Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 31: Prostitution was caught


Red wine has a characteristic, that is, it won't go up when you drink it, but it has a strong stamina. I only realized this after drinking three glasses of Bordeaux from 1990 with President Lu and others, but it was too late. I suddenly felt that my head was heavy and I wanted to sleep very much. Once I lay down, I had no strength to get up again. In the dimness, I seemed to hear Boss Li asking Dean Lu what he planned to do with me, and then he lost consciousness.

Since I was transferred to the weird group, I have rarely had a chance to get a good night's sleep. In my sleep, I felt that someone was beside me, undressing me gently. When I opened my eyes, I found that the other party turned out to be Yuetong. She was smiling at me naked, and the fragrance of the female body fragrance made my whole body soft. Every movement of her is very gentle, her soft silk jade fingers gently draw on my bare chest, her elastic lips kiss my whole body, and her slippery and dexterous tongue is even more ecstasy... When she When I was riding on my body and dancing frantically, my face suddenly became blurred, sometimes like Zhen Zhen, sometimes like Xueqing...

I knew I was dreaming, but the dream was so real that the ecstasy was so real that I thought I would never wake up. However, the sudden icy feeling pulled me back from my dream to reality. Damn, who splashed me with cold water!

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in an unfamiliar room with several people staring at me. "Get up, put on your clothes!" The majestic voice seemed to burst in my ears, almost knocking me out again. Only then did I realize that my current situation was not optimistic. I was lying on the bed in the hotel room, covered with a half-wet quilt, and the cold feeling let me know that under the quilt was my naked body. In addition to a few men in uniforms of the Anti-Yellow Team, there is also a woman with a good appearance and figure who is wearing clothes - I was arrested for whoring!

I was stunned on the spot, what the hell is going on here? I was drinking with Dean Lu and the others just now... I think I know what's going on. Dean Lu provided me with "one-stop service", and maybe "by the way" made a phone call to my friends in the anti-pornography team.

"What are you still dawdling at, hurry up!" The person speaking was a middle-aged man in his thirties, who should be the leader of the team. Looking closely at his appearance, there was a feeling of deja vu. Although my head still hurts a lot, but in this critical situation, my head is still clear. I remembered that his name was Guo Zhiwei, who used to be the boss's subordinate. I had met him twice before. There were acquaintances present, and the situation was not too bad, so he called him "Team Guo" in a low voice.

Only then did he seriously plan for me, and after a while, he ordered his subordinates to take away the prostitute who "raped" me just now. After everyone left the room, he whispered to me, "You won't be raped, right? , I wonder why the superiors let us go to such a high-end hotel for a surprise inspection for no reason, and there was no news beforehand."

"Fortunately you recognize me, otherwise I'll be in big trouble this time." I smiled bitterly. For the police, drinking alcohol and visiting prostitutes are taboos. Of course, this kind of taboo only lies in being caught on the spot. If I were taken back now, the boss might be able to keep me from being laid off, but a transfer is almost inevitable.

"Hurry up and get dressed, and find a chance to slip away later." He turned around and left the room after saying this.

"I'll invite you to dinner when you're free." I said as I lifted the quilt to get dressed. Wow, as soon as I lifted the quilt, I found that the evidence of prostitution was still hanging on my brother. Fortunately, Guo team has already gone out and no one has seen it.

I rushed into the toilet quickly, dropped the cover containing my hundreds of millions of descendants into the toilet bowl, and pressed the flush button. Only then did I feel a little more at ease. Although I have never been in the anti-pornography team, I am a policeman anyway. I have a good understanding of the evidence collection procedures for prostitution. Condoms are the main evidence to identify the fact of prostitution. As long as they are dealt with, even if someone breaks in now I can't help it.

Anyway, the situation is relatively safe now, and I am not in a hurry to leave. I took a shower by the way, got dressed and smoked a cigarette leisurely. At this point, there was no more noise outside the door. I opened a crack and glanced out. After confirming that the anti-jam team had left, I swaggered out of the hotel.

The next morning, as soon as he entered the boss's office, he said to me maliciously, "Would you like me to ask your sister-in-law to introduce you to your partner?"

"Ah, your news is too well-informed!" I showed a bitter melon-like face and told him the process of being calculated by Dean Lu. Of course, I did not confess the fact that I was "raped" by a prostitute, but only vaguely stated it. Being caught prostitutes is shameful enough, and being drunk and being slapped by a prostitute overlord, if Zhen Zhen and the others know, I really want to find a hole to get in.

"If it weren't for A Guo, you would be embarrassed this time. Even if I could keep you, I'm afraid you wouldn't have the face to stay in the conspiracy team!" People feel uncomfortable.

Continuing to talk about this topic may make me more and more embarrassed, so I quickly changed the subject: "For those bosses, the director of the orphanage is no different from a beggar begging for food, but yesterday's attitude toward President Lu Very friendly, it makes people feel like they are business partners. And since Dean Lu calculated me like this, he must have a guilty conscience, and a detailed investigation of his background may be beneficial. "

"Do you think this Dean Lu is doing some human trafficking business with those bosses?" The boss's eyes were very deep, and what he meant was obviously not as simple as ordinary human trafficking.

"You think they are dealing in sex slaves?" This orphanage has not been funded by the government, but it has been maintained until now, which makes people doubt its financial source. And the orphanage lacked everything except girls. If we caress these motherless little girls to their teens, and then sell them for profit, then we can turn the orphans who used to be burdens into inexhaustible gold mines. I suddenly thought of Meilong. Is her disrespect to President Lu because she knew the tragic fate she was about to face

"You guys should seriously investigate Director Lu, and the source of income of the orphanage, and make up your own mind about the assignment of work!" The boss motioned me to work after the explanation.

I asked Xueqing and Miaomiao to monitor Director Lu, and then asked Viagra to search the Internet for all information related to the orphanage, while Zhen Zhen and I went to investigate the background of the four bosses last night.

Once again, I came to the hotel where my old cat almost burned the whiskers last night, and used all means of coercion and inducement to learn the identity of Boss Li from the minister. Boss Li, whose full name is Li Hongye, is the chairman of a multinational company. He is low-key and rarely attends public events. He held a wedding banquet for his grandson in this hotel three months ago, with hundreds of seats, many of whom were employees of his company, so the minister knew that his background was so big.

"Holding a wedding banquet for my grandson? Is it my grandson or my son?" Although I've only met once, I can't even remember the age of the other party! Boss Li, the four of them are all about forty or fifty years old, and they are extremely new grandfathers. How could they have a banquet for grandson-in-law

"It's true that his grandson got married, and his children also came. In fact, I was also taken aback at the time. He walked with his children and looked like brothers and sisters." The minister's expression was very complicated, obviously he I also thought what I said was ridiculous.

I called Viagra and asked him to immediately search for information about Boss Li on the Internet, and he quickly called me back: "This profiteer is too afraid of death, the information about him on the Internet can't be less, only in his company There is a brief introduction of him on his website, but there is not even a photo. He did not attend all the public events of his company, and the only news report about him was that a reporter took his photo secretly, and he asked the security guard to take the reporter. The camera was robbed. However, he later gave the reporter a lot of money and apologized, saying that he was afraid that the photos would easily lead to kidnapping. It seems that these rich owners are afraid of death.”

"Do you know his exact age?" I am more concerned about this question.

"The exact age is not clear, the introduction did not say when he was born, but it was mentioned that he started out in the grain and oil business in the early days of liberation. Even if he was only ten years old at the time, he is at least seven or eighty years old now. Come on!"

I suddenly felt a little dizzy. Boss Li was already seventy or eighty years old, but last night I saw him clearly in his forties or fifties! And when it comes to drinking, he is not inferior to this young man like me at all. If he is an old man, it would be strange if he did not suffer from a brain hemorrhage after drinking like this. Did I fuck up last night

Continuing to think about Boss Li's age, there is no clue, so he asked Viagra if he had found the financial source of the orphanage.

"In addition to Boss Li's company, there are three local listed companies headquartered in the orphanage for a long time, and the amount is quite large. The largest donation is 50,000 yuan per year, and the minimum is 300,000 yuan. But it is very strange. , Generally speaking, if listed companies do good deeds, they will definitely report to the media. However, these four companies did not say a word. I only found out the financial statements of their donations to the orphanage through the financial statements on their company websites. Expenditure. If it is not a listed company, no one will know if they donated." Viagra's tone also showed that he was very puzzled. He also told me the names of the bosses of the other three companies. Their surnames were the same as the other three bosses yesterday. They should be them.

Donating to an orphanage is a good deed, and it is not uncommon for individuals to donate anonymously, but as a business, it is almost impossible. The main purpose of companies doing good deeds is to enhance their image in order to earn more profits. For example, a company that produces beverages donated 100 million yuan for disaster relief earlier, and it became famous immediately. The beverages it produced were in short supply for several days. If you do good deeds silently, you might as well distribute the money as dividends to the shareholders who bought the shares of the company.

Are these four companies really secretly doing a dirty deal with orphanages to sell sex slaves

Instead of making unfounded guesses, it is better to collect more evidence, so Zhen Zhen and I immediately went to Boss Li's company headquarters, hoping to get valuable clues from him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li is in a meeting, please wait a moment." Half an hour ago, Boss Li's beautiful female secretary answered us. Half an hour later, she also told us that Boss Li was still in a meeting. Then we waited for another hour, and she still said that Boss Li was in a meeting.

It seems that we won't be able to see Boss Li today. For a rich and powerful owner like him, unless we have his handle, or the suspect to be arrested is him, then we can directly screw him back to the police station for slow interrogation. But if you just want to ask him to cooperate with the investigation, it is not an easy task. If he avoids seeing him, we can't do anything about him.

Since we can't see Boss Li, there is no need to waste time here, but as soon as we walked out of the door, the female secretary came after them with two security guards, she politely and cautiously said to Zhen Zhen, "Miss Li, I just found out The phone is gone, have you seen it?"

Zhen Zhen went mad when she heard the words and shouted loudly: "What do you mean! Do you want to say that I stole something from you?"

"I didn't mean it, but you were the only one walking around me just now. If you don't mind, can you give me a search?" The secretary's attitude was very polite, but such an excessive request, no matter how polite, could not let me The hot tempered Zhen Zhen agreed.

Zhen Zhen showed a cannibal look with a blue face and fangs, and lifted her sleeves, as if she was ready to fight. The secretary took a step back timidly, two security guards immediately stood between her and Zhen Zhen, she said in a slightly timid tone: "If you don't want me to search, then I have to call the police."

"Aren't we the police? What else should I report to the police!" Zhen Zhen's roar made the two security guards back away unconsciously.

I grabbed Zhen Zhen and whispered in her ear: "It's better to have less than one thing, you didn't steal her mobile phone, and you won't lose a piece of meat if you let her search her body. But if she calls the police, it will waste at least half a day of our time. ."

Although Zhen Zhen understands what I mean, it is another matter if she understands it. She gritted her teeth and made a ideological struggle, and finally stomped me hard before agreeing to let the secretary search. The secretary said it was inconvenient to search her body here, so she invited her inside.

Because there are differences between men and women, I did not follow her, but stayed where she was and waited for her. After waiting for a while, a question suddenly flashed into his mind - why does the secretary only doubt Zhen Zhen? I was walking beside her just now!

As soon as I thought of this question, the answer appeared immediately. "Are you Mr. Mu Shenyu?" Another beautiful woman who looked like a secretary appeared in front of me. After I nodded and said yes, she said, "This way, please" and led me the way without waiting for me to speak. Said to take me there, but did not say who to take me to see.

Although the other party didn't say who I wanted to meet, this is where Boss Li lives. I really can't think of anyone else I can see besides him. Sure enough, when the secretary took me to a luxurious BMW RV and opened the door for me, I saw Boss Li sitting in the back. He showed a friendly smile and waved to me: "Xiao Mu, get in the car and chat with me."

Why can't he say it openly, but deliberately let the secretary entangle Zhen Zhen and tell me alone? Certainly something that can't be seen, maybe I can get some clues from it. After getting in the car, when I closed the door, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind - he wouldn't want to sell me! Although he looks like a wealthy and powerful person, even if he wants to kill a little scoundrel like me, he doesn't need to do it himself, but he already had a criminal record last night...