Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 6: Double ghost night attack


The bright moon hangs high, the stars twinkle, and the quiet campus exudes a strange atmosphere.

Uncle Six and I searched all over the main areas of the campus, but there was no sign of Zhen Zhen, and the phone calls to her still went unanswered. I called Xueqing and learned that Zhen Zhen had never looked for her, and that Professor Xiao had already gone to bed, so she came over to join us and search for Zhen Zhen together.

Although Zhen Zhen is a female class, she is also a Sanda champion anyway. Ordinary gangsters can't touch her at all, but this is what I worry about, she may encounter something unusual - a baby girl ghost.

Although tonight is not the night of the full moon, from the superficial signs, it is very likely that Zhen Zhen ran alone to the camphor forest behind the girls' dormitory to investigate, and it is very likely that an accident has occurred. Although Xueqing didn't agree with my guess, she didn't object either. It was her acquiescence.

I decided to go to the woods to find Zhen Zhen, Xueqing followed immediately without any hesitation, but Sixth Uncle did not dare to wander in the camphor forest at this time, and repeatedly warned us that entering the woods now might be dangerous. He was right, but we can't ignore Zhen Zhen's life or death, although she used me as a sandbag, we are still partners.

I asked the sixth uncle to return to the guard room to wait, if Zhen Zhen came to find me, he would immediately call my cell phone, and then prepare to go to the camphor forest with Xueqing to search for Zhen Zhen. The sixth uncle handed me the flashlight and repeatedly told me to be careful when entering the woods. If you see something white, you must leave immediately. I thanked him for his kindness and went straight to the mysterious area behind the girls' dormitory with Xueqing.

After stepping into the camphor forest, I felt a chill. Although I had been there before, it was daytime, and the camphor forest at night had an indescribably strange atmosphere. The tall and lush camphor trees blocked most of the light sources. Even though the moonlight was bright, it was still hard to find five fingers in the woods. Only occasionally one or two moonlight could be seen passing through the leaves, like an arrow of light shot by the goddess of the moon. inserted into the ground.

The tall camphor tree is like a monster with its teeth and claws in the dark night, which makes people dread, and what is even more heart-pounding is that the mysterious female ghost wearing white clothes, holding a dead baby, with disheveled hair and fierce eyes may be hiding in a camphor tree. The shadows behind will come out to attack us at any time.

After entering the woods, Xueqing walked in front of me, and she had always followed me before. She seems to be trying to protect me. Although it makes me feel ashamed to have girls protect me, but there is nothing I can do. If the baby girl ghost suddenly appears, I may not be able to escape. The last fitness test, I just passed by, and my right leg is always cramping at a critical moment.

The light emitted by the flashlight is very bright, but it is very small in the dark woods, and can only illuminate a small area of Li. It is even more alarming because the lighting range of the flashlight is not large.

Just when my nerves were like a taut bowstring, Xueqing, who was walking in front of me, suddenly stopped, and I was looking around and didn't notice, and bumped into her back. The soft female body, although through the clothes, can still feel her skin as tender as a baby. Of course, this is just my feeling, but the faint fragrance of jasmine flowers on her body is real, which can't help but remind me of being trapped in a gentle village.

Now, however, is not the time for reverie, as we are in a perilous place. Xueqing stood in front of me without saying a word, and looked around. I quietly put out the flashlight so that no one would find us. Closing my eyes and listening, I heard a female voice chanting in a low voice: "... sizzle, white snake fairy; live a thousand years, the law is boundless; whistling, the north wind blows; full stomach, fresh taste in the heart; snoring, no Ask the sky; immortals live in the middle, sleep for a hundred years; rumbling, guests come; without ceremony, fry the master…”

When I opened my eyes, Fa Xueqing stared at the direction of ten o'clock. Following her line of sight, I saw a white object in the depths of the woods, as if it was a white dress hanging on a branch. I think we found what we were looking for... ghosts.

Xueqing still didn't make any sound, didn't even look back, her eyes were fixed on the front, and she slowly stretched out her index finger and swayed forward, motioning to approach the white object. As before, she didn't give me a chance to object or agree. I followed her on tiptoe, and she seemed to be walking very easily, just like she usually walks. She didn't slow down her pace on purpose, but she didn't make a sound at all.

When the distance from the white object was only about thirty meters, with the help of the moonlight passing through the leaves, I could barely see a woman in a white hospital gown leaning against the camphor tree, her loose hair almost covering her entire face Covering it, only the left eye that flashed red like a beast in the hair, and the slightly upturned corner of the mouth. Although her hair was messy, it didn't look like she had not been groomed for a long time. Under the moonlight, you could see the glamorous luster reflected from it. In her arms, she was holding a roughly three-month-old baby with a naked body and an eerily white complexion. The skin of the baby is very white and dull, and it seems to have been air-dried, but the body is fuller, just like a normal baby. There is no doubt that this woman holding the baby is the legendary baby girl ghost.

Our approach caught her attention, she stopped singing, turned her head slowly, facing us, and the corners of her mouth kept turning up, revealing a weird smile.

I panicked and was thinking about running away, but Xueqing was ready to attack immediately—her body suddenly leaned to the right side, her right hand reached her waist, her coat was raised, and she drew a pistol and pointed at the female ghost, her left hand immediately Hold the right wrist to aim, the whole process is completed in an instant, if you want to describe it in one word, it is definitely "handsome". I think if she shoots now, the female ghost must be hit before she can react. However, are bullets effective against female ghosts

Sure enough, the female ghost did not show panic, the corners of her mouth were still raised, and the left eye that flickered between her hair was still flashing with a bloodthirsty light. She gently stroked the dead baby in her arms, her right hand with only half of her middle finger swiped lightly on the small head, and her razor-like nails did not cause any scars, and said lightly, "If you want to save your partner, you must stop immediately. Investigate, or all of you will die!" She said "death" in an aggravated tone, and my heart was beating violently involuntarily, as if her ghost claws had reached my back and were about to pull out my heart.

Although terror shrouded my heart, I couldn't shrink back from the battle. After taking a deep breath, I stepped forward to show my police card, although in this dark environment, the police card was no different from an ordinary card. Then, he spoke in a calm tone: "Don't move, we are the police! We suspect that you are involved in multiple homicides, please follow us back to the police station for investigation."

"Hee hee hee..." The female ghost's weird laughter echoed in the darkness, and after a while, she said, "Please ask me to be investigated? Hee hee hee... Do you think you have the ability to let a ghost be investigated? His laughter was creepy, and he suddenly rushed towards Xueqing with a smile.

The female ghost's movements were very agile, so fast that it didn't seem like she was running at all, but her feet flew towards Xueqing like cannonballs from the ground. The distance of about thirty meters was shortened to less than one meter in an instant. Faced with such a sudden attack, ordinary people had no time to react, but Xueqing was not an ordinary person.

The crisp gunshots of "Bang" echoed in the dark woods, and the female ghost who flew towards Xueqing half a moment ago flew backwards and fell to the ground. She was shot in the right shoulder, and blood stained her white shirt. The 54 pistol is very powerful at close range. Although it only hits the shoulder, it is enough to make ordinary people lose their ability to resist. However, the female ghost who fell to the ground at the moment was very human, so Xueqing did not relax at all, and the gun was still aimed at her.

Although the female ghost had been shot, she did not show pain, and still had a weird smile on the corner of her mouth: "You can't kill me, because I'm a ghost, a murderer..." She said and rushed to the right , Xueqing realized that she wanted to escape and immediately shot.

Because the female ghost was moving too fast, the shot missed and just brushed past her left arm, but the impact of the bullet caused her to lose her balance and fell to the ground, holding her tightly in her arms. The baby also flew five steps away. She seemed very nervous about the dead baby, and immediately got up and wanted to bring the dead baby back. But Xueqing didn't give her any chance to shoot again. However, because of the dim light, the two had already opened a certain distance, so the shot missed.

The female ghost seemed to realize that it was not easy to get the dead baby back at this moment, so she dodged behind the camphor tree, blocked Xueqing's sniping with the camphor tree, and ran away quickly.

Xueqing glanced at me, then glanced at the dead baby on the ground, and without saying a word, ran after the female ghost in the direction where the ghost escaped. Although she didn't say anything, I wasn't stupid. Of course I knew what she meant. I took off my coat and hurried forward and squatted down to wrap the dead baby.

The dead baby had been held by the female ghost just now, so I didn't see its feet clearly, but now that I saw it clearly, I couldn't help but panic - the feet of the dead baby were actually connected together, like a little mermaid!

Xueqing had already gone far, and this place was dangerous and not suitable to stay for a long time, so I didn't think too much, wrapped the dead baby in a coat and prepared to chase in the direction of Xueqing. However, when I stood up, I suddenly felt like something was rushing towards me behind me.

I turned around abruptly, turned on the flashlight and looked behind me, and a female ghost in white appeared in front of me. Her eyes didn't seem to be able to adapt to the strong light of the flashlight for a while, so I blocked her eyes with my hands, and I used this gap to kick her in the stomach mercilessly, kicking her down, and then I tried my best to escape. I ran as fast as I could without looking back, and a voice from behind let me know that she was chasing me, but she didn't seem to be fast enough to catch me.

When I was about to run out of breath, my right leg cramped again. Fortunately, I had escaped the range of the woods. When I looked back, there was no sign of the female ghost. She seemed to give up when I was about to run out of the woods. Bathed in the bright moonlight, I suddenly felt a sense of escaping from death. It turned out that I was also quite afraid of death. In the past, when I partnered with Xiaoxiang, this rarely happened. With him by my side, I always felt very safe.

"Amu." The sudden cold female voice startled me, I looked in the direction of the voice and felt a little more at ease, because the person who spoke was Xueqing. Seeing me gasping for breath, she asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Huh, I was chased out by the female ghost." I answered panting.

Xueqing Leng Jun's face was slightly puzzled: "The female ghost? I just chased her here and didn't see her. How could she run behind you."

I calmed my breath before answering: "It's another female ghost. Although they are dressed in similar clothes, they are all dressed in white and have long hair to cover their faces, but the female ghost chasing me has shorter hair and a slightly petite figure. . And there is no blood on her clothes, and she should not have been shot. What's more, her movements are much slower than the previous female ghost, otherwise you will have to collect the body for me. "

"I will admit in the report that I didn't take into account your safety." Although Xueqing's tone was cold, she should be apologizing to me, I think.

"I'm not injured now, so don't worry about the report. Where did the female ghost you chase get lost?"

"As soon as she ran out of the woods, she disappeared. She probably disappeared suddenly at this location. I checked nearby and found nothing special." Although Xueqing's tone was still cold, I felt it was warmer than before. .

At this time, I carefully observed the surrounding environment. There was no shelter from camphor trees. The moonlight covered the surrounding things with a melancholy silver thin layer. Ahead of us.

There is an open space between the girls' dormitory and the woods, and there is no place to hide. Could it be that the female ghost got into Room 106 through the window? I approached the window and tried to open it, but I couldn't open it with great effort. While thinking about it, the phone suddenly rang, and the caller ID was the guard's number.

"Where did you go?" Zhen Zhen's voice came from the phone.

"I should ask you this! I didn't answer your phone when I called you, so Xueqing and I had been looking for you for a long time."

"My phone seems to be in the car..."

"I defeated you, come over to the girls' dormitory, there is a discovery here."

Xueqing and I walked around to the door of the girls' dormitory, during which I took off the jacket that was wrapped in the dead baby and carefully observed the freak with its feet connected. I couldn't see it clearly because of the lack of light just now, so I always thought it was a baby corpse, but now I take a closer look and I found out that it was a doll. The body as soft as a pillow proves this. Because I don't know whether it will be contaminated with harmful substances such as venom, I didn't directly touch it with my hands, but just by naked eye observation, its skin seems to be made of human skin, and it is made of a whole six large Made from baby skin as I only found a long slit on its back and nothing else. However, the color of this human skin is very snow-white, not to mention yellow people, even white people can't be so white, and it is not ruled out that it has been bleached. No obvious reproductive organs can be seen from the lower body, which can rule out the possibility of being a male, but after all, it is a deformed child whose feet are glued together, and it is not easy to judge whether it is female or neutral. A closer look at its head and neck feels quite strange. The neck is a little longer than that of ordinary babies, and the mouth is slightly protruding.

Due to the limited conditions, it is not easy to get clues from this terrifying human skin doll, so I had to wrap it in a coat again, and let my colleagues in the technical team toss it slowly tomorrow.

We waited for a while in front of the girls' dormitory, when we saw Zhen Zhen running over in a hurry. I asked her where she had just gone, and she actually said that the dormitory Yu invited her to dinner just now—

Just now I saw your sixth uncle playing chess and felt very bored, and I didn't know when you were going to play chess, so I went out and walked around to see if I could find clues. I didn't expect to meet the dormitory Yu. I've seen her always with a straight face before, but this time I don't know if it's because of the cramp, she even greeted me from afar, and chatted with me very enthusiastically.

After chatting for a while, she asked me if I had eaten dinner. We have been busy all day today, just ate a few buns at noon, and when I asked her, my stomach swelled. She said that the restaurant in front of the school was run by her man, and she insisted that she would invite me to dinner. I was embarrassed to go, but she said she could tell me something about the girls' dormitory, so I went with her.

After arriving at the restaurant, she took me to the box, asked her husband to cook for me and brought me a lot of good dishes, and then chatted with me while eating. However, what she told me were all trivial matters of life that had nothing to do with the case, but the dishes her husband cooked were really special, and it was very late when I was full. I didn't know you were looking for me until I went to the guard room to look for you...

Why is Warden Yu suddenly so enthusiastic about Zhen Zhen? Could it be that she has something to do with those two female ghosts? The female ghost who appeared first revealed that she knew that we were looking for Zhen Zhen, and apart from the sixth uncle, only the dormitory Yu who lured Zhen Zhen out of school might know about this.

Before we entered the woods, the sixth uncle had repeatedly discouraged him, and it was unlikely that he and the female ghost were a group. Looking back at Warden Yu, her uncharacteristic enthusiasm made one suspect that perhaps it was time to seriously investigate her background first.

Regardless of whether the dormitory Yu is related to the female ghost, the first thing to do now is to investigate in Room 106 to confirm whether the female ghost has sneaked in. I asked Zhen Zhen if Warden Yu was still in the hotel, she said Warden Yu left with her, that he was going to go back to the girls' dormitory and locked the door, he should have entered shortly before we circled to the door of the dormitory.

The case is becoming more and more complicated, and more and more characters are involved, but I believe there is only one truth, and it may be hidden in Room 106.