Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 8: Who is the ghost


When crawling back from the filthy sewers to the mysterious tomb, I saw a female figure standing beside the sarcophagus. Could it be a baby girl ghost

Just as I was thinking about whether I should go back to the sewers and continue to endure the dizzying stench, the other party seemed to have spotted me, raised his right hand toward me, and a strong light from his hand shone on my face, making me unable to open my eyes. .

"Amu, what are you doing? How come you look like a rat in a ditch."

Depend on! It was Zhen Zhen who scared me half to death. If it wasn't for the fear of being beaten to death by her, I really wanted to give her a warm hug and make her as dirty as me.

I asked her why she crawled in, and she said she waited for a while and didn't see me coming out, so she crawled in to see if I was dead. I said angrily, "I was fine, but I was scared to death by slipping in."

We were afraid that Yuetong would be worried about us, so we climbed in again, and there was no special discovery in the tomb, and the sewers could not be searched due to the poor air quality, so we planned to leave and wait for the fire brigade to search.

Maybe Zhen Zhen was shy, when she crawled away from the tomb, she insisted that I get into the hole first. Although she has a hot temper, she is still a girl anyway. It is not a good thing to be followed by a big man when she lifts her butt to crawl in the hole. So I didn't say much, and climbed the entrance first.

After crawling in a few times, Zhen Zhen's voice came from behind: "Amu, did you hear me?"

"Hear what?" I was puzzled by her question.

"I think I heard some hissing noises."

"I didn't hear anything."

"That's probably because I heard it wrong..." She said again after a while, "You stink, hurry up and hurry up."

"I didn't force you to climb behind me."

Bathing in the sun again, felt a lot more refreshing, but Zhen Zhen didn't think so, as soon as she climbed out, she kicked me far away, while Yue Tong pinched her nose to keep a distance from me.

"Am I really that stinky?" Looking at the dirty clothes, I felt helpless.

"It stinks to death, quickly find a place to wash it." Zhen Zhen kicked me again.

At this time, the fire brigade's buddies had arrived, and I explained the situation to the captain, who was pinching his nose, and asked them to search the sewers connected to the tomb. Then, hand over the matter here to Yue Tong, and Zhen Zhen to find the sixth uncle.

We came to the guard room and found that Uncle Six was not there, but when we were about to leave, we saw him coming from the direction of the gymnasium.

"Xiaomu, how did you do this?" Fortunately, Uncle Six didn't hold his nose and talk to me.

"It's a long story, you'd better find a place for me to bathe first!" I smiled bitterly.

The sixth uncle took us to the bathroom behind the guard room, which contained toiletries. He also brought a set of his own clothes for me to change. Although his clothes don't fit me well, it's better than a bare butt. Although Zhen Zhen also soiled her clothes because she climbed into the tomb, she didn't stink like me, so she just went to the bathroom to wash her face after I took a shower.

After we groomed, Uncle Six asked us how we did this? As the guard of the Medical University, he will know about the secret passage we discovered in the woods sooner or later, but I can't disclose anything related to the case to outsiders. So, I jokingly said, "Let's go catch mice!"

Uncle Six seemed to understand that it was inconvenient for me to speak bluntly, and smiled: "It's really not easy to be a policeman, not only to catch bad guys, but also to catch mice, hahaha..."

"Uncle Six, you just went there." I asked casually.

"I just went to the gym for a physical examination. This morning, the school suddenly broadcasted a broadcast to experience. All the teachers and students in the school, even the doorman, had to participate. I thought there was an infectious disease. It's over. But, I don't know why, a lot of your guys have come."

"Well, I don't know too much about it, let's go and have a look now." After saying that, he said goodbye to Uncle Six, and then went to the gym with Zhen Zhen. Actually, I didn't know nothing about it, but I knew it very well, because this so-called physical examination was arranged by the boss, and the purpose was to find out the female ghost who was injured by the gunshot. Of course, I didn't hide it from Uncle Six with all my heart, but because of my work, I couldn't even tell my parents about many things.

When I arrived at the gym, the physical examination was almost over. I checked with the police in charge of the matter and learned that nothing was found, not even the scars left by the shots on the subjects. Zhen Zhen and I read through the list of subjects carefully. Warden Yu, Professor Xiao and his assistants, and even Ya Xian and Uncle Liu have all been examined, and no abnormal findings have been found. However, it is still impossible to judge that the female ghost is not hiding in the school. As Yuetong said, the female ghost may have incredible self-healing ability.

While thinking about how to get the female ghost out, the phone suddenly rang, and it was Yuetong's call: "Gui Meiren, is there a villain who can help?"

"Don't talk nonsense, come to the woods immediately, something happened here!" Yue Tong's tone was very serious, as if something went wrong. We did not dare to neglect, and immediately ran to the camphor forest.

Four fire trucks were parked outside the camphor forest, and only one was parked before. We ran over the fire truck to the newspaper where the hole was found, and saw the bodies of three firefighters lying quietly on the ground, surrounded by about ten firefighters groaning or shaking. The fire chief who was talking to me with his nose pinched just now sat under a camphor tree with dull eyes and muttered to himself: "Dead, dead, all dead..."

Yuetong was calling to ask the forensic doctor to come to the scene for support. There was only Lang Ping by her side. It seemed that the other subordinates went back to test with the evidence obtained at the scene shortly after I left. At this time, Lang Ping was squatting down and using a clip to spread out an object full of mud, whether it was clothes or other things.

"What happened?" Yuetong hung up the phone, and I asked immediately.

"The three firefighters entered the sewers and were attacked by unknown creatures..." Yuetong told us in detail about the situation at that time—

After you left, the fire chief let three crew members in protective clothing and oxygen tanks on their backs get into the hole. After entering the cave, the captain kept checking the team members' situation through the walkie-talkie, but he didn't find anything special before entering the sewers.

After entering the sewer, the team reported that the oxygen content in the sewer was very low, and the content of biogas increased the deeper it went. It is impossible for humans to survive here for more than five minutes without oxygen supply equipment, and most animals cannot survive in this environment.

Although the environment of the sewers is very bad, the possibility of prisoners using it to escape is extremely low, but since the prisoners may have abilities that are different from ordinary people, I asked to continue the search, but it didn’t take long for an accident to happen.

The team continued to search for a while, and found a complete piece of what looked like a snakeskin. Although the environment at the scene was extremely harsh, the snakeskin showed no obvious signs of decay. What's even more amazing is that the upper body of this snake skin has arms like human beings.

As soon as the team members finished reporting, their terrified screams came from the walkie-talkie. One of the team members shouted that there was a monster, followed by a chaotic collision, and then a chilling silence. However, if you listen carefully, you can still hear a faint hissing sound, as well as the sound of swallowing food. After that, maybe the walkie-talkie was damaged by the sewage, and there was no sound after a current noise.

Reinforcement firefighters arrived, only to find three bodies and a strange "snake" skin in the waterway...

Lang Ping has completely spread out the so-called snake skin. As Yue Tong said, this is a strange snake skin. The whole snake skin is about two meters long. Although it was soaked black by the sewage from the sewer, it is surprisingly complete. Except for a long crack on the back, there is no obvious damage to other parts, and there is no sign of decay. The lower body of the snakeskin is a sturdy long tail, and the upper body is like that of an eight or nine-year-old child, but the arms are slightly longer, the neck is about forty centimeters longer, and the head is a bit like a snake.

I suddenly remembered the human skin doll left by the female ghost last night. The human skin doll's mouth was slightly protruding, and the feet were connected together. Could it be...

"The real owner of the human skin doll you sent for testing seems to have grown up." Yuetong said what I was thinking.

The fact that things have developed so far makes me feel unbelievable, but the facts in front of me cannot help but make me speculate: Ye Xiaolou had a relationship with non-human beings during his studies at the Medical University, and gave birth to a monster, and this monster is half human and half snake Monsters, and will, like snakes, peel back every once in a while. In one of them, perhaps the skin that was receded for the first time was made into a human skin doll, which is the one left by the female ghost. Judging by its age, the "snake demon" skin in front of him should be the product of the latest peeling. So, it is very likely that this snake demon was the one who killed the three firefighters in the sewer!

"What should I do now? Do you want to block the entrance of the hole, otherwise it will be troublesome to let the monster escape." Zhen Zhen asked.

"If it wants to escape, we can't do anything about it! The sewers extend in all directions, and every manhole cover is an exit, so we can't block all of them! And the passage connecting the sewers to the tomb and the passage into the tomb may have been dug by him. ." After that, I called the boss to report the matter and asked for his instructions.

After learning about the situation, the boss said after a moment of silence: "It is impossible to conduct a large-scale search operation in the sewers. I have to ask the director to make a decision. I will immediately notify the armed police to block the scene, and the news must be blocked for the time being. Panic, great fun."

After talking to the boss, I immediately called Viagra and asked him to show me the plan of the sewer near the Medical University within 30 minutes, no matter what method was used.

"It's not difficult to get the floor plan. Five minutes is enough. The problem is that I can't drive. How can I get to your place in 25 minutes? The medical university is in the suburbs!" the sound of typing on the keyboard.

"I don't care whether you take a plane or a rocket. If you don't see the floor plan within 30 minutes, I'll ask Xueqing to make you a eunuch." I yelled at my phone and prepared to hang up.

"Before you let me be my eunuch, let me tell you something!" Viagra's tone was slightly smug and frivolous.

"Don't give a shit, just say something." I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with him now. I've died again, and three at a time, are you in a good mood

Viagra obviously knew from my tone that I was not in a good mood, so I stopped talking about it and said the main point: "The creator of the classmate record just replied to me, she said that she not only knew the four girls in room 106, but also I lived next door to them and knew more about their affairs. In the last semester, the four girls became very strange, locked the door all day, and seldom chatted and played cards with everyone. But even more strange, always The disgusting dormitory suddenly changed his temperament. He even gave them food every day, and warned everyone not to harass them if there was anything to do. Therefore, almost the whole semester, Room 106 was closed, and Before, everyone came in casually. When everyone jokingly asked them if they recognized the dormitory as a sister-in-law, they always hesitated and avoided answering. This situation continued until the end of the semester until the murder happened.

"As for whether Ye Xiaolou has a boyfriend, she said that although she had never heard of who Xiaolou was dating, she once saw Xiaolou walk to the camphor forest at the back of the dormitory at night with a forty or fifty-year-old Oji Sang met, and their behavior was very close. But because it was night and the woods were dark, she couldn't see Oji-san's face clearly. When talking to Xiaolou about this, the other party avoided answering."

With Ye Xiaolou's conditions, an Ojisang who is already forty or fifty years old but can attract her must be a successful person with a lot of money or fame, and Professor Xiao's age and background all meet these conditions, is he the one? Ye Xiaolou's boyfriend

"She also told me something very important." Viagra's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Xia Yulan and Yue Yingqing, two girls in Room 106, stayed at the school to work after graduation, but because they have not been in touch for many years, they do not Know if they are still at school. I have checked the list of all the staff at the Medical University, including the cleaners, and have not found their names, but it is not ruled out that they have changed their names."

After hanging up, I was lost in thought again. Did Professor Xiao ever have a relationship with Ye Xiaolou and cause her to become pregnant? Are the two girls who survived in Room 106 still in the school? If so, are they the female ghosts that Xueqing and I met in the woods

"Amu, what are you thinking so deeply?" Liu Nian and his assistant Zhong Gang came to us.

"If I can call you, what else can be good except for the dead." I asked Liu Nian to immediately check the bodies of the three firefighters.

The three firefighters were covered in sludge and exuded a disgusting odor. As soon as Zhong approached the corpse, Zhong pinched his nose unconsciously, and then put on a mask. But fleeting years seemed to be incapable of smelling it, so he put on rubber gloves and was ready to examine the corpse. This may be because he has seen a lot of corpses, and he is not surprised by this level of stench.

The three bodies were all lying face up on the ground, and no obvious trauma was found. Liu Nian and Zhong Gang worked together to turn over one of the corpses after taking the photo, and immediately found a hole in the back. They turned the other two over, and the situation was the same. After checking for a while, Liu Nian said to me: "The hearts of the three deceased were all taken out to death, but they are a little different from the previous student. The student's heart was taken out by an adult without a middle finger on his right hand. Their hearts should have been gouged out with bare hands by a ten-year-old child."

The cause of death of the firefighter was the same as I imagined, but from the judgment of the fleeting years, I came to a conclusion that the killer who attacked the three students was not the basilisk who killed the firefighter.

When Liu Nian transported the three bodies away with the help of medical staff and other firefighters, the armed police team with live ammunition had arrived and sealed off the scene. Yuetong and Lang Ping were going to take the snake demon back for testing. Zhen Zhen and I had no need to stay, so we walked out of the woods and planned to investigate the dormitory Yu.

There were many students watching the excitement outside the woods, including Yaxian and her roommate. When they saw me, they waved to me, and when I walked up to them, they kept asking me what happened? Is there another student killed by a female ghost, etc.

I pretended to be serious: "It's okay to tell you, but the more you know, the more dangerous it is. If you are targeted by female ghosts, don't blame me!"

Several little girls were so frightened that they shivered all over, and they didn't want to know anything in unison. Just as we were about to leave, Yaxian suddenly pulled me aside and whispered, "I suspect that the wardens Yu is the murderer."

"Why?" I asked.

"I heard noises in the hallway again in the middle of the night last night, so I dared to open the door through a small crack and looked out, but I saw Warden Yu was opening the door of Room 106."

"She is the housekeeper, and it's not surprising that she patrols the house at night."

"But it was almost three o'clock in the morning, so it wouldn't be so late to go round the house! Besides, she was wearing white clothes and her hair was disheveled. If I hadn't recognized the jade bracelet on her hand, I wouldn't have been there. I know it's her." Yaxian said seriously.

Yesterday, when he met the female ghost in the woods, Warden Yu was eating with Zhen Zhen in the restaurant, it was impossible for her to go to the woods, but why did she pretend to be a female ghost? Maybe room 106 has her ulterior secret, that's why she pretends to be a ghost to scare the students.

After saying goodbye to Yaxian and others, we saw Xueqing and Miaomiao walking towards us.

"Brother Amu, why do you dress like an old man?" Miaomiao walked around and looked at me like a monkey.

"It's hard to say a word!" I smiled bitterly, and then said to Xueqing, "Is there any movement from Professor Xiao?"

Xueqing replied indifferently and solemnly: "Professor Xiao did not behave abnormally, but I found that his assistant Zeng Qianyi was missing a finger..."

"What? Can you be more specific?"

"I thought she was weird before because she always wore gloves, so I paid special attention to her. She was washing her hands in the wash basin outside the bathroom door just now. When she took off the gloves, something fell out. A fake finger, and then looked at her hand, and found that the middle finger of her right hand was only halfway. It is very likely that his right hand does not have a middle finger."

"Then it is almost certain now that she is one of the female ghosts, we will arrest her immediately." Zhen Zhen said excitedly.

"This alone does not prove that she is a female ghost, and she has the support of Professor Xiao, so she cannot act rashly. Otherwise, the investigation will be very difficult in the future." I thought for a while and said, "Xueqing, is there any way you can do it? to her saliva or hair?"

"You want to compare her DNA?"

"Well, there is a female ghost's blood at the shooting scene. As long as you can get her saliva or hair, it can prove whether she is a female ghost!"

Xueqing nodded slightly: "Okay, it's not difficult to get her hair, but her hair is relatively long, and it may be more difficult to get hair with follicles. But give me some time, it should be no problem, I'll go now."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Zhen Zhen asked.

"Too many people are tiring." After Xueqing said, she turned around and walked away quickly. After she walked away, Zhen Zhen muttered dissatisfiedly: "Xueqing is also true, it seems that I will only do a disservice to me."

"Sister Xueqing is a little strange, but she is very kind to me." Miaomiao looked at Xueqing's increasingly distant figure, and suddenly tugged at the corner of my shirt: "What should I do now?"

I said angrily: "You just follow us, otherwise it will be troublesome if you get lost."

"You ignore me, I'll really get lost!" Meow's words almost made us faint.

Zeng Qianyi has Xueqing to deal with, and Viagra has not yet arrived, so I decided to go to room 106 to investigate again, hoping to find out the secrets of the dorm room director Yu.