Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 57: Banshee Covenant


Just when I thought this case was about to be closed, A Yang called me and said that the Daily News Building "eats people". God of longevity, a good building, without a long mouth and no teeth, how could it have eaten people? Since we couldn't make it clear on the phone, Zhen Zhen and I rushed over immediately.

It's the Daily News Building, the thirteenth floor, and the people of the Lin family. Shouldn't this building have a grudge against the Lin family, why is it related to the Lin family every time something happens? A Yang took us to the corridor. On the wall was a humanoid pattern drawn with cement paste. Judging by its height and shape, it was indeed very similar to Ji Xuerong. But what about the man-eating mansion that A Yang said

"Let the witnesses tell you what's going on, I'm at a loss!" A Yang threw my question to the security guard He Xi.

"It's really terrifying..." He Xi's body trembled slightly, and he told us about his terrifying experience with lingering fears—

It was about 0:00 in the morning when Mrs. Lin suddenly ran into the security room. She said she had something to report to the newspaper and asked us to accompany her. I originally wanted to ask Huang Yu to go with him, but he was paralyzed on the chair and sleeping, just like before, I pushed him a few times, he just answered vaguely and continued to sleep soundly. So, I had to take the flashlight and accompany Mrs. Lin up alone.

As soon as Mrs. Lin came up, she tapped the walls everywhere, I asked her what to do? She said she wanted to find the banshee and tell her to stop harming her family. Hearing her say that, I was dumbfounded. I don't think she has a problem with her brain! However, she is Mr. Lin's wife, and I'm just a security guard. As long as she doesn't make a big mess, I don't need to mess with her, lest she let Mr. Lin go to the property management and sue me and let me go rice bowl. Although Mr. Lin was arrested by you, who can say for sure that he will not be released.

I just followed her, watching her knock on the wall and yelling "Come out, I have something to tell you". She walked almost all over the floor, but the banshee never showed up. Finally, she walked to where she is now, knocked on the wall a few times, but still no response, but she just walked away a few steps, and the wall slowly began to appear. A woman's face appeared.

I followed behind her, she took a few steps forward and couldn't see the woman's face, but I clearly saw the face "floating" from the wall. It was like a face emerging from the water, only the water was replaced by a wall. As soon as the woman's face appeared, I screamed in fright, not only because the face suddenly appeared, but also because I had seen this face before. The first time I was on night shift, I was so frightened that she fainted.

Fortunately, I wasn't stunned by her this time, and she didn't come at me this time. Mrs. Lin turned her head back because of my cry, and was shocked when she saw the face on the wall, but soon she came back to her senses and said angrily to the face: "Why do you want to Framed my family, we have sorry for you, why did you do this!"

That face... or the banshee smiled grimly, before replying after a moment: "It's all your husband's fault, that shameless hypocrite."

"What's wrong with Lao Lin? You had nothing to do with Lao Lin at all back then. You belonged to your husband and the construction company, not him!" Mrs. Lin put her hands on her back and spoke confidently, but I found her body was shaking .

The banshee's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and she said fiercely: "Is it really none of his business? He could actually save me at the time. When he came to interview me, I was still alive, and I could still beg him to save me. If he can stand firm and insist on reporting what happened to me, would the construction company dare to bury me alive? But what he chose was to accept the red envelope from the construction company against his conscience, treating everything as if he had not seen, did not hear it!"

"Even if Lao Lin did not save you because of his conscience at the time, he was not the one who harmed you. If you want revenge, you will find someone from the construction company. Why do you have to trouble us." Mrs. Lin still supported her with both hands, but her aura was obviously weakened. , and the body trembled even more.

"The bastards of the construction company, I will never let them go as long as I have the chance, but I will not let your family off easily. All those who have harmed me will have to die!" The banshee let out a creepy roar. , I was almost scared to pee out of her.

Mrs. Lin was also frightened by her. She took a few steps back involuntarily, and fell down accidentally. Sitting on the ground, she said with a trembling voice, "You, how on earth are you willing to let us go?"

"Hee hee..." The banshee suddenly changed into a friendly face, "It's not difficult for me to let you go, but there is a condition..."

"Any conditions, as long as you are willing to let us go, I can give you anything." Mrs. Lin immediately smiled.

"I want you!" The banshee's voice suddenly became extremely cold.

"What... what?" Mrs. Lin was trembling all over.

"It's too lonely for me alone. If you can come to accompany me, I'll let you go. Hee hee... But you will be trapped in this building forever like me." The banshee laughed in the dark Echoes in the corridor, very eerie.

Mrs. Lin hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed with gritted teeth: "Okay, I promise you! But Lao Lin and the others were all arrested, you have to help me save them!"

"That's not easy, young man..." The banshee suddenly looked at me, my legs softened with fright, "Listen to me, when the notice comes, tell them that those two I kill all men. If they don't believe it, you can ask them to wait for me here in the early hours of tomorrow night, and I will tell them myself."

Without waiting for my answer, the banshee asked Mrs. Lin to accompany her. As if possessed by a demon, Mrs. Lin eased towards the wall where the banshee was located. When she was facing the banshee, a pair of hands covered in grout suddenly stretched out on the wall, hugging her waist and hugging her into the in the wall. At this time, the wall seemed to melt, and her body was sucked in in an instant. Moments later, only a human-shaped grout pattern remains on the wall...

After listening to He Xi's narration, I stared at the humanoid pattern on the wall for a while. Could it be that all this is the banshee's fault? God, how is this case going to be closed? You can't tear down the entire building just to find the banshee!

Demolishing the building definitely won't work, but letting the murderer go unpunished, I can't get past my own, and the boss won't agree. It seems that we can only pin our hopes on tonight. If the banshee really appears in the early morning as scheduled, then tonight is probably our only chance to "subdue the demon and subdue the demon".

This is the morning, and there is still a lot of time before the early morning tonight. Of course, I will not waste this time. As the saying goes, "know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles". Tonight is whether we will subdue the demons, or the banshees will kill us, we have to To see if we are fully prepared, so I must know the details of the banshee beforehand. To understand her, of course, you have to start with Editor-in-Chief Lin. Editor-in-chief Lin did not mention that he had arrived at the scene before Chen Yan was buried alive, and there may be other secrets.

We took Editor Lin to the interrogation room again for questioning. Before questioning, I told him about the mysterious disappearance of his wife.

"What? How could this happen, how could this happen?" Perhaps the news hit him too hard, and it was difficult for him to accept this fact for a while, and his mood became very unstable.

"Editor Lin, please calm down! Mrs. Lin is doing this to clear your name. Please cooperate with our investigation and don't disappoint her kindness. Besides, this case also concerns your daughter and son-in-law." To calm him down, I reminded him that two of his family members were detained.

People in their fifties have experienced wind and waves to some extent. He calmed down quickly, but his tone of voice was still very depressed: "How do you want me to cooperate?"

"According to witness reports, you arrived at the scene before Chen Yan was buried alive. Is that true?" I asked.

"Yes, I was still a reporter at the time. I rushed to the scene immediately after receiving reports from citizens. Chen Yan was still alive when he arrived." He suddenly lowered his head, and his voice gradually became smaller.

"Why didn't you tell us you were there before then?" He had taken the initiative to mention the live burial incident to us before, but he never mentioned that he was there at the time, which would inevitably make people suspicious.

"Because that incident is a shame for me..." He sighed, and slowly told the details of the time—

At that time, I was still an interviewer, and I had to run the news every day. As soon as I received a call from a citizen, I had to rush to the scene immediately, hoping to get first-hand information.

That day, the newspaper office received a call from a citizen, saying that someone had fallen into the pile of the construction site and was trapped by the solidified cement and could not get out. So, I immediately rushed to the scene to interview.

When I arrived, people from the construction company were discussing with Chen Yan's husband, Huang Jie, how to deal with the matter. Huang Jie insisted on destroying the entire foundation to save people. Of course, the construction company was unwilling, so he had to call his superiors frequently. While they were arguing, I went to the ground to visit Chen Yan. She kept calling me to save her, but how could I save her? I had to comfort her, saying that everyone was trying to find a way to save her soon.

After comforting her, I took out my camera and prepared to take some photos to support the report. Who would have guessed that when I started taking pictures, people from the construction company ran over to grab my camera and took out the negatives. I learned from the conversation between them that they planned to compensate Huang Jie 200,000 yuan and let him pour cement into the ground pile to bury Chen Yan alive, and he seemed to have agreed.

When I was young and full of energy, I yelled at them, "You are murdering like this, it's a felony to be shot!" As soon as I shouted, they beat me up, and in the end I couldn't stop the tragedy from happening. , watched helplessly as Chen Yan was buried alive by her husband.

I still remember every change in Chen Yan's expression during the process of being buried alive - from panic to fear, from helplessness to begging, from despair to anger... Especially when she roared at Yangtian at the last moment, saying that after death, she would transform into When Li Gui took revenge on everyone, his eyes were full of angry flames, and his face became extremely hideous due to anger and resentment, like an Asura evil ghost from the abyss of hell. The image of this moment is deeply ingrained in my mind, and I still cannot forget it.

Afterwards, the construction company gave me a red envelope, asking me to keep the matter a secret. Although I really want to report on this, and I want to be fair to Chen Yan, but the owner of the construction company has the support of senior government officials, and the newspaper does not dare to report it. At that time, I deeply realized the helplessness of being a reporter. The freedom of the press and the disclosure of information are all bullshit. When we are told to say it, it is freedom, and it is open. When we are not allowed to say it, whoever dares to say a word is a crime!

Since this incident, my enthusiasm for journalism has gradually cooled, and my conscience has also disappeared. "There is no big deal except death." Even the dead can't be reported, so what else is worth reporting? I have always wanted to be a good reporter since I was a child, but since this incident, being a reporter has only been a job to support my family...

"Does the construction company give you a red envelope after the fact, not at the time?" After listening to his account, I discovered a key question.

"They beat me and drove me away. Afterwards, they passed the red envelope to me in the newspaper through my editor-in-chief at the time. If they gave it to me on the spot, I would never accept it, but the editor-in-chief came forward. Now, I would be too disrespectful if I didn't accept it." His tone was helpless, maybe that's why he felt ashamed.

When I heard He Xi's retelling of the water demon banshee, I thought that Editor-in-Chief Lin received the red envelope before Chen Yan was buried alive, but in fact his red envelope was received after the fact, and the location was outside the construction site. If the banshee is Chen Yan, how could she be so powerful and know everything

I suddenly doubted whether the banshee really existed, and there were indeed many doubts in this case. Perhaps when I was analyzing the case, I had been ignoring a key person—Ji Xuerong.

Why did Ji Xuerong go to the Daily News Building to find the cement banshee? Before that, only two people had a relationship with the banshee. Why was she sure that she could call the banshee out? And why did she ask for security to accompany her? Is it out of fear, or because she needs an "audience"

I can play a little magic, and I understand that the main principle of magic is to use the illusion of people. For example, my most commonly used magic trick is to find small items such as candy on others. In fact, the candy has always been in my hands, but everyone didn’t see it. When everyone saw it, the candy had already been transferred to others. Maybe Ji Xuerong deceived He Xi by using magic and other methods, and the environment at that time was very dim, so it was very suitable to use this kind of trick. Of course, it is not easy to achieve the effect He Xi saw and heard, but it is not impossible.

Assuming that Ji Xuerong used magic to deceive He Xi last night, then her motives are questionable, and the two deaths are inextricably related to her, I can't help but speculate further.

Let’s talk about the motive for the murder first. The existence of Ning Yuyi has put her daughter’s marriage in crisis, and she may have lied. Maybe it’s not her gay photos, but some of her secrets. Huang Jing, it is not surprising that she occasionally vomits bitterness to her wife. In order to prevent her husband from being threatened, it is also reasonable for her to kill her.

Talking about the time of committing the crime, when Ning Yuyi was killed, she slept at home with Editor-in-Chief Lin, but because Editor-in-Chief Lin was suspicious of herself and was married to her, her confession was unbelievable. In other words, she could not provide valid alibi; and when Huang Jing was killed, she was in the police station, with the police officers on duty as evidence... Am I guessing wrong

Maybe, I should change my thinking, the murderer is not necessarily the same person. Or maybe the murderer is the same person, but not Ji Xuerong. Anyway, when Huang Jing was killed, it was impossible for her to go back and forth between the two places in an instant when she was in the police station, which means that she had evidence of alibi.

If it is assumed that she did not kill, then of course she acted to exonerate her family. However, the price she paid for this is not small, because from now on she is a non-existent person, she must give up everything she has now, change her name and change her surname to live in another place, and even cannot contact her family for the rest of her life.

Although I have made many assumptions, the verification method is the same, which is to wait for the night to fall. As long as you can meet the legendary cement banshee, all questions will be answered.

At this time, it was still very early before the banshee agreed, so I asked Viagra to search the Internet for some information related to the Daily News Building, and he found a suspicious place: "There is a clerk in the property management company of Daily News Building called Huang Jie…”