Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 75: Same bed dream


I have never done anything wrong in my life, and I am not surprised when I knock on the door in the middle of the night.

If people in the world ask themselves, who would dare to say that they did nothing wrong? In life, there will be times when one’s conscience is buried more or less, but the degree is different. Moreover, where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and there will be disputes in the rivers and lakes. If you don't want to harm Boren, you may not be able to keep Boren from perishing. Inadvertent loss can also leave lifelong regrets.

With a bad heart in mind, how can you not be shocked when you knock on the door in the middle of the night

My lord, Mu Shenyu, is engaged in the profession most feared by those who suffer from bad hearts—criminal police. However, I am not an ordinary detective, because the conspiracy team I belong to is specialized in dealing with supernatural things. And this time I'm going to investigate a case that starts with a dreaded place where everyone ends up going, this place is called the crematorium.

There was a strange case at the crematorium last night, a crematorium in the field went crazy. Crazy, crazy, what's weird at all? The strange thing was why he ran to the crematorium at midnight, and the strange thing was that he seemed to be scared crazy by ghosts.

The incident had a great impact on the crematorium, causing panic among the staff in the crematorium, which seriously affected the daily operation. Its leaders had no choice but to call the police for help. Because this is a suspected haunted case, it was handed over to the conspiracy team.

I drove to the crematorium in a secluded suburb with my partner Zhen Zhen. After arriving, I found that the environment here is quite quiet, different from the bustling city. In the guard room, I explained the purpose of my visit to the security guard. Xu Jiansheng, the field manager, came out to greet us immediately, and invited us to his office. He told us as if complaining: "There was a cremator named Liang Jin in the field last night, and he sneaked into the cremation room in the middle of the night. Liu Xin, the security guard on duty, heard screams coming from the cremation room, and thought there were thieves inside. I went in to check. But the thief didn't see it, only Xiaoliang was inside. When Xiaoliu found Xiaoliang, he was already crazy and would only keep saying that there were ghosts in the cremation room. Fortunately, Xiaoliu was brave. Otherwise, it might frighten him crazy. This incident has made the whole crematorium panic. Most of the crematorium workers in the crematorium are regular employees. They have come up with a lot of messes to ask for leave. It was stopped, but a few old workers who were afraid of death did not dare to cremate their ancestors by themselves, so they even arrested temporary workers in their posts to help. Because these temporary workers are not familiar with the operation of cremation, and their courage is not necessarily He is bigger than the employees, and he just started the job just to keep his job, so the efficiency is very low, and the daily work in the field has been seriously affected."

"Don't you deal with dead people all day, why are you so timid? Also, isn't cremation just pushing the corpse into the cremation furnace, and pressing the ignition button is over, what's the difference between being a skilled person?" Zhen Zhen asked in confusion.

Xu Changchang looked embarrassed and explained to her: "I think you don't know much about the crematorium. It is precisely because we have to deal with our ancestors all day long, so we are very in awe of our ancestors. Most of the staff regularly go to the temple to burn incense. The habit of worshipping gods is to seek peace of mind. As for the process of cremation, I will take you to the cremation room to see, and you will know." Because the cremation process was frightened in the cremation room, the director Xu said. Take us to the cremation room to investigate, and let us understand the cremation process smoothly.

I have the experience of delivering funerals for relatives and friends, and of course I have watched the process of cremation, but before, I watched it through a glass outside the cremation room. The cremation process I have seen before is very simple, that is, the cremation chemical industry pushes the remains of the ancestors into the cremation furnace, closes the furnace lid, presses the ignition button, and after half an hour, the ancestors will be turned into ashes. However, when I entered the cremation room, I realized that what I saw was only a small part of the cremation process.

After entering the crematorium, the first thing I saw was not the cremation furnace, but an empty room with no windows. At this time, an employee happened to push a body in. Seeing this, Chief Xu Chang explained the cremation process to us on the spot: "Before the remains of the ancestors are cremated, we must first remove the hard-to-burn objects such as metals and jades on their bodies, otherwise the cremation furnace may be damaged. ."

As he said, the body was pushed to the center of the room, and the staff took off the gold, silver and jade articles on his body and put the ornaments in a small box.

"What are you going to do with these jewelry?" Zhen Zhen seemed to ask knowingly, making Xu Chang very embarrassed. In fact, just from the fact that there are no windows in the room, of course, these accessories will eventually become employee benefits.

Only after the remains are "looted" will they be pushed into the real cremation chamber. Here, sixteen cremation furnaces can be seen lined up. Opposite the furnace mouth is a semi-open glass wall. The relatives and friends who sent the funeral, they were either in tears or sad, and they all said goodbye to their ancestors.

The employee pushed the body to the mouth of the furnace, pressed the switch, and the conveyor belt in the furnace started to run, sending the body into the furnace. After closing the furnace lid, he left the cremation room. There is an inconspicuous passage next to the cremator, and Chang Xu took us into this somewhat mysterious passage.

After passing through the passage, I realized that the cremation room was unique. The place behind the cremation furnace, which family members could not see, gave me the feeling of a kitchen. But what this "kitchen" cooks is not delicious food, but human corpses.

At the back of nearly every cremator is an employee holding a long, steel-bar-like tool that sticks into a window the size of a mouse pad and stirs, making it feel like cooking. However, there are several older people standing next to them, and they are always reminding them from time to time. I think these old guys are the old employees who made excuses to ask for leave as the director Xu said before!

There was also a cremator behind the cremator where the corpse had just been pushed. He held a three- or four-meter-long steel drill with a hook and stretched it into the cremator to stir like the others. I walked behind him to watch, and saw that he used the drill inserted into the furnace to turn over the body from time to time, and the fire there was turning over there, and the more I looked, the more it looked like he was cooking vegetables.

The temperature in the furnace is very high. According to Chang Xu, it can reach as high as 1,300 degrees Celsius. The clothes on the corpse were burnt to ashes when they were ignited. After ten minutes, only bones were left in the furnace. The cremator used a drill to smash the large bones one by one. After the body was completely turned into ashes, he began to take out the ashes and put them in the urn. The whole process took about thirty minutes. However, I found that the cremation time of some corpses seemed to be more than Thirty minutes, so I asked Changchang Xu if the cremation time for each corpse was different. He replied: "Generally speaking, the normal body of the ancestors can be burned in 30 minutes, while the refrigerated ice corpse will take about 45 minutes. However, how long it actually takes depends on the operation of the cremation chemical industry. Are you proficient?" He said looking at the old employees who were "stand by", shaking his head and sighing.

I think these old workers probably have some background, so Chief Xu Chang can't help them, or else he will just attack one of them, as an example, and the others will naturally not dare to be arrogant.

After learning about the cremation process, Director Xu said that he would invite us to dinner. Like me, Zhen Zhen felt that the scene of turning the body with a drill in the cremation chemical industry was very similar to cooking, and she seemed to have no appetite, so she politely declined and offered to see the person involved.

"Xiao Liang is staying in the staff dormitory now, and his wife is taking care of him. Let's go to eat first! There is a vegetarian restaurant in the city that is very good. I will take you to try it, and then I will go to him with you after dinner." Xu The field director warmly invited again.

"Let's go see the client first, it will take more than two hours to get out of the city from here." Zhen Zhen's impatience can't tolerate time being wasted in vain.

"Come back?" Xu Changchang asked with a puzzled look on his face, "What else do you need to investigate? I'll take you there now, and I won't need to run again later."

"We want to see the client, you can take us to the dormitory now." Zhen Zhen said.

Director Xu suddenly laughed: "Ha, I think you misunderstood, the staff dormitory is not here, but in the urban area."

"What, in the city? Wouldn't that be a hassle? It would take more than two hours to go back and forth every day." Zhen Zhen seemed to find it incredible.

I leaned close to her and said yin and yang angrily, "Are you willing to live here? Maybe in the middle of the night there will be someone coldly sticking into your bed..." Then I touched her thigh lightly.

She shuddered, and she bounced all over, but luckily she didn't call out. There was a sudden scream from the cremation room, which might scare the relatives and friends outside half to death. However, she soon realized that I was deliberately trying to scare her, but she didn't kick me as usual, and smiled and said to Director Xu, "Then let's get out of the city as soon as possible!" My feet moved quietly, stomping hard on my toes.

As the saying goes, the pain in the ten fingers returns to my heart, and I broke out in a cold sweat after being stepped on by her. If I hadn't been afraid of causing panic among the masses, I would have screamed loudly. Seeing this, Director Xu quickly helped me out and urged us to go to dinner.

Perhaps most of the people who have seen the cremation process will not be interested in meat temporarily, so Director Xu specially invited us to a vegetarian restaurant for dinner. But looking back on the cremation process like cooking vegetables, we really don't have much appetite. No wonder the cremation room is only viewed from the front of the funeral relatives and friends.

After the meal, Director Xu took us to the staff dormitory to find Liang Jin. When I saw him for the first time, he was curled up in the corner, mumbling to himself: "They're coming to get revenge, they're going to kill me..." At this moment, although he has the appearance of an adult, he looks like a Like a frightened child. The fat body hesitated to face the balloon of the needle, trembling uncontrollably.

Director Xu brought fruit and sent condolences to his wife, Guo Ting, on behalf of the crematorium. When I saw the couple, I suddenly remembered a poem - A clever woman sleeps with her husband, flowers are inserted in the cow dung, red apricots will come out of the wall someday, if you don't use it, you will regret it.

Liang Jin, who is middle-aged, is of a rather apologetic type, and his body is quite fat, which is incompatible with a young wife who is charming, slender and graceful, and dressed in fashion. I think the probability of green clouds appearing on his head is not low. . Guo Ting's performance also made me feel that my thoughts were correct. When my husband had an accident, as a wife, she would usually be helpless or panic, but she was very calm, as if nothing had happened. As for Xu Changchang's condolences, she just responded perfunctorily, and even rudely opened the envelope containing the condolences in person, glanced inside and said, "Your unit is too stingy. Come on! Just this little money is not enough to go to the temple to add sesame oil to my husband!"

She is also mean enough to speak, and she doesn't show any face to the other party. This is probably the reason why less is more important! Although Liang Jin is in her thirties, she should be around twenty-three or four. Xu Changchang probably didn't expect her to say such a thing, with an embarrassed look on his face, I seemed to see the muscles on his face twitching slightly, but he still squeezed out a polite sentence: "I sympathize with Xiaoliang's situation, you guys If there is any difficulty, just speak up, and we will try our best to help if we can.”

Maybe it's better that Xu Changchang doesn't speak, but it's even more embarrassing when he speaks, because Guo Ting actually said: "I don't need you anymore, I don't need anything, I'm short of money, my husband is inexplicably crazy in the unit, you guys Anyway, you have to pay me a hundred and hundreds of thousands! Anyway, you are a state-owned unit, and you don't need to pay for it yourself, so you won't feel heartache if you lose."

This time, I really saw the muscles on Xu Changchang's face twitching, and I embarrassedly explained to her that Liang Jin slipped back to the crematorium in the middle of the night to make an accident. The crematorium was not responsible. The reason for compensation, and then the two quarreled more about it.

I was not interested in their argument, I went to Liang Jin and tried to get a confession from him, but he seemed to be very afraid of strangers. When I asked him anything, he didn't answer, just curled up in the corner with his head in his arms. It looks like he's really crazy, or Cortana can help, but I'll have to figure out a way to get him out first. After all, his wife was arguing with Chang Xu and her ears were red, and she might not necessarily cooperate with the investigation.

"Cough, cough!" I pretended to cough twice and said, "Xu Changchang, you can't shirk the responsibility in a hurry before the investigation is clear. If in fact the responsibility really lies with your unit, then the appropriate compensation is It should be."

"That's right, the police also said that you should lose money to me, so hurry up and bring me the money!" Guo Ting's face was full of pride.

Director Xu cast a puzzled look at me, and seemed to be blaming me for not only not speaking for him, but also turning against me. I gave him a wink. He is also a well-reader, and he immediately understood that I had no intentions, so he stammered and said: "If our unit is responsible, I will discuss with the secretary to see if it can be done. Give you financial support."

Guo Ting really saw Qian's eyes widen, and she immediately became elated and smiled. I saw the opportunity and said again: "However, this must first prove that Mr. Liang's accident is responsible for the crematorium!"

"How can I prove it? My husband had an accident in the unit, of course the unit is responsible!" Although she was a little anxious, her tone was still confident.

"You can't say that, we at least have to know what happened at the time." I put on a realistic appearance and said, "Do you know why he went to the crematorium the night before?"

"How do I know what he's doing there!" she replied as if it didn't matter to her.

"Husband goes out at night, don't you just ask a question?" I asked suspiciously.

"I wasn't at home at the time, and I don't know when he went out. If you want to know why he went to the work unit, just ask him to say no." She walked to her husband and shouted like an animal. "Hey, why did you go back to the unit in the middle of the night? How did you freak out? Speak! Speak!" Liang Jin didn't answer, but just held his head in horror and curled up like a big meat ball. Seeing this, she even kicked her husband's feet lightly. Although it was a light kick, the toes of her high heels were still pointed, and it should be very painful to kick the other person's fat.

Although it is difficult for an honest official to judge family matters, someone would treat a mentally unsound person like this, not to mention that this person is her husband. Zhen Zhen couldn't see it at first, she seemed to want to step forward, I quickly stopped her and said to Guo Ting, "Mr. Liang's condition doesn't seem to be very good, why didn't you send him to the hospital?"

"I don't need money to go to the hospital! Of course I can only let him stay at home if I don't have money." Guo Ting said and glanced at Xu Changchang, as if the other party owed her money.

Liang Jin is an employee of the crematorium. She should have medical insurance, and the out-of-pocket part is not much. It is impossible for her to pay. Perhaps she was trying to defraud the crematorium so she didn't send her husband to the hospital. So I said, "Why don't we do this, let's take Mr. Liang to the hospital first, and the crematorium will pay for the hospitalization in advance. Of course it would be the best if he can be cured. Even if he can't be cured, as long as his condition improves, he can Prove that it is responsible for returning to the crematorium, and the compensation is also done."

I thought that when I said this, she would immediately agree to let us take Liang Jin away, but in fact she hesitated for a moment before nodding. She shouldn't think that Liang Jin has always been dementia, so she can cheat more money!

I suddenly remembered a sentence - the most terrifying person is the person who sleeps in the same bed with different dreams!