Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 65: The Curse of the Mountain Ghost


When the car and Zidie came to the pine forest, before the car stopped, a large group of people rushed over and surrounded the police car. And they seemed to be very excited. Several strong men slammed the windows and doors to signal us to get out of the car. There are quite a lot of people on the other side, at least forty people, I am really intimidated by their momentum. In broad daylight, a crowd gathered to loot, and even the police car was not spared. How could the security here be so bad.

When I was about to ask Zidie to call the police station for help, I suddenly found that although the crowd was mainly male, there were also many elderly women. Even if they came out in full force, they shouldn't even have to catch the old lady to recharge it! I think I guessed wrong, so I asked Zidie what happened to these people

"They are from Longdong Village. Every time the mountain ghost commits a crime, they have to make trouble for a while." Zi Die looked unhappy.

"I see." I shrugged helplessly. It's no wonder, who wouldn't feel angry when there were successive corpse rape cases! But the real culprit has not been found, so we can only use the "ineffective" police to vent.

"Don't get out of the car yet, let me handle it!" After I said that, I wanted to open the car door, but I spent a lot of effort on this simple task, because the car door was blocked by the people outside.

After finally getting out of the car, an old woman raised her crutches and wanted to hit me, and the others seemed to be ready to beat me. Two fists are hard to beat with four palms, not to mention that there are more than 40 opponents, with more than 80 palms, one person pinching me is enough for me. Fortunately, although my fist didn't work, my head was still smart, and I immediately shouted loudly, "I was sent by the provincial government!"

This move was not bad, the old woman's crutches were hanging in the air and did not land on my head. So, I continued to say: "The matter of mountain ghosts has attracted great attention from the provincial government. The director of the Public Security Department is very angry that the Chongyuan County Police Station has not been able to capture the real culprit so far, so he sent me to assist in the investigation. Everyone, don't worry. , I will thoroughly investigate this case and give you an explanation. The most important thing for the people in the Criminal Investigation Bureau is efficiency, and they will never be inaction like the local police. However, in order to catch the mountain ghosts as soon as possible, I hope everyone can cooperate with the investigation as much as possible, after all, I am not a superman, if everyone does not cooperate, the investigation will not be carried out."

After talking nonsense, the villagers were finally stunned. They whispered to each other, probably saying that I was a high-ranking official of the provincial government, and I should be able to catch the mountain ghost this time.

I suddenly felt a little airy, and it feels really good to be a "senior official" once in a while. In fact, I'm just a little minion. Not to mention I have no status in the provincial government. Even in the conspiracy team, I'm just an errand. But when I came to such a backcountry, I immediately became a high-ranking official. There is an old saying, "There are no tigers in the mountains, but the monkeys are the kings".

Perhaps, I should consider Director Hua's proposal and stay as the current director. However, this thought just flashed through my mind. I still prefer the colorful life in big cities. If I stay in such a small place, I am afraid I will get sick.

Because the villagers regarded me as a high-ranking official, and I also drew a clear line with the local police station in my words, they only resented the police station, so their attitude towards me changed immediately. Take me to the crime scene. As I walked, I waved to Chai Die who was still in the car and motioned her to follow.

On the way, the old woman said that everyone in the village called her the third wife, and this time it was her granddaughter-in-law who was desecrated by the mountain ghost, so she was so angry and wanted to beat me. She also told me that most of the fellow villagers were relatives of the victims. During the conversation, I noticed that these villagers are mainly male, ranging from the old and the young to the young. However, women only have three old wives and a few other old wives.

One example in one village, I know that in some places women are prohibited from worshipping their ancestors, but why aren’t the three women and others not restricted? And Zidie followed, and they didn't stop it. So I wanted to ask the third woman if there were any taboos in this area in their village. Of course, in order to avoid angering her, I asked more subtly and said politely: "Sanpo, my colleague is also coming, is it convenient? Ladies, do you have any taboos in this regard?"

"There are no taboos and no taboos. Although our village is said to be of the Yao ethnic group, it is just a name. It is no different from you. There are no special rules. As long as you can catch the mountain ghost, you can bring anyone you want." Although it was all lost, her speech was not slurred, I could hear it clearly, and she was in good spirits.

"Excuse me, since women can come here, why are there only your mother-in-laws, not even a young woman?" I tried to be polite, because I didn't know if this question would anger her.

However, as soon as the words came out, her face immediately sank. When I thought she would turn her face, she sighed: "Everyone who can come has come, the only women in the village are us old women and some little girls. The little girls are afraid of being stared at by mountain ghosts and dare not come over. The old woman doesn't like it, so it doesn't matter."

"Are all the young women in your village going out to work?" I asked.

"Part-time work is indeed a part. Even if the little girls don't want to leave now, we have to drive them away. If they stay for the mountain ghosts, there is only one dead end." , "My youngest daughter is reluctant to have children. No matter how I persuade her, she refuses to leave. Later, she was targeted by mountain ghosts..."

She always said that she was "targeted" by mountain ghosts. I couldn't figure out what she meant, so I asked, "When you say 'targeted', you mean mountain ghosts entered the village and killed people?"

"No. If the mountain ghost enters the village, I won't let him go even if I try my hardest, but he always hides his head and shows his tail, and few people can see his shadow in the past 20 years." She said and became angry. .

"The mountain ghost hasn't entered the village, so how can you target people?" The more I listened, the more confused I became.

"He cursed our village, but every young and beautiful woman will be cursed by him and die inexplicably. In the past 20 years, the number of women who have been cursed and died by him cannot be counted, and the women buried here are all because of him. Cursed to death." She said and pointed forward. It turned out that before we knew it, we had reached our destination.

Day and night feel really different! The tomb that scared me to death last night, and those "hanged ghosts" with red faces and white clothes, when you look closer now, it doesn't actually make people feel terrible, but there are hundreds of guys hanging together, making people feel Spectacular. I walked over to one of them and observed it carefully for a while. It turned out to be a dummy made of branches, with a red cloth on its head and a white shabby body hanging from a pine tree. That said, it's pretty scary to see from a distance at night.

"Didn't it frighten you?" the third woman asked.

"To be honest, it really scared me when I passed by last night." I said embarrassedly.

She sighed: "We all know that this will scare the outsiders, but we are also unable to do this because of the mountain ghosts!"

"Can they deal with mountain ghosts?" I glanced at the dummy.

"It's useless to use it, but we can't do nothing! You police officers can't catch the mountain ghosts, so we have to use them to keep the spirits alive." She said confidently, as if all the police owed her money .

That’s how people are. For problems they can’t solve by themselves, they often put the blame on others, and as long as others are at fault, they can do what they do with confidence, even if what they do will cause even more trouble. Sometimes, they would even use their own troubles to force the other party into submission. The third wife and the others probably thought so. There are so many terrifying dummies hanging on both sides of the main highway in and out of Chongyuan County. No one dares to come, and the economy will naturally plummet, and the local government will definitely take it seriously. However, the government has nothing to do with them. The mountain ghosts could not be caught, and they are a minority. Otherwise, these dummies would have been forcibly picked up long ago.

The third woman seemed to want to complain to me, but I didn't want to listen to her, so I said, "Let's go to the crime scene first."

Under the leadership of San Po and others, we arrived at the crime scene within a few steps. "Wow!" Although I have dealt with a lot of murders and seen how disgusting murders they are, the scene in front of me still made me cry out. The purple butterfly is even worse. Maybe it was too dark last night, so I didn't see it clearly. Now, when I look at it in broad daylight, I immediately went to the distance and vomited.

Beneath the red-faced and white-clothed dummy was a tomb that had been dug up. Loose soil was scattered around the tomb, mourning clothes torn to shreds bloomed everywhere, and coffin lids fell haphazardly to one side. These are just green leaves for foil, and the bleeding lilac is of course the desecrated grave owner—a rotting corpse.

Long live! The corpse has rotted into such a state, how can the mountain ghost still succeed! I saw that it didn't even have an appetite, what about sexual desire.

The corpse rape case is similar to the case. The best way to find out the real culprit is to test the semen remaining in the victim's body. However, the police station does not have a forensic doctor, nor does it have corresponding laboratory personnel and equipment, so this procedure can be omitted. Although I can collect semen samples from the corpse and send it to a nearby county and city for testing, I really can't show the courage to face this highly decomposed corpse. Maybe the perverted man in fleeting years will not care, but I can't do it. The strong corpse stench alone almost made me faint.

Although the scene was stinking, I had to work hard, so I had to endure the stench and search for clues. The tomb was obviously dug with bare hands, and there are traces of finger digging on the walls of the cave. Since there are no claw marks left by animals, and the size and distance of the finger marks are comparable to those of human hands, it is almost certain that the perpetrators are humans.

The finger marks on the coffin lid are even more obvious. The perpetrator should have lifted the coffin lid with his bare hands. This is not something that ordinary people can do. In addition to his infinite strength, he also has a pair of "iron sand palms".

After careful inspection for a while, I found nothing except finger marks. Originally, the loose soil could provide the footprints of the perpetrators. Unfortunately, this important clue has been destroyed by the villagers. Now the graves are surrounded by the footprints of the villagers. Since I couldn't find any more clues, I told the third woman that the body could be reburied, and then I prepared to leave with Zi Die. But the third mother-in-law immediately stopped me and said that the mountain ghost must be caught and justice to her granddaughter-in-law. I talked a lot of nonsense to her, and it was hard to get away.

"Have you found anything?" Zidie asked me on the way back to the police station. As soon as she saw the rotting corpse, she vomited endlessly, without observing the situation at the scene.

I replied: "The footprints left by the mountain ghosts were destroyed by the villagers. There is no forensic doctor here, so the body cannot be examined, and there is no technical team to support it. The clues that can be found are very limited. The only clues found now are the coffins. Judging from the size and depth of the finger marks on the lid and the cave wall, it can be confirmed that the mountain ghost is an adult male, aged between thirty-five and fifty-five years old, with infinite strength and calluses on his palms."

"Thirty-five to fifty-five years old, with calluses...why are you so sure?" She gave me a suspicious look.

I explained: "The mountain ghost has been committing crimes for 20 consecutive years. If it is in a big city, it cannot be ruled out the possibility that others will follow suit, but this is only a small place, and people with corpse-loving tendencies are relatively rare, so I thought It was the same person who committed the crime. Juveniles under the age of 15 are not common, and in such rural areas, perhaps there is no sexual consciousness, and it is even more impossible to rape a corpse. Therefore, if the mountain ghost starts to commit crimes at the age of 15, Then his current minimum age is 35. If the mountain ghost is over 55 years old, even with a shovel, it would be very difficult to dig the grave alone, not to mention digging with bare hands and removing the coffin lid. Open? Taking into account the problem of declining libido, the upper limit of the age of mountain ghosts should be fifty-five."

"You guessed the calluses on your hands?" she asked again.

"It's not guessing, it's reasoning." I gently grabbed her fair and tender palm, and said, "If the mountain ghost's hands are as tender as yours, then the grave has not been dug up, and his hands are horribly damaged. , the mud and the broken shroud will also be stained with blood. But I only found the corpse water flowing from the corpse at the scene, and I didn't see a drop of blood, so I can draw the conclusion that the skin of the mountain ghost's hands is very thick and covered with calluses. "

Her body trembled suddenly, and she retracted her hand, her face was a little crimson, and she didn't speak very neatly: "I don't see, you have some skills."

"I'm still a long way off! If my old partner comes, I can catch the mountain ghost in three or two days." I suddenly thought of Xiao Xiang, if he came, I would be much more relaxed. Just like before, he basically didn't need my help to investigate the case, he could handle it by himself.

"It's too exaggerated to solve a 20-year-old mystery in three or two days!" She widened her beautiful eyes, and her expression was slightly surprised.

"You can too, as long as you pay attention to every detail." I laughed.

She was silent, as if she was really recalling the details of the case, but she seemed unable to make sense of it, and asked after a while, "What should we do next?"

"Let's go back to the police station to have a full stomach first, but I didn't even have breakfast!" My stomach was already croaking with hunger.

"I know it. Dad just told those people that the case will be solved within a month. If you fail to catch the mountain ghost, they will come to make trouble again." Her eldest lady's temper broke out again.

"You also care about Director Hua." I gave her a teasing glance, she immediately turned her face away, looked out the window and said, "I don't care about him, I just want to solve the case sooner." Women are always duplicitous.

Seeing that I was about to return to the police station, I didn't want to tease her anymore, so I said seriously, "When I was chatting with the third wife, something caught my attention." She immediately turned her face and asked me what it was. thing

"The Curse of the Mountain Ghost."

"I've heard of this too, but they're just too superstitious. What a curse." Her enthusiasm disappeared immediately, replaced by loss.

"There must be a reason for the incident. Although the statement of the curse is ridiculous, don't you find it strange that many young women have died in Longdong Village?" If the curse does not exist, then these women may have been murdered. Is it true? In this way, perhaps I will have an idea when I check the records of this case in detail.

However, at this time, Zi Die suddenly said something, which made me wonder if the curse really existed: "I remember that the woman who was violated by the mountain ghost seemed to be mentally ill before her death..."

Could it be that Longdong Village was really cursed by mountain ghosts