Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 36: Ageless truth


Dean Lu admitted to me in his office that he killed Zhou Shaolong, and suddenly there was a cry for help from outside the door. I rushed out the door and found that there were ants everywhere, and these strange big ants seemed to obey Meilong and attacked me under her orders.

Countless big ants, like a back-flowing flood, kept crawling towards me from both feet, and the vanguard who climbed to the calf even bit my flesh unceremoniously. The excruciating pain made me unable to stand still, and I fell on the carpet of ants, and the ants rushed to me from all directions. Just eat me clean.

Just when I thought it would definitely be over this time, a gunshot shook the nerves of everyone in the corridor—Xueqing is here! She appeared at the end of the corridor, guns in both hands, aimed at Meilong. The ants seemed to be able to hear the sound of gunfire, and suddenly stopped biting at me, but they didn't leave my body, and covered a thick layer between my skin and clothes like a quilt.

Xueqing said coldly to Meilong: "Surrender now, or I will shoot!"

"Hmph, even if I get a little hurt, my little girl will go crazy immediately, you and your companions don't want to leave alive!" Mei Long said viciously.

"Really?" Xueqing responded indifferently, then pulled the trigger, and another shot rang out.

I think this time is really going to be free! Unexpectedly, the ants on his body did not go crazy as Meilong said, but remained motionless. But Dean Lu next to me fell down, and blood kept pouring out of his arm.

"What do you want!" Meilong roared angrily, and about half of the ants on the ground rushed towards Xueqing immediately.

"Surrender now, or I'll shoot! This time the target will no longer be the arm!" Xue Qing loaded the bullet and aimed at Dean Lu this time.

"No..." Meilong screamed loudly, and then cried: "I surrendered, I surrendered, don't hurt Xiaohua, don't hurt him... He's bleeding, stop the bleeding quickly, and ask my sister to get the medicine box He stops the bleeding, hurry up!" The army of ants suddenly stopped advancing and moved closer to her feet like a flood, and the ants on my body also quickly evacuated, crawled up to her along her legs, and disappeared under the robes in a moment. , as if it had never appeared.

It suddenly dawned on me that many details that I hadn't noticed before came to my mind. The reason why Meilong's clothes are so weird is that it is convenient to hide the army of millions of ants on her body! Zhen Zhen and I were attacked in the basement before, needless to say, it must be her masterpiece. She slipped away in the name of a flashlight, deliberately making us wait impatiently into the basement first, so that her army of ants could kill us. Fortunately, Sister Yuan found out in time and stopped us, so that we could survive the disaster.

Dean Lu threw her away in the women's toilet, must be because she wanted to attack us again. Then Sister Yuan did not allow her to leave the orphanage, probably because she was afraid that she would give up and find another chance to attack us. Then, Dean Lu even locked her up. Today, she frequently quarrels with Dean Lu, probably because of this.

All of this turned out to be because of this flower girl!

Accompanied by two armed police elder brothers armed with submachine guns, I walked into the interrogation room on crutches. The calves of both feet were swollen from the bite of the ants. The doctor said that the skin had an allergic reaction to formic acid. Although the pain was terrifying, it would not kill anyone. However, if the whole body is bitten, it is not easy to say.

There were two prisoners in the interrogation room, Lu Ruihua and Wan Meilong. Interrogations of prisoners are usually conducted in isolation, in order to prevent prisoners from complicity in giving false confessions. But this time, the situation is special. Once we asked to separate them, Meilong released all the ants hidden under the robes, posing as if the fish died and the net was broken. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, we had to agree to let them accept it together. trial.

In the interrogation room, Meilong told me an absurd story that spanned sixty years, and let me understand the ins and outs of the whole thing—

I remember that it was the late summer of the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945). The weather was fine that day. Xiaohua and I were playing on the lavender-covered hillside near the orphanage. When the sky began to get dark, we were about to leave, but Xiaohua noticed something very strange on the tree in the distance, so we walked over to see it.

Because it was a little dark, we didn't see anything after looking for a while, just thought it was a black cloth belt hanging on a branch. Xiaohua was more playful at the time, so he picked up a few stones and threw them at them. When they approached my feet, I realized that it was a large group of ants.

We were very scared and ran away. After crossing a small ditch, we found that the ants could not cross the ditch, so we stopped to catch our breath. But as soon as I stopped, I noticed something got into my pants. Xiaohua told me to take off my pants, but I refused to take it off because I was shy, and ended up being drilled into my body by that thing...

(Maybe because she felt embarrassed, Meilong didn't explain this in detail, but according to her later confession, it was speculated that the queen in the ant colony should have got into her vagina and finally set up a nest in her womb .)

It was so painful that I was dying, and my pants were stained red with blood from my lower body. Because we were afraid of being scolded by the dean (President Lu added: she was referring to Pastor Smith.), we dared not tell others about this, but we didn't expect it to happen later...

About two or three days later, I woke up and found a lot of ants crawling out of my pants. I ran to the toilet and took off my pants and found that they were actually crawling out "under" me, which scared me to death. After they crawl out, they go to find something to eat, and at night they crawl back to find me, and they can find me no matter where I hide. Most of them would crawl under my clothes to hide, but some would get under me with food in their mouths. I thought at the time that there must be a "mother ant" living in my stomach.

After that, many ants crawled out from under me every day, and more and more ants were hiding in my clothes. In order not to let others know of their existence, I had to choose some loose clothes to wear. In recent years, there have been many donated clothes, so I have changed some of my clothes into robes. (President Lu added: Although Boss Li and the others donated a lot of money to the orphanage, everyone in the orphanage is very frugal for the long-term plan.)

Later, I found that they seem to know what I think, what I want them to do, they will do it right away, and what I don't want them to do, they will not do it. However, this has to have a premise that they are fed, otherwise they will go crazy and seem to be looking for food.

At the beginning, they didn't eat much, Xiaohua and I ate a little less, and left some of the food to be enough for them to eat. But as their numbers increased, I had to worry about finding food for them every day. And what bothers me more is that I haven't grown taller since that incident. I thought I was just not growing taller, but it took me a few years to realize that my appearance was permanently stuck at fourteen.

When everyone found out that I would not grow up, they did not regard me as a monster, but treated me better. Xiaohua still likes me so much and thinks about me everywhere, which makes me very gratified. However, I was still afraid that people outside the hospital would treat me as a monster, so I deliberately concealed my age from people outside the hospital, and I always stayed with the children to make myself feel younger. Unexpectedly, I developed the temper of a child later, especially when I was with Xiaohua, I would lose his temper if I was unhappy, and I still can't change it...

When Xiaohua became the dean, the number of ants I hid on my body was almost the same as it is now. Because they are very obedient as long as they can eat enough, so I like them more and more, and I usually call them little girls. I thought that when Xiaohua became the dean, my little girl would not have to starve anymore, but he couldn't even feed our two meals, let alone get him to eat. I also got angry with him several times over this.

Although I was like a child in front of Xiaohua, I still understood his difficulties in my heart, so I had to go and find food for Xiao Guaiguo myself. But the food that could be eaten at that time had already been eaten up, and I could still find food there.

Once, when I helped Sister Yang bury the baby's body (President Lu added: Sister Yang passed away more than ten years ago.), she had to go away for a while. As soon as she left, my little darling crawled out like a madman, and gnawed the baby corpse to be buried until only the bones were left... After that, in order to feed them, whenever the baby corpse was to be buried, I would find various excuses to support Let her go and give them a feast, so that no one dares to bury the baby afterwards.

At this time, Xiaohua was worrying about begging for food from the merchants. After he knew about the trouble I caused, he had a fight with me, and his sister just overheard it (President Lu added: The sister she said was Refers to Sister Yuan, she was only about ten years old at the time. The two of them have a very good relationship, and they have always been called sisters in private.), she also told Sister Yang about this, and Sister Yang asked us, and we had to tell her frankly. She was frightened to death when she knew my secret, but she figured it out quickly. She told us that the reason why I didn't grow up was probably related to these little girls. She suggested using them to make wine, and then exchanged with Boss Li and the others. food.

Xiaohua felt that this method might work, so he asked me for a little girl. At the time, there were millions of reluctance in my heart, but because I did something wrong, and this was probably the only way to stop starvation, I had to agree.

The little ones are very obedient. I let them climb into the wine tank, and they climbed in immediately. But when their numbers are reduced to a certain level, the "mother ants" in my stomach will give birth to a lot of little ones, and they need more food at the same time. And they seem to like eating meat, especially baby corpses. During that time, the baby corpses that were thrown into the dead boy's hole were basically eaten by them and only bones were left.

Because Xiao Guaigao likes to eat baby corpses, and using them to make wine alone may not arouse Boss Li's interest (President Lu suddenly interjected, emphasizing that Boss Li and others do not know that medicinal wine is made from baby corpses). Anyway, Sister Yang suggested using baby corpses to make wine together with Xiao Guaigao. At that time, there was nothing else in the courtyard, but there were at least one or two baby corpses every day...

As for Shaolong and Junlong, I didn't know they were brothers before. Shaolong accidentally broke into the secret room that day. I was afraid that he would tell our secret, so I tricked him out of the dead boy's cave and pretended to accidentally throw the hairpin in (I seem to have found the hairpin in the dead boy's cave. I forgot about the folder), and then let him get in and help me pick it up. I wanted to use this method to scare him crazy, but although he was scared to death, he didn't go crazy. He climbed out of the hole and said he wanted to go home, and he rode away without me answering. In fact, more than fifty years ago, I used a similar method to kill a little boy named Qiangzai. However, he knew about the dead boy's hole and refused to go in, so I just let Xiao Guai go after him and bite him to death.

I know that if you continue to investigate, you will discover our secrets sooner or later. Xiaohua and her sister did not let me kill you all, so I had to ask Junlong to surrender. He doesn't actually know anything, but I know he likes me very much and is willing to do anything for me, even to die for me...

After understanding the cause and effect of the whole thing, I still have a question in my mind - where did Zhou Junlong's bucket of formic acid go? Dean Lu's answer was really surprising: "It's really used to wash the toilet."

It turned out that the toilet in the orphanage was very difficult to clean, and since Meilong was set up in the body by the ant queen, every time she urinated, she could flush out some of the dirt on the toilet bowl. Dean Lu thought it might be because her urine contained formic acid, so she got some formic acid to clean the toilet. Unexpectedly, it was quite clean, so she always used formic acid to clean the toilet.

However, he also told me that he did not actually ask Zhou Junlong for formic acid, but just asked the other party to do some tricks on the record of goods entering and leaving. Because when we went to the orphanage to investigate, he was afraid that we would suspect Meilong sooner or later, so he wanted to confuse our investigation direction.

World events are often unexpected. Behind a bizarre corpse case, there is a love tragedy that spans more than half a century. Dean Lu loves Meilong deeply, and protects her for decades, even at the cost of all charges. In order to hide her secret, Meilong has repeatedly committed murders and hurt the man who loves her deeply. However, when Dean Lu was in danger, she would sacrifice everything for him.

The advent of what love is? The two people who quarreled all day may not necessarily have a deep hatred. It's hard to imagine that they are a couple based on their appearance alone, but they turned out to be hard-fought couples who have been in love for more than half a century. Is there any impossible love in the world

Volume three, the ending of the corpse child


After handling Zhou Shaolong's case, I went to the orphanage and found Boss Chen playing with the children. He told me that Dean Lu had entrusted the care of the orphanage to him and told me not to worry about the lives of these children in the future.

I chatted with him for a while in the office, and while smoking a cigar, he said to me: "I am a smoke addict, and I got lung cancer more than ten years ago because of it. I can't live without the medicinal wine of Bu Lao Lu, so I will earn it now and in the days to come.

"Lao Lu gave me my life. Now that he has an accident, he entrusted the orphanage to me. Of course I can't betray his trust in me. I have already talked to Lao Li and the others that their company will continue to fund the orphanage. .Although they were all profiteers when they were young, but now they are all old, and as soon as their feet are stretched out, they say 'people are in heaven, money is in the bank'! I also plan to use a sum of money to set up a fund, even if we all go to heaven in the future , the orphanage can continue to operate.”

While we were chatting, a six or seven-year-old girl suddenly walked in without knocking on the door. Boss Chen... Maybe it's time to call Dean Chen. As soon as he saw the girl, he put out the cigar and asked her kindly what was the matter. When the girl found me, she first said hello to me, and then climbed up on Dean Chen like a monkey climbing a tree, and asked him to play with them outside. I took the girl and went outside, plunged into the girl group and played with them.

Looking through the window, watching him play with the girls like an old urchin, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind - the reason why he is willing to take over the orphanage is because he is a "lolicon"!

When I was about to leave, I found a thank you book on my desk, so I flipped through it, and unexpectedly found my name on it, and the donation amount was 30,000 yuan. Boss Li should have donated it for me. It seems that these profiteers have indeed recovered.

When I passed by the door of the church, I also met Pastor Liang, who said to me with a look of guilt: "Maybe I will tell you the content of Shaolong's confession that day, so that so many things will not happen." Then he told me My Shaolong confession: "He told me once that he wanted to use a mirror to peek at her panties, but found that there were many ants in her robe..."


Liang Zheng handed over a file to Director Liang in the director's office, and told him the results of Zhou Shaolong's case: "After inspection, it was confirmed that there was an ant queen parasitized in Wan Meilong's uterus, and there were a large number of ants. Egg. The sample of this ant was confirmed to be a variant of the army ant after inspection, and it was the first discovery, but the reason for the mutation was not yet clear.

"I originally planned to only send her to the Ministry of Science and Technology, but she insisted on going with Lu Ruihua, and Lu was willing to go with her, so I sent them there together. The seventeen jars of baby corpse wine found in the secret room were also sent. To analyze the research, but whether these magical medicinal wines that can make people immortal will be used for research or 'tobacco and alcohol', it is hard to say.

"Even though Sister Yuan Siqin knew the ins and outs of the whole thing, she didn't participate in it. She could only accuse her of refusing to report. However, considering her age and her good attitude of confession, she was given a light sentence and only treated as an education.

"Although Boss Chen and the other four illegally bought baby corpse wine, Dean Lu took all the charges and insisted that they did not know that the medicinal wine was made from baby corpses. They also claimed that the medicinal wine on hand had been drank all, so we did nothing. not them.

"There is still an urgent problem that needs to be solved, that is, how to give an explanation to the public. The matter of Zhou Shaolong's nine-day transformation of the corpse has attracted widespread attention from the public. If we haven't made any statement yet, we will be detained by the big hat of inaction."

The director flipped through the case records, thought for a moment, and said, "Since the deceased's brother Zhou Junlong mainly surrendered himself, let him suffer a little first! But he is already eighteen years old, so it's not easy to handle... Well, we'll see later. He told the media that he was two years younger than his age, saying that his brother had been in a long-term feud and had a tense relationship, so he killed his brother. As for the problem of Jiutian corpse, it may be related to the long exposure of the corpse in the wilderness. Well, the citizens are not forensic doctors anyway, so they will know how many corpses are needed to completely decompose, so it is enough to emphasize that the case is still under investigation. When the enthusiasm of the citizens for the case subsides, let this kid go."

"Then I'm going to prepare materials for the media now." Liang Zheng stood up and prepared to leave.

"Don't worry, take a look at this." The director handed over a file folder.

Liang Zheng took over the page and couldn't help showing a triumphant smile: "Eight students from Polytechnic University recruited Die Fairy in the basement late at night, and they suspected that they had attracted skeleton monsters, causing five deaths and three madness..."

Volume 3 of the corpse-turning-child-grandmother's supernatural file Guangdong Youth Jiutian's corpse-turning fan I'll be lazy this time, so let's just transcribe a newspaper report—

On May 28, the newspaper "School Boys Disappeared for Seven Days and Seven Nights" reported the bizarre disappearance of Zhou Xiaolong, a student from Class 2, Grade 1, Huangpu Petrochemical Middle School. Zhou Xiaolong, a student in class 2 of the first grade of Huangpu Petrochemical Middle School, was finally found. Xiaolong's body was found on a very secluded hill on the side of the path he was returning home from school. His skin, muscles, and organs were completely gone. Only a skeleton and a little bit of hair remained, but the school uniform was intact. Wearing it on the body, the method of committing the crime is cruel and bizarre, which makes the surrounding villagers feel inexplicable panic. Huangpu police are currently investigating the case.

At 5:30 p.m. on May 30, 9 days and two hours after Xiaolong disappeared, Xiaolong's uncle received a call from a friend in the nearby Beishan Village, saying that someone in the village was talking about a boy who looked like a teenager was found on a remote hill in the village. remains.

Xiaolong's uncle and parents rushed to the scene after hearing the news. Police arrived at the scene at 3:30 pm. Halfway up the mountain, I saw the schoolbags, bicycles and other items spread out by the police on the ground, "I can see at a glance that these are all Xiaolong's things. I have used Xiaolong's bicycle before. I am very familiar with the lock of the bicycle, even the keys. Still." Xiaolong's uncle told reporters.

Xiaolong's parents fainted on the spot. Nine days later, Xiaolong was found in this barren mountain. Xiaolong's uncle proposed to see the scene. The police handling the case kindly advised them not to see it, because they couldn't see anything. If they must see it, they must be mentally prepared. The situation at the scene is too miserable.

"Why can't you see anything?" With this question, the uncle and other relatives were stunned when they came to the scene: only a skeleton was left, and the skin, muscles, and organs of the whole body were gone, and there were no eyes. , there is only a little remnant on the finger, and there are some hairs left at the scene. At that time, the real identity of the deceased could not be identified at all. However, the strange thing is that the school uniform of Shihua Middle School was perfectly worn on the body.

The incident happened one kilometer off the road

Shihua Middle School is relatively far from Xiaolong's home, Huangpu Jitang Village. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to ride a bicycle. There are two ways to go home. One is Shihua Road, which is a little farther. A classmate from the village went and returned together because it was on the way. If he goes home alone, Xiaolong will take the path of Beishan Village, which is closer and more remote.

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter came to the small road in Beishan Village. Although it is called a small road, it is still possible to drive a car into it. Many children who go to petrochemical middle school take this road, and people from nearby villages also take this road. It's hardly inaccessible. But Xiaolong's uncle told reporters that the place where Xiaolong was found was very remote, located halfway up the mountain, and it was five or six hundred meters away from the nearest path. Even many local people didn't necessarily know about this path. kilometers away.

After DNA testing, the police informed the family that the deceased was undoubtedly Zhou Xiaolong. As for the progress of the case, it was not disclosed. Xiaolong's uncle told reporters that the case has now been taken over by the criminal investigation team of the Huangpu District Public Security Bureau. Yesterday afternoon, the police came to Xiaolong's home again, looking for relevant clues.

Parents: Little Long left few photos

Xiaolong's mother told reporters that Xiaolong is the only child in the family. He is very sensible and has been a well-behaved child since he was a child. My mother gets up at 3 am every day to go to the Yuzhu market five or six miles away to prepare for a day's business, while my father gets up around 5 am to prepare breakfast for Xiaolong, and wakes Xiaolong on time at about 6 am, let him get up for breakfast and go to school, and then go to school by himself. Also go to the market to sell vegetables. Xiaolong eats and goes to school by himself, and also goes home for lunch at noon. The dean of the petrochemical middle school told reporters that Xiaolong is a very disciplined child. Basically, there is no phenomenon of being late and leaving early. The school just held a parent meeting that day, and the meeting also praised Xiaolong. He is one of the children who have made the greatest progress this semester. .

No one thought that misfortune would suddenly come to this ordinary family. What made Xiaolong's parents even more distressed was that after Xiaolong suddenly left, he found that Xiaolong had few photos left. Except for a few photos when he was a child, all of Xiaolong's photos are group photos with classmates, group photos of activities, and photos of graduating from elementary school. The only time I took a photo after I was in junior high school was actually a photo of my student ID card.

Classmate: wrote a thick stack of commemorative words

"If only I played with Xiaolong a little more that day, he would go back a little later, and this might not happen again." This is a commemorative message written to Xiaolong by a classmate in the class. After learning about Xiaolong's accident, Xiaolong's parents were also relieved that the students in Xiaolong's class cared about the incident. "Every student in the class sent us encouragement and comfort, and all the commemorative words were written on paper and sent to the home, and they were stacked in a thick stack." Xiaolong's mother told reporters, "Tomorrow at home I have dealt with Xiaolong's relics, thank you very much for the students." The dean of Shihua Middle School told reporters that because of Xiaolong's incident, the students in the class were more or less affected, and the school has already intervened.

Some villagers told reporters that it was the first time they had heard of such a cruel thing, and they would never dare to let their children go to and from school alone in the future. They had to pick them up to and from school anyway, and the path in Beishan Village where Xiaolong had an accident could not go. It is safer to walk on the road.

Xiaolong's mother told reporters that their biggest wish at present is to hope that the public security organs can solve the case as soon as possible, so that Xiaolong can go well all the way, and also reassure the people in the village, and hope that insiders can provide relevant clues to solve the case.

4 causes of death rumored

The news of Xiaolong's murder spread, and it also caused a lot of discussion in the village, and spread an atmosphere of panic. Who was so cruel to harm Xiaolong

1. Is kidnapping not a ticket

Xiaolong’s parents were ordinary hawkers selling vegetables. Their family was not wealthy, and Xiaolong didn’t have any money with him at that time.

2. Destruction of dead bodies after a car accident

Destroyed after a car accident? Xiaolong's uncle also denied this view, because the school uniform he was wearing when he found Xiaolong was well preserved and showed no signs of damage. Moreover, after Xiaolong was found missing, Xiaolong's relatives visited the surrounding villagers, but did not find any. Traces of a car accident.

3. Perverts kill and skin flesh

The villagers are worried, is there a pervert who deliberately killed someone and then skinned them

4. Was the skeleton eaten by mice after being killed

Among various speculations, there is a saying that after being killed, Xiaolong abandoned his corpse in the wild, and was eaten by rats until only his skeleton was left.

(Source: "Guangzhou Daily" reported on June 10, author: Li Lizhi)

Then look at the results of the police investigation of the case -

According to the police, on the afternoon of May 30, the police received a report from the public that a highly corrupt man's body was found on a remote hillside in Jitang Community, Dasha Street.

After on-site investigation, the deceased was Zhou Xiaolong, a junior high school student at Petrochemical Middle School.

After the incident, the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau attached great importance to it. The Huangpu District Public Security Bureau quickly established a task force led by the director, and dispatched elite police forces to carry out the investigation with the support and cooperation of the relevant departments of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. After sufficient investigation and evidence collection, in the early morning of June 24, the police of the task force arrested the criminal suspect Zhou in a residence in Jitang Community, Huangpu District. In the face of a series of evidence, the criminal suspect Zhou explained to the police how he deliberately killed Zhou Xiaolong.

At present, the police have found out that Zhou and the deceased Zhou Xiaolong are half-brothers, and they have been at odds for a long time and have a tense relationship. On the day of the incident, a resentful Zhou met his younger brother Zhou Xiaolong on the road, and forced Zhou Xiaolong to a remote hillside. flee the scene.

It is understood that the scene where Zhou killed his younger brother was extremely remote, one kilometer away from the road.

Shihua Middle School is relatively far from Xiaolong's home, Huangpu Jitang Village. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to ride a bicycle. There are two ways to go home. One is Shihua Road, which is a little farther. A classmate from the village went and returned together because it was on the way. If he goes home alone, Xiaolong will take the path of Beishan Village, which is closer and more remote.

It is reported that the place where Xiaolong was found is very remote, located halfway up the mountain. Even many local people do not necessarily know this path. The path in Beishan Village is already one kilometer away from here.

Yesterday, in response to the previous speculations and rumors about the case, the police specifically stated: After preliminary investigation, this case is a criminal case caused by a family dispute, and there is no serial crime against students. The so-called "kidnapping", "car accident", "organ harvesting", "perverted murder" and other speculations circulated before are inconsistent with the facts of the case. After Zhou killed Xiaolong, he did not mutilate his corpse again. Xiaolong was already a bone when he was found, which may be related to the long exposure of the corpse in the wilderness.

Now let me comment on this case.

First of all, it should be emphasized that the uncle of the deceased once clarified to the reporter that the deceased did not know that he had a half-brother. The police called the brothers "long-term discord and tension". Readers are requested to understand by themselves.

However, it doesn't really matter if the murderer is the deceased's brother. What matters is why the deceased's body turned into a skeleton within nine days. At the very beginning of this volume, a lot of space was devoted to detailing the decay process of the corpse. Under the natural environment, the transformation of a corpse in Nine Heavens is probably a fantasy. What the police said "may be related to the excessive exposure of corpses in the wilderness" is even more baffling. Compared with the natural decay process of no less than half a year, is nine days long

Some people on the Internet believe that the deceased was eaten by army ants after death. This explanation is the most credible in theory, and this volume is also inspired by this. However, so far, no army ants have been reported in Guangdong, but the RIFA, which is much weaker in comparison, has appeared. Even so, every time the RIFA is discovered, it will cause panic among the citizens. If there are more aggressive army ants, will no one know

It's hard to imagine how terrifying army ants are. In the African jungle, the pathfinders of tigers, elephants, and large animals will run away when they send a small number of army ants, and the indigenous people will abandon their villages when they find them.

A single army ant might be nothing, but 10,000, 100,000, or even a million are enough to destroy a small village in a short period of time. And a colony of army ants, usually no less than 200,000, if they all crawl on you, how long do you think it will take them to eat your skeleton.

Therefore, if there are army ants, it is impossible not to be discovered. So why did the dead turn into corpses in nine days? I don't know, the police are also vague about it.

Therefore, why Zhou Xiaolong turned into a corpse in nine days is still a mystery. If this is the most shocking paranormal event of the year, would you agree

Volume Four Skull Disc Fairy Introduction


In the middle of the thunderstorm at midnight, women's groans of pain could be heard from time to time in the humble bungalow by the river. After a long time, the woman's groaning finally stopped, and then there was the loud cry of the baby, and the joyful laughter of the new father. However, after a while, the man's laughter stopped abruptly, followed by a terrified scream.

"What kind of monster did you give birth to!" The man suddenly threw the baby in his hand onto the bed and to the side of his weak wife. A moment ago, his face was filled with the joy of being a new father, but now he is full of horror. .

The woman who had just given birth held up her body weakly, looked at the baby beside her worriedly, and screamed in horror after just one glance. Because what she saw was a blood-stained skull—a well-defined skull pattern on the baby's back.

Although the scene in front of her was extremely terrifying, it was after all the child she gave birth to during her pregnancy in October. The woman suppressed the fear in her heart and carefully looked at the newly born child. There was a white skull pattern on the baby's back for some reason. After being stained with the blood of childbirth, it became mottled red and white, like a blood-stained skull.

"What should we do?" the woman said weakly, tears welling up in her eyes, three-pointed grief in her horror.

"He must be a monster, we're going to... kill him!" The man made a heavy decision.

"He's our child!" The woman cast a reluctant look at the weird baby beside her who was crying non-stop, and her tears kept falling like a torrential rain outside the window.

"We can regenerate the child, but this monster doesn't kill him now. Even if we don't get killed by him in the future, we won't have a good life." Although the man couldn't bear it, his fear had overcome the bond of flesh and blood. Tremblingly, he picked up the naked strange baby, rushed out of the room in the torrential rain, ran to the river, and gently put his blood-stained son into the river. Instead of bathing his newborn son, he put his hands down and let his son drown in the icy water—he was going to drown his son!

However, the strange baby didn't die just yet. After he submerged in the water, he floated up a short while later, and the loud cry filled his ears again. The man looked at his son who was floating in the river, and the fear in his heart was indescribable. He slammed his heart and pressed his son's weak body into the water... After a few minutes, he let go of his hands with trembling, and the strange baby surfaced again. On the water, weeping and thunder are intertwined into a strange movement.

The man was so frightened that he was about to collapse, screamed hysterically, turned around suddenly and ran into the house as if to flee for his life, letting his newborn son float on the river. The weak body kept trembling in the icy river water, and the still loud cries seemed to tell the sky about his resentment towards his parents.

The torrential rain is like the tears of a loving mother, falling on the weak but tenacious strange baby. Although it can wash away the blood on his body, it is difficult to wash away the anger in his heart.

The torrential rain fell all night, causing the river to swell and flood the fertile fields. When the rain passed and the sky cleared, the river surface returned to calm, and the strange baby disappeared. Everything last night was like a terrible nightmare, but this nightmare is not over yet...

Two forty-five in the morning. The moon was obscured by dark clouds, except for the occasional light that fell on the peaceful campus.

Eight young men and women with brooms and iron sticks and other items sneaked into the old science museum. A burly boy used an iron rod to pry open the brand-new lock on the rusted iron door, leading the crowd through a narrow stairway that could only allow one person to pass, and into the dark basement. "Buzz!" With the sound of a match, the dim light immediately filled the space of about 80 square meters. The four men and four women squeezed into this not-so-wide basement, which seemed very narrow, giving people a feeling of depression. However, when everyone noticed the blood on the walls and the scattered ground, as well as the four skulls in the corners, the suppressed feeling was immediately replaced by fear.

"Ayang, let's not play, shall we? It's spooky here." A beautiful girl pulled the lead boy's stout arm tightly. Perhaps because the temperature here was slightly lower than outside, her weak body trembled slightly.

"Xiao Qiao, don't be afraid, even if the sky falls, I will protect you." The boy showed his strong arms to show his ability to protect his lover. Then the candles were lit with matches.

A slightly younger boy behind Xiao Qiao also stepped forward to "show off" his thin body: "Sister, and me, if Brother Yang runs away, I will protect you."

"You are a bird! If something strange comes out, I'm afraid you will be the first to run away." The other three girls rushed up, surrounded the little boy, and kept poking him with their fingers brain.

After frolicking for a while, everyone's emotions were no longer so nervous, and A Yang cleared his throat and said to everyone, "Okay, let's get ready, it's time to be ugly soon."

After everyone heard the words, they started to clean up the debris and dust on the ground. When the central part was cleaned up, a blood-stained gossip map appeared on the ground. A Yang and a pale-faced tall and thin boy put candles around the Bagua map, then spread a piece of white paper full of words in the middle of the Bagua map, and then placed an old plate upside down on the white paper— They are ready to summon the dish fairy.

When everything was ready, Ah Yang sat cross-legged in front of the white paper and asked who would like to play. The first to sign up was the youngest boy. He sat opposite A Yang, looking like he was not afraid of the sky or the ground, and glanced at the three senior sisters who poked him in the head just now. Not to be outdone, the three senior sisters sat together in front of the white paper.

"Okay, there are five people who can play." Ayang said that he was about to put his finger on the bottom of the inverted plate, but was stopped by Xiao Qiao, she said worriedly: "You and your brother have already played, if... "She didn't dare to go on.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't annoy Die Xian, there will be no problem, you can rest assured." A Yang said confidently.

"But I'm still very scared, can't you just stay with me and let others play?" Xiao Qiao showed an unhappy look.

"I brought everyone here, but I don't play it myself, it's not good! Can you let Azu accompany you?" Ayang pointed to the boy opposite.

"Yeah! Let this coward go with his sister. Playing with him will only get in the way." "That's right, go and go, anyway, there are so many people, it's not bad for him." "Did you hear me, little brother? Give your place..." The three senior sisters kept hurting this little boy named Azu, making him cry out unhappily: "Who is a coward! I, Mai Yaozu, are a man who stands up to the sky. , I'm not afraid of any bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods! Brother Yang, go with my sister and let me play with them."

Ao Yang stood up reluctantly and stepped aside with Xiao Qiao: "Then who will take my place, at least five people can play, or Die Xian won't be invited."

"Hun Sen, come on! Let's play with the three sisters." Azu motioned for a fat man who was just as young as him to come over and sit down.

"You are courting death! Dare to take advantage of us." The short-haired senior sister sitting on the left of Azu pinched his ear, the senior on the right also pinched his other ear, and the last one pinched his nose without any ears. . Seeing this, Xiao Qiao hurriedly persuaded the three girls not to bully her younger brother, but the third girl squeezed harder, and the short-haired girl who pinched her left ear said, "Xiao Qiao, we are helping you discipline my younger brother, see you dote on him so much. , it will be promising in the future!"

"The three sisters are all so fierce. I don't want my ears and nose to be screwed off. I still don't play." Sen Hong sneered.

"Minze, come and play! Don't be twitchy like a dead fat man." One of the senior sisters said to the tall and thin boy.

"Of course I won't refuse the invitation of the three beauties." Min Ze said and sat in the seat where A Yang had just now.

After the frolic, the game of Summoning Dixian finally started. However, no one thought that this "game" would make them pay an extremely heavy price...