Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 33: The murderer surrendered


Unarmed and living in a vacant building where the sky should not be used and the ground is not working, how can I save a weak girl from the hands of five strong men? The reasoning questions posed by Boss Chen are really not that difficult. I thought about it and couldn't come up with a clue. When he saw that my hard work was fruitless, he smiled proudly: "Have you thought of it? Don't say that I am bullying you. I can't keep you thinking about it endlessly, and if you don't come up with the answer after I've finished smoking the cigar, then you lose."

The cigar in his hand has been smoked nearly halfway, and at the speed of his smoking, he can finish it in twenty minutes, but I haven't figured out the slightest clue at this moment. Cigar... Looking at the cigar in his hand, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind - a lighter! The key to this reasoning question is lighters, cell phones, and flammable clothes. Cigarettes are also useful, and keys are completely irrelevant.

"In this case, there is only one way to save the girl, and that is to scare the villains away!" I took a cigar and put the lighter and mobile phone on the table before replying leisurely: "I have a lighter on me, so I can make a fire. , of course, I can also set the clothes on fire. I just take off my shirt, light it with a lighter, and then crush the cigarette and throw it into the fire to burn together to produce a small amount of thick smoke, creating the illusion of a fire. However, this is not enough. , I also had to remove the battery of the mobile phone and throw it into the fire. The mobile phone battery is sealed, and the lithium compound inside will expand rapidly when heated, forming a powerful firecracker. The power of the explosion is enough to kill an adult A similar incident occurred in Gansu, where an electric welder died when a cell phone on his chest exploded because of the high temperature in the working environment, which eventually broke his ribs and punctured his heart.

“It doesn’t matter how powerful a phone battery explodes, what matters is that it makes a loud noise. Just imagine smoke and a deafening explosion nearby, and even the most perverted sex fanatic won’t be able to harden it. Their first reaction will be to leave this dangerous place immediately. Once they leave, the girl will be safe."

After listening to my answer, Boss Chen was stunned for a while before clapping his hands and saying with a wry smile: "I go to Thailand every year to visit Dragon King, and he always says the same thing to me, which probably means that I won't live for the third Jiazi, it seems that this is destined, alas..." He sighed, got up and walked to a hanging picture on the wall, and took it off. After the painting was a safe embedded in the wall, he opened the safe, took out a beautiful brocade box and walked over.

He sat back at his desk, put the brocade box on the table and opened it to me. The brocade box contains five small and delicate glass bottles, each containing about 50 milliliters of red-black translucent liquid, which feels like red wine. He took out one of the bottles, unscrewed the cap and drank it, then handed the empty bottle to me: "I'm afraid I won't be able to buy this good thing again, I can't waste it. I'll give you the bottle, I think you should have a way to get it. Know what's inside."

I took the bottle and put it in front of my nose. I smelled the smell of medicinal liquor. I looked at the bottle and found that there was still a drop or two of red-black liquid left at the bottom of the bottle, so I asked for the cap to close it. I think this is the magic medicine that makes them immortal. Take it back to Yuetong to test it, and you should be able to know what it is.

After leaving Boss Chen's company, Zhen Zhen and I immediately went to the technical team and handed over the glass bottle to Yue Tong for testing. We were disappointed by the preliminary test results. We only knew that the liquid in the glass bottle contained a variety of trace elements, amino acids, enzymes, proteins and alcohol. However, it will take more time to test to determine whether it is made from those animals and insects.

Although the preliminary test results can't tell us what is "immoral but not illegal" in the sale or manufacture of this medicinal wine, it is not useless, because Yuetong found that the medicinal wine contains trace amounts of formic acid. Dean Lu asked Zhou Junlong for a barrel of formic acid. Could it be used to prepare this magical medicinal wine that can make people immortal

Just as I was pondering the relationship between President Lu and others and the case of Zhou Shaolong's dismantling of the corpse, a shocking news came from the Criminal Investigation Bureau that made me fall off my chair - the murderer of Zhou Shaolong came to the police station and turned himself in!

Zhen Zhen and I immediately rushed to the interrogation room, in order to see the true face of the murderer, but after entering the interrogation room, I couldn't help but feel doubts, because it was Zhou Junlong, the elder brother of the deceased who turned himself in. Although we once suspected him, but he has alibi, we have almost excluded him from the list of suspects, why did he suddenly surrender

Whatever the reason for his surrender, we must also question him. He sat on the "tiger stool" with a slightly nervous expression, and often changed his sitting position. This situation is very common. The design of the "tiger stool" is to make people sit uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable they are, the more chaotic they are.

"Why did you kill the dead?" is a necessary question.

Zhou Junlong's eyes flashed with anger, and he answered without hesitation: "I hate him!"


"He stole everything that should have belonged to me, my father, my family, and my happiness! He stole me, I didn't calculate it with him, but he still wanted to stole it. My love, so I hate him, I want him to die!" He gritted his teeth with excitement, as if years of resentment had erupted at this very moment.

"Love? How did he steal your love?"

He was silent for a moment, and his emotions calmed down a little before slowly telling his first love—

Six years ago, when I was just entering middle school, one of the roads from home to school would pass through an orphanage. Once, I saw a girl as beautiful as an angel in front of the orphanage. Since then, her image has been in my mind and I want to see her all the time. After that, I took this road every day. Every time I passed the orphanage, I looked forward to seeing her again. Even if I only saw her back, I would feel very satisfied.

Unfortunately, for the next week, I didn't meet her either. Now that I think about it, I also find it ridiculous. She just occasionally walked outside the orphanage door and happened to let me meet her, and she didn't mean to wait for me there, so she would let me meet again by such a coincidence! But I didn't think so at the time. I wondered if she was sick or had an accident. The more I thought about it, the more confused I became.

I really wanted to see her again, but I didn't know how to find her, so I had no choice but to wander outside the orphanage while I didn't have to go to school on weekends. I went around there all day on Saturday and didn't see her, and on Sunday I tried my luck again, but I didn't expect to see her.

She was handing out flyers outside the church. I watched her from a distance and dared not approach her for a long time, because the environment at home was not very good at that time, so I felt inferior and dressed like a beggar, which made me feel inferior. I dare not climb up the angel in my heart. However, after I stood for a long time, she spotted me and gave me a friendly smile. She smiled so sweetly, so charmingly, that it took my breath away. I don't know how I came to her. She seemed to have talked to me a lot, but I didn't remember it like a dream. I only remembered that her name was Meilong, and she was an orphan in the orphanage.

In order to see Meilong every day, not only did I believe in Christianity, but I also found time every day to help in the orphanage, teaching children to write, playing with them, and even cleaning on weekends. Anyway, as long as I can be with her, I am willing to do anything.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed, and during these five years, I have been very happy every day. Especially after Dean Lu helped my mother get a license for a chemical shop, the environment at home gradually improved. Later, I also sold some things like non-iodized salt and chemical reagents online, and I also had some spare money on hand. With some money on hand, I no longer feel ashamed as before, I often buy some small gifts for Meilong, and also hint to her that I like her very much.

But Meilong doesn't like me buying her gifts. She prefers me to buy some snacks for the children in the yard, but she doesn't like eating snacks herself. And for my suggestion, she was either pretending to be deaf or dumb, or she just smiled and said nothing. It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm still young and I have time. I believe that as long as I stay by her side every day, I will be able to win her favor one day. I have been thinking this way for a long time, until the appearance of the wild species, I began to be afraid.

About a year ago, he also met Meilong, and after that, he went around Meilong like a fly all day. I know he's going to take my things again, and take away my beloved Meilong...

After listening to his so-called history of first love, I asked him how he killed his half-brother, and his answer was surprisingly simple: "I called that savage and said that Meilong wanted to see him and lied to him. On the hillside. After strangling him unconscious, I threw a stone at the back of his head and killed him. After that, I wanted to use formic acid to dissolve his body, but I didn't expect that a pair of cheap bones would remain undissolved. ."

"Are you sure you hit the back of his head with a stone to kill him? And the barrel of formic acid you told Dean Lu before was actually used to dissolve the corpse?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes. But although President Lu lied for me, he doesn't know anything."

I found a lot of loopholes in his words. First of all, if Zhou Shaolong died due to being hit by a hard object on the back of his head, his skull would have been damaged, but not only the skull, but also the entire skeleton of the deceased would be intact. Secondly, the deceased did not have a mobile phone and disappeared after leaving the orphanage. How could he call the deceased? Third, the clothes of the deceased were stained with phosphorus powder. It was hot summer, and the clothes must be changed every day, so the phosphorus powder should have been stained on the day of the murder. The deceased had to go to school during the day, and only after leaving the orphanage could he get the chance to get into the dead boy's hole. But he didn't say anything about it.

I pointed out the loopholes in his confession one by one, and shouted solemnly: "If you don't confess, I will add you one more charge of falsification."

"I, what I said is true, I didn't lie..." He stammered and explained one by one: First, when he attacked the dead with stones, he didn't use much force, and he might have killed the other party; Call the orphanage to find the deceased; thirdly, where the deceased has been has nothing to do with him.

What is to cover and reveal, his explanation is that. He said just now that he would use stones to kill the dead, but now he changed his mind and said that he probably didn't. The second explanation is even more outrageous. Meilong was in the orphanage at the time. He actually said that he called the orphanage to tell the deceased that Meilong wanted to see him? There is also the deceased who went there, although it has nothing to do with him, but why the deceased got into the dead boy hole for no reason is confusing.

Later, I asked him how he used formic acid to turn the dead body into a skeleton, and his answer was simple and full of errors: "I poured formic acid on him, and he quickly turned into a skeleton."

"Did you use formic acid or corpse dissolving water?" I suddenly felt a little dizzy, and I didn't bother to refute his explanation. How much does it take to pour formic acid directly on the dead to turn the body into a skeleton? I don't know the exact amount, but ten kilograms is definitely not enough. This amount of formic acid soaking the corpse may be barely enough. Moreover, if it was poured directly onto the deceased, why would the clothes of the deceased be intact

His confession was full of errors, and it was hard to believe that he was the murderer. However, if he wasn't the murderer, why would he surrender himself? He is already an adult. Murder is a serious crime to be shot. Shouldn't he just stand up for fame! Most likely, it should be to blame others, and the only person worthy of him is Luo Shufen, his mother who lives with him. However, Luo Shufen worked in the chemical shop every day, and people in the nearby shop could prove her alibi. So who was he to blame for

Although Zhou Junlong is likely to blame others, the case has attracted the attention of the public, and an explanation must be given to the public as soon as possible. Since there is an unjust person who is automatically sent to the door, naturally he cannot be easily let go. The big deal is to close it for three or two months, and then quietly release him when the public no longer pays attention to the case. Therefore, no matter if he is the real murderer or the top one, he must be detained now.

I've been busy all day and still have no clue. When they returned to the office, Xueqing and Miaomiao had also returned. Xueqing told me about Dean Lu's situation, except that he often quarrels with Meilong, he is no different. Since I didn't find any clues, I had to get off work early and rest, hoping that there will be new discoveries tomorrow.

When I was about to leave, I suddenly found that someone was pulling the corner of my clothes from behind. When I looked back and found it was Miaomiao, I asked her what was the matter? She didn't answer right away, but waited for Xueqing and the others to leave the office, and then tiptoed into my ear and whispered, "I saw some scary things at the orphanage today."

Strange, she saw "terrifying things", why didn't Xueqing tell me? Although Xueqing treats people indifferently on weekdays, she has always taken care of her, and the two have never had any troubles. Why did she have to wait for Xueqing to leave before secretly telling me about it