Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 16: Thirteen years ago


In the early morning, I returned to the office of the conspiracy team to report the investigation to the boss. According to the information collected yesterday, I listed all the suspects one by one: The first is Yu Xianling, although she jumped off the building thirteen years ago He committed suicide, but the murderer repeatedly claimed to be Yu Xianling, and from the dialogue between the murderer and the deceased, we could know that the murderer knew many things that only Yu Xianling and the deceased should know. Therefore, although it is very absurd, it cannot rule out the possibility of ghosts taking their lives.

The second is Yu Zhaoguang, his daughter died inexplicably, and it is reasonable to kill the person suspected of being related to his daughter's jumping off the building for revenge. Moreover, he is also good at using light and shadow effects, which coincides with the murderer's strange way of killing.

The third is Wen Xiuping. She had the motive to kill the first deceased, Liang Shiyun, and it is not ruled out that the killing of the other two deceased was to confuse the police investigation. And when Liang Shiyun was killed, although she was in the Children's Palace, she did not go with others. In other words, she has time to commit crimes.

The fourth is Yao Haiyan. Although she has no motive for murder, she is related to the tragedy thirteen years ago, and has the same time to commit the crime as Wen Xiuping, so she cannot rule out the possibility of being an accomplice.

"Who do you think is most likely to be the murderer?" The boss was staring at the stock market trend on the computer monitor, and his eyes haven't gone anywhere since I came in.

"Yu Xianling."

"Go to the underworld to catch her!"

"I'm not a big master Qi, so I have the ability to go to the underworld." I sneered.

"Then don't investigate her father."

"I want to investigate Yao Haiyan first. She should know a lot about what happened thirteen years ago, and I doubt that she was the one who bolted the door of the dance room..." As I was talking, the phone on the desk rang .

The boss answered the phone, and hung up after a few "um", and said to me, "Yao's name is put down first, you and Zhen Zhen go to Renmin Road first, and Yu Zhaoguang will let Xueqing and Xiaomiao monitor."

"What happened to Renmin Road?" I asked.

"It's dead again!" The boss said the answer I expected.

The murder took place in a small hospital on Renmin Road at around four in the morning. The deceased was a nurse named He Yingxue. Counting her, four of the ten people involved in the case thirteen years ago have been killed, and the remaining six are likely to be targeted. This is good and bad for us. The advantage is that the scope of the investigation is narrowed. Well, the bad thing is that we have to find the killer as soon as possible, otherwise there will be six more victims.

The scene of the murder was the injection room on the first floor of the hospital. He Yingxue was on duty with a colleague named Wang Liyun. We learned about the situation from Nurse Wang, who had not recovered from the nightmare—

In summer, many people like to turn on the air conditioner, but most of them set the temperature very low. Adults are fine, but children are prone to fever due to cold. Every night, many parents bring their children to the emergency room, and injections are unavoidable, so we are always busy in the middle of the night. It was difficult to stay up until the second half of the night, and most of the people who received the drip left. At this time, there were not many people who came to seek medical treatment, so we were free.

In winter, we can go to rest at this time, but not in summer, we have to stay at work because patients may come at any time. In order not to doze off, Yingxue and I kept chatting until after four in the morning when something terrible happened...

At that time, Yingxue was talking to me about her marriage. She was going to get married next month. There were a lot of things to prepare. Although there were a lot of troublesome things to do, her joy came from the bottom of her heart. It can't be concealed. When she was talking, I suddenly found the shadow of a long-haired girl on the wall behind her. I looked around instinctively. Except for us, in the entire injection room, there were only two children who were receiving drips and their families, but no matter who they were, their hair was not that long.

When Yingxue saw me looking around, she asked me what was wrong? I pointed to the ghostly shadow behind her, and when she looked back, she jumped up in fright. An ethereal girl's voice suddenly sounded: "Yingxue, you are getting married? Congratulations! Are you planning to invite me to a wedding wine?"

"Who are you?" Yingxue said as she stepped back.

"What's the matter, forgot me? I'm Xianling, Yu Xianling, didn't you say that my hair is beautiful, you like it? Oh, I'm sorry, I remembered wrong, it should be said that you like pulling My hair, throw me to the ground, right?"

"You, you, you... ghost! Help..." Yingxue suddenly screamed and ran to the door. In such a quiet environment, her scream was like a thunderbolt, causing both children to cry.

The ghost figure flashed across the wall and stopped Yingxue in front of the door. She kept screaming and ran around, almost knocking over one of her children's hanging bottles. When the family members saw her being chased by a ghost, they were all terrified. The father of one of the children held a hanging bottle in one hand and picked up the child in the other and ran outside. The family members of the other child also carried him out. I was very scared at the time, so I followed them and ran out, but another ghost suddenly appeared in front of me blocking my way, so frightened I held my head and closed my eyes and squatted down, afraid to move.

Yingxue's scream kept echoing in my ears. Although I was very scared, I couldn't help but open my eyes and take a look. As soon as I opened my eyes, the ghost was still beside me, but soon I realized that she didn't seem to want to hurt me, just quietly watching me.

At this moment, Yingxue had been cornered by another ghost, and had nowhere to escape. She was shrinking into a ball and kept calling "Don't come here". Ghost Shadow suddenly let out a cold laughter: "Hee hee hee... Didn't I tell you not to come over that night? But what did you do at the time? Forget it, let me tell you, you said my hair back then. It's very beautiful, and caresses my hair very gently, just like now..." The ghost reached out her hand to her head, touched it lightly, and suddenly snapped: "Then he grabbed my hair and pulled me up... The ghost suddenly grabbed her by the hair, pulled her up, and slammed into the chair where the patient was getting an IV.

Yingxue knocked over the chair, and fell to the ground groaning in pain. Ghost Shadow didn't let her go, floated in front of her, and said in a soft tone: "What's the matter, does it hurt? Am I trying too hard? Hee hee hee... You worked so hard that night, but I was more than Hello, at least the dance room doesn't have so many clutter here, and you didn't plan to throw me to death..." The ghost said, pulling her by the hair again, and throwing her to another chair.

"Xianling, let me go, I know I was wrong, let me go..." Yingxue lay on the ground and begged bitterly.

"How many times have I begged you that night? You won't remember it, but I remember it very clearly. It was sixty-three times in total..." Ghost Shadow grabbed Yingxue's hair and threw it onto the chair again.

Ghost Shadow kept grabbing Yingxue's hair and threw it onto the surrounding chairs. After falling ten or twenty times, she was bruised all over her body, and her face was covered in blood. Ghost Shadow smiled grimly again: "Hee hee hee... Look at what you are now, if your fiancé sees it, he might break off the engagement! Hee hee hee..."

"Kill me... Kill me..." Yingxue was dying at the moment, and it was very difficult to speak, the tears in her eyes were mixed with blood... I want it to be me, and I will also beg the ghost to kill me , because this is really worse than death.

"Hee hee hee... That night, I also wanted to die immediately, but you didn't have the guts to kill me, so I jumped from the seventh floor, which was more painful than falling into a chair." Ghost Ying's cold voice made Yingxue almost Crazy, she covered her ears, shook her head and said, "Kill me, kill me..."

"Okay, I will fulfill you! When I died, my nose was crooked. You can't die too beautifully, so let me strangle you! Just like Xiangbi, your eyes and tongues stick out..." Ghost Shadow As he said that, he reached out and pinched Yingxue's neck.

"No..." Yingxue said the last sentence in a breath of air...

Although Nurse Wang repeatedly emphasized that He Yingxue was first thrown by the ghost, and then strangled to death, Liu Nian's preliminary examination of the corpse at the scene of the murder found many suspicious areas: "The scalp is not congested, There is no swelling, and there is no possibility that she was pulled by her hair and thrown around before she died. Moreover, although her eyes were bulging and her tongue was sticking out, there was no trace of strangulation on her neck, and no other fatalities were found. The real cause of death will not be known until the autopsy, but the possibility of myocardial infarction is very high."

"Frightened to death again?" I couldn't help frowning.

"I haven't done an autopsy yet, so I can't be 100% sure, but you should be able to judge whether you were scared to death, and the autopsy just confirms it." Liu Nian said and his assistant Zhong Gang were about to transport the body away.

After the corpse was transported away in fleeting years, I carefully observed the environment of the injection room. The entire injection room is about 100 square meters, including the injection room and the patient lounge. There should have been four rows of chairs in the lounge, but now the chairs are all crooked. There is a row of windows on the back wall of the injection room because they are not installed. Air conditioning, so all on. There is a road outside the window. Although the sun has already risen, the street lights have not gone out.

While I was observing my surroundings, Zhen Zhen had already gone to question Nurse Wang. As soon as she stepped forward, she pressed her shoulders hard, and said fiercely, "Why are you lying, the deceased's hair has never been pulled, are you and the murderer together?"

Nurse Wang hadn't recovered from her fear, so she startled Zhen Zhen and cried with a "wow", so I had to do a little magic to coax her back. As far as Pao Niu is concerned, magic is really useful, no wonder there are not many male stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan who can't do it. Under my inducement, she gradually recalled the situation at that time: "Ghost Shadow put his hand on Yingxue's head, and seemed to want to grab her hair, but... But her hair didn't seem to be grabbed, but the ghost With a wave of Shadow's hand, she was thrown onto the chair."

As for the question of strangulation, her answer was similar to that of Boss Chen. The shadow's hand was reflected on the neck of the deceased, and the deceased immediately seemed to be strangled until he died.

In fact, Nurse Wang did not lie, but her subjective judgment affected the objective facts. Her confession made the case even more confusing. First, a conclusion could be drawn from the four murders—the murderer and the deceased did not have any physical acceptance, but they could make the deceased make some unexplainable reactions; secondly, the murderer even Knowing the "separation method" and being able to turn into two shadows, is there more than one murderer? Third, and the most difficult to understand, why didn't the murderer let Nurse Wang escape

As far as the murderer is concerned, it is definitely not a good thing to witness the process of committing the crime, but the murderer in this case always seems to let people witness her killing process intentionally or unintentionally. If the first three times were unintentional, then what is the explanation for deliberately preventing Nurse Wang from escaping this time? What is her purpose

The intelligence at hand is limited, and thinking about this problem now is just a waste of time. It is better to collect more intelligence. The four deceased are all related to Yu Xianling's suicide thirteen years ago, so starting from this case will be more or less rewarding.

When she came to the Children's Palace, Teacher Yao had just finished her class, and Zhen Zhen, regardless of her willingness or not, forced her to come over and questioned: "Thirteen years ago, Yu Xianling committed suicide by jumping off a building here, you are her teacher, you should know how It's the same thing!"

Teacher Yao unconsciously avoided Zhen Zhen's gaze and said perfunctorily, "It's all over ten years ago, I don't remember very clearly now..."

I smiled and said, "Maybe I have a way to remind you. Luo Xiangbi is dead, Fan Ziqian is dead, He Yingxue is also dead, and Liang Shiyun, who was killed in the dance room, is related to the suicide case of Yu Xianling. Four out of ten have died, all killed by a mysterious shadow..."

The more I said, the more ugly Teacher Yao's face became. Judging from her reaction alone, it was unlikely that she was an accomplice, but it could not be completely ruled out. She was silent for a long time, as if hesitating whether to tell the truth or not. It seems that I have to intimidate her again, and it seems that intimidating Obasan is also my strength.

I first gave Zhen Zhen a wink, and then said to Teacher Yao, "If you don't want to talk about it, we won't force it. Anyway, four people have already died, and we don't care about one or two more deaths." To be honest, I really don't care about the murderer. Kill one or two more people, because the more she kills, the more clues she leaves behind and the better our chances of solving the case. Of course, this does not mean that I have a bad heart, because from the current situation, it is still unknown whether we can solve the case before the murderer kills all these ten people, not to mention that her hunting list also includes me and Zhen Zhen, Even all the members of the conspiracy team.

After I finished speaking, I turned around and left, Zhen Zhen also cooperated with me, turned around and left. Mr. Yao was clearly told by me the most feared thing in his heart, so he quickly pulled me and looked around, making sure that there were only the three of us nearby before whispering, "I can tell you everything I know, but you Keep me safe and never let anyone know I said it."

"If you say it, I may not guarantee your safety, but if you don't say it, I can guarantee that you will never be safe. As for confidentiality, you can rest assured that every word you say, except for us Only Director Liang and other high-ranking officials can know." I'm not in a hurry now, because the other party is more anxious than I am, the more negligent and official I am, the more valuable clues I can get from her.

Teacher Yao seemed to have some ideological struggle, and after being silent for a long time, he opened his mouth to reveal the tragedy that had been covered in dust for thirteen years—

This is the thing that makes me feel most guilty, although it has been thirteen years, I still often dream about the situation at that time and wake up because of it...

The summer before the thirteenth, through a friend's introduction, I met Yu Zhaoguang and his wife. They wanted to ask me to help and fulfill their wishes for their daughter Yu Xianling, and of course they gave me a lot of benefits for this. They wanted me to arrange for six girls to rehearse the dance choreographed by this little girl with Xianling. At first, I only treated this as a joke. Can a 14-year-old girl choreograph a decent dance? However, after all, eating people's mouth is short, taking people's hands softly, and receiving other people's benefits, you can't just do nothing! So, I asked Xian Ling to dance by herself first and show it to me.

When Xianling took a gorgeous dance step in front of me, I was stunned for a while. Although she was only dancing alone and without a soundtrack, I could still feel her message - a lively toy kingdom, carnival toys, passionate puppets... It's so perfect, not only dance The choreography is perfect, and her performance is flawless. Whether it is the softness of her body or the mastery of rhythm, it is simply not something she can do at her age. In front of her, I really dare not say that I am a teacher, because she is better than me.

After watching Xian Ling's performance, I have full confidence in the dance choreographed by her, actively arrange rehearsal for her, and win a public performance opportunity. However, soon I encountered the first problem, because the soundtrack she chose was very unpopular, it was the 3rd movement of Peter Roschka that I had never heard of, and all she had on hand was the sheet music, and there was no CD or tape, Couldn't find it anywhere in the market. Later, after discussing with Director Lu, who was in charge of the Children's Palace at the time, I borrowed three students from the music class and moved the piano to the dance room, so that the rehearsal could start smoothly.

However, after the rehearsal began, new problems arose. Among the three students borrowed from the music class, one of the flute directors was Director Lu's son named Li Liangyu. He asked me to arrange a girl named Su Mengru to be the protagonist of the dance.

Meng Ru's dancing skills are very ordinary, and she is not expected to be the protagonist at all. It is also what Liang Yu requested to let her participate in the rehearsal. After all, he is Director Lu's son, and Meng Ru was his girlfriend at the time. Meng Ru's sister Meng Jing was also able to participate in the rehearsal for the same reason.

It is reluctant to let Sister Mengru participate in the rehearsal, but let her be the protagonist, even if I agree, Xian Ling will not agree, she is the creator of dance, who would like to make wedding clothes for others only with her own efforts? They made the relationship stale because of this, and I can only let them solve it by themselves in order to protect myself.

Xian Ling's attitude was very tough, and he threatened to quit immediately if he wanted to give up the protagonist's position. Anyone can do this dance without her, but without her, it means losing your soul, which means nothing at all. And she is the creator, if she quits, there is no need to continue the rehearsal, so Mengru was finally forced to compromise. But unexpectedly, this turned out to be the fuse of the tragedy.

It took about half a month of rehearsal. Although Sister Mengru's performance was still unsatisfactory, everyone else's performance was excellent, even if it was a public performance. However, the tragedy happened at this time...

Before the rehearsal that night, Liang Yu suddenly pulled me aside and whispered to me, "When the rehearsal is on, you can go out for a while." I asked him why? But he threatened me: "My mother said that she plans to fire some people who don't work seriously. I hope it's not you who will be kicked out."

Although I knew that it would definitely not be good for him to let me go, he could indeed let Director Lu fire me, so I had to leave quietly during the rehearsal as he wanted. I left for about an hour or so, and went for a walk outside. When I came back, I found that something had happened.

When I returned to the dance room, Xian Ling was gone and there was a small amount of blood on the floor. Du Lixian, who was in charge of playing the piano, fell to the ground and groaned. His ten fingers were deformed, and there were many shoe prints on his clothes. Another dance student, Min-yi, curled up in a corner, sobbing non-stop. I stopped Liang Yu who was about to leave and asked him what happened? He pushed me away with one hand and said impatiently, "I'm just playing a girl, it's none of your business! It's not you who fucked me. Even if I want to fuck you, you don't dare to say anything!" Just leave with the others.

I looked at Min Yi first, she didn't seem to ask anything, but she just kept crying, so I ignored her and quickly lifted up Li Xian, who was lying on the ground, and asked him what happened? His face was as white as snow, and he was sweating profusely. He wanted to speak but seemed unable to speak because of the pain. His fingers seemed to be pinched by something, and they were all deformed, and they seemed to be useless.

I was afraid that something would happen to him, so I quickly helped him leave and planned to take him to the hospital. But as soon as she walked to the door of the first floor, she saw Liang Yu and the others were making a noise outside, and Xian Ling fell down immediately. It turned out that she ran up to the top floor and jumped down...

Although Teacher Yao didn't witness the incident with her own eyes, from the clips she knew, she could infer the general situation at that time - Yu Xianling and Su Mengru had a conflict over the protagonist, and Su planned to take revenge on Yu and let the male My friend Li Liangyu took Teacher Yao away. After Teacher Yao left, Yu may have been raped by Li and others and abused by Su and others, and then committed suicide in anger. Afterwards, someone obstructed the investigation through personnel relations, so an ambiguous case record appeared, and the matter was settled.

In this way, Yu Zhaoguang's chances of killing for his daughter's revenge are even greater, but why did he wait until now to kill, instead of doing it thirteen years ago

There are still many doubts about this matter, such as why Du Lixian's hands were injured, maybe he was trying to protect Yu Xianling at the time, so he was attacked by others. If so, maybe we can get some clues from him.