Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 70: Who is the accomplice


I met a mountain ghost in the Dragon Cave, and when I escaped, diesel oil flowed down from the hole, and it caught fire. I ran all the way back to the end of the Dragon Cave, and when there was no way to escape, I had to look to the underwater hole in the Long River. Who knew that after sneaking into the hole for a while, I couldn't find the exit. In the case of hypoxia, it should take five or six minutes to hang up, but in fact, after two or three minutes, I started to feel dizzy and gradually lost consciousness...

When I started to regain consciousness, I felt something pressing on my chest, and it was quite strong. Shouldn't I be in hell? Thinking about it, it feels wrong, it should be a hell for those who have abortions and abandoned babies! Before I could understand what was going on, I felt that my nose was pinched, and it hurt a lot. I had the impression that I would have pinched my nose without that hell. The next moment was even more inexplicable, I actually felt two soft pieces sticking to my mouth, it felt like... like a kiss...

I weakly opened a slit in my eyes, and what appeared in front of me was not a daunting ox-headed-horse face, but a beautiful face with water and spirit. The reason why it is said to be Shui Lingling is because this face will really drip water, and the water droplets will fall on my face drop by drop. At first, I thought I was being attacked by a water ghost, but after a closer look, I found out that the other party was Zi Die. Could it be that she is also dead

"Don't die so fast, you have to help me catch mountain ghosts, you can't die now!" Her voice sounded like she was crying, but because her face was full of water, I don't know if she was shedding tears . She pressed hard against my chest a few times, then pinched my nose again, and pushed her cherry mouth close.

I think I know what's going on, I'm not dead, I just fainted from drowning, and Zidie is about to give me artificial respiration. Although she had done it for me just now, her consciousness was still vague at the time, and she did not taste her cherry lips carefully. It's alright now, to be able to kiss her openly, of course, you have to taste it seriously.

It's a pity that good things are usually irreversible. Just when she was less than a centimeter away from carefully tasting the soft cherry lips, a liquid suddenly rushed up her throat, and at this critical moment, it rushed out and sprayed all over her face. The uncontrollable cough made me unable to continue to pretend, and of course I couldn't cheat her kisses. This is the most painful thing in the world!

"Great, I thought you wouldn't wake up..." Zi Die choked, her strong disguise had long since disappeared. Although her pretty face was covered with water droplets like lavender after the rain, I could still see the tears pouring out of her eyes.

I sat up and continued to cough a few times before I could speak: "I thought I was going to see King Yama, thanks to you for saving me."

"You scared me to death. Just now, you suddenly crawled around in the water for a few times and then you stopped moving. Fortunately, it is not far from the exit before I can pull you up, otherwise I don't know what to do!" As she spoke, she rushed over and hugged me, crying aloud. At this moment, she is like a lost little girl, threw herself into the arms of her loving father.

I hugged her tenderly and comforted: "Don't cry, I'm still alive."

Thankfully, I survived the disaster, so I took a look at my surroundings and found that we were near the pine forest. However, there is a long distance from the entrance to the Dragon Cave. At least I have to run for more than ten minutes even if I run desperately. And it shouldn't take more than three minutes between when we discovered the mountain ghost and when the diesel fuel flowed down from the cave's mouth. Could there be other passages in the Dragon Cave? Or does the mountain ghost have accomplices

"Mu Shenyu, are you okay? Why don't you talk, don't scare me!" Zi Die suddenly stopped sobbing and shook my body nervously. Probably because I was so engrossed in it that she thought my brain was flooded.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking that someone kissed me just now, isn't it you?" I asked, feigning doubt.

"Who would kiss you! There must be something wrong with your head." After she said that, she stood up and turned her face away, not daring to face me.

Under the hazy moonlight, I could see her crimson cheeks, and her drenched clothes clinging to her tall body, making her graceful girlish body perfectly displayed in front of my eyes. With big breasts, buttocks, slim waist and beautiful legs, she looks like a bathing fairy under the moonlight, which evokes infinite reverie. Hey, Xiaomu has responded, but fortunately, it wasn't frozen just now.

At this time, I should have immediately gone to the entrance of the Dragon Cave to investigate and search for the evidence left by the arsonist. Because the arsonist is not a mountain ghost, but an accomplice of the mountain ghost, so this work is very important. However, we are soaked all over now, and it won't be long before we catch a cold under the night wind of early autumn. Moreover, the mobile phone was soaked in the river water, and the flashlight was dropped again. It would not be a good thing to encounter the mountain ghost when returning to the entrance of the Dragon Cave. Therefore, we had to drive back to the police station first, and bring a few more guys to investigate.

On the way to the police car, the night wind sent bursts of chills, Zi Die's hair was still dripping water, and the soaked clothes not only did not play a role in keeping warm, but greedily absorbed her body temperature. She couldn't help clasping her arms, but she still trembled slightly in the wind, which was very pitiful. If I usually encounter this kind of situation, I will definitely take off my coat and let her put it on. This is the demeanor that a man should have, even if he is half-cold. However, I'm still soaking wet, and even if I take off my coat and put it on her, it doesn't necessarily make her feel warm.

I silently stretched out my left hand and embraced her in my arms, protecting her from the cold wind. She didn't break free from my arms, but leaned on my chest with nostalgia. The experience in the Dragon Cave seems to have shortened the distance between us in an instant. At this moment, we are like a couple in love. Although we are relatively silent, silence is better than sound. However, since we met last night, we have only been together for less than twenty-four hours.

After returning to the police station, Zi Die immediately found Zhao Xue and other three guys. I asked them to bring police guns and go to Longdong with me to search for evidence. If you are lucky, you might catch the mountain ghosts who have not left. I originally wanted Zi Die to go back to the dormitory to rest first, but she was still snuggling in my arms like a little bird, but in front of Zhao Xue and others, she immediately returned to her usual appearance, a pompous attitude, Insist on going to Longdong with us to investigate. I had no choice but to ask her to take the time when Zhao Xue and the others went to pick up the gun, to go to the dormitory and change into the soaked clothes.

"Don't you need to change your clothes?" Zhao Xue and the others just walked away when she asked me with concern.

The clothes I brought were put in the police car. I originally planned to change clothes in the car, but when I asked her, the scene of her changing clothes came to my mind, and I rushed out: "I brought the clothes, But there is no place to change it.”

"Come to my dormitory to change, anyway, I live alone in my dormitory." She took my hand and walked in the direction of the police car.

God, isn't she blatantly seducing me to commit a crime like this? Fortunately, I am someone who can stand the temptation. At most, she just glanced at her when she changed clothes, and there was absolutely no wrongdoing. But if she's plotting the wrong way and throwing me down, then I'll just have to accept my fate. Anyway, she and I are not a crime.

I trot all the way to the dormitory, counting the time in my heart. We don't have enough time. Although Zhao Xue and the others have to find the person who keeps the firearms to get the keys, they won't spend too much time. If Zi Die really wants me, I can't hold on for too long, otherwise Zhao Xue and the others have been waiting for a long time, and it would be troublesome for them to come to us. However, my worries seemed to be in vain, because when I came to the door of Zi Die's dormitory, I saw a middle-aged woman in a nightgown who was somewhat similar to Zi Die standing outside the door.

Seeing the woman, Zidie asked, "Mom, why are you running out so late that you haven't slept yet?"

"You know it's too late. If you don't come back, will Mom be able to sleep? Hey, how did you make yourself look like a chicken in soup? Go and change your clothes, don't put them on." The woman urged Zi Die. , found me following behind her, and smiled at me: "You must be Xiao Mu, I heard Lao Hua mention you, my Xiaodie caused you trouble."

Before I could speak, Zi Die hurriedly said, "No, it's him who caused me trouble. If I hadn't rescued him just now, he would have drowned." In front of her mother, she was like a A little girl who likes to act like a spoiled child is very different from before. I suddenly feel that she is quite fickle.

"Okay, stop talking, change clothes, hurry up." The woman pushed Zi Die to open the door to enter the house, but Zi Die reluctantly looked back at me and said to the woman, "Then what should he do? He needs to change clothes too!"

"It's enough to change at Mom's side. Do you want to change with others? I'm not ashamed, hurry up." The woman pushed Zi Die again. Zidie's face was crimson, and without answering, she lowered her head and took out the key to open the door.

After Zi Die entered the house, the woman formally introduced herself to me: "I'm Zi Die's mother, and everyone in the office calls me Sister Xuan. But if you don't mind if I take advantage of you, I'd rather you call me." Hundreds of'."

(In Cantonese-speaking areas, "Shibo" and "Auntie" are usually used to address a friend's parents, which is equivalent to "Uncle" and "Auntie" in Mandarin. But since "Auntie" and "Baiyou" are homophonic, I can understand why None of them, some elders find it unpleasant, so in recent years, most young people in Hong Kong and Macao have changed their name to "Hundred You" in a fashionable way. In Guangdong, due to the influence of Hong Kong Olympic culture, many people also follow this name. Also note, the word "冇" in "100" is close to the word "wu", which is the opposite of "you". It is an authentic Cantonese word, not a Martian script.)

She didn't let her call her Sister Xuan like everyone else, but asked me to call her Baiyou, as if to imply that I could take her daughter. Because if I call her Sister Xuan, she will be the same generation as her, and Zi Die will become my junior, but if I call her Baiyou, I will become the same generation as Zi Die. It seems that she is the same as Director Hua, and she wants to recruit me as her son-in-law. This time, the fun is big.

Although I also have a good impression of Zidie, I feel the same way towards her as my younger sister. To put it more seriously, I feel more like an elder towards a younger generation. If she wants to rape me, I can accept it "with tears", but if I want to stay with her, I feel that there is less passion between men and women.

Even so, I still have to give each other a respect, I can't let her down! So I had to pretend that I didn't understand her suggestion, and foolishly called her "Hundred You".

"Come in and change clothes, or you will catch a cold." Sister Xuan didn't give me much time to be in a daze, she kindly took my arm and took me to the opposite unit. It turned out that she lived opposite to Director Hua.

Sister Xuan took me into the room. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Director Hua coming out of the room wearing a police uniform, buttoning buttons as he walked, as if he was about to go out. When he saw me, he said reproachfully, "Little Zhao just called me and told me about the situation. You guys are too risky. What should I do if something goes wrong?"

I sneered and said, "I didn't expect the mountain ghost to ambush us in the Dragon Cave."

He seemed to want to continue reprimanding me, but Sister Xuan glared at him: "Lao Hua, if you have something to say, you have to wait until someone changes your clothes!" Then she patted my arm and said kindly: "Xiao Mu, ignore him, go and change first, the bathroom is right there."

After changing into dry clothes, I feel much more comfortable. I wanted to just throw the wet clothes in the car, but Sister Xuan actually said she wanted to help me wash them, so she insisted on grabbing them. In fact, it would be nice to have such a mother-in-law, but I don't want to be hanged on a tree so early, and it's not too late to find a few more trees to hang and see before making a decision.

Director Hua made a phone call and called almost everyone who could be called in the police station. A group of more than ten people brought police guns, batons and flashlights and came to the entrance of the Dragon Cave in a mighty manner, but of course they didn't even see any ghosts.

Although the mountain ghost had already run away, we did not go in vain this time, because we found a diesel barrel at the entrance of the cave. The oil drum was empty, and the shape was the same as the one that almost crushed me and Zidie in the tunnel. In addition, we also found a trolley, which should be used by the mountain ghost to carry diesel barrels. Whether it's a diesel barrel or a trolley, the words "generating house" are written on it.

The fire in the Dragon Cave has long since been extinguished. I used a torch at the entrance of the cave to look inside, and found that it was all burnt to black, but there seemed to be no sign of an explosion. However, I think the vicinity of the Dragon King Statue should be made worse. I don't know how the people in Longdong Village will react when they find out. Wouldn't they want to strangle me!

"Have you found anything? Do you want to go inside and take a look." Zi Die put on a serious look again, which made me feel that the distance between us was getting farther, but when it was only the two of us, she should be able to act and change her face again. Bar!

"There is no need for this for now. Even if the mountain ghosts are hiding inside, we had enough time to escape when we went back just now, and most of the evidence inside has been burned." After answering her, I said to Director Hua: " Tonight, let someone guard the entrance of the cave and the exit of the underground river, and go in and search again tomorrow, but there shouldn't be any discovery, it's just a routine."

While Director Hua was making arrangements, I checked the diesel barrel and the trolley again, and Zidie followed me.

"Is there a powerhouse nearby?" I asked.

"There seems to be one in Chongyuan Village, wait a minute, I'll ask the others." She walked away for a while, and brought Huasuochang over.

"There is a power generation room in Chongyuan Village. This is the only power generation room nearby, and it is not far from here." Director Hua said.

"They made it again!" I laughed.

Director Hua smiled helplessly: "That's true. The hardware facilities in their village are the best among the neighboring villages."

"You first arrange for someone to guard the entrance and exit! We will go to the power generation room later." After that, I checked the trolley and the diesel barrel again.

The wheel of the trolley left an indentation on the ground. I walked along the indentation for about 20 meters. Just behind a few short trees, I found that many long grasses were uprooted and discarded indiscriminately. I thought that before we entered. Before Longdong, trolleys and oil drums were hidden here. Diesel barrels are 220-liter iron drums. One liter of diesel oil weighs about 900 grams. The weight of one full barrel and the barrel is more than 200 kilograms, and the weight of two barrels exceeds 400 kilograms. If one person pushes, it may not be very difficult to push from here to the entrance of the cave, but it is very difficult to push from the power generation room to here. In addition to the long distance, the rugged terrain also increases the difficulty. In addition, the mountain ghost was chasing from behind, but diesel fuel flowed down from the hole almost at the same time, which made me suspect that the mountain ghost had an accomplice.

But who would this accomplice be? Who will help the mountain ghost do these illegal activities