Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 21: Doom is inevitable


The mysterious phone call at midnight denied our previous investigation direction. The Su sisters cannot be the murderer, so who is the murderer

The current situation is very bad. The Su sisters have been arrested by Ye Rong. He is a man eager for quick success. Even if he knows that they are not murderers, he will beat them into a trick in order to take credit. Although these two sisters are not necessarily good people, as a police officer, I must not watch them suffer injustice.

The best way to clear their suspicions is to find out the real murderer, and it must be done as quickly as possible, because with Ye Rong's "work efficiency", we don't have much time. The murderer knew every detail of Yu Xian's abuse thirteen years ago, so he must be one of the ten people present at the time. Now, six of these ten people have been killed. Apart from the Su sisters and Min Yi, there is only Du Lixian. Could it be that he is the real murderer

Because Du Lixian has already moved abroad, we have been ignoring him all the time. Now, based on the known information, he may indeed be the murderer. At least he has a motive for murder. From Min Yi's confession, he knew that he liked Yu Xianling very much and would endure the pain of flesh and blood for her, so it is reasonable to avenge her murder now. But why can he kill with shadows? Why can you speak in Yu Xianling's voice? Why can I use Su Mengru's mobile phone to make calls? These are the crux of the matter.

In any case, Du Lixian must be investigated immediately, otherwise the Su sisters will become scapegoats. However, to know whether he is the murderer, you must first determine whether he is in the country, which requires the customs to check the entry records, so I asked Xueqing to go to the customs branch immediately. Although it is late at night and no one is working, we must hurry up and not miss a moment.

Then I called Viagra, but this guy still hadn't slept. He spoke more energetically than during the day: "Why are you looking for me so late, do you want to organize a group to order chickens? I heard that group buying can help you celebrate the festival, right!"

"Do you think I am this kind of person?" I said angrily.

"You can't look like a person. There's a saying that says, 'white and clean, all over the body's venereal diseases', hehe, I think you are such a person." Viagra's obscene laughter made people want to beat him.

To be honest, I have never tried prostitutes when I grew up. It is not that I am a gentleman, but I really can't raise the desire in that aspect when facing strange women. I think "sex" must be built on the premise of "love", and "sex" without "love" is just an outlet for animal desires, so I am never interested in whoring prostitutes.

Talking with Viagra can last until dawn, but I didn't have the time or mood to talk to him. I said seriously, "Stop talking nonsense, there is something serious for you to do."

"Just talk after get off work." This fellow still smirked.

"Alright then, I'll let Zhen Zhen go to your nest to talk to you and see if you can survive for a minute." Intimidation is almost inevitable when dealing with this wretched man.

"Don't, don't, don't, I can't stand Li MM's iron fist. Whatever you want me to do, just tell me." If you don't move Zhen Zhen or Xueqing out, don't expect this guy to work.

"I suspect that the murderer is Du Lixian. Please check his situation after he arrived in the United States."

There was a scream of Viagra in the microphone, and he immediately said: "Do you think I came from the CIA? He has been in the United States for more than ten years, and I don't know if he is alive or dead. How to check!"

"Then there's no need to investigate, let Zhen Zhen talk to you!"

"No need, I'll just check..."

After sending Viagra, I asked Minyi about Du Lixian, she didn't know much, because they met through rehearsal, and they only spent about half a month together, and they didn't say a few words. However, she told me something: "Li Xian's appearance is very handsome, his character is also very good, very graceful, very polite, and has a noble temperament. Maybe it was Xing Xing who knew him, he and Xian Ling are both He is a talented person. Although we have only known each other for half a month, the two of them can hardly talk about anything. In fact, I sometimes envy him, but they are a match made in heaven... "

Du Lixian and Yu Xianling have only known each other for half a month? I double-checked this question with Min-yi and got the same answer, they didn't know each other before the rehearsal. It's a bit incomprehensible that a man would return to his hometown thousands of miles away to avenge a girl he had only known for half a month after 13 years. I thought they had known each other for a long time.

I suddenly had an idea, assuming that Du Lixian is not the murderer, then the murderer could only be Minyi. The so-called bewitched by ghosts just now might just be pretending to be mad and foolish. If she really strangled me, or if Ye Rong arrested the Su sisters a little later, then she could successfully put the blame on others.

In terms of murderous maneuvers, she and Du Lixian are also in the same league. The latter kills for love, and she has also revealed that she has an admiration for Yu Xianling. And Du Lixian may be thousands of miles away, but she lives in this city. Who is the real murderer of the two of them may only be known after Xueqing checks the entry records of the customs, but before that, it is necessary to be more wary of her.

In a state of high mental tension, I managed to survive until dawn. Although the killer appeared to threaten us at noon, she didn't kill anyone during the day, and Min-yi has repeatedly asked to go home, so we have no reason to let her stay. So, I plan to send her home first, and wait for news from Xueqing before deciding whether to detain her.

When I took Min Yi to the door with Zhen Zhen, my cell phone rang and it turned out to be a call from Yi Po. Yi Po usually doesn't call me on her own initiative, but every time she calls, it's not a good thing. The last time she called me was two years ago, and I almost died that time.

"Huazai, come to Yipo right now." Yipo's uneasy voice came from the phone.

"Yi Po, what happened?" I had an ominous premonition.

"Come here and talk, be quick."

Yipo wanted me to go to her immediately, which must be related to my safety, so I drove there immediately. Seeing my flustered expression, Zhen Zhen asked suspiciously, "Where are we going?"

"I'll take you to see my parents." My hard work was rewarded with a light punch from Zhen Zhen, her face turned slightly red and she said angrily, "Who wants to see your parents, we still have to do things!"

"Is there anything more important than marriage?" As soon as I said that, I was punched again, and I dared not joke again, and said truthfully: "This matter is related to my life and death, and you don't want me to die young. Bar!"

"What? You... You don't have a dark disease, do you?" I was defeated by her.

When I came to Yipo's stone boat, she was already burning incense and candles and seemed ready to do something. I briefly introduced her to Zhen Zhen, and then asked her why she was looking for me in such a hurry. She sighed and said, "I didn't sleep well all night last night, and I always thought that you would be in an accident, so I threw the Holy Grail in front of the statue of my mother-in-law at dawn to ask for peace, three times in a row, it was a bad omen. , that's why I called you here in such a hurry. Take off the chain first!"

I unfastened the iron bead chain on my left wrist and handed it to my grandmother. She put the chain in the teacup in front of my sister-in-law's statue, closed the lid, and knelt down and prayed for me. She used the fisherman dialect when she prayed. Although my mother was also a fisherman, I didn't know how to speak the fisherman dialect. I could only barely understand the general content of her prayer, which was to ask my mother-in-law to help me get through this difficult time.

After praying, Yi Po took the bracelet out of the teacup, let me put it on, and said uneasy: "You are already an adult, whether my mother-in-law will help you depends on your good fortune, you must remember that the bracelet is absolutely You can't leave your body." The bracelet soaked in divine tea felt a refreshing coldness from the wrist, and it felt very comfortable.

When I was about to leave, I wanted to give Yipo some money, because she had no income, and the daily expenses mainly depended on the filial piety of Yieryidaughter. However, she refused to ask for it, saying that it would be fine to invite her to have morning tea when I passed this level. Usually I give her money, no matter how much she will accept it, only when I really have something to do, she will not want my money. This made me even more at a loss.

As soon as I stepped out of the stone boat with Zhen Zhen, Yi Po suddenly stopped me, I asked Zhen Zhen to wait for me outside for a while, then walked over to Yi Po and asked her what was going on. She whispered in my ear: "Do you like this flower girl?" Then she glanced at Zhen Zhen.

I smiled and replied in a low voice, "Yi Po, she's just my colleague, not my girlfriend."

"Who are you, Yipo still doesn't know, you are a ghost, and you may not be able to do anything else, but you have your own way of coaxing the flower girl. This flower girl is the reincarnation of Arhat. If you get along with her, it will be great for you. The advantage, at least it won't be so easy to die."

The "flower boy" and "flower girl" that Yipo said have two meanings, one is a boy and a girl, and the other is a virgin. She told me before that my yin qi is heavier than others. In addition to being easy to provoke goblins and ghosts, it will also make women feel good about me, and it is especially effective for girls who have not been recruited. Therefore, now that Yi Po said this, I couldn't help but wonder, "She's not still a 'flower girl', is she?"

Yi Po nodded, and I said, "Impossible, she's already twenty-four years old this year. If she is lucky, she can be a mother."

Yi Po patted me on the head: "I can see this kind of thing at a glance. When you are not a flower boy, I still know it at a glance." Indeed, when I visited Yi Po for the first time after "adult" , she started teasing me as soon as she saw me.

Then, Yi Po said to me mysteriously: "If you like her, go after her, but if you don't like her, don't touch her. She is the reincarnation of Luohan. I will beat you to death." I absolutely believe this, Zhen Zhen will definitely beat me to death when she becomes mad.

On the way to leave, Zhen Zhen suddenly asked me: "What did you say just now, it seems that your sister-in-law often peeks at me."

"Oh, nothing, Yi Po said that you are a virgin, I don't quite believe it, oops..." Zhen Zhen punched me in the face. Judging from the blush on her face, what Yi Po said should be true, she is indeed a virgin, otherwise she would not have reacted so much. However, if I want to live with her for the rest of my life, I don't want it. It's hard to be used as a sandbag every day, and if I do something wrong to her, I'll be beaten to death by her. Who can stand this kind of life!

After being repaired by Zhen Zhen, the phone rang, and it was Xueqing who called: "Mu, I didn't find Du Lixian's entry record at the customs branch."

"Like this..." I thought for a moment and then said, "You go back to the conspiracy team to report the current situation to the boss. Zhen Zhen and I will go and detain Zheng Minyi first."

The customs does not have Du Lixian's entry record. Although it cannot prove that he must not have entered the country, it at least shows that the possibility of him being in the country is low. In this way, Zheng Minyi's suspicion is even greater. Regardless of whether she is the murderer or not, it is definitely right to detain her first. However, when we came to her door, we rang the doorbell for a long time and no one opened the door. So, I dialed her cell phone, and someone answered it soon. From the other party's voice, I could confirm that she was Min Yi, but her tone was obviously different from last night. Her tone was somber, and it reminded me of two conversations with the murderer: "Mr. Police, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Are you... Zheng Minyi?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was Yu Xianling? Hee hee hee..." Her voice was indeed Zheng Minyi's, but her tone and laughter were exactly the same as Yu Xianling's.

"You killed everyone?"

"It's too late to know now, you'll never find me, hee hee... It's a pity I couldn't send you on the road last night! But you can rest assured, I won't bother you again, it will be indefinite in the future. , lovely Mr. Police!" She said and hung up, I called again, and she was off.

Now it is really troublesome. Although the murderer has been identified, where can I find her? She must have gone far away, even if the whole country wanted her, with her ability, I am afraid that she would not be able to catch her in an instant. And Ye Rong will never give us more time, I am afraid that when she is caught, the Su sisters have already reported to the Palace of Hell.

I called the boss to report the latest situation, but his reply seemed very helpless: "I spoke to the director just now, and Li Zhide put a lot of pressure on the public security department and asked him to hand in someone tomorrow, so we only have one day, if we can't do it today If the real culprit is caught, the Su sisters will become scapegoats."

The boss is the director's younger brother. On the surface, he seems to be very powerful, but in some cases, he also seems helpless. Although he knew that the murderer was someone else, due to the pressure from his superiors, he could only find a dead ghost in the end. This was the case two years ago, and two years later, I will absolutely not allow this to happen again, so I must find out the real culprit within today.

"What should I do now?" Zhen Zhen asked.

"Lend your hairpin to use it." Although Zhen Zhen cut her hair short, it was as short as a boy's. Now that the weather is so hot, she usually uses hairpins to clip the hair near her ears.

It has been a long time since I used a hairpin to open the door. Xiaoxiang taught me this craft. At that time, I said, "You can do it. It doesn't matter if I learn it or not." But he insisted that I learn it: "Me too. It's impossible to be your partner for the rest of your life, it's always good to learn something more." I didn't expect that the things he taught now finally have a use.

In the past, I saw Xiaoxiang use a hairpin to open the door and unlock the door. It took one or two minutes to open the door, and it took five or six minutes to open the door. But it took me more than an hour to open the security door of Min IKEA. They thought we were going to break into the house, so Zhen Zhen had to show her police card again and again to explain to them that we were the police and we were working.

When I was about to challenge the wooden door behind the security door, Zhen Zhen, who had long been impatient, pulled me by the back collar and threw me aside. It suddenly occurred to me that we do look a lot like break-in robbers.

After entering the door, the living room was no different. It was almost the same as when we came last night. There was no messy scene caused by hurriedly packing up and running away. Of course, no one was inside. I searched the living room for a while and found nothing, so I went to the bedroom to search.

Opening the bedroom door, there was no mess inside. Maybe Min Yi and her husband had already made preparations to abscond. However, as soon as I stepped into the bedroom, the door closed on its own, and before I could turn around, a strong arm locked my neck from behind. I shouted Zhen Zhen's name, but I couldn't say it because my throat got stuck. In order to save myself, I kept hitting the other person's stomach with my elbow, but he didn't seem to feel any pain. No matter how hard I tried, his arm didn't relax, instead it became harder and harder. I was having trouble breathing and my consciousness was starting to blur.

Could it be that next year today is my death bogey? I don't even know what the person who sent me on the road looks like...