Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 44: The Confusion of Corpse


He was coerced by Yuetong to bathe his feet. During this period, he sorted out the known information in his mind and concluded that the focus of the case was the missing Lei Aoyang and the strange man who poisoned Hun Sen. At this moment, the phone rang, and it was Liu Nian's call. I thought he was trying to tell me about the autopsy, but as soon as he opened his mouth, I felt something was wrong, because his voice was surprisingly weak and seemed to be injured: "Amu, come quickly. The forensic department, the corpse... the corpse has changed!"

"What happened? What corpse changed?" I asked anxiously.

"I don't know what to say. I was knocked out yesterday. When I woke up, I found that Zhong Gang was dead and Shi Minze's body was gone. Come over and talk about it!"

evil Dead? So scary! As a forensic doctor, Liu Nian would say such a thing, it seems illogical. He should know that the corpse may show so-called corpse changes such as local muscle twitches, but he has to jump up and knock him unconscious, and also his assistant. Killing is simply impossible. But why did he say it was "corpse transformation"? Referring to the prophecy about the saint in "Tui Bei Tu", is Shi Minze really the saint in the prophecy

Although the transformation of the corpse is unimaginable, the resurrection theory is even more unconvincing. Throughout the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign records of resurrection, probably only Jesus Christ was resurrected three days after his death. However, according to the "Bible", Jesus was only three days after his death, the tomb was wide open, and the body was nowhere to be found. Believers learned the news of his resurrection from the mouths of so-called angels, and no one witnessed the resurrected Jesus with their own eyes. . Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that some believers transferred Jesus' body and disguised themselves as angels to spread rumors. In other words, there is no confirmed record of human resurrection after death in history, nor has it been for thousands of years, and it cannot happen today. So I can't help but suspect that a strange man attacked Liu Nian and stole Shi Minze's body. However, it is useless to make unfounded guesses without knowing what happened. It is better to go to the forensic doctor to find out the situation.

Together with Yuetong and Zhen Zhen, they came to the forensic doctor's office, and found that the fleeting head was bandaged like an Indian. He was resting in a chair, and there was a lot of blood on his clothes. It seemed that he suffered a lot. The guys from the Criminal Investigation Bureau have already arrived and are dealing with the scene.

"Is there any problem with your brain?" I pretended to be concerned to greet Liu Nian, but in fact his brain is not always normal, or he wouldn't care about the smell of corpse on his body.

"I knew that the dog couldn't spit out ivory, and my head wasn't broken, and I was still awake." Although his injury was not minor, he was still in good spirits, and his brain should be fine.

"It's good that you didn't get beaten up, but why do you say that Shi Minze's corpse has changed? You are a forensic doctor, and you should know that it is impossible for a dead person to jump up and attack you." When I was talking to him, Yuetong called me. After greeting, she walked into the murder scene. Maybe it was an occupational disease. There was a strange case, but she couldn't wait to go to the scene to check. Zhen Zhen had nothing to do and also slipped away with her.

"I'm too lazy to explain it to you. I'll show you something first." After he said that, he struggled to press the arm of the chair, trying to stand up. Although I really don't want to get dirty with a corpse, I can't help but help him!

After helping him up, he took me to the security room and asked the security guard on duty to call up yesterday's surveillance video. From the surveillance video at the gate, it can be clearly seen that at 18:03 yesterday, a tall and thin boy wearing a white hexagram and bare feet left the gate. Although I couldn't see his appearance, I could tell by his back that he really resembled Shi Minze, and no outsiders had entered the forensic doctor's office before, so the possibility of others stealing corpses could be ruled out. Is it really a corpse

I asked the security guard on duty, I went there at around 18:00 yesterday, and why did strange strangers leave without stepping up to intercept them, and the answer I got was: "I went to the cafeteria to have lunch and left for about ten minutes. "

After thinking for a while, I asked Liu Nian: "Is it possible that it is suspended animation?" Corpse transformation and resurrection are almost impossible in reality, so I would rather believe that this is suspended animation.

"Impossible, the wound on his chest is very deep. Although he didn't hurt his internal organs, he lost a lot of blood at the murder scene. If he didn't get blood transfusion, he wouldn't be able to survive even if he feigned death. But when I performed an autopsy on him, I found that There is a problem, that is, he scratched the wound himself!" Liu Nian's tone was very certain.

"I grabbed it myself? Is this possible..." I stretched my right hand to my left shoulder and made a gesture. As Liu Nian said, if I grab myself, I can indeed create similar scars, but it is impossible for ordinary people to do so, but ordinary people also It is impossible to take off someone else's hands and feet with bare hands.

"You don't have to argue with me about this. I'm a forensic doctor. I can tell how the wound was formed. If it was injured by someone else, the wound couldn't be like this." He did know the body better than me, so he judged that there was no need Suspect. Of course, I didn't doubt it, I was just a little surprised. I thought that after Shi Minze killed the four, Die Xian attached to Lei Aoyang to kill him.

"Amu, come here, Yuetong has found out." Zhen Zhen suddenly ran out and called me.

"What did you find?" I asked as I walked.

"She found a white hair." Zhen Zhen's answer made me feel inexplicable, what a fuss about a white hair, but judging from her blank expression, she didn't know what to do.

Together with her, I helped Liu Nian into the autopsy room where Zhong Gang was killed. The dissection room was not as messy as I imagined. There was a push bed next to the dissection table for transporting the corpse. Zhong Gang's body was lying on the ground on the other side, and the handle of a large scalpel was deeply inserted into him. The back of his head, a small amount of blood stained the hair near the wound. Many people think that a scalpel used for dissection is similar in shape to a knife for eating steak, but this is not the case. The scalpel is divided into two parts: a handle (or a knife holder) and a blade. The handle is divided into two sizes, which can cut different body tissues with different blades. The end of the scalpel handle is not sharp, and even if it is equipped with a sharp blade, it can only be used to cut skin and muscle. It is difficult to imagine how much force it takes to penetrate the hard skull.

Yue Tong squatted beside Zhong Gang, checking his right hand. His right hand was holding a clip tightly, and the tip of the clip seemed to catch a fine white hair. However, I don't care what the clips hold, because my mind is all between Yuetong's legs - why are her legs so tight, just a little apart I can tell what style she's wearing panties. A pale yellow thong, what a reverie thing, luckily I don't have a fetish, or I'd have slipped into her house and stole a dozen.

Since peeping can't be done, we have to work hard. I asked Yuetong what did he find? "It's a new hair, and it's white," she said, pointing to the fine white hair on the clip.

"Is there anything worth noting?" Zhen Zhen asked in confusion.

"Amu, what do you think!" Yuetong didn't answer directly, but threw the question to me.

After thinking for a moment, I said to Liu Nian, "I want to understand the situation before you were attacked."

I asked Zhen Zhen to pull up a chair and let Liu Nian sit down and slowly tell us what happened before he was attacked. After he sat down, he asked me for a cigarette. This guy has been "quitting smoking" for some time, but the so-called quitting smoking means buying or not quitting smoking, so he always asks others for cigarettes. He took a sharp sip before he began to talk about the situation before the attack. Perhaps because he had been dealing with corpses all day, he had seen a lot of dead people, so he did not show much sadness about his assistant's misfortune—

Of the five corpses that were brought back from the Polytechnic University, four were broken. Xiao Zhong and I were too busy to deal with these four corpses. Those who could dismember these four dead bodies with bare hands in this crazy way, Maybe it can't be called human, it's just a devil.

It took us almost two days to dispose of these four corpses. We didn't have time to examine Shi Minze's body until about 16:00 yesterday. His condition is very different. He caught the fatal injury himself. So I suspect he killed the other four and then killed himself...

(I told Liu Nian that I learned from Mai Xiaoqiao that the other four deceased were indeed killed by Shi Minze.)

In terms of the strength of a normal person, dismembering another person with his bare hands is very unimaginable, and his suicidal behavior makes me suspect that he has taken an overdose of stimulants and lost his normality due to excessive excitement. To test this idea, I took some blood samples from him, let Xiao Zhong continue to do some preliminary examinations, and then went to the next room for testing alone.

However, the test results showed that he did not take common stimulants before his death, which made me very puzzled. If it is not affected by stimulants, then it can only be said that he was possessed by Die Immortal. I wanted to go back to the autopsy room to dissect his body to further determine whether he had taken stimulants, but who knows, as soon as I entered the door, I was punched in the back of the head and then lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I found that the lights were off, the doors and windows were locked, Xiao Zhong's body was stiff, and there was one less white coat hanging on the wall...

After listening to the narrative of fleeting years, many questions appeared in my mind. Zhong Gang was conducting a preliminary examination on Shi Minze's body before he died. He used a clip to clamp a white fine hair, so the newly grown fine hair should have been obtained from Shi Minze's body. If it's just hair, eyebrows, etc., he doesn't have to clip it out. Maybe this white hair grew out of Shi Minze's face!

According to anecdotes, the white hair growing on the face of the corpse is a sign of corpse transformation, and Zhong Gang may have found this sign before using a clip to remove the white hair. However, when he turned around and was about to inform Liu Nian of the discovery, the deceased's body changed. He picked up the handle of the scalpel beside him and inserted it into his head, and he died immediately without even a chance to scream. The reason why Liu Nian was able to survive the disaster was probably because the corpse changer had no weapon that could take his life, so he knocked him unconscious with a punch.

However, if it is assumed that Shi Minze has really changed his corpse, then his subsequent behavior is too rational! As far as I know about the legends about corpse transformation, the corpse is called "zombie" after the corpse transformation. The reason for this name is that a zombie is just a walking corpse, only has the primitive instinct of an animal, and has no thoughts at all. .

It was about 16:30 when Liu Nian was attacked, and Shi Minze left at 18:00, which means that he closed the doors and windows leisurely and covered his naked body for 90 minutes after attacking Liu Nian. White coat, and turned off the light. What's even more incredible is that he left when the security guard on duty came to the cafeteria for meals. Is this what a mindless zombie can do

Therefore, I can't help but doubt the hypothesis of corpse transformation, and once again put forward the speculation of suspended animation to fleeting years. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "Impossible! Suspended death is a primitive function of self-protection. When the body is severely injured or the brain is deprived of oxygen, there is a very low probability of entering a state of suspended animation. If appropriate treatment is given, it will wake up. However, from the time he was discovered to the time he attacked me, he did not receive blood transfusions, nor did he receive any treatment, and his physical functions would only continue to decline, so he might wake up suddenly? And even if a miracle happened, he did not have the ability to attack us. , given the amount of blood he lost, being able to stand up is already pretty good."

There is some truth to the analysis of fleeting years, but it is not a corpse transformation or a suspended animation, so what is going on

"Could he really be resurrected as the prophecy said?" Although Zhen Zhen's explanation was absurd, none of the people present raised a refutation.

After returning to the office of the conspiracy team and reporting to the boss about Shi Minze's resurrection and Lei Aoyang's being possessed by Die Immortal, he was given a lesson as expected: "Can't you give me a reasonable explanation? Xueqing killed you with one shot, you will be resurrected later, go and grab a dish fairy and come back and show it to me."

"I have this kind of ability, do I still need to sit here and teach you?" I responded helplessly.

"Immediately find out the people with the surnames Shi and the people with the surname Lei. I want to see people in life, and corpses in death!" The boss wanted to kick me out of the house.

"Boss, the world is huge, it's not easy to find two people in the crowd. Besides, the two of them have no relatives and no reason in the local area. Who knows they will hide there." I spread my hands and said helplessly. .

"Citizens have to pay taxes to support you, don't you know what to do?" The boss's roar of a lion was quite powerful, but I was already numb.

"There is a way, but it's just slow. They have to eat as long as they are alive. Let the patrol units pay more attention to them. They can always be found, but I don't know when to find them. Maybe we should use a more proactive approach." I Hippi said with a smile.

"What bad idea did you come up with!"

"It's nothing, I just wonder if it's time for me to enjoy a public-funded tour. Of course, it would be better if there were beautiful women accompanying me?"

"You want to investigate their hometown?" The boss's face flashed a malicious look.

"According to the information provided by the school, the Mai brothers and sisters in the same case are in the same city as Shi Minze's hometown. Maybe there will be some relationship between them. You might as well investigate. Anyway, if you stay here, you may not be able to find them. "The last time I went on a business trip was two or three years ago. During the two years I stayed in the anti-picking team, I was basically catching thieves every day, so there was a business trip.

"Okay, I can let Zhen Zhen go with you, but..." The boss showed a sly smile, "However, if you can catch the surname Shi within three days, all expenses will be reimbursed, otherwise you will pay for it yourself."

"Aren't you kidding me? It's only three days. I'll go there to find him. Give me at least a week!" I pleaded.

"Starting from today!" The bargaining with the boss is really fruitless. Shi Minze and the other three have their hometowns in other provinces, and there is not much time left to run back and forth in three days. What results can be investigated, let alone him Catch it back.

After a round of haggling with the boss, they couldn't reach an agreement in the end, so they had to give up the idea of traveling at public expense and let Xueqing and Miaomiao travel for business.

Disappointed, I had no choice but to continue to work hard to find out Lei Aoyang and Shi Minze, as well as the mysterious strange man. Shi Minze's bizarre resurrection made me think about whether this case is related to the prophecy of "Tui Bei Tu". If he is really a legendary saint, then this case is much more complicated.

No matter how complicated the case is, as long as they can be found out, everything will be easy. Neither of them had relatives locally, but Lei had so many friends that he didn't know where to start. And Shi has very few friends, except for Lei and others, only Chen Jinxi, maybe I can learn Shi's whereabouts from his mouth.