Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 58: collective hallucinations


In the process of waiting for the Cement Banshee at the night party, I asked Viagra to search the Internet for information about the Daily News Building, and learned that its current property management company and the construction company that built the building are subsidiaries of the same listed company. In the property management company's staff list, the name "Huang Jie" was discovered. Could it be that he was the heartless man who buried his wife alive? In order to gain a deeper understanding of the Cement Banshee and what happened back then, I immediately went to the property management company with Zhen Zhen to talk to him.

The "Huang Jie" we were looking for was the company's personnel director, and it didn't take us long to find him in his office.

"Do you know a woman named Chen Yan?" After I revealed my identity, I went straight to the point.

His cheeks twitched slightly, revealing an unnatural smile: "She is my late ex-wife."

"How did she die?" Although it was a well-intentioned question, I had to ask, because there might be another answer from him.

His cheeks twitched again, and his expression changed unnaturally: "She stumbled on the construction site and fell into the newly poured concrete pile, and was buried inside..."

"Really? But as far as I know, she was still alive when she fell into the pile, and was then buried alive with cement!" I stared at him sternly.

His body shuddered suddenly, he lowered his head unconsciously, and his voice became trembling: "Well, that was an accident, and no one wants it to happen..."

"It was an accident at the beginning, but then it turned into a murder case, and the murderer was you! You buried your wife alive with your own hands!" I snapped.

"No, that's not the case! I was also forced, and there was no other way at that time..." He suddenly raised his head, with sparkling tears in his excited eyes, and slowly recounted this unbearable past—

At that time, I was just a migrant worker doing hard work on the construction site, and my family of three depended on my hands to support them. Moreover, my son is not in good health, he is often sick, and he spends a lot of money just to treat him. So no matter how tired I am, I have to keep working.

I remember that day, after pouring cement into the ground piles with everyone, we went to dinner together. When I came back, I heard someone calling for help in the ground pile, and the voice was very familiar, very similar to my woman. I ran over immediately and found that Xiaoyan had fallen into the ground pile, her whole body was sunk under the cement, only her skull was exposed.

She was still awake at the time, and I asked her why she fell in. She said that her son had a high fever, and she had no money on her, so she ran over to me to ask for money to take her son to the doctor. But when I came, I didn't see me, and I fell down accidentally. She said that she wanted to climb out by herself, but the more she climbed, the faster she sank, and finally her whole body sank in.

At that time, I was so anxious that I wanted to go down and pull her up, but I was stopped by others, because the cement hadn't fully set, and even I would sink in when I went down. Later, everyone found something like a rope and a stick, and wanted to pull Xiaoyan out, but the cement had begun to solidify at that time, and only her skull was exposed. To pull her out, she could only use a rope around her neck. But in that case, the person would have been hanged before he could pull it out.

Our group of people are all hard workers and have no culture. After thinking about it, we can't think of any way to save her. We can only watch the cement gradually solidify and become anxious. Later, people from the construction company came, and I discussed with them how to rescue Xiaoyan. At that time, the cement had basically solidified, and the only way to rescue Xiaoyan was to destroy the ground stakes. But the ground piles were destroyed, and the entire foundation had to be redone. Of course, they refused to agree, because then the loss to their company would be huge, and it would also delay the date of the building's capping.

Just when they and I were arguing about whether to save Xiaoyan, a reporter came and took pictures. They were afraid that the incident would make a big difference, so they robbed the reporter's camera and beat him up. Then they put forward conditions to me, saying that they would give me 200,000 yuan and let me pour cement into the ground piles to bury Xiaoyan alive.

At that time, I was really flustered, Xiaoyan couldn’t stop crying and asked me to save her, and there was a son at home who was suffering from a high fever, and the people from the construction company refused to give in. At that time, I thought that Xiaoyan would definitely not be able to save them. They would never promise to destroy the ground stakes. If they dragged on like this, my son would have an accident... So I ruthlessly agreed to their proposal and poured water on the ground stakes with my own hands. Mud, bury Xiaoyan alive...

After that, I immediately rushed home to take my son to see the doctor. When I took my son to the hospital, he was already a little delirious, and it took three days for the fever to subside. During this period, people from the construction company came and gave me 20,000 yuan, so I must not talk nonsense. I didn't think about anything at the time, I just thought about getting my son's illness better, and I didn't have the heart to think about anything else.

Later, his son's illness was finally cured, but he left behind sequelae and often dozed off. It was then that I remembered that the construction company promised me only 20,000 for the 200,000, so I went to their company to ask for money. Their boss probably felt bad about the money and didn't want to give it to me, so he talked to me and said he would arrange a good job for me.

Xiaoyan is already dead. If I continue to work on the construction site, it will be difficult for me to take care of my son. After coaxing them a few more times, I agree in a confused way. At that time, they arranged for me to be a security officer in the current property management company, which is indeed a good job at my level, but this job was bought with Xiaoyan's life, and my son also got a job because of it. The sequelae of dozing off, so the more I think about it, the more I feel unconvinced. In addition, my son found out later that I personally killed his mother and often ignored me, which made me even more angry.

After the completion of the daily newspaper building, our company is responsible for the management. I think it is time to let out a bad breath. When I was chatting with the security guard of the building, I deliberately mentioned Xiaoyan's story, and also vividly said that many terrible things happened during the construction process. Of course, I didn't tell them that Xiaoyan was my wife, I just used it to scare them, and said that Xiaoyan swore revenge on everyone before she died. In fact, I did this just to relieve my anger, but I didn't expect that the matter became more and more stagnant later. Everyone said that there were female ghosts in the building, which made people panic.

After that, things got bigger, and the head of the company probably guessed that I was doing the trick in secret, so he talked to me about it. In order to keep my mouth shut, they even promoted me to be the Personnel Director...

After listening to Huang Jie's narration, I couldn't help but have many questions in my mind. According to him, the so-called Daily News Building haunted incident is just the product of false rumors and suspicions of ghosts, not some ghosts and monsters. And he mentioned that his son often dozed off, which reminded me of Huang Yu, the security guard, so he asked him, "Is Huang Yu, the security guard of the Daily News Building, your son?"

He nodded lightly with a helpless look: "Yes, he is my eldest son. He always thought that I killed his mother, so he refused to call me Dad all these years. After I married my current wife, He was even more indifferent to me. I could have arranged a better job for him, but he always went against me and did everything carelessly. In order to keep his current job for him, I don't remember bearing it for him. How many black pots."

"What's up with the red silk on his neck, is he born that way?" That's an important question.

"It's the sequelae of that high fever, and the doctor doesn't know why it happened." His words showed concern for his son.

The haunting of the Daily News Building wasn't real, it was just a lie? What surprised me even more was that Huang Yu was actually Chen Yan's son. Could he have anything to do with this case? If you think about it carefully, it is not impossible. First of all, when He Xi saw the banshee, he was on duty with him, but he stayed in the security room and did not go upstairs to check together. The situation after that was similar. Every time he stayed in the security room and didn't want to leave, maybe he was using this to make a fool of himself. However, this is just my speculation, and to verify my speculation, maybe someone can help me.

I asked Zhen Zhen to go back to the conspiracy team first to explain to the boss about tonight's "subdue demons and subdue demons" operation. Chairman Mao said that there are many people, and to reveal the true face of the banshee, of course I can't let me die alone. So I plan to mobilize the whole team. In addition to the two main players, Zhen Zhen and Xueqing, the two oil bottles, Viagra and Miao Miao, cannot be spared.

After I drove Zhen Zhen away, I went to the hospital where Xiao Na worked to find her by myself. By the time I got there, she was about to leave work, so I invited her to dinner and prepared to consult with her. In the dining room, I told her about the haunting of the Daily News Building, and asked her if a lie could have had so much power and so much panic.

"Do you remember 'mass hysteria'?" she asked me with a smile.

"Of course I remember. You told me when we were still together. However, you didn't make it clear at the time, only the scientific name of the collective hallucination." I remember that at that time, I was writing a report on a supernatural case. And I scratched my scalp. Fortunately, she told me about this thing. I wrote it in the report, and I was confused.

"Your memory is still so good." She smiled at me and explained slowly: "Let me tell you what hysteria is first! Hysteria is 'psychopathy', also known as hysteria, which is a relatively common Neurosis. In fact, everyone may be a potential hysterical patient, because the formation of hysteria can be so simple that it can be caused by someone else's words. For example, when someone drinks a glass of water, friends around him tell him He, there was a worm in the water. He immediately felt nauseated and vomited. However, the glass of water was actually clean, and there were no worms as friends said. This is a specific manifestation of hysteria.

"Okay, now that we know that everyone is at risk of developing hysteria, it's much easier to explain group hysteria. In simple terms, group hysteria is when many people suffer from hysteria at the same time. Or if I give you an example, it will be easier Understand, the more common example is the collective food poisoning incident in the school cafeteria. Let's assume that there are 100 students in the cafeteria, one of the students has a problem with the food, and he has symptoms such as vomiting after eating. The other 99 students There was no problem with the food, but 10 of the 99 students developed the same symptoms after seeing the student vomit. Similarly, the remaining 89 students thought their food was out after seeing people showing symptoms one after another. The problem was solved, so more people vomited. So in this case, all the students who vomited except the student who was really food poisoned suffered from mass hysteria.”

"What you mean is that Huang Jie's words frightened the security guards, making them become savage, thinking that there is a ghost in the Daily News Building. And other people in the building also became nervous after hearing the security guard's so-called ghost encounter. Lost, I thought there were ghosts in the building and scared myself." I think I understand what she meant.

"Well, this is also a manifestation of collective hysteria. At the beginning, only a small number of people may believe it, but then more and more people claim that they have encountered a ghost, so the number of people suffering from hysteria will multiply. Those who believe will also become dubious, and will become very sensitive to some subtle anomalies. For example, the object is displaced, maybe it is just a mistake, or someone else has moved unintentionally. If no one would care about it, But everyone said it was a ghost, so most people wondered if it really happened and scared themselves."

If the so-called haunted events are just mass hysteria, then the Cement Banshee doesn't exist. In this way, I can't help but wonder if Huang Yu is secretly making a fool of himself, and he may be angry with the editor-in-chief Lin's family because his mother died in vain. Judging from the current evidence, he at least had the motive and time to commit the crime, and there are doubts about his ability to commit the crime. The first is his height. With his height, he can step out of the bathroom shoe print by tying small shoes under his feet. Secondly, he left the sequelae of lethargy and red silk on his neck after having a high fever, which is similar to the legendary flying headman. If it is assumed that he is a flying headman, then the case is even more hanging.

However, if Huang Yu is a cement banshee, then there are still many doubts that cannot be explained. The biggest doubt is how the murderer escaped from the locked darkroom after Ning Yuyi was killed. If the murderer is Huang Yu, and he is a flying headman, then at most he can only pass his head and neck through the air-conditioning duct, and there are shoe prints at the murder scene, and there are finger pressure marks left by the murderer on the back of the deceased's head. If the murderer's body was in the darkroom, he could not have escaped the scene even if his head could pass through the air-conditioning duct. Assuming that the murderer's body is outside the darkroom, and only the head and neck enter the darkroom through the pipe, it is impossible to leave shoe prints and finger marks. This is really a logical puzzle, maybe I'm wrong.

"Are you thinking about work? Thinking so deeply." Xiaona's gentle voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Well, I'm sorry, I made you laugh." I smiled awkwardly. I was so busy analyzing the case just now that I forgot that I was having dinner with Xiaona.

"It's okay, I really like the way you think seriously, you're handsome." She didn't know if she wanted to imply something, but I didn't have time to think about it, because what she said next caught my attention: " It's good to work hard, but you can't put too much pressure on yourself. As a psychotherapist, I suggest that you, like me, learn yoga to decompress when you have time."

"Yoga..." I suddenly got a clue, and asked, "Does yoga allow people to get into narrow pipes?"

"It's hard to say, I can't do it. However, I heard that a yoga master came to perform locally some time ago. He is so amazing that he can completely sink his body into a small jar, which is even bigger than this. Smaller." She pointed to the five-gallon drinking water bottle on the water dispenser in the corner.

I looked at the drinking water bottle for a while. The diameter of the air-conditioning pipe was not much different from it. Since the yoga master can get into it, he can definitely get into the air-conditioning pipe. Could it be that the murderer is a master of yoga, using yoga to come and go freely in the air-conditioning duct

"Do you know the name of that yoga master? Is he still local?" I asked.

"I heard that he has left the country. As for his name, I may help you find out." Her answer really disappointed me.

It seems that to explain this case, we can only look forward to tonight, but I think it will be a fierce battle tonight!