Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 32: Immortal


After waiting outside Boss Li's office for two hours, he also avoided seeing him. As we were about to leave, Zhen Zhen was entangled in his secretary, and another secretary asked me to get into his luxury RV and have a "chat" with him. Since you want to get rid of Zhen Zhen and talk to me alone, of course it won't be an upright thing, maybe it will hurt me if you don't talk about it.

As soon as I got in the car, Boss Li asked the driver to drive so that only the driver could hear our conversation. Of course, the driver is his person. Since he can let him listen, he is naturally not worried that he will talk nonsense.

"How was the girl's service last night? It should be good. Although it costs 5,000 yuan a night, it's definitely worth it." Boss Li showed a friendly smile, which didn't make people think he was laughing at me.

"The service is good, but I'm a stupid rabbit who likes to eat grass by the side of the nest, and doing that thing with a strange woman is like a quilt to me. And when I get climaxed, there are also partners from the anti-pornography team who come to make a cameo. No energy at all." He was pretending to be crazy, and I cooperated with him with a big smile, of course my smile was more fake than his.

"It seems that you are not satisfied with our arrangement..." He said, taking out a thick envelope and handing it to me, "Here it is, it is a shock to you, and what happened last night should not have happened."

I took the envelope, which felt quite heavy. When I opened it, I found that there were three hundred yuan in it. I smiled and returned the envelope: "Boss Li, you don't want to joke with me again, do you? Last night's joke was big enough." If I accept this 30,000 yuan, I'm afraid that when I get out of the car, the procurator's guy will will jump out immediately.

"Gentlemen don't reminisce about the old and the evil. The joke last night was indeed a bit too much. You can treat us as a fool for drinking and drinking." He shoved the envelope into my hand again.

"Although a gentleman does not reminisce about the old and evil, but he who has no merit will not be idle." I returned the envelope again.

"Just treat it as a welcome gift from me." He stuffed the envelope to me again and again.

It was boring enough to push around like this, so I said, "Since Boss Li thinks highly of me, then I will be disrespectful. However, I don't prostitute or gamble, and I don't usually spend a lot of money. I don't have much use on my hands. Why don't you ask your driver to do me a favor and take the money to the orphanage, I think the orphans there will need the money more." I handed the envelope to the driver who was driving, and he After receiving the approval from Boss Li in the rear mirror, he took the envelope.

"I've seen a lot of police officers who are greedy for money. It's the first time I've seen them who are not greedy. I like you more and more." Boss Li's smile is very sincere, but who knows whether he is sincere or fake, just like his age , Shan Ren's appearance does not show that he is in his seventies or eighties.

"Our paths are different." The roads are different, and there is no point in continuing to talk.

"Haha! We are on the same road, at least you have no reason to arrest me." His smile still looked so natural.

I sneered: "Is it legal to sell people, even sex slaves? Maybe that's why I'm arresting you."

He was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: "Hahaha... little brother, you are so funny. Let me tell you straight, I did start out by some dishonorable means when I was young, but I have long since switched to a legitimate business. . With my current wealth, even if I no longer do any business, it is something that can only be done by several generations. Do you think I still need to rely on such illegal activities to make money? "

"Then what is the relationship between you and Boss Chen and Dean Lu? He is just the dean of an orphanage, but you are billionaires, will you look down on him? Don't tell me, you are merciful Heart, if you want to help the children in the orphanage, there is no need to please him. There must be some unspeakable dirty business between you!" I said solemnly.

He put away his smile and answered my question seriously: "Lao Chen and I do have some deals with Lao Lu, but it's not human trafficking or sex slaves as you think. To make money, we have more legal ways. , want women, there are many young beauties who take the initiative to embrace us. The transaction between us may be immoral in the eyes of the world, but it is not necessarily illegal. If we are really heinous, do you think you still Any chance to talk to me? Last night, when you were drunk, we just put a wet tissue over your face and you'd never wake up."

After hearing what he said, I couldn't help but ponder. The truth is like he said, they did have plenty of time to deal with me last night, and even just a wet tissue could suffocate me to death, and the autopsy report will likely identify my cause of death as overdrinking and suffocation. death, they are not responsible for anything.

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang, it was Zhen Zhen's call, it seemed that she had already settled the secretary. Boss Li motioned for the driver to stop, and he smiled kindly when I got out of the car: "I will donate the money to the orphanage in your name."

After the car drove away, I stayed on the side of the road for a while, until Zhen Zhen called again, I recovered and realized that I was not far from Boss Li's company, so I walked over to meet her. She chatted a lot in my ear, but I didn't hear a word, my mind was full of what Boss Li said.

What exactly is an "immoral but not necessarily illegal deal"? What kind of deals can Dean Lu offer for these big bosses? Since Boss Li takes it so seriously, even at the expense of personally courting me, this immoral transaction, which is not a crime, will definitely not continue once it is exposed, and it will also cause him a lot of losses. But with his financial and material resources, except for the moon in the sky, there is almost nothing that he can't buy. If he can't buy it, how can Dean Lu have it? More importantly, what does this transaction have to do with Zhou Shaolong's death? Why did Dean Lu want to harm me

The more questions he thinks about, the more chaotic his thoughts become. It would be nice if there were Xiao Xiang. He could carefully analyze every detail and finally come to the crux of the problem. Although I don't have him by my side, I don't necessarily collide like a headless fly. The key to all the problems lies in Dean Lu. As long as I keep an eye on him, I'm not afraid of not being able to find out.

Call Xueqing and ask about Dean Lu's situation. She said that Dean Lu spent all day in the orphanage handling the affairs of the orphanage, and did not behave abnormally. The most special thing is probably that he has a very bad relationship with one of the orphans. The two always quarrel, and the orphan sometimes beats him, but he never fights back.

I asked her what the orphan looked like, and she asked Miaomiao to send me a MMS with a photo attached. The photo was taken secretly, and it was taken from a long distance, so I couldn't see it clearly, but I could recognize Mei Long in the photo at a glance, because her clothes were so special.

Boss Li said that there is no need for them to profit from human trafficking or sex slaves. If this is the case, my previous speculation about the reason for President Lu and Meilong's bad relationship is invalid. So why is their relationship so bad? It stands to reason that the dean should be the most dignified person in the courtyard, but Meilong was a little in awe of Sister Yuan and others, but she was not afraid of Dean Lu, and even dared to beat him. What's even more strange is that Dean Lu didn't fight back. This reminds me of a saying, "The younger sister is bigger than the host's wife", which means that the maid is in power and is more powerful than the lady she serves, but the maid depends on the maid's face. How could this little girl Meilong be more powerful than Dean Lu

The best way to deal with unsolved problems is not to think about it. Anyway, there is no news from Dean Lu for the time being, so I want to start with the other three bosses who donated money to orphans. Just then Viagra called: "I found an interesting thing."

"What's the matter, tell me quickly." This fellow has to take credit every time, and I don't want to listen to his nonsense anymore.

"I read thousands of news web pages..." He still took credit for a long time before getting to the point, "... Boss Chen suffered from lung cancer more than ten years ago, and he is very low-key and never attends public events, so some people once posted on the Internet. He hyped up the matter and speculated that he was dead. His company came forward to clarify, saying that he was in good health, saying that the rumors on the Internet were baseless, and also emphasized that this was a conspiracy of competitors. Although the company has repeatedly clarified, he himself He never made a public appearance, causing investors to abandon his company's stock in a panic, and it fell to the limit for several days. Later, a well-known stock critic commented that his company was operating well and its performance was stable. Even if the chairman has passed away, he must have already selected it. After the successor, this attracted investors to take advantage of the low to defuse the crisis.”

"Do you know his exact age?" Like Boss Li, I am equally concerned about Boss Chen's real age.

“It’s impossible to say, all the reports and introductions about him don’t mention his exact age. However, his company has been established for more than 40 years, and he is the founder. years old, even more than 80 years old. Otherwise, investors would not believe his dead letter so much."

Another 70-80-year-old immortal, and he has been suffering from lung cancer for more than ten years. If he develops cancer in his sixties, he should not be able to endure the painful course of treatment. However, he was the one who gave the toast the most fiercely last night, and if he was a dying old man afflicted with ills, then I would be a dead man.

When I was thinking about it, Viagra told me another amazing news: "His company started donating to orphanages for more than ten years, and it should be shortly after he contracted lung cancer..."

A word awakened the dreamer, could it be that Boss Chen and the others bought from President Lu a miracle medicine that can cure all diseases and even make people immortal? Indeed, for these four millionaires, immortality is more important than anything else, not to mention the donation of several hundred thousand a year, even a few million or even tens of millions is worth it. But is there such a medicine in the world

Maybe, I can find the answer in Boss Chen, of course, if he is willing to meet me.

Boss Chen's full name is Chen Jiande. He is in the export trade business. His company is bigger than Boss Li. He came to his company with Zhen Zhen and waited outside his office for a while, his secretary told me that he was willing to meet me, but only wanted to see me. His approach is relatively straightforward. He just wants to see me and just say it directly, unlike Boss Li, who is sneaky. I told Zhen Zhen that if you don't want to be searched again, just stay obediently and don't run around. This girl is impulsive, but it's not that she doesn't understand what I mean.

Boss Chen's office is quite large, at least 600 square meters. There are tea sets and bars, and there is even an automatic mahjong table. It feels more like an entertainment room. In this way, he is a man who knows how to enjoy life.

He was sitting at a desk that was bigger than my dining table and waved to me, and when I sat down across from him, he took out his checkbook and said in a not very friendly tone: "Make me a price, you want How much do you care about our business?"

I smiled indifferently: "If Boss Chen also wants to donate money to the orphanage in my name, then I will thank you on behalf of the children in the orphanage. But if you want to bribe me, then there is no need for it. The fortune teller said that I was destined. If there is no windfall, I am afraid that I will have no luck with your kindness."

He suddenly burst out laughing, took out two cigars from the humidor on the table, cut one and threw one for me, and lit the other one himself. Greed, I still don't believe it, I didn't expect you to be really not greedy."

I took out my lighter, lit the cigar, and took a leisurely sip: "Since you know I'm not greedy, don't waste your time on this topic. Boss Li told me that you have some non-illegal transactions with President Lu. It's not illegal, then you might as well tell me what the deal is. As long as you're willing to say it, then I don't need to bother you again."

"Old Li didn't tell you. He has his own reasons, and so do I. You should understand that with our social relations, it is easy to deal with you. If you continue to pester us about this issue, don't blame us." He said Get straight to the point, and don't make the rounds like Boss Li.

"You don't dare to do anything to me, at least you don't dare to kill me." I put on a confident expression, his brows frowned slightly, and I slowly explained: "I thought it was very strange, you two last night. Why didn't you kill me directly, but took a lot of time to get the guys from the anti-pornography team to arrest me for whoring. Just now I finally figured it out, because you were afraid that my death at your dinner party would make you the focus of the media, and you were afraid of everything Everyone knows your real age. Therefore, you never let reporters take pictures, you dare not attend public occasions, and you don’t even show up in public even when your dead letter is circulated. Because you are afraid that everyone will know that although you are in your 70s, 80s, or even hundreds of years old, But you have the appearance of no more than half a hundred. You are like vampires that can only survive in the dark, and once they are exposed to the sun, they will be ashes!"

The more I talked, the more excited I became, and I kept increasing my tone. He remained silent, the muscles on his face twitched slightly, and after a long time he smiled bitterly: "You are right, we are indeed nearly a hundred years old and immortal, so we do not want to be with us. Contact with the media and act as low-key as possible, because we are afraid of being regarded as monsters. If you dared to talk to me like this 30 to 40 years ago, your family will go to the trash can tomorrow to find your hands and feet. "

The other party has the handle in my hands, so I don't need to be so polite, and directly offer a condition: "I want to know what the deal between you and Dean Lu is? As long as you tell me the secret of your immortality, I will definitely not. Speak out."

He suddenly took out a silver coin from the drawer, which seemed to be a valuable commemorative coin, he smiled and said: "I can't tell you directly, because this matter concerns the interests of me and my friends, if you If you're willing to gamble with me, and if you can win me, then I'm willing to admit defeat and tell you about the deal between us. But if you lose, then don't bother us with this issue anymore."

"How to gamble?" My luck is not too bad, and small bets are usually not lost.

"The gameplay is very simple, you first take out all the money on your body!"

I am not a rich person, I usually only carry a few hundred yuan with me, but now I have more than 800 yuan in my wallet, so I took out eight pieces of 100 yuan, and I didn’t take out the change to show my shame.

When I put the money on the table, he raised the silver coin in his hand: "We will toss this silver coin to determine whether we will win or lose. Toss once in each round. If it is heads, you will win, and if it is tails, you will lose. A total of ten rounds of bet, each round The bet is half of the money you put on the table. For example, if you win the first game, I will lose 400 yuan to you, if you win the second game, I will lose you 600 yuan, and so on. After ten games, if If you have more money than you have now, then you win, and if you have less money, then I win."

On the surface, his proposal seems to be very beneficial to me, because I only have 800 yuan in total. Even if I lose all ten rounds, I will still have seventy-eight cents left, but if I win all ten rounds, I will win more than 40,000 yuan. However, how could this old man be at a disadvantage? This gambling game is actually a logical trap. With a 49% to 50% chance of the coin coming up heads, I'm pretty lucky to win six rounds. But according to his gambling method, even if I win six and lose four, the money will still be less than before, and the money will only increase after winning at least seven games. In other words, my bet with him is almost guaranteed.

I scratched the back of my head and pretended to be confused: "I have to win at least seven games before the money will increase. I don't think my luck is so good." Then I put the money back in my wallet.

After being discovered by me, Boss Chen's expression was a little disappointed, he put the silver coins on the table and spun them, and after a while he came up with a new gambling method: "You are a criminal policeman, so I will make a reasoning question for you to guess, it should be no problem, right? "

"Okay!" I've been a police officer for a few years, and it would be a shame if I didn't dare to accept such a challenge.

He smiled maliciously, looked at me for a moment, and said, "You have a lighter, a wallet, keys, a cell phone, and a pack or two of cigarettes on you..." He thought for a while and then said, "Now Let's say that's all you have on you, and of course you're wearing clothes and nothing else. Let's say you're alone on patrol in a sixteen-story vacant building with no elevator. Go up to the fifteenth floor When you heard someone calling for help, you quietly approached and found that five strong men were preparing for a weak girl, how can you prevent this girl from being abused?"

This is indeed a difficult problem. With only a lighter, wallet, keys, mobile phone, cigarettes and clothes, and no weapons, it is impossible to fight against five strong men alone. Moreover, the location is on the fifteenth floor of a vacant building without an elevator. Whether it is to call the police or find someone nearby for help, at most the culprit can only be arrested, and it is impossible for the girl to escape the bad luck of being arrested.

How can I save the girl? Do you want to go up and greet five strong men stupidly, then give them a cigarette and beg them to let go of the fat that has already reached their mouths? Or give them the money in the wallet and let them go to spring