Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 34: Horror Room


When I was about to get off work, Miaomiao suddenly grabbed the corner of my clothes. I asked her what was going on, but she had to wait for Xueqing to walk out of the office before saying to me, "I saw some scary things in the orphanage today."

However, Xueqing didn't mention to me that there were "terrifying things" in the orphanage. I didn't feel puzzled, so I asked her what she saw. Her petite body trembled slightly, as if remembering something extremely terrifying, and it took a long time before she said, "I'm hungry!" I suddenly felt the urge to jump off the building.

Walking into McDonald's with Miaomiao feels like dragging a kid, or should I say being dragged by a kid. She ordered two set meals and asked me to add money for a Hello Kitty toy, and the money was a little slower, and she pouted. God, why are you torturing me like this!

After eating two foreign fast food with no nutritional value with her, she began to play with the hello kitty that she bought. She didn't remember it until I asked her what she saw in the orphanage. Her face suddenly turned pale, she held the toy in her hand tightly, and said to me with a slight trembling, "I saw a baby girl, a very small one, it should be a newborn baby girl. She was naked. , slowly crawled over to me, and waved to me. Her face was very strange, not like a baby, but like a middle-aged person. Her expression was also very strange, she seemed to be in pain, as if she was asking for help. The most terrifying What's more, black blood keeps coming out of her body, making the place where she crawled into a bloody road..."

I really doubt that Miaomiao's college diploma was bought for fifty yuan on the street. She talked for a long time and I didn't know what she was talking about. Her expressive ability was not so bad. Fortunately, I also had a hand in taking a confession, so I slowly guided her to tell me the situation at that time—

Sister Xueqing and I have been monitoring Dean Lu all day today. He is very busy with his work. He will take care of the affairs of the whole hospital by himself, so we have to keep shifting the monitoring points. Since there was nothing special to discover, in the evening, we planned to monitor for a while before leaving. At this time, he seemed to have something to ask Sister Yuan. They talked for a while in the inner hall of the church, and strange things happened at this time.

We were outside the church, watching them through open windows. Sister Xueqing used binoculars to monitor their every move, while I was bored with texting and chatting with my friends. Suddenly, I felt a little dizzy, and then I heard someone calling me, the voice was vague, like a woman's voice. However, when I looked up, I saw a baby girl covered in black blood crawling on the floor behind Dean Lu and the others, slowly crawling towards us.

She crawled very slowly, beckoning to me as she crawled, and seemed to want to speak, but immediately spit out a mouthful of black blood. Even so, I heard her voice, a vague adult woman's voice, vague but I was sure she was calling for help. Then, I just… fainted.

Sister Xueqing pinched the place under my nose (Miaomiao doesn't seem to know it's called "Renzhong") to wake me up. I told her about the horrible sight I had just seen, but she didn't see anything and asked if I was dreaming...

No wonder Xueqing didn't mention this to me, it's just Miaomiao's daydreaming. I have been to the inner hall, and I remember very clearly what it was like. Miaomiao looked in through the window from the surveillance point, and couldn't see the floor at all, so how could it be possible to see a strange baby girl crawling on the ground

I told her that she couldn't see the floor through the window, but she insisted that she was not dreaming and actually saw a baby girl with black blood all over her body calling for help. Recalling that she had "gibberishly" instructed me to find evidence before, I wonder if she will be so lucky this time

I asked her if she wanted to go to the church now. She looked at the dark sky outside through the floor-to-ceiling glass and shivered a few times: "It's so late, what if a man-eating monster jumps out there?" A very strange creature, the more afraid things are, the more they want to find out the truth. Although she repeatedly asked to find out tomorrow, when I decided to leave immediately, she still followed me with her butt pouted.

The location of the orphanage is relatively secluded. It is not near the village or the store in the back, and there are no street lights nearby. The lights are extinguished at night. We drove all the way, and it was quite scary. About a kilometer away from the orphanage, I parked my car on the side of the road, because I didn't want to go into the church to investigate, but I wanted to sneak in. After all, there may be many secrets here that we don't know. If you are accompanied by people from the hospital, you may not be able to investigate in depth.

She sneaked up to the church door with Meow Meow like a thief. She grabbed the corner of my clothes all the way, followed me closely, and almost pulled my clothes into shape. Looking inside from the window, it was pitch black, so no one should be in a daze inside, right? Looking at the courtyard, there are not many lights on. Looking at the watch, it is already past 22:00. Most of the children in the courtyard should be asleep!

The door to the church was locked with an old-fashioned lock that might take a while to get open, and Miaomiao had no hairpins on her head. Fortunately, perhaps because it is in a remote location, and there is nothing valuable in the courtyard that can be stolen by thieves, there are no anti-theft nets installed on the windows. I slipped into the church through one of the open windows and carried Meow in like a baby.

There is nothing special about coming to the church during the day, but at night there is an indescribably strange feeling. The not-so-bright moonlight fell through the brightly colored glass and fell into the dark church, forming a blur of light and shadow, like a soul nostalgic in the world, reverently telling Jesus Christ about his unfinished wishes.

Passing through the eerie church, we entered the inner hall, which was darker but barely able to count our fingers. Just as I was about to take out the lighter to illuminate, Miaomiao, who had been pulling the corner of my clothes behind me, suddenly touched my back, her petite body soft and boneless, and slowly slid down. I hurriedly turned around and hugged her into my arms. In a hurry, I accidentally pressed my hand to her chest, and a set of numbers immediately appeared in my mind—32A.

Miaomiao's chest is really hard to compare with Xueqing and Zhen Zhen, but her petite body is really adorable. However, this is not the time to revive these dirty thoughts, and hurriedly ask her what happened? She answered feebly: "I watched it again, I watched it again..."

"What did you see?" The inner hall was very dim, and I could only barely see her pale face with the faint moonlight penetrating the window.

"Baby girl, baby girl with black blood all over her body... not just one, there are many... they are asking me for help..." she said with difficulty, and she was in a trance, feeling like she was talking in her sleep. The slender hand lifted feebly and pointed me in a direction.

I wanted to help her go, but she didn't have any strength, so I just picked her up. She was petite, weightless, and soft and boneless, as though she was holding a ball of marshmallows. If it weren't for being in such a weird place, I really want to bite her.

I hugged her and slowly groped in the direction she was pointing. Suddenly, I stepped on something that seemed to be a wooden board. I remembered that this location should be the entrance to the basement.

"They're just below... Save them, quick..." Although she was weak in her words, her emotions were a little excited.

When Zhen Zhen and I entered the basement before, we didn't find anything special. Instead, we were attacked by a black foreign object. Then Yuan Xiuchang appeared in time, and the foreign object disappeared for no reason. At this point, Sister Yuan is probably going to bed and rest. If we are attacked in the basement, who else can save us.

I expressed my concerns, Miaomiao grabbed my arm hard, and said with great difficulty: "The bad guy is not here... They say the bad guy is not here..."

Bad guys aren't there? Who is the bad guy? Could it be the murderer of Zhou Shaolong and the black foreign object that attacked me and Zhen Zhen? No matter what he is, he has already come to the entrance anyway. If you don't go in and find out, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep tonight.

After I helped Miaomiao to the corner, I pulled up the wooden door leading to the basement. Just as he was about to go down to check on his own, Miaomiao's weak voice sounded: "Take me down... You can't find them..."

Although I went into the basement with Miaomiao this ball of cotton candy, I would definitely not be able to run away in the event of danger, but without taking her, I can't find the "them" she said, and leaving her alone in the inner hall would not be possible. Not safe. So, I picked up her petite and soft body again and walked slowly into the basement.

There was still a little light in the inner hall, at least not enough to trip me up, but the basement was completely dark, and I couldn't even see whether it was Meow or a ball of marshmallow in my arms. The only things that can illuminate my body are lighters and mobile phones, because I have been here before and know that the air here is fine, and holding Miaomiao with a lighter will turn her into burning marshmallows if I am not careful, so I took out mobile phone, and start the mobile phone torch software.

Although I used a mobile phone flashlight, my mobile phone is a mobile phone after all, and its lighting capability is very limited, so I can barely see the situation in the basement as it was before. Just when I was like a mouse pulling a turtle and didn't know where to look for "them" in Miaomiao's mouth, she pointed to one of the candlesticks on the wall: "That...they told me to pull that..."

I held her and walked to the candlestick. I wanted to reach out and pull the candlestick, but because I was holding her, I couldn't make it. She stretched out her hand with difficulty, grabbed the candlestick and slowly pulled it down. There was a sudden "click" on the wall next to it, but I couldn't find anything unusual when I looked at the wall with my mobile phone. She pointed to the wall and called me in, saying "they" were inside.

Although there was nothing special about the wall she was pointing to, what I heard just now should be the sound of an organ, so I gently kicked the wall with my foot, the echo was very clear, and the back of the wall should be empty. He leaned on his side and pushed his shoulders against the wall and pushed forward hard, but he pushed the wall into it. When he took a picture with his mobile phone, he found that there was a revolving door in the middle of the wall. So it was not found before.

After opening the revolving door on the wall a gap large enough for us to enter, we ducked in, and the revolving door slowly closed. I took a look around with my phone and found that the space in this secret room is about half less than the basement outside, with a double-layered shelf on each of the three walls. Thirty or forty wide-mouth glass bottles about the size of 18.9-liter drinking water bottles are placed on the shelf. About half of the glass bottles are empty, and the other half are filled with red and black liquid, and the inside can be vaguely seen. soaked in something that had turned white.

When I was about to check it carefully, there was an abnormal "click" sound behind me. I hurriedly used my shoulder to push the revolving door. No matter from that position, it wouldn't move. It seemed that I had to find a mechanism to open it. I'm not in a hurry to find an agency. Since Miaomiao can bring me in, it should also be able to take me out. So I put her down, sat her down against the wall, and walked over to one of the shelves to take a closer look at what was inside the glass bottle.

For the convenience of the picture, I first observed the glass bottle on the upper shelf. There are many particles similar to black sesame seeds at the bottom of the bottle, which may be some kind of insects. Unfortunately, because the soaking time is too long, it is difficult to distinguish. In addition to these unknown insects, there was also an object soaked in the bottle that appeared to be a puppy, because it was facing away from me, and it was soaked white, and it was also impossible to tell what it was. It doesn't bother me though, as long as I turn the glass bottle around, I can see the front of it.

However, I turned the glass bottle a half turn and still couldn't get a glimpse of it, because the liquid inside the bottle is reddish-black and I had to keep it close to the side of the bottle to see it clearly. So, I put my face close to the glass bottle, shake the bottle, and the contents start to shake.

After shaking it for a while, a fist-sized white object emerged from the red-black liquid. I took a picture with my mobile phone and immediately took two steps back in fright. Because I saw the eyes, I saw the nose, I saw the mouth, and I saw a face, the face of a newborn baby! ! !

When I stepped back, my hand was still on the glass bottle, so I knocked it down, and it shattered immediately when I fell to the ground. The strong medicinal liquor immediately filled the entire secret room, and among the broken glass fragments was a woman who was soaked white. baby corpse.

I finally understand why the transactions between President Lu and Boss Chen and others are immoral, because what they are trading is medicinal wine made from babies! However, what does Boss Li mean by "not necessarily illegal"? Killing infants and young children in such a brutal way is enough to be shot ten times! Even immersing a dead baby in alcohol is a serious crime under the current law.

With the evidence in this secret room, it is no problem to convict Dean Lu, so I plan to report to the boss and let him arrange for people to collect evidence and arrest Dean Lu. However, I forgot that I was in an underground room, and my cell phone had no signal at all, so I could only use it as a flashlight.

It doesn't matter, just go outside and call, so I ask where is the Miaomiao agency? Even after asking three times, she didn't respond. She walked in front of her and found her asleep and drooling. I shook her a few times, but she didn't wake up, she seemed to be sleeping soundly. I had no choice but to find an organ in this terrifying secret room by myself. Anyway, the secret room is not very big, and there are not many sundries, so it should not be difficult to find.

After searching for a while, I found a very special plastic box next to one of the shelves. At first, I thought it was an organ, but after thinking about it, I felt that something was wrong. This box seems to be a product of recent years. How could it appear in this secret room with a history of more than 100 years, so I checked it carefully. It's okay not to look at it, but I was startled when I saw it. With the help of the light from the mobile phone, I saw the words on the box - infrared remote anti-theft alarm.

Long live! How can there be an infrared alarm in this secret room that doesn't even have an electric light? So, Dean Lu probably already knew that someone had broken into the secret room, and even rushed over with the guy... Could it be that Zhou Shaolong was silenced just because he discovered this secret room

I don't know what to do for a while? But no matter what, I have to wake Miaomiao first, even if she can't tell me where the agency is, at least when Dean Lu kills me, I won't let anyone cut her to protect her. However, when I pinched her hard, she didn't respond. I slapped my heart hard on her lovely face, and she still slept so soundly.

The sudden and abnormal sound of "click" tightened every nerve in my body, and the revolving door slowly turned... The people who wanted to come finally came!