Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 13: Deadly Ghosts


All living beings are difficult to look at, and the sea water is difficult to measure.

Ordinary people are not ordinary people, and the world is in control.

This poem is from "The Legend of the Thunderbolt", and the poet is a fake immortal Qin. I love this poem, who am I? I'm Mu Shenyu, a stinky policeman, working in the "conspiracy team" specializing in supernatural incidents.

As police officers, we have to face all kinds of people every day. Most of them are ordinary people who keep their own rules, but ordinary citizens are not necessarily "ordinary people", they may also be cunning people who secretly control everything. only.

At the beginning of summer, all the students had to retire from the heavy academic front line and get a chance to breathe for the time being. However, in the eyes of parents who hope that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes, if the boat goes against the current, they will retreat, and a short rest may also make their children fall behind others. Therefore, before the summer vacation begins, they have already prepared "colorful" holiday programs for their children. .

This case starts from the "colorful" city juvenile officials...

The boss brought a file folder from the minister's office, and it seemed that he was going to work again. He threw the folder to me and said to everyone: "The city's Children's Palace was haunted last night. The dance teacher Liang Shiyun died suddenly and unexpectedly. Seven students witnessed the situation at that time. They claimed that the deceased was wrapped in the hair of a long-haired female ghost. dead."

Viagra shivered: "Why are you talking nonsense in the daytime? Is the air conditioner turned on? It seems to be very cold. I'll make it smaller." He sneezed before walking a few steps.

"Amu, what do you think?" the boss asked.

I scratched the back of my head and was a little dazed: "Well, it's hard to say. The guy who wrote this report is too subjective. Just reading the report can only say it's haunted."

The boss glared at me: "The problem can be solved just by looking at the report, so why do you want to work? If you can't solve the case for a week, let's see how I will deal with you." After that, he picked up a newspaper and returned own office.

"Why does the team leader just talk and not practice every time, he only instructs us to work, but hides in the office to cool off." Zhen Zhen muttered dissatisfiedly.

"When you take the position of the team leader, you can do this too! However, before that, you should accept your fate!" I gave everyone a job with a smile on my face: "Viagra searches the Internet for all information related to the Children's Palace, Xue Qing and Miaomiao looked through the archives to see if there was anything wrong with the City Children's Palace before. Zhen Zhen, just come with me... "

The City Children's Palace was built in the 1960s and rebuilt on the original site in the early 1990s. During the winter and summer vacations, it is very lively here.

When we arrived, we saw that many parents were queuing up to enroll their children in various interest classes, but the boys and girls who accompanied us were rarely happy. Looking back on my youth, I was not interested in the so-called interest classes at all. The happiest life during the holidays is sleeping until the sun rises three poles, getting up and running around the world.

The person in charge of the Children's Palace is named Wen Xiuping, a mature woman in her 40s and still charming. According to information, she worked here six years ago. And the reason why she can work here should be inseparable from her husband, who is the deputy director of the Education Bureau.

Director Wen took us to the door of the dance room where the murders took place. There were seven uneasy young girls in the corridor. They were witnesses to the murders. As the saying goes: "Bone picks hard, persimmon picks soft". I'm used to "asking girls to choose pretty girls". The reason why I have a habit is not only because I am more lustful, but also because beautiful girls are usually more confident and don't shy away from being shy.

For women, fifteen or six years old is a dreamy time, and the seven girls in front of them are all charming and charming, which makes people feel confused. In the end, I decided to ask a girl named Wu Yiqi to tell us the story of the incident, because she is not only beautiful, but also outgoing and talkative. Even so, for a young girl who witnessed the murder, it is still relatively difficult for her to narrate this nightmare experience, so her narration has many omissions. Fortunately, as soon as the chat box was opened, the other six girls were no longer taciturn. You let us know the details of last night in a word. However, their statements were too subjective, and they repeatedly emphasized that the murderer was a female ghost. In order to objectively judge the facts of the case, I have slightly modified their statements, and selected the following:

We did not come to participate in the summer interest class, but students from Yifei Dance School. Teacher Liang from the Children's Palace personally came to the school to select us. The purpose is to participate in the opening performance of the city sports meeting to be held next month.

Because the teacher has to teach interest classes during the day, we can only come to practice at night and practice the dance choreographed by the teacher for us. I have been practicing for more than a week before, and last night was the same as usual, but then...

Originally, everything was the same as usual, and there was nothing unusual. Under the guidance of the teacher, we danced the dance steps that we were not too familiar with—the dance choreographed by the teacher himself. About halfway through the jump, I saw through the mirror that a strange shadow appeared on the window behind me. The reason why I said it was strange was because the shape of the shadow kept changing. At first, it looked like a kitten, and gradually it changed. Got bigger, kind of like a puppy, then got bigger, like a buffalo.

Because I was very curious, I couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but I was immediately reprimanded by the teacher, so I had to concentrate on dancing. However, curiosity made me glance at the window through the mirror again, this time I saw the shadow of a long-haired girl who seemed to be floating out the window peeping at us, which surprised me a lot, of course It also drew the teacher's rebuke.

After being scolded twice by the teacher, I didn't dare to look around and danced attentively until the music ended...

As soon as the music stopped, there was a mysterious applause. The reason why it is said to be mysterious is that among the eight people in the dance room, including the teacher, no one applauded, and the applause could not have come from outside, because the dance room used sound insulation materials, even if there were people outside the door. Applause, we can't hear it either. And although the applause was not loud, it seemed like a lot of people applauded together, applauding us from all directions.

We were all scared and hugged together, but at this moment, something even more terrible happened...

"Shi Yun, are you alright? I didn't expect you to remember the dance I choreographed." The applause suddenly disappeared, but then an ethereal girl's voice sounded.

Just now, the teacher was still able to forcefully calm down and told us not to panic, but when this ethereal female voice sounded, she fell to the ground in fright, and cried out in horror, "Who is it? Don't pretend to be a ghost, come out quickly!"

"Hee hee hee..." The ethereal female voice smiled grimly, she said when she was about to collapse the teacher: "Shi Yun, why did you forget me, we used to be best friends... At least before that night, I I always thought you and Minyi were my best friends..."

"Who are you? Who the hell are you?" the teacher cried hysterically, and kept looking around.

"I'm here, outside the window..." The female voice directed the teacher's eyes to the window. When the teacher saw the shadow of the girl on the window, he was immediately stunned. Shadow suddenly changed his posture, opened and closed his mouth slightly, and the ethereal female voice sounded again: "Now you know who I am, Shi Yun! I am your best friend...the best friend ever..."

The lights in the dance room suddenly went out, and the darkness quickly surrounded everyone. The teacher screamed like crazy, running to the door and shouting: "It's none of my business, and I didn't want to. But if I don't bully you, everyone will bully me."

In the dark, I heard the sound of the teacher falling. When my eyes began to adjust to the darkness, I found that the teacher wanted to open the door, but the door seemed to be bolted from outside and could not be opened. The teacher kicked the door in a hurry and cried for help. A teacher who usually behaves gracefully is no different from a mad woman at this moment.

After my eyes got used to it, I realized that the dance room was actually not dark. I could even see the teacher's tears falling like a torrential rain under the light outside the window. At the same time, I also saw that the terrible shadow outside the window had entered.

To say that the shadow walked in was actually to say that she was reflected on the wall of the dance room. She has very long hair, and she seems to be dressed in line dancing clothes just like us. Her feet did not touch the ground, but floated on the wall and slowly floated in the direction of the teacher. She floated very slowly, and kept laughing, grimly and terrifyingly.

When the shadow floated in front of the teacher, the teacher screamed in horror, kicked the door a few times, and then jumped around. However, no matter where she escaped, the shadow would appear in front of her as long as she shook it. In the end, she gave up running away, curled up in the corner and muttered to herself: "Let me go, let me go, Xianling beg you, let me go..."

"Hee hee hee..." Shadow's cold laughter made people tremble, and the temperature seemed to drop below zero in an instant, "That night, I once begged you to let me go! Do you remember how you treated me at that time? ?"

"Xianling, I beg you, let me go..." The teacher actually knelt down and kowtowed to the shadow, each kowtow loudly, blood was already flowing out of her forehead after a few kowtows, but she continued to kowtow.

"Do you think my hair looks good?" Shadow's words made the teacher stop kowtow and stare at her blankly.

Suddenly, Shadow's hair stretched out instantly, wrapping the teacher, and the teacher also shrank into a ball as if bound by a rope. Shadow sneered and said: "Hee hee, does this feel good? However, compared to the torture I suffered that night, it's nothing, I won't be as cruel as you, I'll let you die a little more happily! "

"Let me go..." The teacher seemed to have difficulty speaking because of being squeezed. "Please... Let me go... I don't want to die..."

"If it was you who was tortured that night, then you would definitely be like me, wanting to die immediately..." The shadow gradually turned into a pair of huge palms, holding the teacher tightly until her eyes rolled white and her mouth was spitting out foam…

No wonder the colleagues of the Criminal Investigation Bureau will write the report like a ghost story. This is a ghost story at all! However, if I told the boss like that, it would be strange if he didn't strangle me. So after the little girls finished telling what happened, Zhen Zhen and I went into the dance room with them and Director Wen to see if we could find any clues.

There were obvious scratches on the metal doorknob on the door of the dance room. According to reports, the doorknob was bolted by an iron hose at the time of the incident. The scratches should have been caused by Teacher Yao kicking the door. However, the technical team found no fingerprints on the surface of the molten iron pipe.

In the dance room, the left wall is inlaid with mirrors to form a mirror wall, and the right is a row of windows. The windows are made of colorless glass, and you can clearly see a bustling street outside. The floor is covered with lacquered wood, which seems to be often waxed and looks very bright, but there are three corners of the wall that are slightly smaller than a fist, and the color is slightly different, and it seems that heavy objects have been placed.

I asked Director Wen, has this position been spared before? She said no at first, but after thinking about it for a while, she said, "I remember, when I took over, there was a piano here, but it was moved to the music room."

"Why is the piano here?" I asked.

"I don't know this, it's the meaning of the person in charge."

"Who is the person in charge?"

"If you just want to figure out why the piano is in there, you don't have to bother with her. Maybe someone else can tell you."

"Who is it?"

"It's Mr. Yao. She worked here before I took over. She has the longest working experience in the entire Children's Palace. However, she is in class, and it will take a while for her to be questioned."

"It doesn't matter, and I'm not in a hurry." I shrugged and continued to look for clues, but after searching for a long time, I found nothing. There were not many items in the dance room, and the most conspicuous thing was only a set of speakers, and there was nothing worth noting. The place.

Because Yiqi said that the shadow first appeared in the window, I observed it carefully, but also didn't get any clues. The windows are common push-pull aluminum alloy windows, which are inlaid with colorless glass. Perhaps because they are cleaned frequently, they appear very clean and have high light transmittance. All windows are closed because of the air conditioner, but for "Shadow", it doesn't seem to matter whether it is closed or not.

I noticed that there were slots for curtains on the windows, but I didn't see the curtains. Under the bright sun, even with the air conditioner on, it would still make people feel very hot. And the light is too strong, the eyes are not easy to use. So I asked Director Wen, why are there no curtains here

"I took it apart yesterday and sent it to the laundromat for cleaning. It should be delivered later." Director Wen's answer was fine, but I always felt that something was wrong. If the curtains hadn't been taken down yesterday, then last night's murder probably wouldn't have happened. Is it just a coincidence

No clues were found in the dance room, so they had to change the direction of investigation. Yiqi and others said that there was a power outage last night, and they may be able to find clues from this aspect.

When I left the dance room, I asked Yiqi about the curtains while Director Wen was not paying attention. The answer I got was: "The curtains here seem to be washed frequently. We washed them twice a week after we came here. Wash it once a week!"

There are many reasons for the frequent cleaning of the curtains. The most convincing one is that Director Wen takes this as a rebate from the laundry. However, I don't think it's that simple. If nothing else, Director Wen's too calm performance makes people feel strange. After all, his subordinates passed away inexplicably, how could he be so peaceful

The report said that the power outage at the Children's Palace last night was due to the tripping of the main power switch. I did a cursory inspection of the main switch and found no problem, so I gave up.

At this point, Teacher Yao had finished her class, so I asked her about the piano. Her full name is Yao Haiyan, she is about forty years old, and has worked as a dance teacher in the Children's Palace for more than fifteen years. She thought for a long time before she remembered this long Xianfeng year: "It was more than ten years ago. Although there was a CD player at that time, it was difficult to find some less popular songs, so I often learned music. The classmates came to help, and then they simply moved the piano. In recent years, the Internet has become popular, and the most unpopular songs can be found online, so the piano was moved back to the music room. "

After being busy for a long time, I didn’t find any valuable discoveries. I thought that this time I was going to return without success. When I was about to leave, the boss called: "I want to tell you two things, good and bad, first listen to that?"

"I also want to tell you something, Zhen Zhen and I have been busy for a long time and have not gained anything at all." I said angrily.

"Then I'll tell you some good news first, as a way to cheer you up. This is what I asked at the dinner party just now, so it's 70 percent true and 3 percent false! Director Wen's husband is Deputy Director Lu of the Education Bureau. You should know, I heard that he had an ambiguous relationship with the deceased."

When I said this to the boss, I was indeed refreshed: "So Director Wen has a motive to kill?"

"Well, I heard that since Liang Shiyun went to work in the Children's Palace, Deputy Bureau Lu has often picked up his wife from get off work and used this to get in touch with Liang. He won the performance opportunity for Liang at the city games. Although it is not certain that they have Adultery, but anyone with a discerning eye can tell. Besides, his wife's bad relationship with Liang is an open secret."

Zhen Zhen often said that the boss only knew how to trade stocks and never did anything serious. In fact, the boss gave us a lot of help secretly, but we didn't realize it. For example, now, if the boss hadn't collected gossip at the dinner party, we still don't know how many wrong ways we would have gone.

However, the first message from the boss clarified the target for us, but the second message cast a layer of fog on the case: "The Criminal Investigation Bureau just notified me that another person has died. The situation is very similar to that of the dead last night. Witnesses claimed that the dead Killed by ghosts, but this time the deceased has nothing to do with Deputy Bureau Lu and his wife."

Vicious! I thought it was just Zong's simple murder of a mistress, but I didn't expect someone to hang up so soon. However, the situation is not too bad. Maybe there will be some connection between the two, and the key to solving the case lies in the connection between the two.