Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 76: Secret security


After taking Liang Jin away from his unwarm home, we went to the hospital where Xiao Na worked together. On the way, I learned some about Liang Jin's situation from Director Xu. He told us in great detail everything he knew—

Xiao Liang is the child of my classmate. He has been working in the crematorium for more than ten years. His mother died early, and his father died six or seven years ago. Before his death, he explained that he would take good care of him. He has no relatives or reasons here, and he is an old friend, so I took special care of him. Not only did I help him become a regular employee, but I also got him a unit in the dormitory before the housing reform. He didn't let me down either. He worked very seriously and never caused me any trouble, so I also gave the key to the cremation room to him and Lao Hu for safekeeping.

But having said that, he is too honest, not very good at speaking, not very good-looking, and still working in a crematorium, so he has not gotten a wife in his 30s. Colleagues in the field do not know how many blind dates have been arranged for him, but the other party either sees him and walks away, or scare him away. He works in a crematorium, and the girls who come for a blind date can still accept it reluctantly, but he can't speak. He talks about his work without a few words with them, and tells them how to burn corpses, so it's strange not to scare them away.

We all thought he was going to be a bachelor in his life. Who knew that he met Guo Ting in a bar half a year ago and got married less than a month ago. The two of them don't have many relatives locally, so they just invited their colleagues to have a meal when they got married.

After getting married, Xiaoliang changed. In the past, he often went out to restaurants with his colleagues. After marriage, he would go home after work. We thought he was running home to make out with his wife, but later we found out that it was "tracheitis". Guo Ting took him so tightly, not only took his bankbook, but also all his wages and bonuses had to be turned over. Only give him so little pocket money every month, not to mention eating out, even if he wants to smoke, he has to rub against his colleagues.

Guo Ting drained his money, and just hangs around outside all day. You saw it just now, Xiaoliang has become like this, and she is still dressed up. I heard that she doesn't know how many wild men there are outside. Woolen cloth! Although she is a really worthless wife, Xiaoliang is still so committed to her, we can't figure it out, and even wonder if he was fascinated by Guo Ting's drug treatment.

After listening to Xu Changchang's narration, I felt that it was of little help to us. At least, we couldn't figure out why Liang Jin slipped back to the crematorium in the middle of the night, let alone the reason why he went mad. I hope Xiaona can help, otherwise this case will have to be over.

We walked into Xiaona's consultation room together, and after introducing Director Xu to her, I explained Liang Jin's situation to her. However, Xiao Na was not in a hurry to diagnose and treat Liang Jin, but stared at Zhen Zhen for a while and asked me, "This is..." I then remembered that they didn't seem to have met, so I introduced them to each other .

She smiled and said, "With such a symbol of beauty as your partner, your boss is pretty good to you." Although she had a smile on her face, I always felt that her smile was a bit awkward, shouldn't it be jealous! She seems to have a boyfriend now, why does she still care about my ex-boyfriend? A woman's heart, a needle under the sea, is really elusive.

Later, Xiaona gave Liang Jin a preliminary diagnosis, thinking that he became dementia due to severe fright, and planned to use hypnotism to open his heart window to understand the cause of the fright and then determine the treatment plan. Anyway, we just wanted to know what he was intimidated by, and the subsequent treatment would be handled by Chief Xu Chang, so we urged Xiaona to hypnotize him quickly, but Xiaona said: "You guys here will prevent the patient from entering hypnosis. status ya…”

In order not to interfere with Xiaona's work, we walked out of the consultation room and closed the door. Zhen Zhen and I were sitting in the waiting chair and waiting, while Director Xu ran to buy cigarettes. Not long after he left, Zhen Zhen said to me, "Xiao Na was with you before!"

"How do you know?" In my impression, I should have never told the people in the group about my relationship with Xiaona. Except for the boss, no one else should know about it.

"Yuetong told me."

"Why is Yuetong like a long-tongued woman recently?" Yuetong should think of me again, oh my god, don't let her take a fancy to that brand-name dress again.

"She's very pretty and she's very gentle, why did you break up with her? Could it be that you did something wrong to her!" Zhen Zhen glanced at me secretly, from the look in her eyes , I saw greenness and anxiety.

"Well, how should I say it?" I closed my eyes, and my mind flashed the past little bits and pieces of Xiaona, joy or sadness, but more helplessness and regret. After thinking for a while, I made a summary of the relationship with Xiaona: "Her conditions are good, but not the type I like, but I like her vaguely. In the days with her I always felt that she had a secret in her heart, but she was very honest with me. I used to think she was my whole life, but she still had to leave me in the end…”

"Did you break up because her parents objected to you being together?" After telling Zhen Zhen about my love history with Xiao Na, her reaction was quite big, like she was holding an injustice for me.

"Hmm." I nodded silently.

"You both like each other, why should you pay attention to what other people think! When Mi is already cooking, let's see how her parents object." Zhen Zhen's emotions were still quite excited, as if she wanted to arrest me immediately to marry Xiaona similar.

I sighed helplessly: "Love can be a matter of two people, but marriage is a matter of two families, or even two families. We can indeed do it first, and then tell her parents after registering the marriage. But have you thought about it? However, she would have to be caught between her parents and me for the rest of her life, and she would be in a dilemma."

She thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's right, if I do this, my dad will definitely not talk to me."

"You can rest assured, Uncle Shrimp really likes me." I said with a grin and put my hand on her thigh.

"You're courting death! You're taking advantage of me again." She bumped my shoulders with her elbow, but she didn't exert too much force, and it wasn't so painful that I burst into tears.

"You guys are in a good relationship!" Xiaona walked out of the clinic and seemed to see Zhen Zhen beating me.

"If the relationship is good, I won't be beaten every day." I responded with a smile, and said, "How is Liang Jin's situation?"

She frowned: "Not ideal. Although I have guided him into a hypnotic state, he is unwilling to open his heart window. He seems to have a secret that he is very reluctant to let others know, and it is this secret that troubles him. If he is willing to tell the secret, his condition will improve immediately, but the problem now is that he is unwilling to tell the truth. To use an analogy, the medicine that can make him heal is locked in a box by him, And he held the key so tightly that no one else could help him."

What secret will Liang Jin have? He didn't want to say it when he entered the state of hypnosis. It should be a very important secret, and it might even be related to his life and death. Did he do something illegal? He slipped back to the crematorium in the middle of the night and went mad there, speculating that his secret might have something to do with the crematorium. And the most likely illegal things that can be done in crematoriums are... corpses!

Recalling the corpse rape case I investigated with Zi Die before, I couldn't help but shudder. After sharing her thoughts to the two beauties, Zhen Zhen didn't offer any help except feeling sick. Fortunately, Xiaona pointed me in the direction: "Although the patient is reluctant to tell the secret in his heart, he mentioned a name, which I think should be helpful to you."

"What name did he mention?" I asked. I think he was referring to his wife Guo Ting, I always thought something was wrong with her.

"Xiao Liu." The name Xiaona said surprised me a little, "Although he was reluctant to tell the secrets in his heart under hypnosis, when I attacked him, he repeatedly mentioned a man named Xiao Liu. people."

Xiao Liu? I remember that Xu Changchang seemed to have mentioned this name, but for a while I couldn't remember him saying it at that time. Just when he came back, I asked him if Liang Jin had a friend named Xiao Liu.

"It should be Liu Xin, the security guard in the field. Apart from the people in the field, Xiaoliang basically doesn't have many friends in the local area..." He paused, as if remembering something, and said, "Well, he found out the night before. Something happened to Xiaoliang."

Liang Jin repeatedly mentioned the name "Xiao Liu", and when he went crazy, Liu Xin was on duty again. This shouldn't be just a coincidence! Maybe I should ask this security guard named Liu Xin. It seems that he has made another trip to the crematorium.

"He, although he is not an honest person, he is very courageous. No one wants to work at night, but he likes to work the night shift the most..." After finishing the admission procedures for Liang Jin, we returned to the crematorium. Tell me about Liu Xin—

He is a temporary worker and has been working in the crematorium for about half a year. Speaking of which, he seems to have been introduced by Xiao Liang. Although temporary workers and employees do the same work, the wages and benefits are much worse. However, the crematorium belongs to the Civil Affairs Bureau anyway, and it is better than the average private enterprise, and there is nothing special to do as a security guard at the scene, just a job as a gatekeeper.

He used to be a soldier, and he is big and bold. Although he is occasionally lazy, he likes to work the night shift the most, so other security guards like him very much. You know, there has always been only one security guard on the night shift. In fact, the night shift is the easiest job, that is, to patrol the scene casually in the middle of the night, and then you can go to the guard room to sleep. After all, there is nothing of value in the field for thieves to patronize, and no one has the courage to walk around the crematorium in the middle of the night, so as long as you have the courage, night shift is the easiest job. Of course, if you are timid, it will be difficult to survive the night.

At work, although he is not at fault, his private life is not very prudent. Because he likes to work night shifts, he is often in the dormitory during the day. I have heard many rumors about his affair with Xiaoliang's wife. He was often seen sneaking into Xiaoliang's house while he was at work, and it took him an hour to enter. He was alone in the same room. What else could he do other than do that kind of thing

Everyone in the field knew about Xiao Liu and Guo Ting fooling around, but Xiao Liang seemed to be fine. If someone gave him any hints, he would say good things for his wife, saying that she was not that kind of person. For the sake of being honest, people are either fascinated by drugs or too stupid to save...

After listening to Xu Changchang's words, I suddenly had an idea - could Liang Jin be frightened insane on purpose? Liu Xin knew Liang Jin before working in the crematorium, and maybe Guo Ting before, and his ambiguous relationship with Guo Ting is even more unclear. In addition, he was present when Liang Jin had the accident, and his suspicion was even greater. It looks like I'll have to spend some time talking to Liu Xin.

Liu Xin was on duty today, but after we arrived at the crematorium, we did not find him in the guard room. Other security guards said that he was called by an old worker to the crematorium to help, and that he had been helping in the crematorium for the past two days. I suddenly felt strange, he broke into the cremation room alone when Liang Jin had an accident, and now he is helping to burn the corpse in the cremation room. Is he really so courageous? Or have no secrets

We went to the cremation room under the leadership of Changchang Xu again, and went around the back of the cremation furnace. He told me that a strong man who was operating the cremation under the guidance of an old worker was Liu Xin. In fact, Liu Xin was here this morning, but I didn't pay attention to him at the time. I asked Director Xu to keep quiet for a while, and quietly walked behind Liu Xin to watch him operate.

Although Liu Xin was caught by an old employee to help, he was not as awkward as other newbies. He handled it carefully, and the old employees beside him basically didn't need to mention him. Most of the other newbies need the old staff to give advice, but the role of the advice is not very big, because they do not operate well, the main reason is fear.

"Oh, field manager!" The old staff found us, and they showed a flattering smile and said to field manager Xu: "Liu Liu is really good, he has become very proficient after learning for two days, it seems that I should not ask for leave. Question!"

"This can't be done, Lao Hu! I asked you to ask for leave, and others want to ask for leave again, so what should I do!" Other old employees who are instructing others to operate are looking at us intentionally or unintentionally.

"Then I'll just retire early. Seeing as I'm old, I won't be able to work for long. If I'm unlucky and scare a heart attack, it won't cause trouble for the unit." There are more than ten, but the body is very strong, and it is not easy to fall ill.

"Aren't you embarrassing me..." Xu Chang didn't know how to refuse for a long time. I think Lao Hu probably has some backstage people.

Just when Xu Changchang was embarrassed, Liu Xin suddenly turned around and interjected: "Old Hu, please forgive me! It doesn't matter if you want me to help for three or five days, but you want me to do this kind of tiring work every day. , I don't do it. It's better to work the night shift, it's much easier."

Old Hu hates the iron and cursed: "Why are you so incompetent! How many people have sharpened their heads and want to squeeze into the cremation room to work, but you don't cherish the opportunity. If you become a cremation engineer, you will be a regular in the future Much easier. Even if you fail to become a regular, the salary and benefits are much better than when you are a security guard.”

Liu Xin said nonchalantly, "I have food and accommodation here, and if I get a salary, I just buy cigarettes and smoke, and I can't spend more than that. I'm still comfortable on night shifts." It's been half a century, why are you still so afraid of death! Why don't you burn the corpse, even if you cheat the corpse, you won't be able to jump out, what are you afraid of?"

Lao Hu was so angry that his face turned a little red, and when he was about to scold him, he said again: "Let me tell you, when you gave me cigarettes yesterday, you told me to help me for two days, and tomorrow you will find a way. I don't want to do this kind of tiring work every day."

Strange, there are still people in this world who think too much money? The crematory chemical industry has better wages and benefits than security guards, and even has the opportunity to become a regular employee, but he actually refused the great opportunity that fell on this day. If it's just because he's afraid of being tired, then he's too lazy.

I suddenly felt that he might be hiding some unknown secrets.