Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 203: his secret


Xiaoxiang is willing to sacrifice his life for Anayi in order to see China. I have long expected that, and I do not regret everything I have done for him. However, at this moment, Anayi has collected three swords of three talents, and the return of the primordial spirit is just around the corner. Therefore, although the brothers and sisters of Xiaoxiang definitely do not want to be harassed by others, due to the seriousness of the situation, I had to step forward to interrupt them.

"That... Anayi is gone, what should we do?" I asked anxiously.

"Isn't she gone? Do you still want to keep her for supper?" Xiao Xiang smiled.

"Of course not." I quickly shook my head and expressed my worries.

"Haha..." Xiao Xiang burst out laughing, "She wouldn't use those three ancient swords to conjure her soul!"

I stared at him dumbfounded. After a while, I wondered: "Isn't she asking for the Three Talented Swords for her own primordial spirit? Then why did she go all out to find these three ancient swords?"

"You, you don't have to worry about this." He tapped me on the shoulder, "Anayi will not let the primordial spirit return to the world."

"Why?" I frowned, I really couldn't understand the reason.

"If you took the position of the minister, and suddenly one day the central government said that they would send someone to ride on your head, would you be willing?" He explained to me with a smile—

After the primordial spirit was imprisoned, his body gradually developed a sense of autonomy, and he named himself "Anayi". "Nayi" means peony flower in Miao language, which means self-improvement. She chose this name in order to draw a clear line with her. She was finally able to live freely, and she didn't want to let the primordial spirit return to the world, and once again become a body under the control of others.

In fact, when Anayi first had her own thoughts, her mind was still very simple, and she could almost be said to be an idiot. Because she was worried that 魃 would return to the world and snatch her body, she ran around and sprinkled her own blood in the places she passed.

Her blood has a corpse spell, and the blood-contaminated land must be disrupted by the dragon veins, and then cultivated into a corpse-raising land. Any corpse buried in a corpse farm will surely turn into a zombie. She thought that as long as there were zombies everywhere, she would not be able to find her and could not snatch her body. But her actions caused chaos in the world, and the monks and Taoists from all over the world united against her for this reason.

She was not as powerful as she is now, and to put it mildly, she was a zombie king. She may not take a few monks and Taoists in her eyes, but she can't handle dozens or hundreds of monks and Taoists. Otherwise, she would not be bullied by Huangdi, forcing her to swear never to kill Xuanyuan Hou.

Although she had no ability at the time, she was immortal and immortal, so she finally escaped the encirclement and suppression of the monks. After that, her intelligence gradually increased, and she began to understand that what she was doing was futile, because there was some kind of subtle connection between her and Jin, and if she wanted to find her, she couldn't run away. In order to cut off this connection, she hid in the uninhabited mountains and mountains, and practiced for a thousand years.

Cultivation greatly increased her abilities and her self-awareness became stronger. Finally, she was able to completely get rid of the influence of 魃 and cut off the delicate connection between the two. It can be said that from this time on, she has nothing to do with Jin anymore, they are two unrelated individuals.

She was also happy that she had time to do it, and found that Jin quietly conveyed a message to some people with bad intentions. Trying to return to the world through these people.

At this time, she has a strong sense of autonomy, and even if she returns to the world, she will not be able to grab her body. However, she is also the body of Yu, and has some memories of Yu, so she is very clear about what he is thinking. She knew that if she couldn't get her body back, she would definitely try her best to deal with her, at least it wouldn't make her feel better. Therefore, she has been secretly paying attention to Ji's actions.

Being imprisoned outside the Three Realms may be a bit mysterious. In scientific terms, he is imprisoned in another dimension. Although he is in another world, he can still convey information to some people with his powerful spiritual power. It's like a wireless signal, she sends a signal to our world. Although the signal becomes very weak due to the influence of time and space, there are still very few people with bad hearts who can receive her information, and even make some kind of communication with her. comminicate.

The 魃 conveys information to those who can receive the signal, teaches them magic tricks to show their abilities, makes them their followers, and organizes the Red God Cult for their dispatch. Because he is in another world, even if he has a strong spiritual power, he is still unable to convey information to the human world at any time, and can only contact the human world once every sixty years. Because of this, Anayi was able to take advantage of it.

Although Anayi has cut off contact with Chiyou, she can still receive the message from Chiyou, and she knows that Chiyou wants to use Chiyou's relic, the master swordsman who was cast into a three-talented sword, to summon Chiyou's soul, so that she can make her own Return to the world.

But even if she could return to the world, she would still be unable to fight Chiyou's soul without her body, so she had to prepare a body for herself. There are not many choices for her physical body, except for Anayi, there are only pure-blooded Jiuli people. However, Anayi has a strong sense of self-determination, even if she is willing to be a physical body, she will be rejected, so she can only choose the descendants of Jiuli.

The Jiuli people are the direct descendants of Ji and Chiyou, and they are her only bloodline that has been passed down to the world. Therefore, only the descendants of Jiuli can be used as her reincarnated body. However, as the ancestors of the Miao ethnic group, the Jiuli ethnic group, after thousands of years of Miao and Han mingling, have extremely rare descendants with pure blood.

In order to hinder Ji's return to the world, Anai declared to the Chishen believers that she was the incarnation of Ji in the world, and in the name of the Holy Lord instructed the Chishens to search for the descendants of Jiuli and hunt them down one by one. As a result, Ji's plan has not yet failed. accomplish.

More than ten years ago, Anayi found another couple of Jiuli and killed them. However, when she started, she found that the two were raising a baby girl. In fact, to her, people are no different from ants, but she still has a little compassion. Although she had killed the baby girl's parents, she couldn't do anything about the swaddle baby. Anyway, young children can't bear the powerful power, so she plans to wait for the other party to grow up, and then let him reunite with his parents in the underworld.

The lucky baby girl who survived is Jianhua.

Before, I always thought that Jianhua suffered from congenital heart disease, but in fact she did not have this disease. The reason why her heart was in trouble was because Anaiyi cast the Heart-Eating Gu of Jiuli's 72 Gus on her in order to prevent her from causing trouble for her.

Although Heart-Eating Gu will not be fatal in the short term, it will destroy the function of the heart and make the body of the victim weakened. In this way, even if Anayi fails to kill Jianhua in time in the future, Jianhua will not be able to withstand Ji's powerful strength because of her weak body, making Ji's plan to return to the world impossible.

Because Heart Eating Gu is a kind of biotechnology beyond the scope of human knowledge, modern medicine knows nothing about it, so Jian Hua has been misdiagnosed as congenital heart disease for many years.

Two years ago, when I was investigating the Gujian murder case, I accidentally learned about the Chishen Cult and the news that Anayi had sent the believers to find and kill Jianhua. I tried to stop it, but ended up being targeted by Anayi and nearly killed by her. Of course, Anayi didn't really want to kill me, she wouldn't kill any of Xuanyuan's descendants at all. She just wanted to scare me so I wouldn't get in her way. But in the process, she revealed the reason why she wanted to kill Jianhua. I said that destroying the key objects that will return to the human world, wouldn't it be done once and for all? Why do you have to work so hard to endlessly hunt down the Jiuli people who may never be killed

She actually muttered to herself at the time: "Why didn't I think about this?" It turned out that she had never thought about this issue, but only learned from the information conveyed by Jin what the other party was going to do, and she made trouble. She has lived for thousands of years, and her mind is still not very flexible.

Afterwards, I made an agreement with her that not only would she not kill Jian Hua, but she would also remove the Heart Eating Gu on Jian Hua, on the condition that I must hand over all the Three Talented Swords to Jian Hua before she turns 20. Because the Heart-Eating Gu will attack when Jianhua is 20 years old, causing her heart to perforate, causing massive internal bleeding to death...

When he said this, I couldn't help but be afraid for a while, and asked with lingering fear: "Are you taking too much risk? If you and Anaiyi hadn't arrived in time, Principal Wang might have already held a soul-calling ceremony. Die without the power of the scorpion."

"I won't let the girl take risks!" Xiaoxiang caressed Jianhua's head dotingly, "I know you will do your best to protect Jianhua, but once you encounter a problem that needs to be solved with your fists, there is nothing you can do. In order to cope with this situation, I have other preparations." He shouted to the back of the woods: "Brother, the matter has been resolved, let's go out for supper together!"

Figures swayed in the woods, and after a while, four big men with machetes came out. When they entered the range of candlelight, I found that it was Durian and his men.

Durian came to us with a machete that seemed to be welded with a paper cutter from a printing factory, and shouted in his loud voice like a megaphone: "I want to eat Senji's roast goose scallops, "

"Okay, it's fine if you want to eat the whole one." Xiao Xiang readily agreed.

I said to Xiao Xiang in surprise: "Have they been hiding in the woods? Why haven't they been discovered by Principal Wang?"

Just as Xiao Xiang was about to speak, I heard a familiar male voice behind me: "Only you idiot didn't find out." Looking back, I found that Master Mu and Xue Qing, who was carrying a sniper gun, did not know when they appeared in the Behind me, I was startled.

Master Mu said again: "Actually, the old monster knew we were coming, but we didn't provoke him, so he ignored us and concentrated on arranging his magic circle."

"Since you have so many people here, why didn't you kill him?" I glanced at the sniper gun that Xueqing was carrying, and complained in a low voice, "I was almost killed by that fat fat man."

"I can't blame everyone." Xiao Xiang patted me on the shoulder to show comfort, and explained: "Weapons such as knives and spears may be able to subdue Wenfu, but they can't deal with Principal Wang. Because he is a corpse witch, his body has long been He's already dead, and it doesn't make any sense to shoot him a few more times and slash a dozen knives. Moreover, he knows how to use Gu, so fighting against him is like hitting a stone with an egg. That's why I entrust you with the heavy responsibility of paying the ransom. ."

"You didn't come to deal with Wen Fu in person, but to find Anayi?" I asked.

He nodded: "It's not easy to find her. It will take some time to find her, otherwise everyone will be injured."

"Is President Wang really that powerful? If I hadn't seen a lot of white bugs come out of him just now, I would have thought he was no different from an ordinary old man." Thinking of the scene just now, I couldn't help feeling palpitations, and then I thought of it again. Another question, I asked: "Just now when Anayi said 'the skin of the dead Jiazi', does it mean that Principal Wang has been dead for 60 years? But as far as I know, he is only 63 years old. If he really died After so long, didn't he die at the age of three?"

Xiao Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, he did die when he was three years old. Didn't you notice that he had a scent of rice on him?"

Principal Wang did have a smell of rice on his body. He claimed that it was because of his habit of washing his hair with rice water. Regardless of whether he lied or not, what does this scent have to do with him having been dead for sixty years

I was puzzled everywhere, and Xiao Xiang smiled and said: "He not only washes his hair with rice water, but also uses it to take a bath. If he doesn't take a bath with rice water for a week, he will emit a corpse stench that is disgusting. "

"This person is really scary!" Jian Hua, like a frightened little rabbit, snuggled into his brother's arms.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be by your side to protect you," Xiaoxiang added, "always."

Although I didn't want to interrupt their enjoyment of the warmth between brothers and sisters, there was a question that bothered me, which made me have to ask: "Principal Wang's Gu technique was taught by Jin? But he died when he was three years old, how could he How did you learn such a miraculous Gu technique?"

"His body is indeed dead when he was three years old, but the body he has used is more than this one." He then told me the origin of Principal Wang—

What was the name of this Principal Wang originally, I don't think he can remember clearly, because he has lived for at least a thousand years, and I think he should be the longest-lived one of the believers. As I said just now, because he is in a different world, he can't keep in touch with the human world, and only once every sixty years. Because the time interval was too long, there were very few cultists who could accept her orders and carry them out. For this reason, she specially taught some highly gifted believers the reincarnation Gu technique—the Soul Inheriting Gu in Jiuli's 72 Gus.

Soul Inheriting Gu is equivalent to borrowing a corpse to revive the soul. Before dying, the caster injects his own soul into the corpse that has been cursed by a Gu, and continues to live in the form of a corpse witch. The body of the corpse witch will not only not rot because of the Gu technique, but also continue to grow like a normal person. But a corpse is always a corpse, and it is inevitable that there will be a corpse odor, so it is necessary to take a bath with rice water to remove the corpse odor.

The effect of Soul Inheritance Gu can only last for 60 years, and once the time limit expires, the corpse will rot again. At this time, the caster must sacrifice to the 魃 and get in touch with the 魃. On the one hand, accept the new instructions of the 魃. At the same time, she also reincarnated with her power.

Because Soul Inheritance Gu can only be performed once in 60 years, and the corpse will grow and age like a normal person, so a young corpse must be selected. In this way, there is no need to worry that the corpse is too weak to perform the next Soul Inheritance Gu, and there is no need to worry about the relatives of the corpse being suspicious due to the change of temperament.

The Mirror Ghosts, namely Wu Wei and his wife, like Wen Fu, are all students of Principal Wang. Wen Fu, because of Wang Da's relationship, had seen Principal Wang's tricks, and joined the Red God Sect under the temptation of immortality. The Mirror Ghost was recruited by Principal Wang as a Red God cultist after his son's death.

Principal Wang told them to keep their son's body with a strange aroma, and deceived them that they could bring their son back to life as long as they devoted themselves to serving the priest. In fact, his so-called resurrection is to cast Chenghun Gu on the son of the Mirror Ghost, so that he can live another sixty years. However, his plan was eventually thwarted by you, causing him to miss his once-in-a-60-year chance to reincarnate. Therefore, he was forced to take the risk of summoning Chi You's soul, trying to revive Chi.

In fact, it is not good for everyone to revive 魃, because 魃 will definitely bring the whole world into an unprecedented disaster. Therefore, although Principal Wang has believed in Jin for thousands of years, he has always been perfunctory with his orders, and even hid one of the three-talented swords on his body, in order to prevent others from resurrecting Jin. But this time, he has no choice, if he doesn't bring Jin back to life, he won't be able to live for long...

Xiao Xiang's explanation not only relieved my doubts, but also made me realize that I had overlooked many problems. However, although the mystery has basically been solved, I still have one question that I haven't figured out, and that is why he and Master Mu know my whereabouts.

For this question, he did not answer directly, but instead asked me: "Ha, have you ever thought about why I will give you a mobile phone instead of directly giving you Wenfu's mobile phone number?"

I frowned and replied, "I really didn't think about it?"

"Stupid!" Master Mu gave me a blank look.

Xueqing looked at him and Xiaoxiang thoughtfully, and said indifferently, "The phone is equipped with a GPS (Global Positioning System) chip, so they can find you."

"You guys belong together?" I looked at Xiao Xiang and Master Mu in surprise.

Master Mu gave me another look: "I already said that the fate of the three of us is connected. If you can find me, can't I have contact with him?"

"Then you gave me the coin because you knew I would get a knife?" I asked.

"Who knew you would be stabbed, I gave you silk gold. If you don't die this time, save it for the next time!" he said impatiently.

"Amu, don't ask about this, leaking the secret is life-breaking." Xiao Xiang said as if he suddenly remembered something, and said, "Silk gold can't only be one yuan, it should be a certain integer plus one yuan, for example One hundred and one yuan. But if Amu survives the disaster this time, I think this silk gold is still free, why don't you invite us to have a meal! Miss Yuan, are you right?" He smiled and looked at Xueqing.

Xueqing was stunned for a moment, then nodded knowingly.

"Stinky boy, I knew there wouldn't be anything good with the two of you. Well, well, anyway, a small restaurant like Senji doesn't cost much." Master Mu said and took the lead to go back.

"Since you said it's a small restaurant, I'm embarrassed to let Miss Yuan go to that kind of place?" Xiao Xiang smiled maliciously.

"I know that there is a hotel where you can eat a buffet in the early morning, and you can also eat fresh oysters!" Durian excitedly shoved the machete on his shoulders to his subordinates, and pointed to Wen Fu who was lying on the ground. , "You take this dead fat man to the Public Security Bureau first, and then come to the hotel. Hurry up, or you won't be able to eat the shells." After that, he urged everyone to hurry up and take you.

Xiaoxiang Xueqing smiled and asked, "Miss Yuan, is the buffet okay?"

Xueqing didn't speak, just glanced at Master Mu, who sighed helplessly: "I knew I would go bankrupt today."

Volume 15 Eternal Corpse Witch Ending


Liang Zheng walked into the director's office, put a stack of reports on the director's desk, and said with relief: "Okay, finally all the cases at hand have been dealt with."

He pulled out his chair and sat down, picked up the top report, and reported to the director: "Prisoner Wang Wenfu has confessed to his crimes, including killing the head of the county police station and his wife, and setting fire to the residence of Wu Wei and his wife. and shops, assisting Wang Jin, the principal of Wangcun Elementary School, to torture and kill the boy Wang Zhijun, and promptly remove evidence from the scene, forged fingerprints and other evidence to frame the former police officer Xiang Xiwang. In addition, he also confessed to the cultists who attacked Amu, as well as 60 other cultists. The three, including the inner ghost who lurked in the police force and used eavesdropping equipment to collect information, have been handed over to A Yang for a separate case."

He put the report down and the director looked at each other, and the two brothers were silent for a long time. After half an hour, he finally spoke again to break the silence: "That's it... The conspiracy team is disbanded."

"There is no room for negotiation?" The director stared at his stubborn brother with deep eyes.

"Please, I finally found an excuse to unload this burden!" Liang Zheng squeezed out a cynical smile, "Since the establishment of the conspiracy team, your younger brother and sister have been nagging me every day, saying that every day I bring a large She went home to read a pile of documents. It has been a long time since I watched soap operas with her.

She wants me to be transferred back to the anti-vice team sooner! "

The director sighed softly: "Since your decision has been made, I won't say more. But I hope you know that only I am still in this position, the door of the conspiracy team can be reopened at any time, and you can continue at any time. Be the leader."

"Let's talk about it when your siblings stop bothering me!" Liang Zheng waved his hand, then changed the subject, "Let's talk about the deployment of team members first, Xueqing and Zhen Zhen can be transferred back to their original departments, and Xiaomiao can do whatever they want. All she needs to do is arrange a clerical job. Awei can be dismissed directly. Anyway, he doesn't want to stay in the Public Security Bureau. As for Amu, although he has a lot of violations when dealing with this case, they are all in my hands. It was carried out at the behest. If possible, I hope you don't transfer him back to the anti-picking team, it would be a waste of his ability in that kind of place. And..." He hesitated for a moment, "Axiang has officially submitted his resignation letter, can you? Can't you stop prosecuting him for stealing evidence?"

"He was also forced to, and in this case, he was considered a meritorious deed. This matter should be sold to him as a favor, and maybe it will be of use to him in the future. The deployment of other team members is as you wish. Let's make arrangements, as for Amu..." The director smiled slyly, "I'm going to give him a surprise."


At the end of life, the conspiracy team finally disbanded. We each packed up our personal belongings and prepared to leave this office that left us with many memories.

Viagra is just a laptop, put it in a backpack and it's done, but it leaves a mess of garbage on the table. Miaomiao's desk is full of snacks, and it has filled a cardboard box. She can continue to take out other sundries from the drawer. Viagra has to clean up with her.

Xueqing's Zhuo Zi has always been very tidy, and she didn't bring many things with her. After retrieving some belongings from the drawer, she disappeared. I asked Miaomiao, where did she go, and why didn't she even say goodbye to us. Miaomiao replied, "Sister Xueqing has been in a bad mood recently!"

"Why?" I asked puzzled.

As for the arrangement of work, the boss has negotiated with the director, and Xueqing will be transferred back to her original department, and it is said that she may be promoted, so she should have no worries at work. Since trouble does not stem from work, it must be love.

"She's in a love triangle right now." Miaomiao picked up a packet of charcoal-roasted beef jerky in her left hand, "one is the mighty, brave and handsome Big Brother Fu," held up a box of Swiss chocolates in her right hand, "the other is erudite and versatile. , The humorous and humorous Master Mu. I don't know how to choose."

"It's fine if you have me." Viagra put the snacks in her hand into the carton, picked up the carton and walked out, and turned around to say goodbye to me and Zhen Zhen: "Brother Mu, Zhen Zhen, I'll accompany Miaomiao to the file first. Report to the department and familiarize yourself with the environment. Otherwise, when I leave, she can't even find the power button. If you have something to eat and play, remember to count us!"

Miaomiao went out with his clothes, and Viagra was fired, but the boss said that his previous hacking behavior was not investigated by the police.

As long as he does not commit crimes in the future, with his computer skills, his income will definitely be much higher than that of being a filer in the police force.

In the empty conspiracy team, there were only me and Zhen Zhen left. We haven't said a word since she left angrily that night, and now I don't know if I should say "goodbye" to her. Just as I was hesitating about this, she spoke first: "I remember you said that even if you can't be a colleague, you can still be a friend. So... will we still be friends in the future?"

I was about to speak when I saw a purple figure walking in from the door. Turning his head to look, he almost didn't call out, it turned out to be Hua Zidie who came in!

Zi Die glanced at Zhen Zhen with hostile eyes, then turned her head and said to me: "You are still here, Uncle Zheng hasn't told you yet? I just transferred to the Criminal Investigation Bureau, and I will be your direct supervisor from now on. ."



It's been a long time since Xiao Xiang was like this, lying comfortably on the sofa at home, resting on Jian Hua's thigh, and letting the other party dig his ears for him.

In the past two years at the tip of a gun, he couldn't even let himself relax for a moment, and he didn't dare to contact anyone he could trust so as not to implicate the other party. Thinking about it, it has been two years since I seriously plucked my ears.

The relatives are very particular about picking their ears, and they don’t stick cotton swabs directly into the ear holes like ordinary people do. Because that not only can not clean the ear, but will push the earwax deep into the ear canal.

Jian Hua first used a luminous ear spoon to remove the large piece of earwax from his brother's ear hole. This step must be very careful. Therefore, except for the most trusted Jian Hua, Xi Wang will not let anyone pierce his ears.

After taking out a large piece of earwax, Jianhua dripped ear lotion into his brother's ear. After soaking for ten seconds, pour out the ear wash, and then carefully clean the softened earwax remaining in the ear canal with a cotton swab.

After Jian Hua carefully cleaned the ear holes on both sides for her brother, Xi Wang was still resting on her lap, reluctant to get up. Because this long-lost comfortable feeling is really hard to resist. If he could, he was willing to maintain this position forever. However, someone seemed unhappy that he had been lying there, and the phone on the coffee table rang out of time.

Jian Hua picked up the phone and handed it to his brother. Seeing his brother frowning at the number on the screen, he couldn't help but ask, "Who is calling?"

"A rare guest, it turns out to be Director Liang."

"Didn't Uncle Zheng say that the police won't hold you accountable for the theft of evidence?" Jian Hua looked anxious.

"It's alright, don't worry." After Xiwang comforted his sister, he answered the phone, "Director Liang, hello!"

"I didn't expect you to remember the number of the director's office." The director's voice came from the receiver.

"Of course I remember. The former minister used this phone to lecture me a lot."

"Hehe, but every time he mentioned you before, he said that you were a model for the police force, and that you would take the position of the minister sooner or later."

"Director Liang, you laughed." Xi Wang said humbly.

"Okay, the polite words have been said, it's time to talk about business." The director's tone was slightly serious, "You should already know about the disbandment of the conspiracy team?"

"Well, Amu told me."

"Although the conspiracy team has been disbanded, mysterious cases still occur from time to time, so another person must be found to take over the work of the conspiracy team."

The director paused, then said, "You are a rare case-handling expert. It's a waste of your talent to be idle at home like this. Besides, you have a younger sister who is studying in college. It's not a problem without a stable source of income. Good thing. Perhaps, you can consider the work of the Intervention Unit and continue to serve the police force."

"This is not very good. After all, I am a person who left the police force due to negligence of duty. I am afraid that if I join the police field again, I will be offended. Besides, as a criminal policeman, there are many taboos in doing things, which is not in line with my style of doing things." Xi Wangtui slander.

"If you don't want to join the police force, you can intervene in the work of the conspiracy team in the form of external employment. Although this will not pay you a monthly salary, there is a considerable reward for every case you solve. With your ability, the income will definitely not be lower than the average police officer."

Xi Wang smiled slyly: "I will seriously consider it."

(End of the book)

Supernatural file Chongqing red boy

The inspiration for this volume comes from the famous death of a 13-year-old boy in Chongqing.

According to reports, when Kuang Jilu, a migrant worker, returned to his old house to give money to his son Kuang Zhijun, who was living in school, he found that the front door and side door of the house were closed. The red dress hangs on the roof beam. Upon closer inspection, I found that my son's hands and feet were tied with ropes, and a large scale was hanging from his feet, and he had already died of anger.

According to the forensic inference, Kuang Zhijun happened to be 13 years old and 13 days old when he died. After autopsy, it was confirmed that there was a small hole in front of the deceased's forehead and slight trauma. There were deep strangle marks on the thighs, hands, two ribs, and the upper part of the bare feet of the deceased. In addition, there were no other wounds. The cause of death of the deceased has not yet been released by the police.

The mysterious death of the deceased wearing a red dress and weighing scales on his feet inevitably reminds people of cult rituals. What's even weirder is that inside the red dress, the deceased was wearing a swimsuit that belonged to his cousin, and he didn't even have a piece of clothes that belonged to him.

In addition, the deceased's mother, Gu Denghui, claimed that before finding out that the deceased had an accident, she had a strange dream that a strange man broke into her old house and told her to go home to see her son. When she woke up, she was very worried about this, so she asked her husband to go home to check, but she did not expect to find that her son had died tragically at home.

Some metaphysicians analyzed the matter and believed that the deceased had five elements on his body when he died, and he happened to die at the age of 13 and 13 days, and there were pinholes in his forehead. .

In order to cooperate with the development of the plot, the story said that because the mobile phone of the deceased was damaged, the parents were unable to contact him. In reality, the mobile phone of the deceased's father was damaged, making it impossible to contact him.

[End of full text]

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[About Xiaoxiang's Fragmented Memories]

☆、Select your phone number

Jianhua is already a high school student. Although Xiwang thinks that her sister who is still a student is not suitable for owning a mobile phone, in view of her physical condition, it is necessary for her to purchase a communication tool that can keep in touch with her at any time.

Jianhua originally wanted to use Xiwang's old mobile phone, but Xiwang insisted on buying her a new smartphone, and told her: "If you use this mobile phone to read e-books and study, it will be so expensive. It's worth it, but if it's just for playing games, texting, or showing off to classmates, even my old phone won't be given to you."

Xiwang has a wide range of contacts and many friends. The purchase of a mobile phone was quickly implemented, and the price was much lower than the market price. However, after the mobile phone is in hand, another problem arises, that is, which mobile phone number to choose.

Jian Hua took the number list brought back by Xiwang and looked at it for a long time, scratching his head as he looked, not knowing which number to choose. The reason why she was so hesitant was not that there was no number that she liked on the list. On the contrary, the list was full of pretty numbers, but the price was very expensive. She was reluctant to let her brother spend too much money on it.

Seeing his sister's thoughts, Xiwang said to her, "The market price is on the list. My friend won't charge me at this price, he will only charge me the cost price."

Seeing Hua was very happy, and immediately picked a few numbers, for example, the tail numbers are: 1314, 3344, 1312 and other interesting numbers. However, Xi Wang frowned slightly for her choice, and she couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Are these numbers bad?"

Xi Wang smiled slightly: "It's good, but it's a bit tacky."

"Then what number is good?" Jian Hua tilted his head and looked at his brother.

"This is pretty good. It's an auspicious number just like my tail number." Xi Wang pointed to a number with a tail of 5515.

Seeing Hua's puzzled look, he asked suspiciously, "It's good to have the same tail number as yours, but why is it called an auspicious number? Why didn't I see that it was auspicious?"

Xiwang smiled and said: "There are ten in heaven and earth, the sum of ten is called 'the number of big evolution', and the sum of five is called 'number of small evolution'. In simple terms, the number of big evolution is one to ten. And, that is, fifty-five; and the number of Xiaoyan is the sum of one to five, that is, fifteen. The ancients believed that these two numbers contained all the phenomena of heaven and earth, and were auspicious numbers, and the tail of this number contained With these two numbers, of course it is an auspicious number."

"It turns out, I want this number!" Jianhua smiled happily.

☆、Birthday gift

Xiwang sat at the desk and looked through the documents, and saw Hua walked over to him with a sad face and said, "Brother, a boy invited me to his birthday party..."

"It doesn't matter, you can go if you want! I don't object to you making friends, but you have to know how to distinguish between good and bad." Xi Wang raised his head and smiled slightly, then continued to look at the information.

Jianhua shook his head vigorously: "That's not what I meant, that boy often haunts me like a fly and hates it to death, so I don't want to go. It's just that people invite me, even if I don't go, I will politely send him a gift. a gift."

"Don't you know what to give him?" Xi Wang put down his work and chatted with his sister intently.

Jian Hua nodded: "Well, I'm afraid that he will misunderstand that I am interested in him if I send a gift that is too expensive, but there is no need for it. But if I send a gift that is too cheap, I'm afraid of being laughed at."

"Then it's easy to handle, so let's give this!" Xi Wang took out a pencil from the pen holder and handed it to his sister, and said, "This pencil is good, it can be used in exams, it's practical and interesting, and no one will laugh at it. you."

Seeing Hua holding a pencil, he muttered in his heart: Isn't it just a pencil? What can it mean!

Out of trust in her brother, she finally gave the pencil away.

After the birthday party, the boy didn't pester her anymore, and her classmate asked curiously, "What did you give him?"

She replied inexplicably: "Isn't it a 2B pencil for exams!"


Rumored Viagra and Sailor moon (Part 1)

Viagra is a strange person, and what a request is talking about is the real Viagra, not the wretched hacker in the novel.

Viagra is a friend of Qiu in real life, and it is also the only friend who has been written into a novel by Qiu, because his life is so legendary, even more legendary than that of Qiu who is always dead.

To talk about the legendary life of Viagra, we must start with his family. He is the second child in the family, with older sisters and younger brothers. Don't think that Wei Ma is a big family. In fact, Wei Ma only gave birth to his son. Where did the elder sister and younger brother come from? It was born by Wei Dad's first term and his current wife, and Wei Ma is of course the second term. In other words, the Wei family was born to three mothers, which shows how romantic Wei dad is.

Some Qiu came to know Viagra because he played online games. He was a friend of a friend. After meeting him, he realized that our house was not far away, just a mountain away. Some Qiu often passed by his house. However, after a begging moved, there were fewer opportunities to meet. Although Viagra in reality is not a hacker, he is also a computer expert. He has basically played online games in the early days, and he is a more advanced high-end player in each game. However, his most powerful is the King of Fighters. He rarely encounters opponents of the same level, so once he encounters a master, he will go crazy. And what made him ashamed the most was that no matter when he was online, he was also online, day and night, and leveling at all times. At that time, plug-ins were not popular, and leveling had to be done manually, so a certain Qiu wondered if he didn't have to sleep.

In fact, Viagra doesn’t really sleep much. When a Qiu first met him, he didn’t have a job. He started to sleep at dawn, and was shoveled out of bed by Wei’s mother at lunch. After dinner, he started playing online games again until it was dark and dawn. Lie down on the bed. Week by week, day by day.

Maybe everyone will think that Viagra is just a typical otaku nerd, but in terms of implementation, nerfing the otaku may be considered, but otaku is not. Let’s talk about his source of life first. Dad Wei is a rich owner. Although he doesn’t usually care about Viagra, he gave him an old house and received a rent of one thousand and several hundred yuan a month, which is comparable in a poor place. The average monthly salary is even more. And Wei Ma is an accountant, and the salary is not low. He doesn't need his filial piety. He doesn't need to worry about the water, electricity, gas and telephone bills at home. These rents are basically squandered for him.

Well, man, you don't have to work, and you have a little money in your pocket. Of course, you want to play, and Viagra is the same. The days when a certain Qiu was crazy with him can almost be described as a drunken life and a dream of death Now, go to the small shop in front of his house for credit.

Do you think it is strange that a certain Qiu just said that Viagra is online at all times, so how can he play outside every day? Some Qiu thought it was strange at first, but only after he went to his house to find him did he find out that he had two personal "power trainers" - Wei Di and Sailor moon.

When I was playing online games before, when a Qiu talked to him, he often only replied to MM or DD, and the same was true of what he said. Only later did I find out that it was him who ran to play, and asked Weidi and Sailor moon to help him level up.

Sailor moon will talk about it later, let's talk about Weidi first. Weidi is a professional power trainer. He can play whatever Viagra does. He knows almost everything except that he can't type, and he goes to Viagra's house as soon as school is over. Of course, Viagra welcomed him without permission, and Wei Ma was too embarrassed to blow him away, after all, he had a special status. Therefore, he is usually pulled home to eat by his own mother by twisting his ears.

How good is the relationship between Viagra and Weidi, I don't need to say more about a certain request, let's talk about Weijie! Sister Wei works in the "provincial capital", which is about an hour's drive from the ghost place where Mouqiu is. The most impressive thing about a certain girl is that when she was about to get married, she often came back to find Viagra, in order to help him find a job, and seeing her like that was more nervous than Wei's mother.

Although Viagra's family background is so complicated that it can be written into a novel, but all the family members treat him very well, maybe it's a blessing accumulated in a previous life! Coupled with his Sailor moon, a certain Qiu really wanted to say to him: "You stepped on shit? You are so lucky!"

Sailor moon is Viagra's girlfriend. The name comes from "Sailor Moon", which is the heroine Sailor Moon (Khan one). She was originally a junior at Viagra Middle School. The two lived very close to each other, and they walked together after school. Forgot to mention, Viagra is very feminine. During the Spring Festival, there is a house of children and classmates who ask Wei Ma for red envelopes. Viagra originally liked a female classmate in the class, but they clearly rejected him, and then he hooked up with Sailor moon.

Sailor moon had been living with him for several years when he got to know Viagra, maybe it was too easy to get it, or maybe "love has become a habit", and he always felt that he was not very good to Sailor moon. There's one thing that says a lot about their relationship and what Viagra is.

It is said that once, Viagra bought a new computer, but the graphics card had compatibility problems, so he wanted to ask someone for a replacement. His graphics card is worse than that of Xuqiu, but Xuqiu's computer often crashes, and no reason can be found, so he agreed to replace it with him to see if it would be better. At that time, he promised to come over immediately, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see anyone, so he went to his house to find him.

When he arrived at his house, he found that he was playing The King of Fighters online. Some Qiu couldn't help but started scolding, who knew that when a Qiu scolded, Wei Ma and Sailor moon joined the battle group to bombard Viagra. Wei Ma's history of blood and tears will probably have to be said for three days and three nights, so I won't talk about it here. First, let's talk about what Sailor moon complained to someone.

Sailor moon is a sales clerk in a children's clothing store. Once, she had to get off work at 8 o'clock in the evening because of the inventory, and there was no bus at that time, so she asked Viagra to drive her motorcycle to pick her up. She told Viagra the day before, and called him again at 7:30 that night to remind him, but she didn't see anyone until almost ten o'clock. Every time she called him, she said that she would be there soon, but the drive between the two places was only ten o'clock. only minutes. In the end, she had to come back by herself, and when she came back, she found that Viagra was playing King of Fighters...

The law and order here is not very good. It is well-known in the country. Letting his girlfriend take a taxi home alone in the middle of the night is probably only possible with Viagra. However, if other girls asked him to be a driver, he was always there.

For a boyfriend like Viagra, maybe most girls would dump him immediately, but Sailor moon only complained a few words at the time. Then Viagra went to take a bath, and she obediently helped Viagra level up. Both are weirdos.

To say that the strange thing between them is far more than this one, and their love affair is wonderful after that! But before that, a certain asked to tell a Sailor moon's secret.

Rumored Viagra and Sailor moon (Part 2)

Sailor moon is actually a very interesting girl. She is petite and has a baby face. She looks like sixteen years old every year. She can even wear children's clothes in a larger size. Once she said to a Qiu with all her heart: "I cheated!" However, after listening to her so-called cheating experience, a Qiu wanted to say to Viagra, "You stepped on shit!"

Sailor moon's derailment experience is actually very simple, but intriguing. She said that there was a guy who often dated her, and the other party's condition was five times better than Viagra. She also liked "five times better", so she had a meal with "five times better" behind Viagra. After that... no, so gone. After one meal, she never met with "Five Times Better" and didn't even answer the phone.

A certain request said that you and "five times better" eating are normal social interactions, and you haven't even held hands, can you be considered cheating in that way? She said that although she hadn't cheated sexually, she had already cheated mentally. She felt very sorry for Viagra and felt very guilty.

Long live! The term "mental infidelity" was really unheard of for a certain Qiu, so he immediately asked her if she had any sisters, and quickly introduced her to a certain Qiu. She said she had a sister, but she was still young...

After Sailor moon's spiritual derailment, it's Viagra's turn to be derailed. Maybe inherited the romantic gene of Wei Dad. After seven years with Sailor moon, Viagra finally got rid of the seven-year itch, and he was messing around outside.

At that time, Wei's mother helped him find a good job, working in the water and electricity group. She usually had nothing to do, but the salary was quite high, and she was considered half a civil servant. At that time, he and the gang of birdmen spent almost every night in the bar. At the beginning, he occasionally brought Sailor moon to play, but gradually he didn't bring them. Once, halfway through his drink, he suddenly said he wanted to go out. A certain Qiu thought he wanted to escape, but half an hour later, he actually brought Chang.

Chang is a friend of Viagra's friend, and a certain Qiu has also had a few drinks with her before, and she is not too familiar with her. In my impression, she was not too familiar with Viagra, but Viagra always followed girls other than Sailor moon, so I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. However, since then, every time she drinks with Viagra, she will come, and Viagra personally picks up.

Some Qiu begins to realize that their relationship is not simple, but Some Qiu thinks that he is just playing on the scene, because Sailor moon told Some Qiu that Wei Ma was planning to buy a new house for them to get married, so Some Qiu did not. Talk a lot. Who knew Viagra broke up with Sailor moon after a few months.

It can be seen from their breakup process that Sailor moon cares about this relationship. Listening to Viagra, he came home that day and said to her: "You move back to your house!"

Sailor moon stayed for a while, then said calmly: "It's very late now, tomorrow!

The next day, she said: "There are so many things, I can't move them, let's do it tomorrow!"

On the third day, she said, "It's raining, tomorrow!"

On the fourth day, she finally moved, and Viagra helped her move things away.

After Viagra broke up with Sailor moon, a certain begging group broke up with him for a while, because on the condition of Sailor moon, he was willing to be blind to a wretched man, not to mention that she had turned against her parents for Viagra. He has lived in his house since he graduated from high school.

Although some Qiu and others despised Viagra's shameless behavior, Chang, the Empress of the West Palace, has finally entered the Wei family. In the past, Wei Ma often complained to Qiu that Sailor moon was not good or bad, but now she always said to Qiu, what happened to Sailor moon in the past, and now it doesn't even have half of her! In Wei's mother's mouth, a certain Qiu had never even heard Chang's name, so she didn't remember Chang's name, or was disdainful to say it.

Niigong Niangniang broke up with Viagra about half a year after entering the Wei family. There are two reasons: first, because her relationship with Wei Ma was bad, and Wei Ma had a lot of opinions about her relationship with many men; second, she had one day When I got home, I found that the door was locked. After knocking on the door for a long time, Viagra opened the door. At this time, Sailor moon was also in the room. After that, of course, Empress Donggong entered the Wei family again.

Sailor moon feels guilty for his spiritual infidelity, but he can forgive the infidelity on Viagra. Who is this girl looking for? However, their story is not over yet, the appearance of Sailor chibimoon makes this love change again.

Sailor chibimoon (sailor moon) is Sailor moon's sister. In fact, as early as a few years ago on Viagra's birthday, a certain Qiu met her once. She was still young, about 16 years old, but she was already quite playful. A certain beggar is more obscene. When he sees a single beautiful woman, he will naturally harass him, put his arms around his shoulders or something. However, she had no intention of resisting the frivolity of a certain request. If it wasn't for Sailor moon to warn Mouqiu that her sister is still young, don't spoil her, and Mouqiu is ready to start.

When Viagra and Sailor moon were about to enter their tenth year, they broke up for the second time, this time with Sailor moon's sister.

The second time I saw Sailor chibimoon was three years after the first meeting, and it was Viagra's birthday. At this time, it had been a while since Viagra and his sister were together again, but his sister didn't show up on his birthday, but his sister came instead.

In fact, when I saw my sister for the second time, a certain Qiu didn't recognize her. At first, she thought she was her sister, but it didn't look like her when I looked closely. After all, I hadn't seen her for three years. However, she was able to recognize a request.

Given that Viagra had a criminal record, a certain Qiu asked his sister if he wanted to soak his sister-in-law while he was on the toilet. At that time, he just perfunctoryly asked a few words and continued to drink. After a request, he said: "You are not interested in her, then I will do it!" He still didn't respond.

Afterwards, a begger seriously attacked his sister, put his arms around her waist and sang with her, but she didn't resist and let a beg wipe out the oil. Although Mouqiu is very familiar with his sister, it is only the second time we meet her. I don't know if Mouqiu is too charming or if she is too open.

During the period, Mouqiu paid special attention to Viagra. He turned a blind eye to the intimacy of Mouqiu and his sister, and continued to toast with other buddies. However, a certain Qiu knew him very well, he didn't really care, but was pretending to be crazy. Therefore, a certain Qiu does not dare to go too far. You must know that a certain Qiu's unique skill is to commit murder by drunkenness and forcibly kiss a single beautiful woman. The success rate is 100%.

Afterwards, Mouqiu talked to her sister about the matter and asked her if she knew that Viagra was very close to her sister, but she still had a blank expression on her face. I knew at the time that something was going to happen again. Sure enough, not long after that, she broke up with Viagra again, and her sister entered the Wei family.

This time, some buddies have been completely disappointed with Viagra. Sailor moon has followed him for ten years, dedicating all the best ten years of a woman's life to him, even at the expense of turning against their parents and cheating on their own spirit. And self-blame, can more forgive his sexual derailment, emotional betrayal.

If you get a wife like this, what can your husband ask for? A beg for envy!

However, the story of Viagra did not end there. Although a certain Qiu and others have repeatedly alienated him, they are good brothers after all. Although they are busy now, they always find time to get together. Just last month, when a certain Qiu was mad for rushing the draft, the brothers caught him out with a phone call.

This time it was purely a gathering of brothers, so it was stated in advance that no family members could attend. During the dinner, a certain Qiu and others were most concerned about Viagra's love life. When asked whether he was with his sister or sister now, he didn't answer, and he didn't even say whether he had a girlfriend now. Oh my god, how dare this bitch make herself a star! If he doesn't say it, someone will always say that the abalone lives near his house, so a certain request asks the abalone.

Brothers, there is nothing taboo about speaking, and Abalone sprayed Viagra on the spot. It turned out that Wei Ma had looked for Baby Abalone because of Viagra's emotional problems. Wei Ma asked him, who is Viagra with now

Viagra is almost 30 years old, what else can't I say about my girlfriend? If there is, he will make one sound, if not, he will make two sounds, but he just doesn't say a word. If we talk too much, he will say that he has an appointment to leave first. After he left, Abalone told us that Sailor chibimoon also moved away after a quarrel with Wei Ma some time ago. As for the reason for the quarrel, Wei Ma was very dissatisfied that other men often came to her, and it was rumored that her relationship between men and women was messed up, and there were green clouds all over Viagra's head. Wei Ma scolded her fiercely, but she didn't show any weakness. She said "I'm just playing with your son" and moved away.

Viagra's life is full of legends, and everyone around him treats him well, even doting. However, he didn't cherish it. Wei's mother was willing to spend half of her life savings to buy a new house for him for the wedding. Unfortunately, a request has not received his invitation yet. Sailor moon blamed himself for his spiritual derailment, but was able to forgive his betrayal, followed him silently for nearly ten years, and finally left sadly...

A certain Qiu once planned to write the story of Viagra into a novel, in which he and Sailor moon would eventually have a lover and get married. But a certain Qiu has never written, because a certain Qiu is waiting, and when they really get together again, it will be a perfect ending for this story. However, can the truth really be as perfect as someone imagined it to be

Infatuated Sailor moon.

Damn Viagra!



☆、Feng Shui will

You must have heard the terms "feng shui" and "will", but not many people know about "feng shui will". In fact, the "Feng Shui Will" is one of the important props in the ceremony of "Cultivating the Foundation".

You may ask again, what is the matter with the "seed birth base"

To put it simply, "planting the foundation" is to "bury" the living as the dead. Of course, it is not really to bury people, it is just a ritual. A certain begging to be lazy and reposted a commentary on "Feng Shui Will" and "Growing the Foundation" in the "Deceased Chinachem Group Chairman Nurse Nguyen's Hundreds of Billions of Property Cases" reported by Hong Kong's Ming Pao. Interested friends can search for the report on this property dispute. A certain Qiu thinks it is very hanging, and maybe it will be used as a prototype and turned into a novel in the future.

Feng shui will is to borrow "seed birth base"

[Reporter Chen Chaoquan reports] Feng Shui numerology has a long history in China, and it exists and evolves in various forms. There are many factions and different theories. According to feng shui experts, the so-called feng shui will means that a person who is sick or has an official fault will seek a feng shui master to "seed the foundation". "Growing the foundation of life" is a ceremony of borrowing luck, which means "a living person should be a dead person". The practice is to first choose an appropriate feng shui place, bury the living person's time and personal items, such as clothes, hair or nails, and then set up a tombstone to enhance personal fortune by feng shui.

Nail and other burial and reburning offering table

Chinachem's feng shui expert witness is the guest host of the cable entertainment show "Strange Talk", Situ Fazheng. He is a Taoist forensic feng shui master. Liuren and Maoshan magic, and the seed of life or feng shui will belong to the category of law.

In an interview with the media earlier, Situ Fazheng pointed out that "planting a foundation", that is, finding a piece of land to dig a hole and burying ancient coins, ancient jade, living people's hair, fingernails, horoscope characters and charms, etc. Go underground and burn the sacrifice table to the gods. This sacrificial table is similar to a Feng Shui will. The sacrificial table usually states that it is under the order of the gods, hoping to escape the difficulties, and the parties will also give their valuables such as their property to the gods. After completing the ritual for 49 days, it symbolizes that the person can be reborn after death.

Doing 49 days of rituals symbolizes rebirth

Some people in the legal profession believe that summoning a Feng Shui scholar as an expert witness mainly depends on whether the expert witness has sufficient accreditation and whether he can be called an expert in this field. At this stage, it is difficult to say whether the testimony of Feng Shui experts is superstitious, because there are still some Feng Shui experts whose opinions are based on science and data.

☆、Birthday testimonials

I just received a birthday present from 17K, and I am very excited. After all, I haven't updated it for some days, but 17K has not forgotten me. Since 2008, it has been stationed in 17K until now, and it has experienced three years of ups and downs. I have seen 17K grow, and 17K has grown with me.

When I was a nobody, 17K gave me emotional care and financial support to get me through the most difficult days. Afterwards, he sent me to the Luxun College of Literature for further study, and recommended me to join the Guangdong Writers Association, which made me change from a water delivery worker to a professional writer. If there is no 17K, there will be no desire today.

Therefore, whenever I see the gifts that 17K has given me in the past three years, I feel very moved.

Counting how many gifts 17K gave me: Swiss Army Knife, T-shirts, teacups, air tickets, a lot of mice, RMB... I can't count.

☆、Recommend three excellent league works

Pay attention to the work "A Ghost Under the Bed"

Author: Qiubai Lanyu

Channel Category: Thriller>Fantastic Talk



When I was young, I always sneered at the so-called ghosts and gods, thinking that the ghosts, gods, demons, and demons in the mouth of the old man were all non-existent things, used to scare naughty children. If it weren't for a series of weird things that make me horrified in retrospect, I don't think I would have any reverence for heaven, earth, ghosts and gods in my life, and I would not believe that there are many other things in this world. What an incredible thing...

Reason for concern:

A typical rural ghost story, the description is detailed and realistic, but the sense of substitution is slightly weaker.

The theme of supernatural novels is never ghosts, but human nature, and ghosts are just props to cover up the ugliness of human nature.

Pay attention to the work "Employment of Public Enemies"

Author: Guangqumenwai

Channel Category: Science Fiction> Doomsday Crisis



[The fifth issue of the theme essay]: Mercenaries have no soul, so they are not afraid of anything. Diablo, a newly emerging mercenary terrorist organization, almost infiltrated and ruled the end times, but they suddenly found that they began to fear another group of mercenaries. This is a group of mercenaries who claim to have souls. They aim to kill all mercenaries and exterminate terror. For this reason, it is an enemy of all mercenaries, so it is called the public enemy of mercenaries. A recruit who tried to join the public enemy organization finally became a member of this mysterious organization after many tests. He discovered that these souls are both mercenaries and not mercenaries. The condensed soul drifted away again, where is the hope of the end of the world, is it survival or destruction? Perhaps there is no hope, only the emptiness and disillusionment of human nature.

Reason for concern:

1. Enter the exciting battle scene at the beginning, and quickly lead the reader to the plot (the beginning said that a lot of students with world views need to learn);

2. The scene description is detailed and has a great sense of picture.

Focus on works: "Hyridian World"

Author: The tree that pulls the wind

Channel Category: Historical Fiction >> Alternate History



Qin Shi Huang was twenty-six years old.

A hard-fought military doctor traveled back to this glorious time and became a veterinarian.

From then on, he and the world could not part.

From then on, a grass-roots splendid rise began.

Appreciate famous teachers, know heroes

Guiding the country, the scenery is beautiful

To attack the Xiongnu from the north, let him ride the horse and whip the whip

Going south to Baiyue, he hit the water

However, when the divergence point in history appeared to him, how did he choose

It is the wind and rain in the dark, turning the tide; although there are thousands of people, I will go!

Or move with the times, and shout from the heights: Prince and general, would you rather have a seed

Reason for concern:

Lao Qiu once discussed the issue of time-travel with the university. Lao Qiu thought that time-travel couldn’t be inexplicable, just take a walk and drink a glass of water to cross-travel. Isn’t everyone a time-travel criminal

During this period, Tang Chuan also carried it with Lao Qiu, saying that he just liked the inexplicable crossing of the university.

Lao Qiu thinks that time-travel should be like "Looking for Qin Ji", a hard sci-fi time-travel is the right way!

However, "Pussy Riding the World" changed Lao Qiu's outlook. It turns out that time travel doesn't have to be sci-fi, and fantasy-style time travel is also very flavorful.

☆, postscript

Dear Reader:

"The Conspiracy Group" was created in 2008 and has gone through four years of ups and downs. Thank you for your support all the time. Without you to accompany him through this difficult period, I am afraid that he is still a water delivery worker who daydreams all day.

Looking back at the beginning, a certain Qiuben planned to inject two new concepts into this work:

The first is to create stories based on real supernatural events, coupled with reasonable imagination, to write stories that interweave fantasy and reality. This has been achieved by a certain Qiu. Many horror legends in the novel are true supernatural stories circulating in the market. Although some legends may feel ordinary, it is horrifying to think that this is not a fictional plot, but something that actually happened.

Another concept is a novel narrative approach with a three-person hybrid narrative. A certain Qiu originally wanted to use the third person as the main theme, with the first and second person interspersed in the middle, but at the beginning of the creation, he found that he was unable to control this "secret" narrative method, so he had to give up and change to the first one. The three-person introduction, the weird narrative style of the first-person main text. Although this narrative style is a bit weird, on the whole, the work is fairly successful.

With the end of the first season of "The Conspiracy Team", Amu will "retire" with honor, but the wonderful story is not over yet, and the new chapter still needs you and I to interpret it together!

Just like the first-generation tragic supporting actress Miaomiao (screen name: Miaoyuan Miaomiao, the real person is a sexy little wild cat!), anyone who provides bizarre and bizarre materials for a certain request, such as real supernatural events, bizarre legends, and Or for special phenomena and events that cannot be explained by science, once they are used, the name of the provider can be used as the main role.

The material does not need to be written in detail, just explain the time, place, person and general history of the incident. Of course, the most important thing is the name of the material provider (for role arrangement, both screen names and real names are acceptable) and contact information (for giving sample books in the future). You can send the materials and contact information to a certain email address , and you can also communicate with a certain request through this email address.

The second season of "The Conspiracy Team" (ie "The Conspiracy Team Lingguang") is starring Xiao Xiang, and Amu will step back behind the scenes, occasionally jumping out to show his face, and playing tricks a few times. We are eagerly looking forward to your participation in the creation of the second season of "The Conspiracy Group" and its follow-up works, and to work together to write wonderful stories that belong to us.

The new book "The Conspiracy Team Lingguang" will be released on 17K after the 11th. The serial address is

wish everybody

All the best, happy and worry-free!

no desire

Written before the end of 2012

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