Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 41: Secret Poison


I learned from Mai Yaozu's classmates that he once claimed that Shi Minze had the ability to predict. In order to prove whether he lied, I was going to ask Hun Sen for confirmation. Just when we were about to go to the mental sanatorium, A Yang called: "Something happened, Hun Sen. died!"

"Dead! Wasn't it fine yesterday? Why did he die suddenly?" God, this dead fat man is the only one who can provide clues among the three survivors! He is dead, how can we investigate this case

"I don't know exactly what's going on. I just arranged for my subordinates to keep an eye on them, and I planned to go home and sleep for a while. I didn't expect Luo Can to call to say something happened as soon as I entered the house. I'm going to find out now. Hurry up, too!" He said and hung up the line in a hurry.

A Yang is a conscientious person, there is no problem with him taking care of Hun Sen and the other three, but he is not made of iron, and there are always times when he needs to rest. He probably didn't expect to be in a big mess just by leaving for a while, otherwise he would definitely hold up his eyelids with a matchstick.

When Zhen Zhen and I arrived at the sanatorium, A Yang had already arrived and grasped the general situation. He asked Luo Can, one of the subordinates who was on duty at the time of the incident, to tell us what happened at that time. However, Luo Can looked dazed about Hun Sen's death: "This morning, he was all normal, and his mental condition was even better than yesterday. The doctor also said during his round of the room that he may be able to recover and be discharged from the hospital in a few days. , as long as you don't get too much stimulation in the future, you should be able to live like a normal person.

"About 3:30 in the afternoon, a boy from a fruit shop brought a basket of fruits, saying that it was from his classmates. I took a few glances and found nothing wrong, so I didn't think much about it, so I put the basket Put it on the bedside table. Although he has not fully recovered, he still knows how to eat the fruit when he sees it, and he also knows how to give it to us so that we can eat it together. So we are welcome to eat with him, who knows how long he will His face also started to look wrong, and then his whole body twitched. When I called the doctor, he was already…”

I asked the doctor why Hun Sen died suddenly, and his answer was very positive: "Poisoning! The details can only be known after a pathological autopsy, but from the surface symptoms, it seems that he ate highly poisonous food."

After Hun Sen entered the sanatorium, except for the sick meal in the sanatorium, he only ate the contents of the fruit basket. The sick meal was also eaten by other patients, so there should be no problem, so I carefully observed the fruit basket on the bedside table, which contained apples, oranges and grapes, and there was a half-drinked bottle of glucose drink next to the basket. Luo Can told me that this bottle of drink was delivered together in a fruit basket. As the so-called "good things come in pairs", generally speaking, unless the gifts are expensive, most gifts are given in double numbers. However, why is there only a single bottle of this bottle of glucose drink, which is worth about ten yuan? I counted the fruits in the basket, plus the ones that had been eaten, the apples and oranges were both even numbers, as for the grapes, of course, I was not so stupid to count them one by one.

Apples, oranges, grapes and other fruits, Luo Can and the others also eat them, and there is nothing wrong with them after eating them. Therefore, the fruits should not be poisoned, so the problem must be the glucose drink. According to Luo Can, this bottle of drink was opened by Hun Sen himself, and it may not be easy for the murderer to do his tricks. I took a closer look at the beverage bottle. The beverage is called "Grape Shi", a well-known imported health drink, and there should be no problem in itself. There are no signs of damage to the bottle body and cap made of plastic, and it should not be injected with a needle or other means. What method did the murderer use to poison it

Giving this bottle of drink to Yuetong may be able to know the murderer's way of poisoning, but at this moment, it is more important to determine who the murderer is. There was a small card in the basket that read "I wish: Fatty a speedy recovery", signed with all the students in Hun Sen's class. If A Yang was there at the time, he would definitely not let Hun Sen eat the contents of the basket, because the school completely blocked the news of the case, and his classmates didn't even know he was here, so how could he send a fruit basket

The phone number of the fruit shop was also printed on the small card. After calling, the gift-giver was found to be a strange man wearing sunglasses and a mask, and his age should be between 20 and 25 years old. When I asked about the glucose drink, the other party said that although the fruit was bought from its store, the drink was brought by the customer.

Could it be that this "strange man" who suddenly appeared is the real murderer who planned everything on the screen? . He wants to kill Hun Sen, probably because he is afraid that Hun Sen's identity will be revealed when he regains consciousness. However, since he wanted to kill Hun Sen, why didn't he send two more fruit baskets and also kill Lei Aoyang and Mai Xiaoqiao

When A Yang and I were discussing the case, Yue Tong and others arrived, and I first asked her to check the suspicious drink. After looking at it for a while, she unscrewed the cap, and then carefully observed that there was a small amount of crystals on the inside of the cap and the neck of the bottle, so she removed it with a clip and put it in a small box.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked.

"You have to test it to find out. If you don't have a clue, you might as well go to my technical team." As Yuetong said, I have no clue as to who poisoned me.

Coming to the technical team, Yuetong quickly tested that the crystals obtained from the beverage bottles were sagebrushes, and tested that the remaining half of the beverages also contained sagebrushes.

"How on earth did the murderer get Shane into the unopened drink?" I wondered about this question.

"Have you heard of the capillary principle?" Yuetong asked me back.

"The teachers at the school didn't teach me, please ask Mr. Gui to give me another lesson." I asked for advice humbly.

She filled a glass with a glass of water, then stuck a very small glass tube on the water and said to me, "What did you see?" To be honest, I didn't see anything wrong, and I don't know how it was related to the murderer. Nothing to do with poisoning in an unopened drink.

Seeing that I hadn't found the clue, she laughed and scolded: "You are so stupid! Look carefully, the water level in the glass tube is higher than that in the glass."

I carefully observed that the water level in the glass tube was indeed a little higher, but before I could understand what she meant, I asked, "So what?"

"Wait for me." She put the things back in place angrily, then ran outside for no reason, leaving Zhen Zhen and I to look at each other.

After a while, she came back with a plastic bottle of Coke and put it in my hand for me to drink. I think it's very strange why she only buys drinks for me and not for Zhen Zhen. But she kept urging me to drink, I didn't think much about it, I unscrewed the bottle and took a sip. However, when the bottle neck came into contact with my lips, I knew something was wrong. My lips seemed to be on fire, and the Coke tasted weird, like chili pepper was added, and it was so hot that I immediately spit it out.

I asked Yuetong what was going on, she laughed so hard she bent over and was speechless, pointing to the bottleneck for me to see. I took a closer look and found that there was some red oil on the bottle neck and the inside of the cap, I think it was chili oil.

"How did you get it in?" Actually, when I unscrewed the cap, I seemed to see something red on the neck of the bottle, but because the cap was also red, and I opened it myself, I didn't care. .

Yue Tong laughed for a while before explaining the capillary principle to me. Simply put, most objects have adsorption properties, such as soaking a glass sheet in water, and a small amount of water droplets will adhere to the glass sheet when it is taken out. In a narrow glass tube, this feature means that the water level will be "pulled up", and the narrower the glass tube, the higher the water level will be.

There is a narrow gap between the bottle neck and the bottle cap of the beverage bottle. Using the capillary principle, the solution of Shane is dropped on the edge of the bottle cap, and the solution will be sucked into the gap and condense into crystals inside. When the deceased unscrewed the cap of the bottle, some crystals would fall into the bottle, and the drink in the bottle would of course be poisoned to death.

This is really a bloody lesson, the lips feel hot, and even unopened drinks should be carefully checked before drinking. But it was worth it, at least it allowed me to understand one more principle, but at the same time, it also let me know that the knowledge level of the murderer is not low.

The current situation is very bad. Six of the eight parties involved in the case have died, and Lei Aoyang has been imprisoned in the madhouse again. It is not yet certain whether he is pretending to be insane or not; Mai Xiaoqiao was diagnosed by the doctor as being overly frightened and insane. It can be cured, but it is hard to say when it will be cured.

I urgently need to know what happened at the time of the crime, in order to speculate whether Lei Aoyang was the murderer, whether he was an accomplice with the strange man who poisoned Hun Sen, or whether the strange man was the real murderer. And now to know the situation at that time, I can only hope on Mai Xiaoqiao, but even if I have the patience to wait for her to recover, the boss will not give me so much time, let alone who will be the strange man next, no one will Know.

Perhaps, there is someone who can help me, although I am very reluctant to find her, but now I have no choice but to slap my face and go to her cheekily. Her name is You Huina. She is a psychotherapist and is good at hypnotism. She should be able to let Mai Xiaoqiao tell me the circumstances of the crime. And the reason why I'm reluctant to ask her for help is... She's my ex-girlfriend.

The phrase "break up is also a friend" has been heard a lot, but there are very few people who can really do it, so after learning that Ni Dandan and Lei Aoyang broke up, they can still maintain a friendship, and even help him pursue his sister, let him I am amazed.

It was two years ago that I broke up with Xiaona. I still remember that it was raining heavily at that time, and God seemed to be sad about our separation. I walked outside the door and turned around and said to her, "We will never meet again..." This was the last thing I said to her. After I finished speaking, I walked into the torrential rain and let the rain wash my face. Tears. Although it rained heavily, I couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears on my face.

For two years, I have been trying to forget her, but unfortunately it was in vain. Although all her photos have been burned, her charming face is still so clear in my mind; although her mobile phone number has been deleted, I can still memorize it; although I haven't been with her for two years Contact, but I still remember the rose scented perfume on her...

After dialing her mobile phone, we didn't speak after it was connected. It took a long time for her to say, "Is something wrong?"

"Well, I want you to do me a favor." Two years ago, every time I talked to her on the phone, I had endless things to say. Even if we were just back together, we would miss her very much when we were apart. However, now I don't know what to say to her, because I claim that my greatest skill is to strike up a conversation with strangers. Perhaps, the old person on the other side of the phone at this moment is farther from me than a stranger who has nothing to do with me.

"No problem." Her answer was simple, but gentle, and a familiar warmth came to my heart.

"You said yes before I said anything?" I tried to make it sound like a joke, so that I wouldn't feel too embarrassed, but it would be very awkward when I said it.

"As long as it's your business, no matter what it is, I'll do whatever I can to help you. After all, it's me who's sorry for you..." Her voice sounded calm, but I knew her heart would not be calm.

In fact, the reason why we broke up is very simple, that is, her parents objected. When I was with her, I was still in the Criminal Investigation Bureau, and I had to deal with some big gangsters on weekdays, and I often had to get up in the middle of the night to go to work, and of course I often encountered danger. Her parents were afraid that after she married me, she might have to be a widow within a few years, and they were even more afraid that I would offend many underworld figures because of my work, and sooner or later, it would be a disaster for them. Because it was she who broke up with me, she still feels guilty to me.

I asked Zhen Zhen to go back to the conspiracy team first, and then drove to the hospital where Xiao Na worked to pick her up. She was supposed to be at work, but took time off because of me. Two years have passed, but she has not changed much from before, she is still so petite and lovely. But her smile is not as bright as it was two years ago, and it can even be said to be a little helpless, at least in my eyes. Of course, my smile is not necessarily so natural.

In fact, I have always found it very strange. I have always preferred the type with a slightly plump body, especially those with long legs who have a C cup or above, are too skinny or short, and I am not very interested. However, for some unknown reason, I have spent three years and ten months with Xiaona, who has not much flesh on my chest and is relatively petite, which is two months longer than the fall of Hong Kong.

On the way to the sanatorium, we spent in remembrance of the past, during which we didn't say a word, how embarrassing the atmosphere was.

Mai Xiaoqiao's situation is a little better than before. She doesn't keep screaming wildly, but she is still very nervous, and a little trouble can make her scream. And she spoke upside down and couldn't understand what she was saying. In this case, it is impossible to get a confession from her, but Xiaona has her own way to get her to speak.

Hypnosis needs to be performed in a quiet environment. After A Yang communicated with the person in charge of the hospital, he arranged a senior ward for us. During the hypnosis period, the subject must relax the whole body to easily enter the hypnotic state. Therefore, the hands and feet of Mai Xiaoqiao cannot be tied up. I was afraid that she would suddenly go crazy and attack Xiaona, so I wanted to accompany her and watch the hypnosis process, but Xiaona refused. .

Although I have been with Xiaona for nearly four years, I don't remember seeing how she performed hypnotism on patients. And she never brought up the topic of hypnosis in my chats, and if I mentioned it first, she would immediately change the subject. I am very surprised why she is so taboo about hypnosis in front of me. You must know that the reason why I know her is because I once killed a murderer by mistake and needed psychological treatment, and one of the treatment methods is hypnosis. However, although I was very confident in my memory, I couldn't recall how she hypnotized me, or even how I fell in love with her. Human memory is so strange, the things you want to remember are always forgotten, but the pain you want to forget is so unforgettable...

The scenes of the past are like a long series, playing quickly in my mind. When the sad end is drawn, Xiaona has come out of the ward. I have to put aside these unforgettable episodes for the time being, and squeeze out one that should be ugly. smile. Let the past pass, there is still a long way to go, there is still a lot to do, and the most important thing is to understand what happened when the crime happened.