Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 64: Mountain ghost rape corpse


After a terrifying night, I finally met Hua Ye, the head of the police station, and learned from him that the local area has been haunted by a ghost who has come and gone without a trace for 20 years. During the conversation, the mysterious girl who crashed into my car last night suddenly broke into the office, and learned from their conversation that she was the daughter of Director Hua. After the father and daughter quarreled for a few words, the daughter slammed the door and left, and then the father asked me what I thought of his daughter's condition

Faced with this question, I don't know how to answer it. In terms of appearance and body, Hua Zidie is indeed a standard beauty, but her temperament is not flattering. Although she is not as violent as Zhen Zhen, she would kick me up every now and then, but I can't stand her eldest temperament.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Director Hua looked a little anxious. He was still calm in the face of the crowd's disturbance just now, but he seemed distraught when dealing with his daughter, and said to me like a salesman: "Zidi's temper is indeed It's a little bit. It's all because I'm too busy with work and have no time to discipline her. I spoiled her mother. That's why I want her to get married early. Women are all the same, and their temper will be restrained after marriage. However, she She's arrogant by nature, and most people don't look down on her at all. Only a person as good as you will take her into consideration, and I believe you must have a way to treat her." He sighed, but seemed to think of something, and immediately returned to his senses. He added: "Although I usually don't have time to discipline her, you can rest assured that my family's tutoring is quite strict. She has never tried to stay out overnight, even if she wants to go out at night, I also stipulate that she must come back at ten o'clock. Go home, and I won't let her associate with some nonsense."

Although he didn't say it directly, I knew what he wanted to say was that his daughter didn't talk about a boyfriend and was still a virgin. The boss also mentioned this to me. However, if Zi Die is not a virgin, I might think about it, and if so, I don't need to think about it, because the pressure is too great. If I deal with her in a wild way, and then treat her badly, then Director Hua will definitely not let me go. And the reason why I kicked the boss on the pirate ship so easily was mainly to escape An An and Uncle Shrimp. An An always thought that we had reached the point of talking about marriage, but I just regarded her as a sister; and Uncle Shrimp always said that I took advantage of Zhen Zhen and held me responsible.

I thought I could escape the limelight by escaping here, but I didn't expect to encounter even more trouble, what a shame! Of course, I won't tell Director Hua directly that I came here to escape a debt of love, and with your daughter's temperament, after I marry her, I'm afraid she will be called by her as a slave. So I had to refuse in a tactful way: "Director Hua, Jin Qianjin's conditions are very good. If I can get her favor, it will be the kindness accumulated by my ancestors. But I am still young, and I want to continue to shine in the police post. , so I don't plan to get married yet."

I have even used the official idiom like "glowing and hot", so I guess he will give up too, right? But he didn't know if he didn't understand, or if he deliberately pretended to be crazy and pretended to be stupid, he actually said: "A man's career is a good thing, and a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. I understand what you mean. Well, if you can find the case of the mountain ghost to solve , I will write a commendation letter to the director. With your ability and my friendship with the director, it will definitely not be a problem for the director to promote you. It doesn't matter if you can't catch the ghost, just stay here. Now, on the one hand, you can develop a relationship with Zidie, and on the other hand, with your ability, my position will be yours sooner or later. Although it is a bit poor here, I will talk to the director after you are promoted to director. , it shouldn't be a big problem to transfer you to the city."

I suddenly remembered that a feng shui physicist once said: "If you do our business, you can't say anything. For example, after I set up a feng shui array for a guest, I can make him a fortune with this feng shui array, even if I don't make it. It doesn't matter if you are rich, because if you don't make a fortune, you will have a baby, and if you don't add a baby, you will have a long life... Instead, I don't care what he will do in the future, and my words are right."

Director Hua's words are similar to those of this Feng Shui physicist. On the contrary, no matter if I have solved the case of the mountain ghost, he will always find a way to promote me. Of course, the premise is that I have to soak his daughter. When I want to reject him this time, I really don't know how to say it! Let's find a way from the person involved, but Zi Die doesn't necessarily have much affection for me.

Director Hua came to the duty room with me and asked a guy named Sun Jian to give me the information of the mountain ghost, but he said that the mountain ghost committed the crime again last night, and Zi Die also said that he witnessed the mountain ghost committing the crime with his own eyes process.

"This crazy girl really went to the pine forest to look for mountain ghosts at night. No wonder she came back at midnight these few nights. Go and ask her to come right away!" Director Hua shouted angrily.

I just thought it was strange, he said that Zi Die had to go home before ten o'clock at night, why did I meet her in the pine forest last night. It turned out that the old fox lied, Zi Die had been home for several nights at midnight, and he had no time to take care of his daughter, or at all. After all, he is in his early twenties, so he can manage so much. He is probably determined to recruit me as his son-in-law!

Director Hua intended to pull me and Zi Die together, so after Zi Die came over, he gave us a few random reprimands and let us go to the scene to investigate. However, Zi Die seemed very dissatisfied with this arrangement, and glanced at me disdainfully: "What kind of help this coward can do, I'll just go by myself."

"If you have the ability, you can catch the mountain ghost last night, and will you come back so embarrassed?" Director Hua glared at her and threw this mess to me.

After getting into the car with Zidie, I lit a cigarette and deliberately closed the car window. Almost all girls don't like men smoking beside them. To make her hate me so that I can get out of the clutches of the flower director, I want to make the car smell like smoke.

However, my plan seemed to be in vain, she actually smoked a cigarette from the cigarette I put in the front of the car without saying a word, and then shouted to me like a prisoner: "Take out the lighter."

I took the lighter and wanted to light it for her, but she grabbed it with one hand and lit the cigarette herself, but the way she lit the cigarette was very awkward, and at a glance, it was obvious that she seldom smoked. Sure enough, she coughed as soon as she took the first bite, and she coughed badly.

"So you don't know how to smoke? Stop smoking if you don't know how." I opened the car window and threw the cigarette out of the window.

"If you men can smoke, I can't? Dad has been smoking for decades." She took another sip as if she was not convinced, but she kept coughing.

I seemed to understand why their father-daughter relationship was so bad, and asked, "Is your family only your daughter?"

"None of your business!" She gave me a blank look.

In fact, even if she doesn't say it, I can know. Director Hua originally worked in the Criminal Investigation Bureau, with an urban hukou and a civil servant. Of course, he could only have one child. Only children without siblings are particularly vulnerable to the spoils of elders, and when parents find out that their children are spoiled, it is too late to discipline them.

Seeing that she took a puff and coughed once, but continued to puff, I suddenly couldn't bear it: "Smoke is not like this, you should first take the cigarette into your mouth, and then take a breath to suck the cigarette into your lungs..." Suddenly I feel like a demon, even teaching a young girl to smoke.

She wasn't stupid, she learned to smoke quickly, but after finishing one cigarette, she slumped limply in the car seat, covering her eyes with her arms.

"How does it feel to smoke?" I asked softly.

"I'm so dizzy, I don't even know why you idiots love to smoke so much."

"It's probably fun! Just like drug addiction, I just wanted to try it at the beginning, but later I found that it was not as fun as I imagined, but at this time I was already addicted, and I couldn't quit even if I wanted to quit, so I had to continue smoking."

"You know a lot of things." Her beautiful eyes opened slightly and glanced at me.

"When the people are old, you will naturally know more things." I smiled at her, and then started the car.

"Hmph, I was always a child in your eyes." She suddenly became angry.

"You think you are a child!" I think the reason why she has such a bad relationship with Director Hua may be because of traditional concepts! Director Hua should have wanted a son very much, but the conditions did not allow it, so he took Zi Die as a son to discipline him. As a result, the daughter becomes competitive, comparing everything with the man, or comparing everything with him. However, Zidie is a girl after all, and it is difficult for her physical fitness to reach the standard of a man. Because she couldn't meet her father's requirements, she felt that in her father's eyes, she was just a little child who was not a big player.

Her anger came and went quickly. As soon as I said it, she immediately put on a puzzled expression: "What do you want to say?"

I said earnestly: "Raising a child is 100 years old, and it is 99 years old. In the eyes of parents, children will always be children, and they will always worry about their children, so they often make them feel very verbose and even feel that their parents do not trust them. myself. Like my mother, every time I drove her in a car, she would nag and say, don't drive so fast, watch out for people there, watch out for cars, but she can't drive herself. But I never said that She, because I know she cares about me, just in the wrong way."

My words seemed to inspire her, and she was silent.

"Okay, it's time to go. If you don't mind, I hope you can tell me what you saw last night before you arrive at the crime scene." I said and drove the police car out of the police station.

I suddenly regretted saying so much to her, because after my enlightenment, her attitude towards me changed slightly, and she no longer resisted me as before. But I wanted to make her hate me! But that's fine. After all, we'll have to cooperate in investigating the mountain ghost's case for some time to come, and it's not good for work to be tit-for-tat. At least I have to learn from her what happened last night.

"Dad always thinks I'm not doing well and always picks on my faults, so I want to prove to him that I'm definitely no worse than others. And to prove my ability, the best way is to catch the mountain ghost... "She seemed to have opened her heart to me, she didn't have much scruples in her words, and she told me what happened last night in detail—

Although the mountain ghost is very scary, I have the confidence to catch him, at least until last night, I thought so...

More than a month ago, a young woman in Longdong Village died. At that time, I knew that the mountain ghost would definitely appear again. Because the mountain ghosts have been raging here for 20 years, whenever a young woman is buried, the family of the deceased will keep the spirit for about a month to prevent the mountain ghost from encroaching on the deceased. However, family members cannot stay on the tomb forever and will leave one day. When the family members left, the mountain ghost soon appeared.

I knew that after the family left, the mountain ghost would definitely come to invade the deceased, so I quietly came to the grave at night, hid in the shadows of the trees, and waited for his appearance. However, I waited four nights in a row, and he still did not show up. I thought he wouldn't show up this time. I planned to wait for another night last night, but he gave up when he didn't show up. Unexpectedly, he really came last night.

Last night, like before, I drove the police car to a place far away from the pine forest at about 23:00, and then stopped and walked into the forest on foot. To avoid being discovered by the mountain ghosts, I didn't even bring a flashlight, only an electric baton for self-defense.

The clouds in the night sky are like thin ink, moving lazily under the urging of the coolness of early autumn, as if waiting for a good show in the pine forest. The moonlight shone from the clouds like a helpless mother, illuminating an inch of the pine forest. However, under the moonlight, the shadows behind each pine tree are even darker, as if there are countless crises hidden. On both sides of the road that runs through the woods, the countless graves are silent. But within each tomb, there was a corpse that had been violated by a mountain ghost crying in the dark. Their souls are like dummies hanging from pine trees, flushed with humiliation and resentment, but all they can do is sway in the wind...

When I waited on the first night, I was so scared that I wanted to leave immediately. The graves everywhere were already scary enough, and the dummies swaying in the wind made me feel like being surrounded by countless ghosts in the pine forest. Trembling all over. Moreover, the scheming mountain ghost didn't know it would emerge from there, maybe he would suddenly appear behind me and pounce on me.

Although I was very scared, I held on, always paying attention to the situation around me, especially the new tomb. The first night was spent in fear, and the mountain ghost did not appear. The situation for the next three nights was a little better, I was not as scared as before, but the mountain ghost still did not appear. Until last night, the mountain ghost did not appear. Originally, I didn't have any hope last night. I planned to give up without finding out. I didn't expect that just when I was about to leave, he came.

At that time, I saw a dark shadow moving quickly towards the new grave in the distance. At first, I thought it was a wild dog, because he did not walk upright like a human, but ran over with his limbs on the ground, using his hands and feet on the ground, and ran very fast, like a running wild dog. However, when he ran to the new grave, with the help of the dim moonlight, I found that he was not a stray dog. Judging from his stature, he should be a man, but his movements were like a stray dog.

He ran to the grave and looked around. I immediately hid with my back against the pine tree. The place I was in was very dark. He probably didn't see me, but my heart was about to jump to my throat. Fortunately, he did not find me, and the rapid digging sound proved my idea.

I looked carefully out from behind the pine tree and found that he was digging out the soil on the grave with his bare hands. Although the sound was not loud, his movements were very fast, or very skilled, and the grave was dug up in a short while. Because of the dim light and the angle and distance, I couldn't see how he pried off the coffin lid. But I didn't see him bringing any tools, so he should have lifted the coffin lid with his bare hands.

After he dropped the coffin lid to one side, he dragged out the female corpse lying quietly in the coffin, violently tore the clothes on the female corpse into pieces, and then…

Zi Die said that she didn't say any more, but I can probably guess what happened next - the mountain ghost violated the body of the deceased, and then discovered her existence, and she ran into my car when she fled. However, judging from her pale face, it seems that things are not as simple as I imagined. After I arrived at the crime scene, I found out that the actual situation was a thousand times more disgusting than I imagined.

Before we got to the crime scene, however, we were in big trouble. As soon as the car drove into the pine forest, a large group of people rushed over and surrounded the police car. My first reaction was—could it be that I met the Green Forest Hero Shearing Path!