grand Historian, persuaded him to divide the different sword into three parts and cast it into three evil swords. He also said that with the three swords, he would be able to protect the Li family for generations to come. He listened to Li Chunfeng's words and ordered him to personally supervise the production of the three swords.

Li Chunfeng recruited the best sword-casting craftsmen at that time, and cast the different swords weighing 100 catties into three Tang swords. The sword "ren filial piety". After the Suppressing Evil Sword was cast, he told Tang Taizong that the sword needed to be consecrated before it could function.

Killing more than 200 people in one go might sound creepy now. However, for Tang Taizong, who was the son of the emperor, this was only a very simple matter, and he immediately ordered Li Chunfeng to select the most evil prisoners from the prisoners who committed capital crimes to consecrate the sword.

Strange to say, although killing 200 or 300 prisoners at a time is not a big deal, but how to say these three swords are also related to the Tang Dynasty, it is definitely something that needs to be recorded. However, the official history has no record of this, only a little mention in the unofficial history.

According to the unofficial history, the purpose of Tang Taizong's swords was to consolidate the country. These three swords can protect the Li family's country for 9981 years respectively, and the three swords together can be used for 243 years. Coincidentally, the wild history says that these three swords were cast in 648, and the emperor of Liang Zhu Wen usurped the throne and led to the demise of the Tang Dynasty in 907. If you deduct the sixteen years of Wu Zetian's self-proclaimed emperor of Wuzhou, it is exactly two hundred and forty-three years.

After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, these three Tang swords were lost to the people. One of them fell into the hands of a wealthy businessman during the Northern Song Dynasty, and was later buried in the tomb as a funerary item. It was only excavated by the archaeological team in recent years. The sword is the "Kun He" that was stolen from our museum. As for "Qianji" and "Benevolence and Filial Piety", since the end of the Tang Dynasty, there has been no record of them in all the history books, official history and unofficial history, and even folklore, and no trace of them has been found in recent years. I think they were either found and smuggled out of the country, or they were lying in the ground waiting to be discovered...

The information provided by Xueer does not seem to be of any use to the investigation of this case. After all, I have heard her say about the key points in the information two years ago, and the other two Tang swords are obviously different from the murder weapon in this case. However, in her narrative, I found a problem, so I asked: "You said that Tang Taizong got a different sword that weighed a hundred catties, but the Tang sword stolen from the museum should only weigh two or three catties, three plus It doesn't weigh more than ten pounds, so where did the remaining ninety pounds go?"

She thought for a while before answering: "I don't know, the wild history only said that Li Chunfeng finely forged the Yijian into three Tang swords, and the remaining ninety kilograms were not mentioned. However, the wild history also said that the Yijian was The sword is an ancient sword with a long history, the Tang Dynasty has a long history, and it can be said to be 'ancient' now."

"Ancient different swords..." I muttered, thinking that in addition to casting this huge ancient different sword into three Tang swords, would Li Chunfeng cast an extra dagger for self-defense