Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 5: White Snake Different Tomb


"Miaomiao, did you find anything there?" On the way to Medical University, I dialed Miaomiao's cell phone and turned on the speaker so that Zhen Zhen could also hear the conversation.

"Heh..." A lazy and comfortable yawn came from the phone's speaker, "Yeah! It's getting dark, what time is it now? I'm very hungry!"

"You... didn't you just wake up? Didn't you and Xueqing spy on Professor Xiao?" God of longevity! Is this little fart going to work or going on a picnic

"Heh..." Miaomiao yawned again, "Well, isn't this dress from Sister Xueqing? Where's the person..."

"I'm here." Xueqing's voice came from the loudspeaker. She seemed to be beside Miaomiao. She took the phone and said to us, "It's Amu. We have some discoveries here. Are you there?"

"We're heading to the Medical University, about ten minutes." Fortunately, Xueqing wasn't going on a picnic. No wonder the boss asked them to act together. If Miaomiao and I were partnered, I might be mad at her, and Zhen Zhen would be even more terrifying if they were partnered with her, or they would die. However, having said that, why did the boss let Miaomiao join the conspiracy team? His old fox has always been a phoenix without treasure, and will never recruit a fuel bottle to his command, unless Miaomiao has something special, but no matter how she looks at it, she is also a stupid middle school student. Although she has graduated from college.

Boss Hulu sells poisonous rat strong or Zhuangyao pills, which is really confusing.

"Professor Xiao has already returned to the dormitory and should not go out. There is no need for surveillance. We will meet at the gate of the school in ten minutes!" . Although I know she has no other intentions, this attitude is really unbearable.

I drove the car to the gate of the medical university. They were already waiting by the roadside. Miaomiao was carrying a cute pink and blue rucksack with a hello kitty pattern on her back. As soon as she got in the car, she took out snacks from it, orange juice, seaweed, and Baileys. Both, which further confirmed to me that her purpose today was an outing rather than work. If the boss is not an old cat with burning whiskers, his brain is flooded, or he will never choose her as a subordinate, even if she is the daughter of the provincial governor.

"Today's surveillance didn't yield any substantial gains, but there were unexpected discoveries..." Xue Qingwan refused Dove Chocolate, which Miaomiao handed over, and told us about the information she had collected—

Professor Xiao's full name is Xiao Guoqiang, male, 62 years old. Chief Physician, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, National Expert with Outstanding Contribution Editor-in-chief, associate editor and editorial board member of "Chinese Arrhythmia", "Chinese Journal of Intervention", and author of "Practical Cardiology", "Xiao Guoqiang Cardiac Surgery Cases"...

The surveillance in the morning did not reveal anything special. In addition to giving lectures to students, Professor Xiao immersed himself in reading materials in his exclusive research room, and also had lunch in the research room. I thought that today would be unsuccessful, but an unusual scene occurred in the afternoon.

Although the straight-line distance between the monitoring point and Professor Xiao's research room is more than 200 meters, every hair on his head can still be clearly seen through the high-definition military telescope. He looks younger than his actual age. Although his hair is gray, his complexion is ruddy and there are not many wrinkles. He feels only in his fifties. If he dyes his hair black, no one will believe that he is over sixty years old.

After giving lectures to students, he has been reading materials and writing papers in the research room, and there is no particularly noteworthy place. At 15:17, a thirty-year-old woman with long hair and a good-looking appearance walked into the research room with a stack of documents. She closed the door with her rounded buttocks and put the documents on the desk. Judging by her age, she should be Professor Xiao's assistant Zeng Qianyi.

As soon as she entered the research room, Professor Xiao hurriedly closed the curtains, but the curtains did not completely block the windows, and through a two-finger-wide gap, he could barely see the situation near the desk.

After closing the curtains, Professor Xiao hugged Zeng Qianyi from behind, put his left hand into her skirt, and his right under her skirt. Her fair face immediately flushed with a faint blush, but in her intoxicated expression, there was a hint of helplessness hidden in it. After "groping" up and down for a while, Professor Xiao pushed her down on the desk, lifted her skirt eagerly, and took off her panties...

"Ah..." After listening to Xueqing's narration, I couldn't help shaking my head and sighing.

"What's wrong, is there a problem?" Zhen Zhen asked in confusion. Her face was a little rosy, she should have reacted to Xueqing's "yellow jokes".

"If only I had been there, alas..." I sighed again.

"Am I not handling it properly?" Xueqing's cold voice came from the back seat, and in the rearview mirror, she could be seen frowning slightly.

"There's nothing inappropriate about your handling, I just think it's such a stimulating live-action performance, it's a pity I couldn't see it with my own eyes! Ouch..." As I said that, I was punched on the right side of the face, and at the same time I was knocked on the back of the head. .

After Zhen Zhen was finished, I wanted to give Xueqing a high five, but the other party continued to talk about the information collected today, as if she hadn't seen her outstretched Bai Nen palm.

In addition to accidentally discovering that Professor Xiao has a hand with his assistant Zeng Qianyi, Xueqing also found out that he has not resumed his string since he was widowed in his early years, and has a son named...

"What? Is Xiao Yixuan his son?" Professor Xiao and Xiao Yixuan turned out to be a father-son relationship, which cast a fog on the case.

Although Professor Xiao is over sixty years old, due to his position in the medical field, there are many young beauties willing to devote themselves to him. Before that, a young woman with the surname of Weng married a returnee in her 80s with a master's degree. a physicist

If Professor Xiao intends to remarry, he should not worry about not having a maddened bee and a butterfly, then why did he not renew the string, but secretly fool around with his assistant? You must know that if this kind of immoral thing is exposed by the media, he will definitely end up in a ruined old age.

And is the father-son relationship between Professor Xiao and Xiao Yixuan related to the heartbreak case in the Provincial People's Hospital? If so, why does he need so many hearts? Assuming that he is used for research, he can apply generously to major hospitals, does it need to be stolen

There are more and more problems, and it is difficult to figure out a clue for a while. Since it is so, it is better to put it aside for the time being. Or talk to Uncle Six first, there must be a way before the car arrives.

Miaomiao took a taxi away by herself. Although she is also a policeman, we are still worried. Unfortunately, we still have work to do and cannot take her home. After she left, Xueqing continued to monitor Professor Xiao, while Zhen Zhen and I went to the guard room to look for Uncle Six.

The light in the guard's room was a little dim, the radio on the table was playing Teresa Teng's "Small Town Story", the sixth uncle sat on the chair with his eyes slightly closed, his right hand gently tapped the armrest of the chair with the melody, his lips were slightly open and closed. It sings a classic song that makes people aftertaste.

This scene can't help but feel sad. Most of the lonely and widowed old people are like him. They are accompanied by TV sets or radios all day long. They have dedicated their youth to the society, but they are eventually abandoned by the society.

"Uncle Six, I'm here to play chess with you." Zhen Zhen and I walked into the guard's room and put the large pile of snacks from Miaomiao's rucksack on the table.

"Just come and sit down, why did you buy so many things!" Seeing the snacks on the table, Uncle Liu was flattered.

"It doesn't matter, it was given to me by others, I just borrowed flowers to worship Buddha. Come, let's play chess." I sat down without seeing anything.

"Okay, if you have time, you can stay overnight next time." Sixth Uncle hurriedly set up the chessboard to play against me.

Zhen Zhen was impatient to watch us play chess, and after a while she told me to walk outside, then she slipped away without waiting for my answer.

After playing the game for a while, I asked if anything special happened when the girls' dormitory was built. Uncle Six thought for a while, and then slowly revealed some clips he knew: "About 30 years ago, the school began to expand enrollment, and there were more students. , the original dormitory was naturally unbearable, so I planned to build a new dormitory. At that time, the area near the school had not yet developed, and there were not many students. I, the gatekeeper, was quite leisurely, and usually went to the construction site when I had nothing to do. Li Liuda, I have become familiar with the workers on the construction site every time I come and go. I still remember that their boss seems to be called... It seems to be called Ange... "

"Is his name Ye Pingan?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's called Ye Ping'an. His surname is rare, and it's very interesting when combined with his first name, so I still remember it. Brother An is a good person, no matter for his brother or me. This is an outsider, so I will help them do some easy work in my spare time." Uncle Six recalled the past when he was young, and his face couldn't help showing a smile, but the smile soon turned into a faint sadness, and said : "Good people don't live long! I don't know if this dormitory has bad feng shui, or if there are spirits and eccentricities, Ange and his buddies have had accidents one after another while building the dormitory...

"Xiao Zhang was the first to have an accident. That day, he and Ange and the others were building the outer wall of the fourth floor of the dormitory on the bamboo raft. They were laughing and talking, but he suddenly said that his stomach hurt, and then he fell down. Wait for Ange and the others to climb. When he came down, he was no longer breathing and was dead.

"After that, Brother Ang's brothers died one by one. I heard that they all suffered from digestive tract diseases such as stomach cancer. When the dormitory was built, only Brother Ang was left. But he didn't stay up for long. , he also left a few days after the dormitory was built, sigh..." Sixth Uncle sighed deeply, recalling these past events, he couldn't help but sigh.

Aunt May said that her husband had mentioned that the food at the construction site was poor, so I asked Uncle Six if this was the case and whether the death of Ange and others might have something to do with it.

"It's a little bit worse, but it won't eat dead people!" After listening to my assumption, Uncle Six showed an unbelievable expression: "In those days, there was still a shortage of materials, and it was not bad to be able to eat a full stomach. At that time Brother Ang and the others are in charge of the school cafeteria, the difference is quite bad, it is no different from eating pigs, but all the students and I eat this, and none of us have an accident!"

"I heard that Ang and the others dug out a snake when they were digging the foundation. Is there such a thing?"

"This..." Sixth Uncle thought for a moment, "I remembered that there was such a thing. At that time, Brother An and the others boiled the snake and asked me if I wanted to eat it."

"You ate too?"

The sixth uncle seemed to be thinking of something terrible, and his shriveled body trembled: "That's not true, I didn't dare to eat these birds and beasts, not to mention that the snake was dragged out of the coffin, I don't have the guts. "

"Drag out of the coffin? Can you be more specific?" Sixth Uncle's words caught my attention.

"I also heard what Brother An said about this. The situation at that time was probably like this..." Sixth Uncle explained what Brother An told him back then. formed in the mind-

The west is gradually sloping, and the setting sun is like blood.

Ange and other eight people sat around the construction site and ate a dinner like a pig. The food in the school cafeteria was not only unpalatable, but for a man like them who was doing heavy work, the portion was so meager that he could barely eat half full.

Originally, like the foreman and other workers who had just left, they could go home and enjoy the meals that their wives cooked for themselves, although not delicious, but at least they were full. But in order to earn more money to support their family, they had to stay and continue to sweat on their bodies.

After a short break after the meal, everyone waved their shovels again to dig the foundation. "Hey, come here quickly!" Xiao Zhang's hurried call attracted everyone's attention, and walked to his location together.

"Brother An, what should I do? It should be an ancient tomb, do you want to tell the foreman?" Xiao Zhang pointed to a dark hole in front of him, his voice trembling slightly, both excited and nervous.

I have never eaten pork and I have seen the pig run. Even if the man working on the construction site has not personally dug up the tomb, he has heard a little about it. This is not a very rare thing. A complete ancient tomb, no matter its size or age, will have something of value more or less, and gold, silver and jade articles are not uncommon. For this group of men who depend on labor, a small gold ring has been their salary for several months.

Ange looked at the hole for a moment, his eyes swept over the anxious faces of everyone, and said solemnly: "The foreman has gone home, as long as everyone doesn't talk nonsense in the future, only we will know what is in the hole. We don't want to be poor and we are not afraid. If you die, go down with me and see. If you can get valuable things, you will share it with everyone. If anyone doesn't want to go down, I won't be hard on others..."

"I'm going!" "I'm going too!" "Count me in..." Everyone was very excited, as if they had seen the mountains of gold and silver treasures piled up in the cave.

"Okay! The eight of us are brothers, we share the blessings and share the difficulties! Anyone who has bad thoughts in their hearts will not die!" An Ge's face showed a look of excitement and a little anxiety, and he took the lead to get in like a giant. The hole in the mouth of the beast. Xiao Zhang followed behind with an oil lamp, and the others could not wait to drill into the hole.

Inside the cave was a much smaller stone room than imagined, only about forty square meters, and it was already crowded with eight men. The air was not as turbid as expected, presumably there was a lot of fresh air pouring in when the hole was dug out just now. Xiao Zhang raised the oil lamp over his head, illuminating the entire stone room, and everyone looked around, expecting to find glittering gold, but what they got was only disappointment. This small stone room may not be called an ancient tomb, but it can only be called a tomb in a very large amount. There is not a single burial object in the imagination. There are only four simple and thick walls and a sarcophagus in the center.

Disappointed, everyone's eyes fell on the sarcophagus. The sarcophagus is as simple and unpretentious as the walls of the stone chamber, and it doesn't even have patterns. The owner of the tomb is probably not a wealthy person, but since the tomb can be built, there will never be one or two gold and silver ornaments!

Greed gave the eight men courage and strength, and they worked together to move the heavy coffin lid aside, hoping to find anything of value on the tomb owner. However, when Xiao Zhang hung the oil lamp above the sarcophagus, everyone was stunned.

There was no gold, silver and jade in the sarcophagus, not even a piece of clothing, because there was not a human corpse lying inside, but a large white snake with small feet curled up motionlessly inside.

"Damn it! It's actually a snake!" I don't know who scolds it first, breaking the dead silence, and then everyone swears swearing. Suddenly, Xiao Zhang screamed, pointed at the snake's head, and opened his mouth but was speechless. Everyone looked at the snake's head and found that its eyes were wide open, its mouth was slightly open, and it was slowly spitting out letters.

Everyone backed away unconsciously, but after observing for a moment, they found that although the white snake was alive, it seemed unable to move. "Since there is nothing of value, just eat this big snake!" Brother An was just saying angrily, but he didn't expect to get everyone's approval right away.

Because he didn't have any cooking tools, Ange went to the guard Xiaoliu, the sixth uncle, for help. He went to the cafeteria to fetch the knives and cookers. Of course, he told the truth and invited him to taste it together.

It doesn't matter if you take a knife and cooker, it's just a little effort, but when you eat a snake, Uncle Six doesn't dare to eat it, and it's still a strange snake dragged out of the coffin.

Since the white snake was dragged out of the hole, he didn't find anything wrong, but he didn't move, and he didn't even struggle when his belly was broken for gallbladder, skin and flesh. Even so, slaughtering and cooking such a giant snake is no easy task.

Ang Ge personally slaughtered a snake. Although it was the first time, he was able to dig out the intact snake gallbladder. But when he asked who would like to eat the snake gall raw, everyone pushed each other. In the end, the snake gallbladder was handled by himself, and his mouth went straight into his belly.

After the snake was slaughtered, the group used wooden twigs to make a fire and boiled a large pot of snake soup. Ange said it was delicious, and others also said that it was the best thing they had ever eaten. I don't know if I said that on purpose, and wanted Uncle Six to eat together, but they did eat with relish, not a drop of soup was left, and even the bones were chewed up before they spit out...

After listening to Uncle Six's memories, I thought about a question while playing chess with him - why is there a white snake in the sarcophagus, or why is the white snake in the sarcophagus

Assuming that the white snake got into the sarcophagus by itself, there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that the white snake got into the gap in the sarcophagus when it was small, and grew up in the coffin after eating the body of the tomb owner. But the way snakes eat is to swallow, is it possible for a small snake that can get into a sarcophagus to swallow a human body? Even if it can be swallowed, it is impossible to grow into small feet by eating a corpse alone. Another possibility is that the white snake was originally so big and powerful. It opened the lid of the coffin and ate the body of the tomb owner, and then occupied the nest. However, it is still possible for the white snake to open the lid of the coffin, but it is incredible to be able to close the lid!

Since it was impossible for the white snake to get into the sarcophagus by itself, it was stuffed artificially. If this is the case, then the tomb is likely to be a feng shui formation or the like.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't get to the point. Instead, I lost the game. After thanking the sixth uncle, I plan to go to Xueqing with Zhen Zhen. If I find nothing, I can close the team today. However, I called Zhen Zhen's mobile phone but no one answered, even after calling several times. I suddenly had an ominous premonition, and Uncle Six seemed to sense something was wrong, so he picked up the flashlight and went to find her with me.