Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 23: Perfectly seamless


I don't know why I have been so unlucky these two days. I was attacked three times in succession. The first two times, Xue Qing and Zhen Zhen rescued me. Who will rescue me this time!

When I was pinched by Du Lixian's strange hand that looked like five poisonous snakes, I was dizzy and was about to die when a familiar female voice sounded from behind: "Let him go immediately, or I will shoot!" The voice is very strange, although every word she said is also very standard, but the tone is strange, it should be from the mouth of a foreigner. But because my neck was strangled and my brain was in a state of hypoxia, I couldn't remember who the owner of the voice was.

The restraint on the neck suddenly disappeared, and the feeling of escaping from death again and again is not gratifying. Du Lixian put his strange hands into his trouser pockets, and said regretfully, "Mr. Policeman, your luck is really good."

The female voice came from behind: "Put your hands up and put them on your head, and don't do unnecessary little gestures."

Du Lixian glanced at the gloves on the ground: "I ask to wear gloves."

"Okay, but if you do anything unusual, I'll shoot right away!" A strange female voice came out from behind me again and again, causing me to gasp and look back to see who the owner of the voice was. It's okay if you don't look at it. When you look at it, you're shocked. It's actually Pandora? Philip!

Pandora is a French-American Interpol who is stationed locally and is responsible for some foreign-related criminal cases. She has blond hair, blue eyes and gorgeous face, and an even more amazing figure. Not only has beautiful feet, slender, slender waist, but also a bloody F cup on her bust. I really don't know what she grew up eating abroad. Not only is she a top-notch figure, she is also intelligent, and she can speak Chinese, English, Russian, French and Japanese. We have worked together several times before, but before Xiao Xiang disappeared, since she was transferred to the anti-picking team, it has been two years since I saw her, and I didn't expect to meet her again. , I am so useless and embarrassed (the newspaper said, "囧" can be used as "embarrassment").

After Pandora waited for She Lixian to put on gloves, he cautiously grabbed a gun and handcuffed his hands behind him, and recited the warning words: "You have the right to protect silence, but any word you say may become a court order. used as evidence against you."

However, although Du Lixian was detained, he did not care and said easily, "I want to see my lawyer."

"When you arrive at the police station, you can call your lawyer." Pandora took care of Du Lixian before she had time to greet me, stretched out her soft hand to pull me up, and smiled kindly: "We meet again, Mr. Mu ."

I stood up and brushed the dust off my buttocks, then smiled helplessly: "I made you laugh, Miss Philip. Why did you come here?"

"It's strange. I received a notification from my superior that there would be a foreign-related murder here, so I came here immediately. I didn't expect to meet you..." She smiled and didn't continue.

I sighed helplessly: "You mean to say, I didn't expect the victim to be me!" She smiled without saying a word.

When he was about to leave, Du Lixian suddenly said to himself, "I don't know if there is anyone else in this house?" Sure enough, I found Zheng Minyi in a coma in the kitchen. She didn't seem to be hurt, but she was sleeping soundly. Shen, she couldn't wake up, so she had to take her to the hospital first.

After taking Du Lixian back to the conspiracy team, he didn't say a word except to call his lawyer in the United States.

This fellow Viagra only appeared at this time. He has already found some information about Du Lixian when he was in the United States - a graduate of Harvard University's Department of Psychology.

"You've only found so little information since last night?" I really wanted to beat him up.

"Brother Mu, the Internet is not omnipotent, it's good to be able to find this information. Didn't you have a good relationship with the foreign girl just now, you can ask her to check it out for you, and you can also develop the next relationship by the way. Hehe, Yang Niu's mind is quite open, ouch..." I don't need to do anything, Zhen Zhen has already beaten this wretched man.

Du Lixian has a master's degree in psychology, so he can't explain the murderer's incredible behavior. For example, how he used Su Mengru's mobile phone to make calls, I can't figure it out. So, I asked Viagra if there is a way to steal other people's mobile phones. However, he looked at me with the eyes of a monster: "You came from Mars! Earth has something called an Internet phone, and you can set the dial-out number at will. Except for the special numbers 110 and 10086, you almost want to set it as Any number can be used. However, there is a feature of Internet phone calls, that is, you can only make outgoing calls and cannot make inbound calls. To determine whether it is an Internet call, you only need to call back immediately after hanging up with the number you answered. If you can’t get through, you should be fine.” I used Min Yi's cell phone to call back last night, and it was true that I couldn't get through, but I got through immediately when I switched to the landline.

Because Du Lixian is a Chinese American, this case involves the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so the internal hearing privilege of the conspiracy team cannot be used, and this case must be heard publicly. Pandora has already contacted the US police through Interpol and asked for all the information of Du Lixian, and Du Lixian refused to speak until the lawyer arrived, so now the case is frozen. Fortunately, the Su sisters were cleared of the murder suspicion, and Ye Rong had no choice but to let them go.

Although I already know that Du Lixian is the murderer, I still have a few questions that I haven't figured out yet, such as how he makes a strange shadow, how can he speak in other people's voices, and how to make the loyal sheepdog kill his master. But what I want to know most is why he has a pair of Basilisk hands. I asked the others to avoid first, and sat opposite him in the office of the conspiracy team: "Can I have a few words? Mr. Du."

Although his hands were restrained on the back of the chair, his attitude was still polite, but his tone was not friendly: "Mr. Police, if you want to ask my confession, then please wait until my lawyer arrives before speaking! If you only If you want to chat with me, then please turn off your recorder first."

He is very shrewd, and this little trick can't hide it from him. I took the recorder out of the trouser pocket and removed the battery, and turned through all the pockets, and put all the things I could take out on the table. He showed an elegant smile and said slowly: "Actually, I also want to talk to someone about my heart. Some things hidden in my heart will cause negative psychological effects..." Then he told me a story about "little boy". He's obviously trying to protect himself, all the characters in "Story" are named by letters, I changed these ABCDEFG back to their original names for readability, and of course changed the so-called "little boy" to "me" -

Thirteen years ago, I met Xian Ling. Although we only got along for half a month, I have decided that I want to protect her all the time. However, when she was in distress, I couldn't help her, I could only watch her being bullied.

Xian Ling's death hit me hard. I always felt that it was because I failed to protect her that she committed suicide in shame, so in the following days, I had no desire to survive and brushed shoulders with the god of death several times. And passed. I survived because of my father's haggard face and my mother's tears, and as their son, I couldn't make them feel sorry for me.

After immigrating to the United States, my parents traveled between hospitals all day, hoping to heal my hands. However, after seeing the X-rays, every doctor shook his head helplessly, because my knuckles were severely crushed, and even if they could be cured, my hands would be inflexible, and it would be impossible to play the piano again, even if it was the most basic Dining with goodness is also difficult to accomplish alone.

The big hospital didn’t work, so my parents visited the barefoot doctors in the market for me, hoping to find folk remedies that could heal my hands. Maybe the emperor pays off. My parents finally found a strange man nicknamed "Ying Sheng Gong, the Holy Hand in the Cloud", which is my later master. The master gave me a very strange potion and let me soak my hands. Every time I soaked the potion, my hands seemed to be bitten by countless insects and ants. After soaking in the potion, my fingers became more and more sensitive, but also gradually lengthened unknowingly.

When my fingers grew nearly twice as long, the master didn't let me soak in the potion anymore. At this time, my hands were a hundred times more flexible than before the accident. Even if I put on thick gloves, I could easily bounce A high-level piece that you couldn't play no matter how hard you tried.

The master knew the reason why my hands were injured, and also knew that I was always worried about Xianling. He said that he could teach me two unique skills of hand shadow and ventriloquism, and I could use these two skills to avenge Xianling. But he repeatedly warned me that everything I learned from him can only be used on people with a guilty conscience.

Because my hands have been deformed and are very flexible, it is not difficult to learn hand shadow from the master. The master also boiled some traditional Chinese medicine for me to drink. After drinking it, it became easier and easier to master ventriloquism. Afterwards, in order to take revenge for Xianling with greater certainty, I chose to study psychology and continued to practice hand shadow and ventriloquism.

A month ago, I arrived in Hong Kong and then entered the mainland with a false identity. After figuring out everyone's current situation, they begin to avenge Xian Ling...

"You took advantage of Director Wen's hatred of Liang Shiyun and asked Su Mengru to help you place the walkie-talkie, remove the curtains, latch the door, and turn off the power in the dance room in the name of Su Mengru?" I probably know everything after that.

"Mr. Police, you misunderstood, it's not me, it's a 'little boy'." Although he confessed everything to me, he did not admit that he was the murderer.

"Well, it's a little boy." In order to know the truth from his mouth, I had to admit that this so-called "little boy" was the murderer. "He used hand shadows and ventriloquism to scare Liang Shiyun, Luo Xiangbi, and Yao Haiyan to death. But how did he let Fan Ziqian die from the palace, and eventually died of blood loss; how did he use his shadow to grab He Yingxue's hair and throw her into a life-and-death dilemma; how did he make the loyal sheepdog kill his master; how did he make Zheng Minyi and his wife do it? Weird behavior?"

Facing my series of questions, he smiled lightly, as if he was really talking about other people's affairs: "The little boy is not only good at hand shadow and ventriloquism, but also a master of psychology who is proficient in hypnotism. He hypnotized Ziqian and made him She thought she was just wrapping gifts, and then made out with Xian Ling; Yingxue's situation was because she was hypnotized, but it was impossible for the shadow to pull her hair, because she had a ghost in her heart, thinking that her hair was being pulled, and she kept going. As for the sheepdog, most people think that they only obey the master, but between the master and the real strong, they will choose to obey the strong, as long as the little boy makes them feel that he is very strong, they will You will be timid and obey all his orders; and there may be more things you don’t know about the Minyi couple.”

"According to what you just said, they must have been hypnotized by the little boy, so what do you mean by saying that I don't know?"

He smiled slightly and asked a question that made me quite embarrassed: "Do you know why you are alive until now, and why you can catch me?"

To be honest, the reason why I have survived until now is almost entirely due to luck. During the three attacks, if I had not been rescued in time by a beautiful woman, I would have been dead. And it was only luck that he was able to catch him. If he hadn't mainly led me to the Du family's old house, I wouldn't have known where he was hiding, and I was still suspecting that Min Yi was the murderer at the time. If Pandora didn't show up in time, I wouldn't be able to turn on the air conditioner in the office now, so I can only answer: "Luck."

"There is not much luck in this world. The so-called coincidence may be a deliberate arrangement." He smiled and explained the so-called luck one by one. Of course, this time he was still talking about the "little boy" and ABCD. For the convenience of reading, I changed the name to-

Before you arrived at Min IKEA, I was already waiting. I had enough time to kill Min Yi, but I didn't start because she was Xian Ling's friend. Thirteen years ago, she was the only one who didn't hurt Xian Ling, so she Don't be damned. However, I need her to gather information for me, so when you guys are gone, I'll ring the doorbell and hypnotize her husband. It wasn't her husband who spoke to her last night, it was me.

In the middle of the night, I used the Internet phone to call Minyi with Mengru's number, and hypnotized her to let her attack you, but my order was only to scare you, not to let her kill you. If Sister Mengru hadn't been arrested one step ahead of my budget, then my plan would have been completed, and I wouldn't have appeared for you to catch.

After Min-yi came home, I hypnotized her and learned from her that you suspect that the murderer is someone else. So, I plan the next step, confessing to you on the phone that I am the murderer in the name of Min Yi. And letting her husband ambush you is just trying to put some pressure on you.

Because I learned from Min Yi that you and your partner Xueqing were in the situation last night, from which I found that you were a little interested in her, and she was not disgusted with you, so I led her away in your name, and then used Her name brought you here...

"If Pandora hadn't arrived in time, the little boy would have succeeded in killing me, so that no one would pursue this case, and the Su sisters would end up wronged as he wished." I thought I had understood the whole story.

"The little boy never thought of killing you. If he wanted to kill you, you would have died under the fangs of the shepherd dog yesterday." His words made me tremble a few times. This is indeed the case. If it is said that the three attacks were caused by If I was rescued with the help of a beautiful woman, then when Li Zhai faced off against the shepherd dog yesterday, as long as he gave an order, I would turn into a mutilated corpse, and no one could save me in time.

He seemed to appreciate the look of consternation on my face, before he said, "Who do you think was responsible for the Interpol case?" Another question I hadn't noticed and the answer I didn't expect: "It's the little boy. !"

He really gave me a lot of "surprises", which made it difficult for me to accept it for a while, and it took me a long time to ask: "Why? Why don't you kill me, and you have to throw yourself in the net? In fact, as long as you hide Min Yi, you can make Sister Su is a scapegoat, why do you need to do this?"

"The little boy didn't kill you because he promised the master to kill only those with ghosts in his heart, and the reason why I asked you to take it back was because of a father's request."

"A father? Who?"

"You will know soon. Thank you for chatting with me for so long. If you don't say something, it will become a knot in your heart. I can see that you have a knot in your heart, but you are not willing to say it now. ' he said and stretched out his thickly gloved hand to shake my hand.

The moment I shook hands with him, I suddenly remembered that his hands were not tied to the back of the chair? He saw my surprise and smiled: "It's uncomfortable to be handcuffed, don't worry, no one can stop me if I want to leave."

The phone rang suddenly, and after answering the answer, I learned a surprising piece of news: the Su sisters were splashed with sulfuric acid in front of the public security office.

I put down the microphone weakly, and Du Lixian showed a satisfied smile and said to me: "Uncle Guang has been blaming himself for Xian Ling's death for 13 years, and hoped that he would be anesthetized by working non-stop, but unfortunately he could not be relieved from it. , and developed lung cancer due to overwork. There is not much time left. Today, he suddenly called the little boy, hoping that the little boy can help him fulfill his last wish and let him personally avenge his daughter."

"It turns out that everything is in your plan, I'm just one of your pawns." I slumped on the chair feebly.

Everything is under Du Lixian's control, and his plan is flawless. Although he has been arrested now, he must have figured out a way to escape the crime. However, it doesn't matter anymore because I already know the truth and he is actually one of the victims. For the girl he had only been with for half a month, he would come back thousands of miles to avenge her after thirteen years, and for a request from her father, he would not hesitate to throw himself into the net, such a loving and generous person, how many people are left in the world Woolen cloth

Volume 2 snake finger shadow demon ending


The city games finally opened. I took the time to watch the opening performance. Under the guidance of Min Yi, Yi Qi and others performed magnificent dance steps and performed "Carnival in the Kingdom of Toys", which was cheered by the audience. This dance, just like its name, is like a carnival in the kingdom of toys, which also arouses the emotions of the audience and kicks off the prelude to the city games.

However, after the carnival, people feel a fly in the ointment, maybe as Teacher Yao said, if this dance loses its creator Yu Xianling, it is like losing its soul. I don't know how grand the performance will be when Yu Xianling performs in person, but unfortunately she has already died, leaving only a gorgeous dance without a soul, and a man who is willing to go through fire and water for her.


Liang Zheng walked into the director's office and reported the ghost murder case to the director: "Wen Xiuping admitted to helping the murderer kill Liang Shiyun and Yao Haiyan, and has been charged; Zhang Ziliang and Zheng Minyi attacked the police under hypnosis. The Su's sisters were splashed with sulfuric acid by Yu Zhaoguang, her sister Su Mengru's face was damaged up to 90%, and her sister Su Mengjing's face was also damaged 60%. He has admitted to serious injury. We also investigated that the Su sisters used the lottery tickets he gave out in the name of the studio to travel. However, he suffers from terminal lung cancer and has been released on medical parole. I am afraid that he will not wait for the day of sentencing. The most troublesome is Du Lixian. The evidence we have now can only accuse him of assaulting a police officer and attempted murder. There is no strong evidence to prove that he is the murderer in the six murder cases. His lawyer has denied the charges on his behalf, and has claimed that he was suffering from a strange hand disease. Apply for medical parole."

"This Du Lixian is very cunning. On the surface, he is self-defeating, but in fact we can't help him. He has American nationality. You can slip back to the United States with a pat on the butt." The director also seemed helpless.

Both were silent.

After a long time, the director spoke again: "This matter is out of our control. A very strange case has occurred recently. Let your team investigate it!" He handed a file folder to the other party.

After reviewing the contents of the archives, Liang Zheng said: "The young man Qi Li disappeared, and his body was found nine days later. The clothes on his body were intact, but his skin, muscles, and organs were all gone. Only a skeleton and hair were left..."

Volume 2 Snake Finger Shadow Demon Spiritual Archives Cloud Sacred Hand Ying Sheng Gong It is said that there once appeared in the Xiguan area of Guangzhou a mysterious person with a hand of shadow. The name is unknown. In addition to his excellent hand shadow skills, he is also excellent at ventriloquism, and he can perform "Havoc in Heaven" alone. Sun Wukong in the left hand, Erlang in the right hand, seventy-two transformations and seventy-three transformations, like fantasy and reality. What's even better is that the monkeys, monkeys and grandchildren, the soldiers of the heavens and the generals shout in unison, making people feel like they are there.

Rumors say that on the surface, Ying Sheng Gong is performing hand shadow play for a living, but in fact he is a killer who specializes in hand shadow and ventriloquism to deceive people, making the target think that he is haunted by ghosts and finally scared to death. However, he did not reject all who came, but only accepted the business of the poor, and killed corrupt officials and villains who had done bad things.

According to reports, no one has seen Ying Sheng Gong's hands, because he wears a pair of thick gloves no matter the cold or heat, and he hides backstage when performing hand shadow scenes, so everyone has no chance to see these magical palms.

Volume 2 The Prequel of the Snake Finger Shadow Demon - Petroshika

(1) Dream Ball

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the quiet campus, making the whole campus seem to be covered with a layer of melancholy silver. The cheerful melody seemed to reverberate in the night sky, as if calling for a sleeping girl, calling her to get up and dress up and prepare for a grand banquet.

Xian Ling woke up. Among the eight girls in the dormitory, she was the only one who was awakened by the faint sound of the piano. Maybe the entire dormitory, or even the entire campus, was the only one who was awakened. Listening to this beautiful movement in meditation, one can't help but think of the carnival - the carnival in the toy kingdom...

The lively market was full of happy people from the Toy Kingdom. Barbie dolls danced around each other. Baby Bear stood on the big ball and detonated laughter with a clumsy attitude. Funny clowns spread happiness to every corner. Suddenly, a magic carriage descended from the sky, and a group of toy soldiers appeared to surround the carriage. There is a royal symbol on the carriage, and the person sitting in it is obviously a handsome toy prince. In the crowd, Xian Ling managed to squeeze into the front position, but the soldiers holding toy swords and spears stood in front of the carriage, preventing everyone from approaching the prince, making it difficult for her to see the prince.

Suddenly, the masked prince stepped out of the carriage, walked to Xian Ling, gracefully stretched out his right hand with a gorgeous glove, and invited her to the palace ball. Together they flew into the sky in a magical magic carriage and arrived at the magnificent toy castle in a moment.

When getting off the carriage, Xian Ling found that she had changed into a gorgeous costume at some point, like a princess in a fairy tale. The prince took her to the dance floor of the palace and danced with her to the applause of the crowd.

When Xian Ling was intoxicated in the prince's arms, she suddenly felt a little cold. She felt that the prince's body was very cold, as if there was no body temperature at all. Frightened, she looked up at the prince's face, but all she saw was an emotionless mask.

The prince suddenly said, "Do you know my name?" Xian Ling shook his head lightly, and he said again, "My name is Petroshika." After speaking, he took off the mask, but his face was also expressionless. Because it was a face carved from wood.

Xianling finally understood why the prince had no body temperature, because he was a puppet with no emotion. The puppet suddenly let out a weird "giggling" laugh, but his face still had no emotion: "Do you want to become a puppet too?"

Xian Ling was stunned for a moment and took a step back unconsciously, but behind her was an abyss. She felt her body plummet, falling into the dark abyss...

"Oops!" Xian Ling fell to the bottom of the bed. Everything just now turned out to be just a dream. However, the sound of the piano is so real, when did the dream begin

(2) Unique melody

At noon, Xian Ling sat in her seat in a daze, and her tablemate Shi Yun suddenly hummed a brisk rotation that seemed familiar. She asked curiously, "What song is this? It's very special."

"It's Petroshika, it sounds good! Didn't you say you wanted to choreograph a dance? How about using this tune as the soundtrack?" Shi Yun said proudly.

"What card, I've never heard of it, who sang it."

"It's Petroshika. It's not a pop song. It's a piano piece. I heard it from my cousin."

"Piano music? It's really good, er, it's just right for the soundtrack, but when did you become so tasteful..." Just as she was about to hurt the other party a few words, Xian Ling suddenly remembered the dream she had last night, the puppet in her dream Didn't the prince say his name was "Peter Loschka"? She asked the other party to hum the tune a few more times, and the more she listened, the more like the piano sound she heard last night.

What the hell is going on? A piece of music that I have never heard before actually appeared in my dream. Could it be that the sound of the piano last night was real, that someone was really playing the piano in the middle of the night? Even if it is, what happened to the puppet prince in the dream? "Petroschka" is a bit of a tongue-in-cheek name. I've never heard it before. How could it appear in a dream

A series of questions made Xian Ling more and more confused, so she asked, "Where did you hear this song?"

"Didn't I just say it, I heard it from my cousin."

"Where did your cousin hear it again?" Xian Ling continued to ask.

"There is an international student who can play the piano in her university. His name is Peter Loschka, and he is very handsome. I heard that he is going to use this song with the same name as him to participate in the piano competition, and he often practices this song. The tune. My cousin thought it sounded good, so she hummed it to me."

"Isn't the university your cousin went to near our school?"

"Yeah, do you want to go see that international student? I heard from my cousin that he is really handsome, and his hair is as shiny as gold." Shi Yun said with a radiant look.

However, Xian Ling has no interest in this handsome exotic guy, she still thinks about the dream last night. Could it be that this international student was playing the piano last night? It should be impossible. Although the distance between his university and this middle school is not very far, it is definitely not the distance that the sound of the piano can spread... She has been thinking about these questions all afternoon. As for what the teacher said on the podium, she Didn't hear it at all.

(3) Dorm night talk

It's time to turn off the lights in the dormitory, and the "Sleeping Talk" officially begins.

"Did you hear the piano sound in the middle of the night last night?" Xian Ling asked while lying on the bed.

"No, how can there be a piano here?" Haili, who was sleeping in the upper bunk in Xianxianling, replied.

"Probably not." "I slept until dawn last night, I don't know." Everyone said they didn't hear it.

"Hee hee, don't you dream of a piano prince?" Hailey laughed.

"The prince is a prince, but not a piano prince, but a puppet prince." Xian Ling said helplessly.

"Speaking of puppets, I remember a very scary rumor." The speaker was Bi Lian, a short-haired girl who was quite good at telling ghost stories.

"What is the rumor, tell me now!" Everyone knew that tonight's story was about to begin, and they were used to hearing the ghost stories told by Bi Lian before going to bed.

Bi Lian cleared her throat: "It is said that an old farmer in Chiayi, Taiwan has a magical puppet in his collection. This puppet seems to be from Japan, about 30 centimeters tall, with long black hair, exquisite workmanship and very beautiful ."

Bilian paused and asked, "Do you know what's so special about this puppet?"

"If you don't say it, how do we know." Someone was answering.

Bi Lian let out a mysterious laugh and continued to tell the story after laughing for a while: "It is said that the hair of this puppet is made of dead people's hair, and it will still grow. Although it grows slowly, it does increase year by year. Older, black and shiny, like slender hair..."

Xian Ling shuddered and scolded: "You want to die, why do you compare my hair." Among the eight people in the dormitory, her hair was the darkest and brightest.

Bilian smiled strangely: "Hee hee, what's even more terrifying is that in the late night with the moon, the room where the puppets are kept will come out with giggling and weird laughter, if you walk into that room at this time, you will see... "

Bilian stopped halfway through, everyone wanted to know what they would see, but no one asked because they were all huddled under the covers and trembling. What Bilian wants is this effect: "People who walk into the room will see the moon shining on the puppet, and the puppet's hair will shine. The puppet will cover its mouth with its hands and giggle at the person who walks in. laughing…”

Bilian stopped again, this time she didn't make a sound for a long time, as if she fell asleep. Not only did she not speak, she did not even breathe, which made people wonder if she died suddenly.

The silence, the cemetery-like silence of midnight, enveloped the entire bedroom in a disturbing and eerie atmosphere. After a long time, someone finally couldn't bear the silence and asked, "What about after?"

"Do you believe in this kind of thing? Hee hee hee..." Bi Lian's mischievous laughter made the strange atmosphere disappear. "Later, a TV station went to interview this old farmer and waited at his house for a few nights, always I didn't hear the puppets laugh, and I didn't see the puppets cover their mouths with their hands. But the puppets' hair grows, and it's been confirmed."

"You mean that old farmer lied?" Xian Ling asked.

Bilian said: "I can't say that either. Maybe what he said is true to him."

"Isn't that contradicting itself!" Hailey said resentfully.

"Don't worry, listen to my explanation slowly." Bilian cleared her throat again, "The Buddha said that everything has a spirit. This is not a fool's words, nor is it pure philosophical thought, use modern science to understand this sentence It means that everything in the world has a magnetic field and can affect each other."

"When did you become a nun, and why did you tell us about Buddhist verses?" Hailey was confused and didn't know what she wanted to say.

Bilian was slightly displeased: "You are the nun, I want to say that although the puppet is a dead object, it also has a magnetic field, and the old farmer and the puppet face each other day and night, which will affect each other, and the magnetic fields of the two gradually become Approaching. So, in some cases, the old peasants were affected by the puppets, had hallucinations, heard the puppets’ laughter, and even saw the puppets move.”

"That is to say, everything is just an illusion of an old farmer." Xian Ling said.

"Yes, it is indeed an illusion. In fact, the so-called ghost is an illusion. But..." Bilian's tone suddenly became mysterious again, "But, can you tell what is an illusion and what is real? If you are killed by an illusion , then the real you will also die. Many people who explore haunted houses will suddenly die inexplicably. In fact, they have hallucinations due to the influence of the magnetic field, and they are killed by hallucinations, or they are scared to death by hallucinations.”

After Bi Lian finished speaking, no one made a sound, and the creepy feeling made them speechless. After a long time, Xian Ling finally broke the silence and said, "Bi Lian, do you think there are really ghosts in this world?"

"Believe or not. Believe it or not."

"Don't make a fool of yourself, make it clearer." Xian Ling asked again.

"The so-called ghosts are just a kind of magnetic field. They are not as powerful as people think. They can fly through walls and do anything. They are actually very weak. They are like radio signals. It is easier to believe that there are. If you receive them, you will have hallucinations under the influence of them. If you don’t believe it, you will resist receiving it. Of course, you won’t see strange things.

"What about the puppet's hair?" Haley asked.

"This problem can only be explained after scientists do more research. Let me tell you something." Bi Lian paused, listening to everyone's reaction, but no one said anything, they were waiting for another story.

Bilian said: "In the past, when there was no mandatory cremation, most people were buried after death. Generally speaking, three years after the ancestors were buried in the ground, they had to 'bone', which is to remove the bones of the ancestors from the coffin. They were taken out and placed in the pagoda for worship. I heard from my grandfather that when my great-grandmother was boned, her body was still intact and did not rot at all. You must know that my great-grandmother had been buried for three years. At that time, Tai's hair was obviously longer than when he was buried. People have been dead for three years, and their hair is still growing. What a terrible thing!"

Bi Lian deliberately didn't say anything until Hailey asked her what happened after that, and she continued: "At that time, everyone was scared to death, and those bone-shattering cowards said that the grandmother was buried in the corpse raising ground, and how many years later the corpse would be buried. It will not be corrupted. If it is not done, it will turn into a corpse and jump out to harm people, so the corpse must be cremated immediately. In the past, people were very superstitious, believing that the corpse would become a zombie and harm people if it did not turn into a corpse, and my grandfather was no exception. , and let people burn Tai's body on the spot."

Bilian suddenly pretended to be mysterious and said: "It may not be surprising that the corpse is not decomposed, and there are occasionally reports in the newspaper that the corpse has not been transformed for thousands of years. But after death, it is rare to hear that the hair will continue to grow. Why this is so, no one can tell."

The dead silence came again, and the story Bilian told made the girls in the dormitory fall asleep with trembling.

(4) If dreams come true

The night represents tranquility, represents darkness, represents fear, and represents serenity.

Everyone fell asleep and slept soundly. In this quiet night, the joyful sound of the piano sounded again, awakening the sleeping girl again.

Xian Ling woke up, and when she heard the brisk melody again, her mood was very different from last night, and an inexplicable fear enveloped her weak heart. Who the hell is playing the piano? Are you dreaming now

The strange sound of the piano led Xianling's thoughts to a dark and empty room. There was a piano in the center of the room. In front of the piano, a vague figure was dancing on the keys with both hands, playing a happy movement.

Xian Ling leaned forward, barely able to see that "he" was an elegant boy in a dress. "He" has golden hair that shines in the dark like gold. However, in sharp contrast, "his" face is always hidden in the darkness, and it is impossible to see it clearly.

Xian Ling leaned forward again, but no matter how she leaned forward, she couldn't see the other's face clearly. So she asked timidly, "Who are you?"

"He" stopped his flying hands, but the sound of the piano still echoed in the darkness. "He" raised his head and faced Xian Ling, but Xian Ling still couldn't see "his" face. "He" stood up, saluted Xianling in a gentlemanly manner, and then said mildly, "Hello, I'm Petroshika."

Xian Ling could suddenly see the other's face clearly, it was an emotionless face, a face carved from wood. "He" is a puppet.

The puppet walked slowly to Xianling, stretched out a hand made of wood, and said gracefully, "Can I ask you to dance?"

The unplayed piano still played a cheerful movement, Xian Ling involuntarily accepted the puppet's invitation and danced with the other party in the dark. Suddenly, she felt something wrapped around her body, and when she looked down, she found that the golden silk-like hair of the puppet was wrapped tightly around her body as if it were alive. She was very scared, she wanted to escape, but as soon as she took a step, she immediately fell into the abyss.

"Oops!" Xian Ling fell to the bottom of the bed again. Unlike last night, she was wrapped tightly by the quilt. While complaining about how she kept falling off the bed, she crawled back to the bed with the quilt.

Recalling the dream just now, she was a little confused again - when did the piano sound start to appear? Before the dream, or in the dream

(5) Music teachers

"Teacher Wang, please wait!" Xian Ling finally caught the music teacher. There is only one music class on Friday afternoons every week, and it is often occupied by other teachers, so it is not easy to have a few words with Teacher Wang.

"Anything with me? Classmate Xian Ling."

"You still remember my name!" The two did not meet many times, but Mr. Wang, who was handsome and elegant, could remember his name, which made Xian Ling feel flattered.

"Of course, your hearing is so sensitive, and there are not many in the school, so I will not forget it. And you dance so well, you are considered a celebrity in this area." Teacher Wang showed a friendly smile. ,"what can I do for you?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask, is there a piano in the school?" Being praised by the teacher, Xian Ling's face turned slightly rosy.

"Yes, yes, there is one in the music room of the functional teaching building, but it is rarely used by people. I don't know if it is broken. What's the matter, do you want to play?"

Speaking of the music room, Xian Ling's impression is rather vague. She has been at the school for almost a year and has only been there once or twice.

"No, I can't play..." Xian Ling hesitated.

"Do you want to learn?"

"It's not..." Xian Ling took a breath, and finally made up her mind to tell the matter: "I seem to hear someone playing the piano in the middle of the night these past few nights."

"Midnight? Are you sure?" Teacher Wang showed a puzzled expression.

"I can't be sure, everyone in the dormitory said they didn't hear it, so I wondered if I was dreaming." Xian Ling said and lowered her head.

"Your hearing is relatively sensitive, and it's not surprising that you can hear other people's subtle sounds. But after school, the functional teaching building will lock the door. Even if it is not locked, no one should sneak in in the middle of the night."

"This is also... By the way, teacher, have you heard this song?" Xian Ling immediately hummed the song from Shi Yun's mouth.

After listening to it, Teacher Wang thought for a moment, and said emotionally: "Peter Loschka 3 movements, this is a sad piece."

"Sad?" Xian Ling looked puzzled, "The melody of this song is so brisk, how can it be sad?"

"The melody is really cheerful and even reminiscent of carnival, but there is a sad story behind this piece."

"What kind of story is it, can you tell me?" Xian Ling boldly held Teacher Wang's arm, and pressed her newly developed chest to it recklessly, as if she was afraid that the other party would suddenly run away.

Teacher Wang looked at his watch, the next class was about to start, so he had to make a long story short—

This piece is adapted from the ballet of the same name, and the protagonist of the story is a puppet named Peter Loschka. Its owner is an evil magician who gives it life and makes it feel like a human being.

In addition to Petroshika, the magician has two other puppets: the ballerina and the Arab. He uses magic to control them, making them perform for the benefit of the audience. Later, Petroshika fell in love with a ballerina, but the other party was in love with an Arab, so he fought with a rival.

The magician was very angry when he knew about it, and he put Pisoloshka in the box, but he did not remove the magic from it, it still has life, endless life. But the endless life makes it suffer from eternal loneliness in a dark and narrow box...

After telling the general content of the story, Teacher Wang looked at his watch again: "The 3rd movement is the part of the carnival at the beginning of the story. After the carnival, the tragic fate of the protagonist will begin... Oops, stop talking, I'm going Class is over. Goodbye!" After speaking, he trotted away, leaving Xian Ling alone in a daze.

(6) Dorms on weekends

On weekend nights, most people went home, and only Xian Ling and Bi Lian were left in the dormitory. Their homes are far from the school, so they usually go home every other week.

After turning off the lights, Bilian started telling ghost stories again, this time about a human skin doll—

Before liberation, there was a pair of five-year-old twins because their family was poor, their parents sold them to the landlord and became their son's book boy. However, the landlord's purpose in buying them back was not to make them book boys, but to peel off their skins and make them into human skin dolls, which would be buried in their father's tomb as a funerary item.

At the time of the war, the tomb of the landlord's father was soon dug up by tomb robbers. The pair of human skin dolls fell into the hands of antique dealers. After the woman brought the human skin doll home, strange things kept happening at home. First, in the middle of the night, she heard the sound of children playing, and then found that things in the house often "disappeared" for two or three days, and then appeared in a conspicuous place inexplicably. .

One night in the middle of the night, the woman heard the voice of a child talking outside the door, and when she listened carefully, she heard the other party discussing how to absorb her yang energy. What's even more frightening is that when she dared to open the door, the pair of human skin dolls were lying in front of the door.

"And then?" Xian Ling asked, trembling. Bi Lian always stopped in the middle of telling stories, and she didn't continue until someone asked her. She said, "What can I do next? Of course, I'll ask the Master to get rid of the pair of human skin dolls."

"Those twins are so pitiful, they didn't have a good life when they were alive, and they were made into human skin dolls after they died..." Xian Ling shuddered as she spoke, "After hearing this story, I probably won't dare to hug the cloth in the future. The doll is sleeping, and there are so many dolls in my house!"

Bi Lian pretended to laugh mysteriously again: "Hee hee, I'll tell you another story, I promise that you won't dare to wash your hair alone in the future."

Horror stories are like chili peppers, very exciting, love it and hate it. Although Xian Ling felt very scared in her heart, she couldn't stop.

Bilian cleared her throat and started the second story tonight: "There is a girl who has beautiful long hair that is enviable, but the beautiful long hair brings her a trouble, that is, every time she washes her hair, , she always felt that her hair would inexplicably become longer and longer. This phenomenon puzzled her, and later she told an elder who had seen the world. The elder told her to wash her hair in front of the mirror. When she noticed that her hair had changed, Just look at the top of your head in the mirror..."

As Bi Lian spoke, she suddenly asked mysteriously, "The girl did what the elders said. Guess she saw something on the top of her head?"

"If you don't tell me, how would I know?" Xian Ling replied calmly, but her body trembled slightly.

Bi Lian let out a weird laugh: "Hee hee hee, she saw in the mirror a female ghost whose face was as white as snow, but her eyes were as red as blood, hanging upside down on top of her head, with her hair hanging down, and she was with her. The hair is overlapping, so let her help wash it."

Xianling was so frightened that she almost cried out, and Bilian added: "Everyone loves beauty, so do ghosts, but they can't wash their hair by themselves, so they had to hang upside down on their heads while others were washing their hair, and let them do the same thing. They help wash."

"Don't scare me, what if I don't dare to wash my hair in the future?" Xian Ling scolded timidly.

"Who told you that your hair is so beautiful, just like the girl I mentioned just now. Hee hee, I think you should cut your hair short like I did, so as not to let those ghosts with long hair take advantage of you."

"You're so poisonous. When you are jealous of people's hair, you make up ghost stories to scare people." Xian Ling pretended to be angry.

"Do you think I made up this story?"

"Isn't it?" Xian Ling pretended to be sure.

"We've known each other for six or seven years since elementary school. Have you ever seen my long hair?"

"Well, your hair always seems to be so short..." Xian Ling said, feeling unsure.

"You say this story is true or false, hee hee..." Bilian said in a victorious tone.

"This..." Xian Ling was completely defeated, hesitating in her heart whether she should cut her enviable flowing hair short.

(7) Late at night, don't look back

In the middle of the night, Xian Ling had a terrible nightmare, dreaming of a female ghost whose face was as white as snow, but her eyes were shining like blood, hanging upside down above her head. The female ghost's hair was intertwined with her own hair, braided into countless braids, tightly tied up and hung in the air.

Just when Xian Ling was tormented by fear and despair, a cheerful movement sounded, and an angel with golden light descended from the sky. It was him, the puppet prince Petroshika. Although his face was blurred, Xian Ling knew that it must be him.

The prince swung the long sword embedded with gems and chopped off the female ghost's hair, but he did not hurt a single strand of Xian Ling's hair. Freed from the bondage of the female ghost, Xian Ling slowly fell from the air, she looked down, and the prince was welcoming her with open arms. When she fell into the prince's arms, the face of the other party suddenly became clear, it was a handsome face, and the blue eyes were like a crystal clear lake, as if it could wash away the fear and anxiety in her heart.

Xianling snuggled tightly into the prince's arms, hoping to find warmth, but the other's chest was so cold that she felt scared again. She caressed the other's face with trembling slender hands, hoping to feel a touch of warmth there, but when her hand just touched the handsome face, the other's face fell.

It was not a real face, but a human-skin mask. Behind the mask was a face carved from wood, without any emotion. Xianling struggled in horror, trying to escape from the prince's arms, but the prince's golden hair suddenly stretched and wrapped her tightly around her...

"Oops!" After three nights of connection, Xian Ling fell off the bed again and again. But tonight seems a little different, what's the difference? For a while, she couldn't remember.

Xian Ling sat on the ground and stared blankly at the bright moon outside the window, listening to the cheerful movement... the sound of the piano! ! ! She jumped up suddenly and rushed to the window. Yes, it was indeed the sound of the piano. She pinched herself hard, making sure that she was not dreaming.

The sound of the piano was very light and ethereal, as if it came from another space, but Xian Ling was sure that it really existed. She felt that the place where the sound of the piano came out should be within the campus, most likely the music room of the functional teaching building. She thought about finding out who was playing the piano, was it a human, a ghost, or a puppet? But she was terrified, afraid that she would walk into the music room and see a piano and a pair of puppets—a puppet with life but no emotion.

Xianling walked to Bilian's bed and wanted to wake her up and let her accompany her to the music room to see who was playing the piano. However, after several pushes, the other party didn't wake up, and he turned over impatiently and curled up against the wall.

Curiosity is the engine of human progress, but also the source of danger. Xianling's curiosity finally overcame her fear, and she decided to act alone. Having made up her mind, she quickly changed her clothes and tiptoed out of the bedroom. In fact, she didn't need to tiptoe, but in the silent night, she naturally relaxed. However, no matter how light her movements were, the door still made a loud "squeak" sound when it closed. The door of the bedroom was already rusted, and I didn't feel it during the day, but at this time, the sound was extremely sharp, as if it was the painful moan of a resentful spirit, which made goose bumps all over the body.

The door of the dormitory is not locked. Although the dormitory has repeatedly emphasized that the doors and windows must be locked to prevent theft, she always says one thing and does another. She will not come to lock the door on holidays, as if the thief is like her. Have a vacation.

The silver full moon hangs high in the starry sky, watching the suffering of the common people indifferently. The campus in the middle of the night is as dead as a cemetery, and the joyous movement has become strange at this moment, like a devil grinning. Among the mottled tree shadows, there are countless unknown dangers hidden, making it difficult to feel at ease.

The distance between the dormitory and the functional teaching building is not very far, it can be reached in about ten minutes, but in this quiet night, the ten or so minutes seems to take a century to complete. Xian Ling moved forward to the destination step by step in shock, walking when she suddenly heard footsteps behind her.

"Someone is following me." A chill rose from the spine and spread to the whole body in an instant. Xian Ling even felt that every hair on his body stood up. She turned around abruptly. Although there was no half-figure behind her, she believed in her ears. As Teacher Wang said, her hearing was better than ordinary people, and she was convinced that she heard correctly.

Xian Ling suddenly remembered what Bi Lian once said: "At night, if you feel that someone is following you behind your back, or calling your name, or even patting you on the shoulder, don't turn your head back, as soon as you turn around..."

"Ah..." Xian Ling didn't dare to think about it anymore, and ran forward screaming.

(8) Dark stairway

Xian Ling ran all the way and ran to the functional teaching building, only to find that one of her shoes had dropped. At this moment, of course, she didn't dare to go back to find the shoe that might have fallen into the hands of the ghost, and she didn't even have the courage to turn back.

What should I do

If you don't dare to go back, you can only "go forward". In front of it is the functional teaching building. There is a music room on the third floor. There is a piano in the music room. In front of the piano, there is a mystery that has plagued Xianling for several days.

"Go ahead." Xian Ling shouted in her heart. Anyway, if you go back to the dormitory now, you won't be eaten by ghosts, and you will be scared to death. Why don't you just fight and go to the music room to see who is playing the piano, whether it is a human or a ghost or a puppet. You have to understand, the unknown is better than anything else. Be scary.

With a firm will, courage emerged immediately, and Xian Ling strode to the stairway of the functional teaching building. There was a gate in front of the stairway, which would normally be locked after school, but now it was open.

"Could it be Mr. Wang? No wonder he knows the story behind this song so clearly. What he said before was all to fool me. He must have some secrets." Seeing the gate open, Xian Ling immediately thought of Mr. Wang. Because apart from him, she really couldn't think of anyone else in this school who could play the piano. Although he has never played the piano in front of students, nor has he ever said that he can play the piano, he is also a music teacher, and it is not surprising that he can play the piano.

In fact, this is just Xian Ling's self-comforting idea. If Teacher Wang wants to play the piano, he can play it in the music room at any time, and no one will stop him. There is no need for him to lie about it. But no matter what, if the gate is open, it means that someone has entered, which means that the person playing the piano should be a person, right

The joyous movement echoed in the dark stairway, which was extraordinarily strange. Xian Ling repeatedly told herself that the person who played the piano was Teacher Wang, and even if it wasn't him, he must be a big living person, definitely not a monster.

Would a normal person come here in the middle of the night to play steel? Perhaps, the person playing the piano is a lunatic, or a person in a sleepwalking state. He may jump out of the darkness at any time, and use his thin but strong hands to chomp on Xianling's neck until her eyes turn white. tongue sticking out...

The more Xianling thought about it, the more afraid she became, but the more afraid she was, the more she had to figure out things, or she would never want to sleep in peace in the future.

The stairway was very quiet, except for the cheerful melody, there was only the sound of Xian Ling's footsteps. However, just when she felt a little safer, footsteps suddenly sounded behind her. This time the distance was closer, and the sound echoed in the stairway, which made her hear it more clearly.

This time Xian Ling didn't dare to call out. She was afraid that before she could call out, a pale hand stretched out from the darkness, covered her mouth, and pulled her into the darkness. She leaned against the wall and quickened her pace. She expected that it was Teacher Wang who was playing in the music room. As long as she could walk into the music room, she would be protected by him.

Under the premise of trying not to make any noise, Xian Ling walked to the door of the music room as fast as possible in the dark. The joyous music still reverberated in my ears, as if a grand dance was being held in the music room, and the emotionless puppets danced gracefully under the drive of magic.

The answer is right in front of you, just open the door and you will know who is playing this joyous movement. However, Xian Ling was a little hesitant at this moment. She was afraid that the person sitting in front of the piano was not the graceful teacher Wang, but a puppet without emotion.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, Xian Ling decided to make a desperate attempt to open the door and quickly closed the door.

(9) Players

Xian Ling leaned back against the door, her heart beating like a car engine. The sound of the piano ended the moment she entered the door, and the sound of footsteps disappeared at the same time, as if there were two worlds inside and outside the door.

The lights in the music room were not turned on, and the moonlight outside the window fell on the rows of chairs and tables, as well as on the piano in the corner.

There was a tall figure in front of the piano, he was watching Xian Ling silently, but he turned his back to the window, so Xian Ling couldn't see his face, but she was sure that the other party was not Teacher Wang, because the other party had golden hair.

With a mosquito-like voice, Xian Ling asked timidly, "Who are you?"

The other party seemed a little disturbed and spoke in a strange voice, but Xian Ling could still hear clearly that he said "Peter Loschka".

The other party's words exploded in Xian Ling's mind like thunder, and she immediately felt the world spinning, and then she lost consciousness.

"Who are you?"

"Peter Loschka."

Xian Ling felt very cold, there seemed to be a pair of strong arms picking her up in the blur, she saw a blurry face, she wanted to see this face clearly, but she was afraid to see a piece of wood carved out of it. Cheng, emotionless face. She fell asleep snuggled in the cold arms, although these arms might take her to another world, but for some reason, she didn't feel scared, she just felt tired and wanted to sleep.

"It's over." Xian Ling thought to herself.

(10) So it is

When she woke up, Xian Ling felt that she had never slept so comfortably before, and she was in a good mood. However, when she finished stretching and opened her eyes, she was taken aback, because a pair of resentful eyes were right in front of her.

"Why did you scare me so early in the morning!" Xian Ling scolded. In front of her was Bi Lian with dark circles under her eyes.

"How dare you say that I scared you, I was scared to death by you last night!"

"I'm trying to scare you!" Xian Ling said confidently while sitting on the bed with her hands on her back.

"I think you're dizzy. You got up in the middle of the night and ran there?" Bi Lian poked Xian Ling's head with her fingers.

"Midnight last night..." Xian Ling recalled what happened last night and murmured, "Did you dream again?"

"I think you haven't woken up yet, go wash your face, and I'll take you to meet someone." After Bilian said, she picked up the towel, toothbrush and other items to prepare for grooming.

"Who are you going to see early in the morning?" Xian Ling didn't know whether the other party's gourd was selling Baifeng Pills or Poisonous Squirrel.

"Peter Loschka." After Bi Lian dropped the name that had haunted Xian Ling for several days, she walked out of the dormitory alone, leaving the other party with her mouth open for a while and she was speechless.

In the crowded McDonald's, Xian Ling finally saw the puppet prince in her dream. He was tall and at least 1.9 meters tall. She and Bi Lian stood in front of him like two children. He was handsome, with blond hair and blue eyes, and a fair complexion. He is the prince in Xianling's dream, an international student from the United States.

Xianling's English level is relatively good in her class, so she wants to talk to the prince in her dream in English. However, the English, which she has always been proud of, is so poor in front of the real foreigners. She has to say a word three or four times before the other party can barely understand what she means. In addition, she is very nervous, which makes the other party several times. Can't help but laugh.

"You speak Mandarin, I will listen." Although the Mandarin spoken by the other party is not fluent, he has lived in China for a while, and his English is better than Xianling's.

So the three of them talked in Mandarin.

"Is it you who played the piano in the music room last night?" Xian Ling couldn't wait to ask this question that had troubled her for many days.

The other side smiled and nodded. Xianling asked again: "Why did you come to our school in the middle of the night? How can you have the key to the functional teaching building? I went to the music room last night, so why would I be lying in the dormitory when I woke up today?"

Xian Ling's question was like a machine gun, shooting continuously, making the other party not know how to answer. In order to let her know the beginning and the end of the matter, he decided to start from the beginning—

My name is Petroshika, I am a native American, born in the middle class, and received an excellent education since I was a child. However, in the past two years, my parents were both unemployed and could not support me to complete my university studies. After failing to apply for a loan, I had no choice but to choose to study in China.

In China, those who can study abroad are the children of rich families. In the United States, the opposite is true. The rich are crowded into prestigious universities such as Harvard and Yale. Only poor people like me will consider the development of low consumption levels. Study abroad in countries such as China.

After I came to China, my troubles started. Although I was inexplicably received different preferential treatment in the school, the school leaders and students regarded me as a star, and even arranged for me to live in a dormitory by myself. However, every day, there are always a lot of people outside the bedroom, pointing at me through the window, it feels like watching monkeys. This makes me feel humiliated. So, I rented a room off campus, right next to your school.

Although living off-campus is comfortable and free from being disturbed by others, new troubles have come again. I'm not rich and had to earn a part-time job to complete my studies, but this is not America, it's just a small town, and I can't work in a fast food restaurant like McDonald's because I'll be seen as a monkey if I show up in public. Fortunately, I can play the piano very well, so I want to participate in piano competitions and rely on the prize money to complete my studies. However, when I lived on campus, I could go to the music room to practice the piano at any time, but living off-campus was inconvenient.

Mr. Landlord solved the problem for me, he is the doorman of your school, and he is a friendly local old man. He gave me the key to the functional teaching building, and when he was on duty at night, I could practice in the music room. Because the functional teaching building is a little far from the teachers and student dormitories, I am not afraid that it will affect others...

"Then what happened last night?" Xian Ling asked.

"Last night scared me to death." Bi Lian rolled her eyes at Xian Ling, "I was woken up in the middle of the night by the squeaking sound of the door closing. When I woke up, I found your bed was empty, so I slipped out of the bedroom and saw you tiptoe. Go out. I thought you were sleepwalking, so I hid behind you."

"It turned out to be you! You scared me last night." Xian Ling opened her eyes wide and looked at Bi Lian, who almost scared her to death last night, and then asked, "What happened later?"

"You show up and frighten me," said the foreign student in Mandarin, which is not very fluent. "If you say your name, you will fall."

"Let me tell you." Bi Lian took over, "When I walked into the music room, you had already fainted. After he explained the situation to me, I asked him to carry you back to the dormitory."

"How can you let a boy hug me..." Xian Ling's face was as red as fire, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she lowered her head unconsciously.

"Do you want me to hug you? I don't have that much energy, eh." Bi Lian said, stood up and waved to Xian Ling: "My task is complete, you can talk to him again, I'll go first Bye!" After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Xian Ling bowed her head shyly, not knowing what to say. The two were silent for a long time, and she finally thought of the topic: "Can you give me a copy of the music score for that song last night?"

"No problem, I haven't introduced myself yet..." The international student stretched out his broad palm in a friendly manner, "My name is Petroshika, nice to meet you."

Xian Ling didn't dare to lift his head, and reached out to shake hands with the other party. When the two hands touched, she couldn't help shaking her whole body. The other's hand was extremely cold, as if she had no body temperature at all. She hurriedly looked up at the other's face. He was handsome and perfect, so perfect that it felt unreal, as if it was a human skin mask, and behind the mask was an emotionless puppet.

Is he human or a puppet in human skin


Volume three of the introduction to the corpse child

(This story is purely fictitious, and any similarity is purely coincidental.)


In the thirty-fourth year of the Republic of China, late summer.

As the night fell, a young girl about 13 or 4 years old was running desperately on the lavender-covered hillside, and a teenager of the same age was chasing her behind her.

"Come and catch me, catch me and buy red dates for a small sum of money!" The girl turned back and made a mischievous face at the boy.

"Let me catch you, and you'll know the taste!" The young man's face was slightly competitive, but it was more of an inexplicable heartbeat at the beginning of his love affair.

The girl's physical strength was not as strong as the boy's, and after chasing for a while, the distance between the two gradually shortened. The boy suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the girl, knocking her down. The two of them rolled in the soft lavender bushes together. In the end, the boy successfully pressed on the girl and held her hands with a malicious smile on his face. The girl's heart was pounding like a deer, she was nervous, scared and excited, and said with a trembling voice, "What do you want?"

"Hey, now you let me catch it, of course I can do whatever I want..." The boy said and kissed the other's cherry lips, but the girl turned his face away, and only kissed the cheeks that were as red as sunset .

The girl kept shaking her head from side to side, preventing the boy from kissing her cherry lips. The teenager simply stopped holding her hands, and instead held her fiery cheeks with both hands, so that she could no longer hide from his enthusiasm... The four lips were close together, and it was inseparable for a long time!

When the lips parted, the two little Wuguas both blushed and stared at each other speechlessly. After a long time, the girl pushed her little lover away, sat up and said shyly, "You bully me, I'll tell the dean later."

"Are you willing? The dean will definitely kill me... Look, the dean hit my hand yesterday, and it still hurts now?" The boy stretched out his arm, with three obvious stick marks on it.

The girl caressed her little lover's arm pitifully, and said with heartache, "Does it really still hurt? It's all my fault for breaking the dean's teacup and making you suffer for me."

The boy gently embraced the girl in his arms, not caring about the stick marks on his arm: "What's the point of taking a few sticks for you, if it hits you, my heart hurts!"

The two sat on the grass and looked at each other. The girl unconsciously closed her eyes, feeling the deer bumping around in her heart again, nervously and excitedly waiting for her little lover to moisten her soft lips again. After a long time, the expected hot lips did not approach, the girl opened her eyes in disappointment, and found that the boy in front of her was staring into the distance with curious eyes.

The girl raised her pink fist and angrily smashed it on the chest of her little lover. When the young man staring in the distance came back to his senses, she pouted and said reproachfully, "What are you looking at?"

The ignorant boy did not understand the tenderness of the girl, and was only curious about the vision in the distance. He pointed to a big tree in the distance, and said to the girl in his arms: "Look, there seems to be a black cloth on that tree."

The girl looked in the direction the other party pointed, and found what seemed to be a black cloth tape hanging from the branch of a big tree in the distance. Xiaoshanpi is usually inaccessible, so they dared to play here unscrupulously, and they had never seen this cloth belt before, so they couldn't help but feel curious.

The two came to the big tree together, looked up, and observed it carefully. Although it was already under the tree, the cloth belt was hanging on a high place, and the sky was already dark, so I couldn't see what it was for a while, I just thought it looked like a cloth belt, but it didn't seem to be. The young man became very playful, picked up a few small stones and threw them at the cloth belt. One of the small stones hit the middle of the cloth belt, and the cloth belt was immediately broken into two pieces. The lower part fell off, and the upper part shrunk toward the branch, moving down quickly against the trunk as if it had life. When I saw the part that fell to the ground, it also seemed to have life. It first coiled up into a ball, then formed a long strip and walked on the ground, attacking the overwhelmed girl.

The black foreign object was like a poisonous snake walking close to the ground. It was so fast that it came to the girl's feet in an instant, but she was still terrified and didn't know what to do. At the critical moment, the young man grabbed her slender arm, and his legs ran wildly, pulling her to escape. However, the black foreign body did not stop there, and chased after it all the way.

The two finally crossed a small ditch, ran for a while and looked back, and the black foreign object was no longer chasing, so they were relieved. But as soon as her feet stopped, the girl immediately noticed the difference and couldn't help screaming: "Something has crawled through my pants!"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then called out, "Take off your pants!" Then he stretched out his hands, trying to take off the girl's pants.

"Don't!" The girl hurriedly avoided. Although there is a foreign object in the pants, it is necessary to expose the lower body in front of the boy you like. In this age where the social atmosphere is still relatively conservative, how can there be a flowery girl who can do it

"Hurry up and take it off, or it will be troublesome if it bites you." The boy obviously didn't understand the girl's mind. He just wanted the girl he loved to not be hurt.

The girl pulled her pants tightly and entangled with the boy for a while, then suddenly exclaimed: "It got into my body, what should I do? What should I do?" Then her face turned pale, and then she let out a heart-piercing scream, and within a moment her pants were stained red by the blood flowing from her lower body...



On the quiet path on the side of the mountain, a teenager in a Kaiseki middle school uniform is pedaling the bicycle under his feet with all his strength. He has to move as fast as possible, because behind him there is a strange black cloth belt. A foreign body is chasing him.

The young man tried his best to finally distance himself from the foreign object, but he accidentally tripped over a stone on the road, and he and his car fell on the grass beside the road. Seeing that the foreign object was about to catch up, he ignored the schoolbag and bicycle on the ground, endured the pain on his body, and even crawled and rolled to escape. He was so frightened that he panicked and ran to a very secluded hillside, but was eventually overtaken by a foreign object.

Heart-piercing screams echoed in the secluded hillside, but no one heard it. When calm was restored, only a skeleton in a school uniform was left on the soft grass...