Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 24: Nine days of corpse


I advise you not to cherish golden clothes, and advise you to cherish your youth.

The flowers can be folded straight and must be folded, don't wait for the flowers to be empty to break the branches.

This is a popular poem in the mid-Tang Dynasty. It is said that the author was Du Qiuniang, but she was just a singer, and the real author has no way of verifying. The meaning of this poem is very simple, which can be covered by the five words "Don't miss the good times". Life has been in a hurry for decades, as if it only takes a blink of an eye to reach the end. In this limited time, we need to study, work, fall in love, get married, have children... When we have finished everything, there is very little time left.

I often think how interesting it would be if I could have unlimited life like the legendary vampire, at least I wouldn't have to worry about money. For example, in my grandfather’s time, I used a fence to fence a piece of land that didn’t need to be purchased at the time, and it didn’t need to be very large, just a thousand square feet, and now it can be sold for one million or several hundred thousand. What's more interesting is that I can have plenty of time to read books, knowledge is infinite, only vampires with infinite lives have the opportunity to obtain all the knowledge of human beings. It is a pity that vampires do not exist in reality. The so-called vampires are just the product of the novelist's fantasy, and their prototypes are porphyria patients in the European Middle Ages.

Having said so much, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Mu Shenyu, and I’m on the surface a detective from the Criminal Investigation Bureau. However, the conspiracy team I belong to is directly responsible to the director and is not under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. The Conspiracy Team is a secret team specializing in investigating supernatural cases. Most of the cases will not be announced to the public, and even the interrogation process is carried out internally.

After reading what I said earlier, some people may think that what I am about to tell is a story about vampires, but as I said just now, the vampires in my consciousness are just a group of poor people suffering from porphyria. This case has nothing to do with vampires, perhaps it should be said that it is a story related to time, and this story starts from a mysterious skeleton...

Nine days ago, a middle school student named Zhou Shaolong disappeared mysteriously after school. Nine days later, someone discovered a mysterious skeleton. I, Zhong Zhen Zhen, rushed to the scene as soon as the skeleton was discovered.

The skeleton was found near Zhouwu Village, on a secluded hillside, by a villager in the village. When we arrived, there were already many villagers watching, and three men and women who claimed to be the parents and uncle of the deceased were present. Colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Bureau set up a cordon to prevent the villagers from breaking into and destroying the evidence at the scene. Tong et al for evidence.

There is a complete skeleton with intact clothes on the grass. Judging from his height, he should be about twelve or three years old. The school uniform on his body can also prove that he is a student of a nearby middle school. Because they were still collecting evidence in the fleeting years, and the men and women who claimed to be the father of the deceased were crying to death, and then fainted one after another, so I chatted with Zhou Yaoan, who claimed to be the uncle of the deceased: "The situation of the deceased... You have seen it, you How can you be sure that he is Zhou Shaolong?"

Zhou Yaoan sat on the ground in despair, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes, he sighed long, then pointed to a bicycle under the hillside, and a schoolbag not far away: "I have ridden Shaolong's bicycle, the bike is locked. I remember the style of the school very clearly. And that schoolbag, I bought it for him before school started, I didn't expect that it would only be a few days after school started..." As he said, his tears flowed down. Later, he told me that Zhou Shaolong’s parents were vegetable vendors, and his father Zhou Yaoquan was divorced, and he and his ex-wife Luo Shufen had a son named Zhou Junlong. Luo now runs a chemical shop and has not been in contact with her ex-husband for more than ten years.

After chatting for a while, Yuetong at the foot of the hill waved to me, and I walked over to see her and Lang Ping opening the schoolbag on the ground and taking out the items one by one. Because of the heavy rain a few days ago, the books in the schoolbag were soaked by the rain, and the handwriting on the workbook was slightly blurred, but she found a plastic student ID card and showed it to me with a clip. According to the information on the student card, the owner of the schoolbag is Zhou Shaolong, a student in the second class of the first grade of Kaishi Middle School, that is, the son of Zhou Yaoquan.

Although it wasn't 100% sure that the deceased was Zhou Shaolong, it was almost certain. The deceased's skin, muscles, and organs were lost, but fortunately, his hair was still there. As long as DNA was extracted from the hair follicles at the end of the hair, his identity could be further determined.

The fleeting forensics work was almost done, so I asked him what he found, and he reluctantly replied: "The skin, muscles, and organs of the whole body are gone, only a skeleton and hair are left, but the clothes are intact. On the body. On the surface, it seems that the body should have turned into a skeleton in a few days, which is really incredible."

"Can the corpse be decomposed into bones in nine days?" Zhen Zhen looked at the remains of the deceased and asked.

"Normally, it takes about a year to completely decompose. Even if the weather is hot, it is impossible to decompose to the extent that only the skeleton remains within half a year. Moreover, the clothes of the deceased were not stained with corpse water. Impossible." Liu Nian motioned us to pay attention to the clothes on the deceased's body, and there was indeed no trace of contamination by corpse water.

"Body water? Isn't that something that only martial arts novels have?" Zhen Zhen probably read too many novels.

Liu Nian smiled and explained to her the process of decaying the disgusting corpse: "There are many bacteria in the human body, especially in the intestines. When a person dies, these bacteria will decompose the human body, usually between twenty-four and seventy-two. Corruption begins within hours, of course, in the hot weather in the south, it begins to decay within 24 hours. In the initial stage of the decay process, the abdomen of the corpse will gradually swell, which is due to the putrefaction bacteria in the intestines. Intestinal bloating…

"When the corpse is decomposed to a certain extent, blood will flow from the nose and mouth, and with the increase of putrefaction gas in the chest and abdomen, the pressure will increase, and even post-mortem vomiting may occur, that is, the deceased will suddenly vomit blood and water for no reason after a period of time. If the deceased is a pregnant woman, the increased pressure in the thoracic and abdominal cavity may even squeeze the fetus out, resulting in the phenomenon of childbirth after death…

"When the corpse is further decomposed, the soft tissues of the whole body will liquefy into a semi-fluid liquid, which is the so-called corpse water. In addition, a large number of maggots will breed during the decay process. Although they only eat carrion, it is impossible not to remove the clothes of the deceased. dirty."

"What do you think caused the dead body to decompose so quickly?" I asked.

"The corpse is not decomposed at all. If it is decomposed, it will at least leave a little corpse odor. Do you smell it?" Liu Nian asked back.

"I only smell the corpse stench on your body..." Said, Liu Nian rushed over and hugged me. Come on, I have to take a bath with rice water.

The corpse odor is difficult to remove. I have to use rice water to bathe the corpse. If the body of the deceased is decomposed, it will be washed with rainwater, and the clothes on the body will still have a strong corpse odor. This is not ten days. It will be gone in half a month.

"If the deceased didn't turn into a skeleton because of corruption, what could be the reason?" Zhen Zhen asked while scratching her head.

"It's so close to the Chenghuang Temple, why don't you go and ask for the support first!" After that, she took the confused Zhen Zhen to ask the villagers onlookers. The villagers' opinions on this matter can be roughly divided into four types: first, kidnapping is not a ticket; second, after a car accident, the corpse is destroyed; third, after being robbed and killed, the skeleton is eaten by rats;

The first statement was denied by Zhou Yaoan. The parents of the deceased lived by selling vegetables, and their family was not rich. And Liu Nian also found ten dollars in the pocket of the deceased. Zhou said that the deceased usually only carried so much money with him. Therefore, speculation such as kidnapping and robbery can be ruled out.

The second statement was also quickly denied. The deceased's clothes were relatively complete, and it was unlikely that he had ever suffered a car accident. The onlookers also said that there should have been no car accidents nearby in recent days.

The third argument, Liu Nian thinks it is impossible, because if the mouse gnaws the corpse, the clothes of the deceased cannot be so complete. Even if the mice were polite not to bite their clothes, they would at least leave footprints on their clothes, but now they haven't even found a single mouse hair.

Combining all kinds of factors, the most likely possibility is the fourth guess—the perverted madman kills, peels, and scrapes flesh.

"Do you think it's possible?" I asked fleeting years.

Liu Nian pondered for a moment: "It is possible, but it is more difficult. To completely separate the flesh and skin of the corpse requires high surgical skills, which cannot be done by ordinary people. Moreover, the skeleton of the deceased is very complete, without any damage, honestly Say, I have been doing autopsy for so many years and I am not confident that I can separate the skeleton so perfectly."

"Who do you think can do it?"

"Ordinary surgeons and pathological anatomists do not have the experience of completely separating the skin and flesh. Those who have such experience are probably only able to 'take bones'."

Before cremation was mandatory in the local area, three years after the ancestors were buried in the earth, the coffins were usually taken out and the remains were taken out and placed in the pagoda for worship. Of course, in addition to this, the unlawful work also includes everything related to the dead, such as collecting corpses and burying them. In ancient times, they would also perform the duties of forensic doctors. representative figure.

"Extracting bones" is one of the tasks of the deceased. If the deceased has been buried for more than three years and the remains are still not decomposed or not completely decomposed, then the deceased will remove the flesh and bones from the deceased's remains with the consent of the deceased. , the bones will be put into the pagoda for worship, and the flesh will be put into a torch. Therefore, those who have experience in peeling and scraping the human body, I am afraid they only have to do it.

"What age is it now, there are still people who can take bones!" It is necessary to be in the company of corpses all day long, and it is originally a disgusting industry. Most of the people engaged in this industry are middle-aged and elderly people. Moreover, taking bones is not for every unscrupulous work. It is a terrible thing to take bones from a complete corpse, and it is even more terrible to take bones from a rotten corpse. What's more, compulsory cremation has been practiced for many years, and the current practice basically does not take bones. Their job is to arrange for future generations to go to the crematorium and arrange funeral ceremonies. At best, they are just alternative tour guides.

"Yes, I know there is one in the village." When I was talking with Liu Nian, among the onlookers, Obasan, who was in his 50s or 60s, suddenly interjected. I walked up to her and asked her for details. When she was about to answer, the person beside her suggested that she should not meddle in her own business.

"If you don't catch this pervert, who knows if the next one who gets skinned and shaved will be his grandson!" Obasan's words silenced all the onlookers.

In order not to be influenced by others, I asked Obasan to walk aside and chat with me. She told me that there was an old man in the village called "Nanxizhi". Work, only he has experience in bone harvesting around here.

I asked her for Mu Xizhi's address, and she repeatedly asked me to arrest the murderer as soon as possible, lest she worry about her grandson's harm all day long. This is the case with grandparents now, grandchildren are like lifebloods, even a minor illness is more heart-wrenching than losing a piece of meat.

I asked Yuegui if she had any special findings, and her answer was a little helpless: "Except for the confirmation that the bicycle and schoolbag are Zhou Shaolong's belongings, Guan didn't find much. The previous heavy rain washed away most of the valuable evidence. Not a single footprint was left."

"This is not easy to handle!" There is no evidence, how should we investigate

She suddenly smiled: "Just kidding, look at this..." She held up the evidence bag she was holding to me, which contained a small amount of residues of unknown things.

"What's this?" I really can't see what this little bit of bird shit is.

"It's the remains of a plant. It was found on the gear of the bicycle. It should have been hung before the incident. As long as the plant is detected, it is possible to know that the deceased had been there before he was killed. And this, from the school bag. found in." She put away the evidence bag, and then took out another evidence bag, which contained a piece of paper. There were handwriting on the paper, but it was very blurry because it had been wet by the rain. I only saw that there were six Chinese characters in larger fonts at the top of the paper—the letter XX is the buffalo.

"Why would you get a buffalo if you believe in it? Could the deceased have anything to do with a cult!"

"Although the handwriting has melted, it will cause depressions on the paper when writing. Take it back and deal with it to find out what is written on it." After she said that, she packed up her things and prepared to go back to deal with the evidence.

According to Zhou Yaoan, the deceased disappeared after school nine days ago, and the location where the body was found was not the only way for the deceased to return home from school. In other words, the deceased probably didn't know where he went to play after school, so knowing where he had been would be of great help to the investigation.

However, to know that the deceased had been there for a walk, you must wait for the Yuetong to prove that you can get a clue. Now you can only try your luck at Nanjizhi. Although I don't think an old man in his seventies has the strength to make an energetic teenager down to the skeleton.

Nan Meizhi lives in the westernmost part of Zhouwu Village, a small bungalow in a remote and dilapidated location. On the way to his residence, I asked the villagers about his situation by the way, and got the following information: 1. He is the only illegal worker in the vicinity who can harvest bones, but he has been harvesting the mountains for many years.

2. He is a subsistence allowance household, without a wife and no children, living a hard life, relying on the meager subsistence allowances given by the village to survive.

3. He has a withdrawn temperament and is unwilling to take the initiative to contact the villagers.

4. More than 20 years ago, when cremation was not mandatory, he suddenly closed the mountain in his prime, and never did any work related to the dead.

5. He likes drinking very much. Since he stopped doing rude things, he often gets drunk.

Cowardice is an industry that relies on dead people to make money. It is easy to be hated by others. Therefore, it is not uncommon to be unwilling to take the initiative to contact others. It is understandable even if you have no wife and no children. But since I know that I have no support in my old age, why not accumulate the grains to prevent hunger in my prime, but harvest the mountains early so that I can end up in a poor old age? This question may only be answered from his own mouth.

He Zhen Zhen came to Mu Xizhi's house, I suddenly felt a gust of wind, although it was broad day, but the place was remote and overgrown with weeds, as if there would be zombies and other monsters jumping out at any time . And the terrifying zombie may be in this house. According to the person closest to the house, the last time I saw Mu Yanzhi was two or three months ago, and it was still late at night.

Lightly knocked on the wooden door that was riddled with holes by termites, and it took a long time to hear a weak but shivering old voice: "I will not care about the dead, nor do I want to live with the living. Excuse me, please come back!"