Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 74: Brotherhood


In the process of escorting the suspect Huang Dawen to the police station, he suddenly attacked and took out the dentist's hook hidden in the sleeve to poked me in the eye. At this moment, an oncoming stone smashed the windshield of the police car, and Zhao Xueyu braked in a panic.

Due to physical inertia, Zi Die and Huang Dawen both fell to and fro, and my head hit the back of the chair, making me dizzy. Just as he was about to get up and ask Zhao Xue what happened, he heard the sound of glass breaking. Looking up, he found that the car window next to Zhao Xue was broken, and a large black hand reached through the gap in the car window and pinched his neck. He wanted to pull out the police gun, but the other party didn't give him a chance. The big hand that was strangling his neck shrank back, and his face hit the car window. The blood immediately stained the car window red. The car reverberated.

Huang Dawen seems to have recovered, but the brake just now made him lose the hook of the dentist, so he simply used the handcuffs around his hands as weapons, hugged Zi Die's neck with both hands, and restrained her with the chains of the handcuffs. neck. Zidie wanted to pull out the police gun to fight back, but was pinned down by his knee.

Although I still felt dizzy, I couldn't wait for death, so I quickly got up and tried to pull Dawen over. But at this moment, the sound of smashing glass came from behind, and a strong hand grabbed my clothes and pulled it back so hard that my back hit the car window. I felt a lot of glass shards stuck in my flesh and the pain was unbearable, but seeing Zi Die's face turning purple, I'm afraid it won't last long. I wanted to reluctantly pounce on Dawen again, but was firmly pulled by the big hand behind him, and his right hand was inflexible, so it was difficult to pull him away with one hand.

In desperation, I remembered the trick that Xiao Xiang taught me, and immediately used the index and two fingers of the left hand like a sword, gathered my dantian with energy, lucked with the sword, and stabbed the slightly raised buttocks straight into the anus! Xiao Xiang's "immortal guides the way" is really not a cover, Da Wen jumped up in pain, and his hands were also detached from Zi Die's neck.

Zidie got a chance to breathe, and immediately pushed Dawen away, and pulled out the police gun. Dawen came back to his senses and wanted to pounce on Zidie again, so I quickly grabbed his belt. The resounding gunshot of "Bang" seemed to be ringing in his ears, and his eyes were full of coquettish bright red. The smell of sulphur after burning gunpowder mixed with the fishy smell of blood, forming a heart-pounding and strange smell.

The pulling force behind the back disappeared, followed by the vibration caused by the violent beating of the body, and the heart-piercing mourning: "Da, Da..."

From the door on Zidie's side, he drilled out of the carriage filled with blood, and found that Xiwen was constantly slapping the body of the police car at the other end of the car, screaming in the sky. In his eyes, I didn't see the usual dullness, nor the brutality of the mountain ghosts, only the utter sadness...

Dawen died, his head blossomed, and he died on the spot. Zhao Xue is still alive, but it seems that after he is cured, there should be more scars on his face. Xiwen, the legendary mountain ghost, before Director Hua brought someone to support him, he neither resisted nor escaped, but only cried while watching his brother's corpse. However, when we were going to take him back to the police station, he held onto Dawen's body. Because he was so powerful, we had no choice but to take him and Dawen's body back to the police station.

In the interrogation room of the police station, he told us the antecedents and results of the whole incident, and revealed for us the mystery of the mountain ghosts that have plagued Longdong Village and even the entire Chongyuan County for 20 years—

I grew up with Xiulan, and I liked her very much since we were young, but Ada and I are orphans with no father and mother. So I never dared to tell her that I like her. I'm not afraid that she will reject me, I know she's not the kind of person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich, I'm just afraid that she will suffer with me.

Later, she married Jianjun, and after drinking her wedding wine, I went home and cried, but I still wish them all my heart. However, Jianjun's bastard didn't know how to cherish her, and the two often quarreled after they got married. Whenever I see her crying very sadly, I feel very sad, but I can't help it.

About three months after they got married, one day they quarreled very fiercely. After that, Xiulan couldn't bear it for a while, and even committed suicide by drinking pesticides. When everyone found out, she had already drank the whole bottle of pesticide. At that time, there was no hospital in the village, so everyone could only give her sugar water, but in the end, of course, it was impossible to save her. I was very sad after her death. It was I who killed her. If I confessed to her early in the morning, she would definitely marry me. Although I will endure hardship with me, at least I will be good to her.

On the second night after Xiulan's burial, it was my turn and Uncle Quan to go to the pine forest for a vigil. He also lent us a share of the tuition fees of Ah Da's school, so he wants to go back, and I don't dare to say anything. After he left, I was tossing and turning in the wooden house alone, and I was always thinking about Xiulan. Her grave is less than 100 meters away from the wooden house. I think she was calling me from the grave. There are many She wants to tell me something, and I have a thousand words to tell her in my heart!

I got out of bed, walked out of the wooden house, walked to Xiulan's grave, and leaned towards her the thousands of words buried in my heart.

Suddenly, I felt Xiulan was calling my name, she said she wanted to see me, she wanted me to hug her, and I wanted to see her again. So, I dug up the soil on the grave with my hands, and I usually dig sweet potatoes directly in the field with my hands, so it didn’t take much time to see the coffin. I saw the coffin, but the lid was nailed so tightly that I couldn't open it without tools. However, the coffin was made of very thin material. If I couldn't lift it, I simply smashed the lid of the coffin and carried Xiulan out.

When I saw Xiulan again, I felt an indescribable excitement in my heart. I hugged her and told me my love. Although she didn't answer me, I knew she could hear everything I said and loved me very much. I can't help kissing her and can't wait to tear her clothes off...

After the madness was over, I realized that I had done something unacceptable. When everyone found out, they would definitely beat me to death, and they would also implicate Ah Da, making him unable to lift his head for the rest of his life. I was so confused, I didn't know what to do, and I was so anxious. Suddenly, the word "mountain ghost" appeared in my mind inexplicably. Wouldn't it be alright to put the blame on the ghost's head

So, I immediately ran back to the village and slammed door by door, waking everyone up. Everyone thought that someone was stealing rosin, so they went up the mountain to catch the thief, but of course they didn't catch the thief, but they found that Xiulan had been raped. So everyone came back and asked me what happened and who did it

I didn't say anything at the time, only said that the mountain ghost wanted to arrest me, and I said the same thing when everyone asked. Everyone thought I was crazy, so they discussed whether to call Ah Da back. I knew they would never ask Ah Da to come back, because Ah Da will come back before finishing his internship, and he will probably not graduate, and I am crazy, and it will be difficult to pay them back. Sure enough, they didn't dare to tell Ah Da right away, but planned to tell him after his internship.

I originally planned to pretend to be a lunatic for a while, and discuss with him after Ah Da came back to see what to do in the future. But before he came back, my body changed. Not long after that night, I often felt pain all over my body, especially the words were very uncomfortable, and I often remembered the situation of that night in my mind, and often dreamed of the scene at that time.

About two months later, a woman in the village died in childbirth. On the night of her burial, I couldn't help sneaking into the pine forest and walked to her grave. When I was digging the grave, I suddenly felt that my whole body was full of strength. I dug the grave in a few seconds, and I didn't feel any effort to lift the coffin. When I saw the corpse in mourning clothes, I was so excited that I could barely speak... After venting frantically, I felt extremely relieved, and the pain in my whole body disappeared.

After Ah Da came back, I secretly told him about it. He didn't blame me, but worried about my body because he suspected that I had been poisoned with corpse poison. He wanted to take me to the hospital for a check-up, but I did such a shameful thing, that would let others know, not to mention that even if I went to the hospital, I might not be able to find out anything. Although he studied dentistry, he also knew in his heart that few people in the world would encounter my situation, so doctors are useless.

After that, my desire to rape the corpse became stronger and stronger, and if I didn't let it out for a long time, my whole body would be in pain. A-da couldn't bear to see me suffer, so he deliberately used substandard and inferior materials to fill the villagers' teeth, and even specially selected some young and beautiful women to start with. These women go crazy for a while after fillings and die in a year or so so that I can often find corpses where I can vent.

We are very careful in everything we do. Everyone in the village has looked for Ada to fill his teeth, but he only chooses beautiful women, so no one has ever doubted us. Everyone thought that all this was done by mountain ghosts. It was the mountain ghosts who cursed our village and violated the dead bodies. These rice buckets in the police station can only eat, and they have never suspected us for 20 years. They also think that the corpse is a monster like the villagers. Apart from constantly satisfying the requirements of the villagers, they will not do anything.

We thought it would always be like this, but a few days ago I heard from the villagers that a high-ranking official was sent to investigate, and I was vaguely uneasy. That day I saw a police car driving into the village, so I followed behind secretly and overheard you outside the door of the third mother-in-law's house.

Although the direction of your suspicion is slightly deviated, you are obviously different from those rice buckets in the way of thinking, so I know that after you go to the Dragon Cave, I want to kill you in the Dragon Cave.

After I left from the third wife's house, I went to see Ada and planned to discuss with him about killing you in Longdong. He told me that you are going to take the patient to a big hospital for examination, and then you will soon suspect him. Therefore, we must kill you as soon as possible.

We first went to the power generation room to get diesel oil and hid it near the entrance of Longdong, but then we found a person's head to hang inside. After that, I hid behind the Dragon King statue, and Ah Da was hiding outside the cave waiting for you to come. As soon as you entered the Dragon Cave, Ah Da pushed the diesel oil over and poured it in at the entrance of the cave, and I would scare you and let you run out.

We had estimated that you would run away too late, be overwhelmed by diesel barrels, and be burned to death. It's a pity that the timing is not very good, and you actually know how to escape from the exit of Longhe, allowing you to avoid disaster.

If I failed to kill you in the dragon cave, I planned to kill you in the pine forest. Since you left, I have been lying in ambush in the pine forest, intending to kill you when you return. It's a pity that my good deeds were ruined by those rice buckets in the end.

We know that you will doubt Ada, so this morning, I was waiting at the necessary place to go to the police station, planning to kill you and then run away with Ada. However, I didn't expect the final result to be like this...

The so-called mountain ghost, the so-called curse, turned out to be the evil done by a pair of brothers who had lost their conscience. In order to vent his perverted desires, the younger brother desecrated the dead body again and again. But the elder brother not only did not stop his younger brother's evil deeds, but he did not hesitate to take the risk of killing the villagers, thinking that he would create a corpse for his younger brother to commit adultery.

In front of the law, the two of them are absolutely heinous. But in terms of family affection, the two brothers share weal and woe, which provokes sympathy.

Volume 6 Love Corpse Crazy Ending


After dealing with the matter in Longdong Village, I approached Xiaona and Liu Nian respectively, and asked them whether Xiwen might be infected with the so-called corpse poison. After I told them about the fine text, they gave me two very different explanations. Xiaona believes that Xiwen suffers from a typical serious mental illness - necrophilia. She explained: "He was not actually infected with corpse poison, there is no so-called corpse poison in medicine, he just made an excuse for his perverted behavior, so that he could continue to indulge in necrophilia without self-blame. The reason why he felt the pain all over his body was purely psychological, because in his subconscious he never forgot the pleasure of corpse rape, but moral humanity did not allow him to continue to do such unacceptable things. Instinct fear, thinking that the corpse is unclean, a combination of various factors produces psychological pain. As long as the desire to love corpse is satisfied again, this pain will disappear immediately, but after a period of time, the desire to love corpse will disappear. It ignites again, and the pain follows.”

Xiaona's explanation seemed reasonable, but after listening to Fleeting's explanation, I was a little confused. Liu Nian didn't give me a medical explanation directly, but first asked me a question: "Do you know why I always wear gloves every time I touch a corpse?" , but I did not see him touching a dead body without gloves. I thought it was just for hygiene reasons, but what he told me next made me shudder—

I have a neighbor named Sisao, who is in his 60s and is very talkative. When she has nothing to do, she will sit at the door of the house, and I often chat with her. Sometimes, I would jokingly give her a cigarette, and she really learned to smoke, but then she scolded me because she was addicted to smoking and had to go buy a cigarette herself.

Her children are all working out of town, and only one husband who is not in good health lives with her. Later, his husband passed away. I knew that I was afraid that she would not think about it, so I bought a pack of cigarettes to chat with her. She said that her husband was already in poor health, and it was only a matter of time before she left, so she didn't care much, and even wiped his body for him. During the chat, I found that she was holding the cigarette awkwardly with her left hand, but her right hand did not move, so I asked her if her right hand was injured. She sighed and said, "It's abolished!" Although I'm a forensic doctor, I am a doctor anyway, so I asked her how she would be abolished for no reason, and if I wanted to help with diagnosis and treatment. She smiled wryly and said, "You can't cure it. My hand sucks corpse gas to do this..."

She told me that as soon as her husband died, she wiped his body and changed his clothes. At that time, I didn't think of wearing gloves, so I wrung the towel dry and wiped my husband's body. After a few days, my right hand became a little inflexible. She found several doctors, and most of them just said that she was old and had poor blood, and then prescribed a lot of useless medicine to her. Later, she found an old Chinese doctor, who gave her a pulse and knew that she had been in contact with someone who had just passed away, saying that her right hand had inhaled corpse qi, which could not be cured...

"That's why you have to wear gloves when touching dead bodies?" I asked.

He nodded: "Well, the situation of the fourth sister-in-law may be related to her age, after all, she is in her 60s. But before her husband died, her body was fine, and she could not only take care of herself but also take care of her. The husband who has been in bed for a long time, but just wipes the body of the husband who has just passed away, and the right hand becomes inflexible."

"Do you think Xiwen did this because he inhaled corpse gas?"

He thought for a moment before saying, "You seem to have overlooked a detail, that is, when Xiwen raped a corpse for the first time, the other party committed suicide by drinking pesticides. Maybe the pesticides caused some changes in the corpse, which caused Xiwen to be contaminated in the process of rape. some kind of toxin."

"So, he was really poisoned with corpse poison?"

He shook his head: "It can't be said that it must be corpse poison, it can only be said that it is some unknown toxin. And this toxin may accumulate in women's vaginas, and it is addictive to a certain extent, so the fine text appears. This is the case."

"As you said, it's not corpse poison." I smiled and threw a cigarette at him.

He paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Haha, you're right, what else can the poison that exists on the corpse be called besides the corpse poison?"


When I returned to the conspiracy team, the boss called me into the office with a smirk and asked him why? He said maliciously, "Lao Hua wanted his daughter to join the conspiracy team, and asked the director to intercede with me. What do you think I should do?"

I gave him a disdainful glance: "Don't follow me, I have been with you for several years, I don't know what you think. You have always been a phoenix without treasure, if Zidie has ever Where people are, you haven't even gone to rob the head of the Huasuo family."

"You know me too well, but the director has already started to speak. It's really nerve-racking!" He frowned and looked sullen.

"Do you think I'll believe you?" I lit a cigarette angrily. "If you're willing to bow your head to the minister, I'll have to work as a coolie in the anti-picking squad for two years."

"That's what you asked for. Who told you to be angry with me. Go to work, hurry up!" Seeing that he couldn't play with me, he drove me away.

Later, I talked to Zi Die on the phone and asked her if she really wanted to work in the Criminal Investigation Bureau. Although the boss has a bad temper, as long as the director speaks, it should be no problem if she wants to join other teams. However, she said to me like this: "I don't want to run after your ass all over the street. I'll wait until I'm higher than yours before I go over to lead you by the nose."

It turned out that the detection of the mountain ghost made their father and daughter highly praised by the county party secretary. Promotion and salary increase are just around the corner. I am afraid that the next time we meet, Zi Die will be higher than me. Alas, how come I've solved so many unsolved cases and I'm still a scumbag who can get promoted after breaking one case? There is a saying in Guangdong that "same people have different fates, and the same cover (umbrella) has different handles (handles)."


After reporting a case to the director in the director's office, Liang Zheng asked, "How is Lao Hua now? You shouldn't blame me for rejecting his daughter's transfer!"

"It probably won't. Their two father and daughter are now popular people in Chongyuan County, and the county party secretary even called me to praise them for their ability to do things!" I got it for them, shouldn't I praise him too?"

"Don't spoil that kid. He's out of the woods, and he won't be good if he doesn't make it. I didn't train him that day, even if he behaved well." Liang Zheng showed a sly smile and said, "However, sometimes it's time to give He nodded, and heard that Xiaogui from the technical team used his card to swipe more than 4,000 yuan, and he swiped it together with Xiaodie. See if you can discuss it with Lao Hua and ask them to give the boy some points from the police station bonus money."

"It's no problem, Lao Hua should not refuse. After all, his daughter also has a share of the money, so let him take it out himself." , it's time to talk about it."

Liang Zheng opened the file and read: "The crematorium is haunted late at night, and the employees are scared crazy... It's an interesting case, and the boy Amuna is busy again."

[End of Volume 6]

Volume 6 Love Corpse Crazy and Magical Archives The original story of the unsolved corpse crime volume 6 is provided by the netizen "Dielianhua" and the QQ group "⒓Dian File (Baise Xueyi)", I would like to express my thanks!

Because the original form of the mountain ghost involves a case that has not yet been solved, the names of places and celebrities can be exempted.

In the late 1980s, rural people in the vicinity of a town in X began to plant economic trees on the mountains. In order to prevent people from stealing and cutting rosin, some people would keep vigil in the woods during the harvest season.

As the novel said, there were originally two guards every night, but one night one of the wives gave birth and went home in a hurry. The rest of the vigil was a 20-year-old young man named Asan, who kept vigil in the log cabin they built. It's okay to watch the night alone. The worst thing is that a new grave has just been added near the wooden house. A few days ago, a young woman committed suicide by drinking pesticides because of a quarrel with her husband. Just under a hundred meters from the wooden house.

It was sixteen that night, the moonlight was round and bright, and the mountain wind blew the soul-mongering banners on the tomb, so frightened that Asan wanted to run home several times. People are like this, the more afraid they are, the more they can't help looking at it. He also always looks at the tomb from the window of the wooden house. In the middle of the night, he fell asleep in a daze. He didn't know how long he had slept, and was awakened by a sound of digging that was not too loud. He secretly got up and looked out the window, and with the help of the moonlight, he found that something that looked like a man was digging a grave. He thought it was someone robbing the tomb, but there shouldn't be anything worth borrowing in the tomb! He didn't know what was going on. Although he was scared to death, he was very curious and even sneaked out of the wooden house. As he got closer, he could see it more clearly. It was a creature similar to a man, but its whole body was black. It was digging mud with its hands like a wild dog, and the mud scattered and made a fluttering sound.

Asan was even more curious and looked at the other side quietly, wondering what he was going to do. After a while, that thing dug out the coffin, dragged the female corpse out after a little tinkering, and was completely wiped out!

The mountain wind blew, and the smell of pesticides and corpse came from the female corpse, causing Ah San to vomit. After stripping off the female corpse, the thing rode on it and had sex with the female corpse. Under the moonlight, the act of intercourse was both terrifying and disgusting.

After a while, the thing was probably finished, and it left the female corpse. Asan blinked, and the other party disappeared. He scrambling back to the village, beating gongs and drums to wake up all the villagers.

Everyone went up the mountain with torches to see. The scene was full of wolf tracks. The female body was lying naked on the grave, her eyes were still open, and her body was covered in mud. The villagers were very angry, and dozens of them split up to chase. But nothing was found until dawn, and the villagers had to rebury the woman's corpse and arrange for a one-month wake-up call!

This ghoul has been running rampant since the eighties, and whenever a young woman is buried nearby, this thing follows like a wild dog. In order to prevent their relatives' remains from being violated, some families take the method of guarding the grave for a month after the burial. But this thing even waited for the night watchman to withdraw, and immediately came to rape the corpse, even if the corpse was badly decomposed, it would not be spared!

For more than 20 years, this case has not been solved, so the local government has kept the news closed, and little is known to the outside world, but it is known locally.

In addition to the ghouls, there are actually many real plots in Volume VI, such as the first chapter Amu sees a red-faced ghost in white. Those in the novel are dummies, but no one knows what they are in reality, because the friend who provided this material did not dare to come close.

He was driving alone at night, and when he drove to a very desolate section of road, the car stalled for no reason. After starting for a long time, it couldn't start, so I got out of the car with a flashlight and opened the hood to check. I checked it once and found no problem, but when I returned to the carriage, I saw that there seemed to be many graves in the distance, and there were dozens or hundreds of "guys" in white clothes and red faces jumping like zombies.

He was stunned on the spot, and crawled and rolled back into the car. Fortunately, a truck passed by not long after, and the truck driver was very nice and got out of the car to help. But strangely, the truck driver didn't do anything but twist the key, hey, just twist it. And he just twisted dozens of times and couldn't start it. Since then, he has never dared to travel at night.

In addition, there are many real prototypes of the plot, and I will not list them one by one, but it is worth mentioning the story of the fourth sister-in-law. The novel is exactly the same as the reality. Because the fourth sister-in-law is the neighbor of a brother of a certain Qiu, this is what the fourth sister-in-law told a certain Qiu personally. Although she has seen many doctors, her right hand is still not very flexible.

Volume Seven Photographs Heart Meiji Introduction


The university town under the night is quiet and comfortable.

The crescent moon lying on the calm lake stared silently at the sisters in the sky, as if wondering whether the other party really existed, or was just her own reflection. In the dense woods beside the lake, there are occasional groans that cannot be suppressed, and if you follow the sound, you will surely find men and women who are dominated by lust, hiding under the shadows of trees to taste the forbidden fruit.

In the darkness, it is difficult to determine how many crazy men and women are stealing in the forest, but if you just close your eyes and listen, you will be able to hear one after another moaning. Maybe another pair of wild mandarin ducks is beside them, but Adam and Eve are all tacit, just enjoying the physical pleasure, and even more exciting because of others.

Next to the locust tree near the lake, a young man and woman are kissing in the dark. The girl sticks to the locust tree on her back, and stretches her soft and tender hands into the forbidden place of the other party, gently soothing the root of desire. Under her skillful provocation, the boy who has not yet tasted the forbidden fruit is like a mad beast, kissing the soft cherry lips greedily, and stroking his hands on the tender body of nephrite jade, stroking any inch that can ignite his sexual desire.

The burning desire makes the boy eager to enter the starting point of life. After roughly retreating from the restraint of the opponent's lower body, he raises his gun to attack the city gate. However, the newborn calves who have not been baptized on the battlefield have the courage to fear tigers, but they have no ability to gallop on the battlefield. Before the golden spear could see the city gate, the bullets had already been fired. The 200 million army landed before the battle and landed on the dexterous slender hands, white thighs and clean clothes.

"You stained my clothes." The girl said unhappily.

"Excuse me, shall we do it again?" The embarrassment of being defeated like a mountain did not extinguish the boy's exuberant desire.

"It's sticky, it's so interesting!" The girl disgustedly smeared the disciple soldiers who fell into Qiyu's hands on the bark.

"Just one more time, just one more time." The boy's tone was anxious, and he almost wanted to kowtow to the other party. Under the domination of desire, the so-called dignity was worthless.

"Why don't we open a room and take a shower first!" The girl seemed to be very concerned about the soldiers who were attached to her, and she carefully arranged her clothes.

"Opening a room..." The boy touched the shriveled wallet in his pocket with a slightly hesitant look on his face.

"Come on, after taking a shower, I'll play with you until dawn." The girl's slender hand stroked the opponent's golden gun, and the gun's barrel immediately stood up to the sky again, shaking excitedly.

The spring night is worth a thousand gold in a moment, and it will come back after all the money is spent. So what if you spend all your money for a spring night! The lower body had already made a decision for the boy, so he immediately raised his pants, as if he was afraid that the other party would go back on it, he pulled up his tender and slender hands and walked quickly away from the moaning Nohe land.

Entering the simple but tidy hotel room, the boy can't wait to take off his clothes and throw the girl on the bed like a hungry tiger, but he is pushed by the other party. The girl gently caressed the golden spear that held the sky, and said coquettishly, "Why are you so anxious? Go take a shower first, and I'll play with you later when I'm done."

"Let's wash together!" The reluctant boy rubbed his soft breasts through his clothes with one hand, and went down to the mysterious garden with the other, looking for the nectar that can quench his lust.

"Go wash first. I'm not used to washing with others. Anyway, tonight is yours, and it's not that bad." The girl kissed the other person's face and urged him to take a shower in the bathroom again.

After the boy took a bath, the girl brought him a cup of warm water, with a flirtatious look on his face: "Drink more water, or you will get dry mouth." Then he blew a sip of warm water in his ear, and said, "I will do it later. Lick me!" He walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

The boy lay naked on the bed, watching boring TV shows, and drank all the warm water in the cup. Obscene images flashed in my mind, and the corners of my mouth turned up at the thought of saying goodbye to the virginity that had accompanied me for twenty years after tonight. The "sexual knowledge" I have learned over the years is finally useful tonight. As long as the other party finishes bathing, all the skills can be put into practice.

However, just when he was excited about the cloud and the rain later, a burst of tiredness suddenly hit him, his eyelids were extremely heavy, and the fire was extinguished in an instant. He shook his head vigorously, but his tiredness did not diminish at all, his scorching body gradually felt chills, the image on the TV screen was blurred, and his tired eyes finally closed.

The neatly dressed girl came out of the bathroom and glanced at the sleepy boy lying on the bed, with a look of disgust on her face and muttered to herself: "It's like I've never seen a woman in my last life, the hungry ghost in the color is talking about you. This kind of green-headed ghost!" Then, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, "The goods are ready, come and collect the goods, I'll be..."


The crematorium under the night is quiet and mysterious.

The cold and arrogant crescent moon hangs high in the dark night sky, like the scythe of the god of death, emitting a chilling light. An old van ran towards the crematorium with the wailing sound of its engine and stopped in front of the gate, and two men, one fat and one strong, rushed forward immediately.

A tall man with a conspicuous scar on his face got out of the van, then turned around to open the side door, reached into the car and pulled out a black bag made of tarpaulin. The bag was large and heavy, and could be seen vaguely. There is white gas coming out. However, he didn't take much effort to pull the bag out and threw it on the ground like throwing garbage. Then he took out a thick envelope from his arms and said to the fat man, "Old rule, one hundred thousand, burn the goods. ."

Fatty's hands trembled slightly, and he didn't take the envelope handed by the other party. He wanted to speak, but stopped. Seeing this, the strong and strong man immediately stepped forward to take the envelope and said respectfully, "Don't worry, boss, we always do things cleanly, and we will never cause trouble to the boss."

"Hurry up and burn the goods, I don't want to dream too much at night." The scarred man said and closed the side door, then got into the driver's seat, the van wailed again, and disappeared into the night in a moment.

After the van left, the strong man took out two bundles of banknotes from the envelope and put them in his pocket, then stuffed the whole envelope into the fat man, and said, "Don't be in a daze anymore, just burn the goods!"

The two walked side by side on the dark passage, and came to the door of the cremation room. Fatty suddenly stopped and said uneasy: "I-I don't want to do it anymore."

"Aren't you, you said no now." The strong man was extremely anxious and said anxiously: "They are not good at men and women. If we don't do it, they will definitely kill us..." He made a slashing motion on his neck with his hands. , and made a strange "click" sound.

"I know they're not easy to mess with, but I'm really scared. I've been having nightmares lately, dreaming of being burned by me..." The fat man glanced at the black bag that the strong man was carrying, his body trembling slightly, "Dream Seeing the goods I burned, come back to me to settle accounts, I am really afraid, afraid of retribution."

The cold breath coming out of the black bag made the strong and strong body of the strong man tremble involuntarily, but he immediately raised his head and said, "There is a grudge, and a debt to the owner. It is not us who killed them, even if There will be no retribution on us."

"But... but they have been deprived of the opportunity to appeal their grievances. They can't seek revenge on the creditors, or they will turn their anger on us." icon.

"No, no, we will go to the temple tomorrow to burn more incense, and ask the Bodhisattva to bless him." The strong man suddenly felt that the bag on his shoulders was getting colder and heavier. Moreover, I don't know if it was because of psychological effects, he seemed to feel that the "goods" in the bag moved slightly.

"I really don't dare to do it any more." Fatty wiped his face vigorously, "Let's surrender! It's not us who killed us, so it shouldn't be a very serious crime."

"If Tiaozi can't catch them, what should we do as a scapegoat? I've read a lot of things about subjugation in the newspapers. Who knows if we can get in or not." What the strong man said was not unreasonable.

"Then what should we do?" Fatty was at a loss, his eyes filled with hesitation.

"Do it a few more times, and when you earn enough money, I'll take you back to my hometown to avoid the limelight. Although they are ruthless, they are only seeking money, so they shouldn't find my hometown." Greed makes the strong man overcome fear .

"I-I really don't want to do it anymore. I'll give you all the money this time, so you can spare me!" The fat man showed a begging look and handed the thick envelope.

The strong man swallowed his saliva, hesitated for a moment, and then accepted the letter: "Okay, we will never do shady things again in the future, but this time the goods must not be thrown on the street. Do it again, I promise you This is the last time, and I'll take you home to avoid it for a while."

"I really don't want to do it..." Fatty begged again.

"Just once, the last time! I've done it more than ten times anyway, and it's not bad this time." The strong man's attitude was very tough, and the fat man had no choice but to nod his head. The strong man said again: "You carry the goods in, and I will turn on the main power supply." After that, he put the bag on the other's shoulder. However, at the moment when the bag was about to come off his shoulders, he seemed to feel the "goods" inside move slightly again.

After the strong man left, the fat man unwrapped the bag in the cremation room alone, and a cold breath gushed out from the mouth of the bag, and he shivered. The reason why he shivered was not just because of the cold, but also because of the "goods" in the bag. Opening the bag, the first thing you see is a layer of dry ice, and the icy aura is emitted from them. When the dry ice was pushed aside a little, a serene young male face could be seen.

The boy in the bag closed his eyes, his expression was calm, as if he was sleeping peacefully, but he was no longer breathing. When the light of the cremator turned on, the fat man had pulled the boy's cold body out of the bag and put it on the shelf in front of the cremator, repeating the actions he would do every day. However, at this moment, his mood was completely different from usual, at least he would never feel panicked.

Fatty pressed the switch and let the conveyor belt send the boy's cold body into the cremation furnace, and immediately closed the furnace lid. He didn't want to look at the other party one more time, or he didn't want the other party to look at him one more time. He was afraid that the other party would remember his appearance, and that the other party would haunt him and come back to seek revenge for him. After closing the furnace cover, everything was as usual. As long as the fire button was pressed, the other party would turn into ashes in less than an hour, and all the evidence would disappear. No one will know that he has been poisoned, and no one will know how he died unexpectedly. He suddenly disappeared into the vast sea of people just like the disappearance of the world, leaving not only sadness and doubts for relatives and friends, but also for the fat man. an indelible sin.

Fatty's fingers stayed on the ignition button, hesitating again and again. "The last time, this is the last time..." He repeated this sentence silently in his heart, finally made up his mind and pressed the fire button. However, a terrible thing happened at this moment, and the heart-piercing screams came out from the cremation furnace, like a nightmare from purgatory abyss...