Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 45: Secret roommate


"Both of them are weirdos."

In order to get more information about Shi Minze, Zhen Zhen and I went to his dormitory to look for Chen Jinxi again, but unfortunately we couldn't find anyone. A room named Ke Xian told us that he probably went to the Internet cafe again. And when I asked about his relationship with Shi Minze, I got the above answer.

"What's wrong with them?" Zhen Zhen asked.

"Minze usually ignores people. I've slept in his lower bunk for more than half a year, but he still ignores me. When talking to me, he always starts with one sentence or two." Ke Xian showed a look of disdain. .

According to the information collected before, although most of them think that Shi Minze is taciturn, he is not so taciturn. When I asked him if he was at odds with Shi Minze, he rolled his eyes and said, "He is a strange person. He treats everyone the same except Jinxi and Aoyang. If you talk to him a little more, he will I'll turn my face away and ignore you."

"It can only be said that he is more introverted or arrogant, not to mention weird!" There are many people who have such shortcomings among only children nowadays, and it is not uncommon for Shi Minze's parents to die young, so it is not unusual for him to become introverted. However, Shi Minze in Hun Sen and others is not like this. At least he took the initiative to help Lei Aoyang pursue Mai Xiaoqiao.

"If he's not a weirdo, there's no weirdo..." Ke Xian counted Shi Minze's weird behavior to us one by one—

1. He never bares his body. Not only did he never bathe with others, but he also never showed his body naked in front of others. In summer, the bedroom is hot like a steamer, and everyone is shirtless, even in shorts. But even if he was soaking wet from the heat, he wouldn't be shirtless. If he wanted to change his clothes, he would either run to the toilet or hide in the bed to change.

Second, he has always been bloodless lately. He said that he was anemic, and he was often seen taking blood supplements. However, this is only a matter of the past two or three months, and his face was normal before.

3. He is very addicted to the occult. He is always mysterious, he often reads some bizarre books, and when he has nothing to do, he will take a piece of white paper to write and draw on it, as if he is drawing some spells.

4. He seldom sleeps. He only slept three or four hours a day, and often slipped out in the middle of the night without knowing what to do.

5. He is not interested in women. When we are men, there are only two kinds of people who are not lustful: one is that they have no money and no ability, and they cannot afford to be lustful; However, there is always lust, even if you dare not go to a woman, you will not even watch pornography! But he didn't even watch porn, a group of us watched porn around the computer, the sound was quite loud, and he could read a book while lying in bed, as if he couldn't hear anything.

The strange behavior in Ke Xian's mouth was mentioned to me by Chen Jinxi in the first three articles, but it was not as detailed as he did. We have not heard of the last two articles. Did Chen Jinxi carelessly fail to mention it to us, or did he deliberately hide it? Maybe we can get more clues from him, so I ask Ke Xian again what kind of weirdo Chen Jinxi is.

"He is just like Minze, he is superstitious to death!" Ke Xian's evaluation of Chen Jinxi surprised us. When talking with Chen Jinxi before, he showed very disdain for Shi Minze's obsession with mysticism, but why does Ke Xian say that he is also very superstitious

When I expressed my doubts in my heart, Ke Xian smiled and said: "He lied to you, he is a man who talks to people and talks to ghosts, nothing is true. The reason why he is so good with Minze is because of them. It's all good. Minze can't say a few words to us, but talking to him about weird things can take a long time."

Later, he also told us that in addition to talking about weird things with Shi Minze, Chen Jinxi likes to go to Internet cafes the most. He often spends the night in Internet cafes. I heard he borrowed money from others. He also pays little attention to hygiene, rarely takes a bath, and always has an unpleasant odor on his body.

"It can only be said that he is more annoying, not to mention a weirdo!" These days, college students who spend all day in Internet cafes and are sloppy are very common, and it has long been a common thing to see.

"He has a lot of weird things, like last week..." He went on to tell us about a weird experience a week ago-

The wind was blowing that night, and the wind outside was whistling like a ghostly cry, which made people feel uncomfortable. Kim Hee and Min Taek both went there, and I was the only one sleeping with another roommate. In fact, they usually don't sleep here, but that night, for some unknown reason, I always felt uneasy in my heart.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt like I heard the door open. I thought it was one of them coming back, so I casually glanced at the door, but this glance made me completely awake. I saw Jin Hee come in from outside. He was the same as before, his hair was messed up, his face was full of stubble beards, and he looked like he didn't wake up. Although it's scary to see him in the middle of the night in such a way that he's neither human nor ghost, but it's not his appearance that frightens me.

The old cloth bag was about the size of a cloth bag that could hold 50 kilograms of flour. It was dirty and dark. I didn't know what it was used for before. The reason why I thought this cloth bag was scary was because he didn't turn on the light at that time, and some blue-green light spots appeared on the shriveled cloth bag, as if they came from the inside, as if there were countless ghosts hiding inside. Even more frightening, I found that there was blood on the cloth bag...

In the middle of the night, the weird roommate came back with a mysterious cloth bag stained with blood. It was indeed a very scary thing. I asked Ke Xian if he knew that Chen Jinxi put the cloth bag there, and he said that he seemed to have seen him throw the cloth bag under the bed at the time, and he never dared to look at the cloth bag because he felt very scary.

I lay on the ground and looked under the bed, and saw a large pile of rubbish inside, which seemed to have an object similar to a cloth bag, and ripped it out. It was indeed a cloth bag, a cloth bag stained with blood. It seems that Chen Jinxi must know something.

When I pulled out the cloth bag, a small bottle also rolled out from the bottom of the bed. I unscrewed the bottle cap and found a small amount of white crystals inside, which seemed to be some kind of chemical substance. In order to seize the time, I asked Zhen Zhen to take a cloth bag and a small bottle to the technical team for testing, while I went to the Internet cafe where Chen Jinxi often went to find him.

"Are you looking for Jinxi? That kid brought two friends last night, and one of them was drinking too much. They are in Box No. 16 on the second floor. By the way, help me to see if they are dead, from I haven't seen them go down to the toilet since last night." I asked the young man at the counter of the Internet cafe if Chen Jinxi had been here, and got such an answer.

Ke Xia Jinxi didn't have many friends, and the network administrator said that he brought two friends, one of whom was drinking too much. Could it be Lei Aoyang and Shi Minze? It would be much easier to arrest both of them at once. The question is whether I can arrest them alone.

While walking up to the second floor, he called Zhen Zhen and told her to come over as soon as possible. She said that she had already sent the cloth bag to the technical team, and Yuetong had something to tell me, and Yuetong's voice came out on the phone: "The semen and blood samples you sent have already got test results, and the DNA test confirmed that the semen did not belong to Lei Ao. Positive."

"Are you sure?" Strange, how could the semen not belong to Lei Aoyang? Could it be that Mai Xiaoqiao did not belong to him

"Do you doubt my ability?" Yuetong's tone let me know that she was a little unhappy, and quickly apologized to her, she said, "I knew you would suspect that there was something wrong with my test, men are so self-righteous. I also thought you were confusing the blood samples, so I did DNA testing on the semen and three blood samples, and I found an interesting thing."

"What's the matter?" I really can't think of anything interesting about DNA testing.

"The owner of the semen is a close relative of Mai Xiaoqiao, and it is almost certainly her brother or brother." Yuetong's discovery made my brain short-circuit for a moment.

Brother or younger brother? According to the information provided by the school, Mai Xiaoqiao has no older brother, only Mai Yaozu has a younger brother, but he is now a fragmented corpse, is there still a possibility of his own sister

"However, her only brother is already dead..." My thoughts were a little confused, and I didn't know what to say.

"You want to ask if the murderer is her cousin, right?" It was Yue Tong's thinking clearly and she could understand what I meant. But she immediately gave me a negative answer: "It's definitely a real brother. I've asked Lang Ping to take Mai Yaozu's blood sample for another appraisal, and I'll let you know when there is a result."

After hanging up the phone, I was stunned for a while. Mai Yaozu's limbs and head were separated, how could he go to Mai Xiaoqiao? As ridiculous as it was, I called the medical examiner to find out if his body was still in the cold storage. The forensic department gave me a positive reply, saying that there was nothing unusual about his body.

This time it's really a big one. There are so many confusing things about this case, which made my thinking more and more confusing. However, no matter how complicated the case is, as long as the two key figures, Lei Aoyang and Shi Minze can be found, all questions may be answered. The key to whether they can be caught is Chen Jinxi, or in other words, it is the No. 16 box in this Internet cafe.

Go to the door of Box 16 and put your ear to the door. In order to save the cost of decoration in Internet cafes, most of the doors of the box are cheap, and there is no sound insulation effect, so I can hear the sound inside clearly. However, after listening to it for a while, there was no noisy noise as I expected, not even human voices. The three friends went to the Internet cafe together, and they didn't say a word to each other. It seemed too weird!

However, it was not that there was no sound at all, there were some strange sounds, like rocking the chair vigorously, but the amplitude was very small. If it weren't for these strange voices, I would have thought the people inside were dead as the network manager said!

There were three people in the box, Zhen Zhen hadn't arrived yet, I didn't have the confidence to subdue them with my bare hands, but fortunately I brought anti-riot spray, it wasn't too difficult to deal with ordinary people. I am afraid that I am afraid that walking with Chen Jinxi is not an ordinary person, but Lei Aoyang and Shi Minze who have the power of Die Immortal. But if I wait any longer, I'm afraid it will change. After all, the suspects may be in the box now and let them run away. I don't know where to look for them. And the network manager said that they came last night, and now there is no sound inside, maybe they are sleeping.

Take your heart out, let it go!

I twisted the doorknob slightly and found that it was not locked, but when I tried to open the door, I found that there was a force behind the door. It looks like the people inside have spotted me. At this moment, I can no longer hesitate, grab the anti-riot spray in one hand, hold the doorknob in the other and pull back hard. The other party has a lot of strength, and I can't open the door no matter how much I pull, but instead attracts the curious eyes of the guests who are surfing the Internet in the lobby. Fighting, holding anti-riot spray in mouth, pulling the door handle with both hands, then lift one foot and step on the wall beside the door to use strength...

An abnormal sound that seemed to be an object breaking came from the door, and the force that was pulling with me was immediately reported, and I was still pulling the doorknob hard, but of course I fell very badly, and was almost choked by the anti-riot spray in my mouth. die. It's like a tug-of-war between two people, when one of them suddenly lets go of the rope.

Under the amazed eyes of the crowd, I got up in a very embarrassed manner, ready to use anti-riot spray to greet the people behind the door who didn't follow the rules of the game. However, when I stood up, there was no one behind the door. There was a broken rope tied to the door handle on the inside of the door, and there was also a broken rope on the ground, but I only saw one end of the rope, the other end should be tied to the box somewhere in. It turns out that I just tug-of-war with this rope, so maybe there is no one in the box.

However, as soon as I relaxed my vigilance, I found that the rope on the ground suddenly retreated a little, as if someone was pulling it, but not pulling it back once, but pulling it a little bit each time, as if to attract my attention. Although the door was open, because of the angle, I couldn't fully see the situation in the box. But since the rope would move, someone in the box must be pulling it.

I dashed into the box and aimed the anti-riot spray in the direction the rope was retreating, but was stunned when I was about to spray. There was indeed a person in the box, and that person was Lei Aoyang. His presence was something I expected, and I was stunned because the way he showed up took me by surprise - he was tied to a chair! The other end of the rope that kept receding on the ground was wrapped around the legs of the computer table welded to the ground, and then tied to him. And the reason why the rope backed up was because he was constantly struggling, and the rope gradually loosened.

The other end of the rope was supposed to be tied to the doorknob, which means that if no one opened the door, the rope would be very strong. But once someone opened the door with force, the rope would break, and it would also indirectly loosen Lei Aoyang.

These thoughts flashed through my mind. When I came back to my senses, Lei Aoyang had already freed himself from the rope and tore off the cloth that was blocking his mouth.