Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 115: Put the cart before the horse


In order to investigate the murder that took place in Linan College, and whether the weapon used by the murderer was related to the case two years ago, Zhen Zhen and I went to the city museum to find the long-winded "Obasan" Ni Xueer. From Xue'er's mouth, she learned that the ancient sword stolen from the museum was originally made of a huge ancient different sword, and there were three in total, but the other two disappeared after the Tang Dynasty.

However, according to unofficial records, this ancient different sword weighed 100 catties, and after it was divided into three Tang swords, there should be some metal remaining. And Liu Nian said that the murder weapon in this case should be a dagger, because I doubt whether Li Chunfeng used the remaining metal to forge other weapons privately, such as forging a dagger for himself when he forged the sword.

I told Cher about this assumption and asked her if it was possible. She held up the pair of myopia glasses whose lenses were thick enough to be used as bulletproof glass on the bridge of her nose, and thought seriously. After a long time, she suddenly realized: "I don't know.

Long live! At this moment I really have the urge to strangle this nerd.

After leaving the Municipal Museum, I kept thinking about the case from two years ago. A few years ago, Xue Er told me that Gu Jian was consecrated with the lives of 81 condemned prisoners, so Gu Jian was full of resentment. At that time, it was because of this that I suspected that the murderer who used the ancient sword to kill was most likely under the control of the resentful spirit in the sword. Even today, I do not deny this idea, and even think that the murder of Linan College is probably due to the resentment in the ancient sword. However, judging from the wounds of the deceased, the murder weapon was not one of the three ancient swords, but a dagger with a special shape. Could it be that this case has nothing to do with the case two years ago

Just when I was disillusioned with the hope of finding Xiaoxiang, Liu Nian called me: "Amu, I have read the autopsy reports of the other four deceased people, you can visit the forensic doctor when you have time. "Anyway, I'm upset that there are no clues, so I might as well go and see what he finds.

After I came to the forensic department, I told Liu Nian about getting the information from Cher, and he then showed me the autopsy reports of the five deceased and their background information. The backgrounds of the five deceased are very similar. And their autopsy reports are basically the same, except that the first deceased, Wu Hao, was special, with multiple wounds on his body.

"This case is indeed very similar to the case two years ago..." Liu Nian frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment and then continued: "It seems that the blood in the deceased's body was completely destroyed in an instant when it was injured by the murder weapon. Burn' out."

"How the hell did it get burned? It doesn't look like the body has been burned." Zhen Zhen has asked this question for the second time.

Liu Nian showed a far-fetched smile: "Perhaps, let Amu explain to you, it will be easier for you to understand." He threw the question to me, and I had to simply tell Zhen Zhen about our previous findings—

In the Gujian serial murder case two years ago, Xiao Xiang and I were also troubled by this problem at the beginning, because the blood in the deceased's body disappeared completely, but not even a drop of blood could be found at the murder scene. After asking Cher about the origin of the ancient sword, we suspected that the ancient sword had incredible blood-sucking abilities. However, with Xiao Xiang's insistence, we finally found out what was going on.

When the ancient sword was unearthed, in order to study its composition, the archaeological team ground a small amount of metal powder on the surface of the sword body for research purposes. Most of the best swords in the Tang Dynasty were made of Indian Uzi steel and made with a hundred steelmaking process. However, the results of the study showed that although the ancient sword was cast with a hundred steelmaking process, the main ingredient was copper! However, in addition to copper, there are traces of tin, nickel, magnesium, aluminum, zinc, silicon, and other metals. Among these many components, the archaeological team also discovered an unknown metal.

We think that the reason why the ancient sword can "suck blood" may be related to this unknown metal. Fortunately, although the ancient sword was stolen at that time, the metal powder ground from the sword was still there, so we took some metal powder to give Yuetong conducts experiments.

We wanted to test whether these metal powders had the ability to "suck blood", so we put a few drops of chicken blood on it. We were disappointed as the chicken blood dripped on the powder and didn't react at all. After this test, I figured that the problem should be the ancient sword, not this unknown strange metal, so I decided to give up the test and focus on tracing the whereabouts of the ancient sword. But Xiao Xiang didn't think so. He continued to experiment with Yuetong with these metal powders. He tried chicken blood, duck blood, pig blood, sheep blood, dog blood, and finally human blood.

I originally told them not to waste time, because the blood of different animals is not exactly the same, but the main components are almost the same, and the test results are the same. But when Xiao Xiang slashed his finger and dripped blood on the powder, I realized that my thoughts turned out to be wrong.

When Xiao Xiang dripped his own blood into the glassware with a very small amount of metal powder, I thought it would be the same as the previous tests, and there would be no change. But when the blood dripped into the container and came into contact with the powder, something incredible was discovered. At the moment when the two came into contact, the blood seemed to be on fire. Although it was not as exaggerated as the flames, it evaporated in an instant as if it had fallen on a red-hot iron block, and it disappeared completely in the blink of an eye. I looked at the vessel under the microscope, but I couldn't find any blood, only a small amount of cells and tissues that had lost water on the surface of the metal powder.

After that, Xiao Xiang did another experiment, pumping out about 20 ml of blood and pouring it into a glass vessel containing metal powder. I couldn't see it clearly before because there was too little blood, but this time I could clearly see what was going on.

Immediately after the blood was poured into the vessel, it continued to churn as if it was boiling, and it decreased significantly, and it only took three or two seconds to bottom out. To know that the powder in the container is so small that I worry that it will be blown away by a sneeze. Compared with 20ml of blood, it is really pitiful. And when I wanted to put the utensils under the microscope again, I found that the cold glass utensils turned out to be a little warm, so I really can't think of other adjectives other than "burning"...

"Did you find anything in the microscope?" Zhen Zhen asked as soon as I finished speaking.

I pushed my hands away helplessly and replied: "It's still the same, only a small amount of cells and tissues that have lost water, but it's more than the previous time." After a while, he said, "Such a small amount of metal powder can also instantly remove The blood 'burns' almost without leaving a trace, do you think about the effect of the whole sword?"

Zhen Zhen immediately responded: "Will the whole person's blood be burned?"

I nodded: "Well, just like the five dead in this case now."

"That's why you insisted that the two cases are related?" she asked again, and I nodded again.

"Although the circumstances of the deceased are very similar in both cases, after reading the autopsy reports of the previous four deceased, I can answer you with certainty that the murder weapon in the two cases is by no means the same. If the facts are as Cher Therefore, although there are three ancient swords, but the shapes of the three are similar, then the appearance of these two cases may just be a coincidence, and they are not actually related." Liu Nian's affirmative tone gave me a heavy blow again. He opened the autopsy report of the first deceased in this case, Wu Hao, and pointed to the photos in the report to explain in detail: "Look at the multiple wounds on the deceased's body, except for the wound on the stomach, the other wounds are obviously After the blood was 'burned', it was chopped up indiscriminately. From these uneven wounds, it can be seen that the murder weapon was definitely a dagger with a serrated tip, not a Tang sword."

Liu Nian handed the report to me and asked me to look carefully at the photos in the report. After a while, he asked, "What did you think of?"

I frowned and thought for a moment, although I had already thought of what Liu Nian wanted to say, I was not in a hurry to answer, and handed the report to Zhen Zhen and asked: "Among the five dead, except for the first dead, the other four are all dead. There is only one wound, what do you think is the matter?"

I thought she would have to think about it for a while, but she glanced at it and said, "Everyone has been killed with so many knives, the murderer should have a deep grudge against this dead man!"

Liu Nian smiled and didn't speak, but I helplessly explained: "If the murderer killed because he had a deep hatred with the deceased, then since he has already avenged, why did he kill the other four deceased? If the other four deceased He also has a grudge against him, why doesn't he give them more knives?"

Faced with my two questions, although Zhen Zhen couldn't come up with a reason to refute, she seemed a little dissatisfied and asked me angrily: "Then do you know why the murderer only slashed so many knives on the first dead person? ?"

"Because it was his first time!" I looked at her maliciously and said again, "Aren't you nervous for the first time?"

"What, why are you nervous?" She blushed and avoided my eyes.

Liu Nian and I laughed together, and after she had been in for a while, we laughed: "I'm asking you, if you were the murderer, wouldn't you feel nervous when you kill for the first time?"

Her blushing suddenly turned from red to black, and if I didn't think Liu Nian was by my side, she would definitely kick me in anger. Although she didn't kick me, I could still feel the smell of gunpowder in her tone: "I might be nervous if I kill someone, but I definitely won't kill you!" She stared at me fiercely, I was really afraid She would pounce on me and choke me.

I was terrified by her stare, and I immediately continued to explain to distract her: "The reason why she slashed so many knives on the first dead man was not only because she was nervous about the first murder, but also because she did not Knowing that the weapon in her hand can kill someone at once, she was afraid that she would not be able to kill the opponent with a single knife, so she would slash at the deceased. Later, she knew that the opponent could be killed with a single knife, so there was no need to waste energy That is to say, she committed the crime for the first time, and it cannot be related to the case two years ago." When I came to this conclusion, I felt somewhat helpless.

"Well." Liu Nian nodded, "Although the murder weapon used by the murderer has the same characteristics as the ancient sword stolen from the museum, this seems to be just a coincidence, and there is no substantial connection between the two. I think the murderer probably obtained a Take a peculiar dagger and use it as a murder weapon."

"Then how did he get this dagger? Did he steal it from another museum or dug it out of the ground himself? Does it really have nothing to do with the case two years ago..." When I was troubled by the problem, Zhen Zhen suddenly screamed, pulling us out of our contemplation to reality, I asked her why she was screaming so loudly.

She rolled my eyes at me and asked back: "Your brain cramps! Why are you always circling the issue of the murder weapon? The first thing we have to do is to find the murderer, and then the murder weapon! After finding the murderer, we will find the murder weapon. , wouldn't it be easier? But you put the cart before the horse and kept looking for information related to the murder weapon."

A word to wake up the dreamer, Liu Nian and I, because we were eager to track down the whereabouts of Xiao Xiang, we both went to the horns in this case. We circled around the issue of the murder weapon from the beginning, but ignored the fact that it is our job to find the murderer. focus.

Speaking to Zhen Zhen, Liu Nian and I couldn't help showing embarrassed smiles, and immediately started to re-discuss the clues of this case. The five deceased were all students of Linan College, and they were all killed on campus, so the murderer was most likely also a student or faculty member of the college. Moreover, the deceased are all playboys. The motive of the murderer may be related to the mentality of hatred for the rich, or, like the college student with the surname of Ma, who killed because of poverty and discrimination. Among the students of Leinan College, the gap between the rich and the poor is so large, the possibility is not low.

In any case, it's a good idea to take another trip to Linan College, where we're bound to find some clues. However, I never thought that before I found the clue, I would meet two people there, two women who have a close relationship with Xiao Xiang.