Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 69: Mountain ghost ambushed


It took a lot of time to find the entrance to the Dragon Cave, so it was very late when we entered the Dragon Cave. In the dark dragon cave, there is silence, as if it is a lifeless world of the dead. And in the darkness, there is a human head suspended in the air waiting for us...

On the way to the depths of the Dragon Cave, I was distracted and bumped into my head. It was my mother's fault that I was born a little taller and almost broke my head. Afraid that I would touch my head again, Zidie took the powerful torch and walked in front to take the lead. However, after she passed the stalactite that made me embarrassed, she screamed in horror. I thought she must have seen something terrible, but because the stalactites blocked my view, I couldn't see what frightened her. So he hurriedly bent over to cross the annoying stalactite to see what was going on.

However, as soon as I bent down, I immediately smelled a sickening stench. This smell is familiar to me, because every time I see Liu Nian, I can smell it from him - the smell of decaying corpses. I couldn't help but panic, thinking how could there be corpses in the Dragon Cave? Sanpo said that the villagers would only enter the Dragon Cave to worship the Dragon King on the birthday of the Dragon King, and usually no one would come in. It's useless to think too much, but I'd better see it clearly, so I quickly passed through the stalactite, but I was immediately stunned by the picture in front of me.

What appeared in front of me was a strange picture. The background of the picture was a dark karst cave. In the center was a strange human head, a human head suspended in the air. The highly decomposed human head has almost lost its skin, and even exposed bones in some places. The left eye has disappeared, leaving only a dark eye hole, and the eyelid of the right eye is gone, and the entire eyeball is exposed, as if it is staring at us angrily. The teeth that have lost the protection of their lips are like the fangs of beasts, ready to attack us.

In the dark cave, I suddenly saw a human head suspended in the air. I think everyone would be scared to death! I was so scared that I lost half of my soul, and Zi Die was no exception. She screamed and turned around and ran. If I hadn't held her, she would have used her head to greet stalactites like I did. However, my good intentions were not rewarded. She probably thought she was caught by a ghost, closed her eyes tightly, and screamed while punching and kicking me. Although I usually use Zhen Zhen as a sandbag, but I haven't become a copper-skinned iron-bone yet! Pity that the bandage I used to fix my right hand was still caught by her, and she pulled it back indiscriminately, almost strangling me to death.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down, ahem, stop pulling my bandages, you're about to strangle me! Cough..." Fortunately, she finally let go before strangling me.

She opened her eyes, glanced at the head, and immediately screamed again, but instead of running away this time, she jumped on me and hugged me tightly. The soft and elastic double peaks pressed against the chest, it feels so good, the half of the soul that has been scared will come back immediately. Although I really want to continue to hold her, this is not a safe place, especially after the appearance of the strange human head.

I patted her shoulder and said softly in her ear: "Don't be afraid, this head was hung here on purpose."

"Really, really?" She still hugged me tightly, and the lavender fragrance in her hair penetrated into her nostrils, making me feel soft all over. Although she was in a dangerous situation, her adrenaline surged and she had a physiological reaction, and the place where she reacted was still close to her virgin land.

Fortunately, she didn't push me away in disgust, then slapped me and called me a hooligan. Women are all the same, no matter how strong they look, there will always be times when they are weak, and they always need a strong chest for support.

I took a flashlight from her hand and shone on the disgusting head. Although it was not very obvious, upon closer inspection, I could see that the head was tied with a thin silk and hung from the stalactite in front of me. I encouraged her not to be afraid, and let her see the fine silk hanging on the human head for herself. She glanced timidly, and immediately buried her head in my chest and hugged me tighter. Although I knew that the head was hanged, it was scary enough to see a rotting head in such a mysterious place. However, what worries me at the moment is not the head, but the person who hangs it here.

The third woman did not mention that there were heads hanging in the Dragon Cave. Although she had never been there in person, she had lived in Longdong Village for most of her life. It was impossible not to know about this kind of thing. That is to say, this head should not have appeared here, it was hung on purpose by someone to scare us off. The purpose of scaring us off is, of course, to prevent us from taking the Dragon River water for testing. And there is only one person who needs to stop us - the mountain ghost!

Since the mountain ghost can hang his head here, there is no guarantee that he will use other methods to deal with us. Maybe he is hiding in a dark corner now, waiting to attack us. I whispered in Zidie's ear, telling her what I was thinking, emphasizing that the mountain ghost might be hiding in the dragon cave.

Her body trembled slightly for a moment, but after all, she still firmly suppressed the fear in her heart and left my arms. I suddenly felt a little lost, just like an abalone that had entered my mouth suddenly fell to the ground. However, when I thought of Director Hua's sly smile, my disappointment disappeared immediately. Fortunately, I didn't do anything too much just now, otherwise I would never want to escape from the Wuzhi Mountain where Director Hua was growing.

Zi Die glanced at the head daringly, and did not dare to look again. I wanted to take the head away to see if I could find any clues, but I didn't have anything suitable to put it on, so I couldn't run around with it. Even if I was willing to mention it, Zidie probably wouldn't want to go with me. In desperation, I had to untie it and put it aside, and then make plans after taking the water from the Longhe River.

Maybe I was frightened by the head. When I continued to go deep into the cave, Zi Die followed me closely, and then took my arm lightly. When I reached the end of the dragon cave, my arm had fallen into the gentle village again. . Damn mountain ghost, why don't you hang your head at the entrance of the cave, let me wipe some more oil.

The Dragon Cave is actually not deep. Although the tunnel is tortuous, it is about 50 meters from the entrance to the end. There is a stone step at the end, and on the step is a statue of a dragon king with the height of an adult, with a dragon head and a green dragon robe, which is quite mighty. The ground was obviously artificially groomed and was very flat. Six candlesticks were erected in two rows in front of the dragon statue. There were also oil lamps on them, but the oil had already been lit.

Although the entire Dragon Palace is very simple, for a village with only a few hundred people, it is quite difficult to repair the road. I think it should have been built by the previous government. Those in power in feudal society are best at this. Once there is a natural or man-made disaster, they will bring it to the gods. They do not seriously think about ways to improve, but they build temples to appease the hearts of the people. At that time, it was probably because the so-called Dragon King was killed by the landlord, and the people's grievances were difficult to settle, so the local prefect came up with the bad idea of building the Dragon Palace to appease the people!

The origin of the Dragon Palace has no way to be tested, and it has little to do with the case. The focus is only on whether the Dragon River water contains heavy metals. The Dragon River is on the right side of the statue of the Dragon King. It is much wider than I thought, at least three meters wide. The water was gurgling, slow and steady, and the water was very clear, but under the lighting of the torch, I could not see the bottom of the river. I think the depth of the water should be no less than two meters. If I hadn't found that disgusting head, I would have wanted to swim in it. If I could swim naked here with Zidie...

"Why don't you fill it with water?" Zi Die shook my arm uneasily, interrupting my reverie. Let's work first, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time.

After filling a bottle of river water with beverage bottles, we were ready to leave. However, at this time, there was an abnormal sound behind him, which seemed to be the sound of a small stone rolling. Of course, the stone will not roll for no reason, unless it is kicked, and there should be no one else in the dragon cave except us, unless it is a mountain ghost!

I suddenly remembered that the three mothers repeatedly told us not to look back when leaving the Dragon Cave, especially Zi Die, because the woman will be left behind by the Dragon King as soon as she turns her head. Although the legend of the Dragon King getting married is absurd, the rules left by the predecessors are somewhat reasonable.

However, I was about to tell Zi Die not to look back, and when I ran out of the dragon cave in one breath, she turned around and exclaimed, "There seems to be someone behind the Dragon King statue!"

Now that she has turned her head, I will give it my all, and turn my head around and use a torch to shine at the statue of the Dragon King. A black shadow flashed out from behind the Dragon King statue. Although it looked like a humanoid, it was on all fours and plunged into the darkness like a dog. The action was so fast that I couldn't tell whether he was a human or a dog at all, but Zi Die recognized him at a glance: "It's a mountain ghost, he was the one who raped the corpse last night!"

Although the mountain ghost was right in front of me, I didn't dare to rush forward to arrest him, because I didn't even see him hiding there. His night vision ability is obviously better than ours, and he should be very familiar with the terrain of the Dragon Cave. We can't take advantage of him in a fight here. So I took Zi Die's hand and ran out, planning to escape from the Dragon Cave first. Anyway, there is only one entrance to the Dragon Cave. As long as the entrance of the cave is guarded, I am afraid that you will become an immortal in the cave.

We fled to the cave with Zidie in a hurry, and from time to time there were strange noises behind us, and the mountain ghost was chasing us. Strangely, he seemed to keep a distance from us on purpose, otherwise at his speed, he should be able to catch up with us soon. Halfway through, I almost bumped into my head again, and this time I kept an eye on it and bent over to avoid the damn stalactite.

Suddenly, an idea came to her mind, she grabbed Zi Die and whispered in her ear: "We'll stay here and wait for the mountain ghosts to come out." Although this location is also pitch-dark, the terrain is narrow and there are stalactites blocking the way. The ghost will definitely slow down when it passes by. If a powerful flashlight is used to shine at his eyes at this time, he must not be able to adapt to the sudden strong light, so he will be temporarily blinded. As long as we seize the moment and handcuff him, we can easily catch him.

However, things did not go as smoothly as we imagined. We turned off the flashlight and waited for a while by leaning against the wall of the cave, but we didn't notice any movement. Could it be that the mountain ghost discovered our ambush? Just when I was wondering, I suddenly smelled a strange smell, it felt like the smell of diesel, which came from the hole.

Anyway, the mountain ghost should have been aware of our ambush, and it was no longer necessary to continue to turn off the flashlight, so he turned on the flashlight and took a picture in the direction of the hole. Because of the twists and turns of the tunnel, I could not see the entrance of the cave, but I saw liquid flowing in along the ground. A liquid that emits a diesel smell, what else can it be other than diesel? Sure enough, I immediately saw a bright light around the corner of the tunnel - the mountain ghost wanted to burn us to death!

I didn't have time to think about why the mountain ghost who was clearly chasing behind us suddenly poured diesel fuel into the cave and set it on fire, because I heard a low rumbling sound from the cave. A single second of delay can also kill you. He hurriedly grabbed Zidie and fled to the depths of the Dragon Cave, and the flames chased after him. Although the fire is not very big, being surrounded by flames is also a dead end, and a slow roast is much more painful than a raging fire. To make matters worse, something that made a rumbling sound had already appeared behind us. It was a high-mish cylindrical iron diesel barrel. Judging by the speed of its rolling and the sound it made, it should be filled with diesel oil. Regardless of whether it will explode or not, just pressing it will kill people. Fortunately, the road was twisty, otherwise we would not have escaped at all.

Out of breath, he ran to the end of the dragon cave without even seeing the shadow of the mountain ghost. It seemed that he was really a ghost. He should be the one who set the fire at the entrance of the cave. Zidie wanted to jump on the steps of the Dragon King Statue for a while, but I pulled her and jumped into the underground river together. Although the river water may be poisonous, the air in the dragon cave is not circulating, and when the density of diesel vapor in the air reaches about seven percent, it is likely to explode. Poisoned may be treatable, but if it is fried into coke, it will definitely be useless.

However, after I fell into the water, I immediately regretted it. Why didn't the river freeze? The Cokes in Biyang fast food restaurants were even more iced than Cokes. I really doubted whether Xiaomu in the crotch would be frozen. grow up. Purple Butterfly was no better than that, her face turned white, and her lips turned purple just like her name, like a purple butterfly that fell under the bridge of her nose.

It was bad enough to be shivering in the water, and I didn't expect more unfortunate things to happen. The flaming diesel barrel rolled down and hit the steps at the foot of the statue of the Dragon King. Although it did not explode, a large amount of diesel leaked out, and most of it flowed to the river surface. It seemed that the entire river surface would burn up immediately. My God, is this mountain ghost stuck in the stock market of PetroChina and Sinopec, how can diesel be used as tap water!

Although we can dive into the water to avoid the flames on the river, we have to come out and breathe, and stay here is either burnt or suffocated. With nothing to do, I had to dive into the water and explore to see if there was a way out. After all, the river is flowing, and there should be a place for the water to come out. Sure enough, after groping for a while, I found a small underwater hole at the end of the underground river. Although the hole is not big, it is still enough for people to get in, but it is hard to say whether we can escape. Although I'm not sure it was the mountain ghost who set the fire at the entrance of the cave, but we didn't see him when we ran back, so he must have left the dragon cave. In addition to the entrance, the Dragon Cave seems to be the only place to leave.

Now there is no other choice but to hit the gas, so he and Zidie dive into the bottom of the water and try to escape from the underwater hole. Hope you don't suffocate in it.

After drilling into the hole, there was a small section of flames on the water that illuminated it, but it soon became dark again. The powerful flashlight broke the moment we fell into the water, and now we can only rely on the left hand to touch the wall of the cave to find the way. In fact, even if I can see clearly, I can only move forward like this. My right hand was twisted by Zidie, and it hurts when I move it. It is more difficult to paddle.

I walked under the water for about two minutes without finding the exit. I couldn't hold it anymore, I started to feel dizzy, and my limbs were weak...

God, I'm not going to suffocate here!