Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 85: Destruction of corpses


As soon as Lang Ping's problem was resolved, Xueqing sent a text message saying that the crematorium was in trouble and asked us to help immediately. After I told Yuetong to take good care of her subordinates, I left with Zhen Zhen under Lang Ping's complicated eyes.

On the way to the crematorium, Zhen Zhen who was silent all the way suddenly said, "You are quite nervous, Yuetong."

Listening to her tone, it seems that she misunderstood me and Yuetong a little. If it was yesterday, I wouldn't be too lazy to explain it to her, because yesterday our relationship was only at the level of colleagues. But at this moment, after kissing her three times, her position in my heart changed a lot, and I suddenly became very concerned about her feelings. Although we didn't say anything related to our relationship with each other, the relationship between us at this moment is almost the same as that of a couple, the only thing missing is a confirmation. I know she is jealous now, eating the jealousy between me and Yuetong. It's all my fault that Yuetong ruined my good deeds. If her phone call was half an hour late, I would have already made the reservation.

In order not to let Zhen Zhen misunderstand my relationship with Yuetong, I immediately explained to her: "When she called just now, she said that Lang Ping wanted her, so I rushed to save her in such a hurry, don't get me wrong!"

"I didn't misunderstand, you refused to admit it." Her tone gradually became tough.

"I don't admit it, it's true, I didn't lie to you." I feel like I'm being dumb.

"I didn't say you lied to me, you just lied to yourself, you like her!" She suddenly turned her head and stared into my eyes.

I suddenly felt guilty for a while, and retorted cowardly: "I like her, she is my sister-in-law..."

"It's just because she's your old partner's girlfriend, and it's because your old partner's whereabouts are still unknown, so you dare not admit that you like her! She's so smart, how could she be so easy to be in danger? When you answered the phone just now, Even I can think that she must be lying to you, but you can't think of it. That's because you care about her too much and are nervous about her, so as soon as you hear that she is in danger, you don't think anything, and immediately rush to save her!" She almost said Roaring at me, every sentence was like a bullet, hitting the depths of my heart, and I was powerless to refute.

Yuetong looks good, has a good figure, and is smart, mature, and independent. She has almost all of my mate selection criteria, but it's a pity that she is Xiaoxiang's girlfriend. Maybe the truth is as Zhen Zhen said, I am indeed Huan Xitong, just because of the saying "a friend's wife is not to be bullied", so I never thought of hitting her, nor dared to admit it.

Zhen Zhen's eyes were filled with tears, she seemed to want to cry, but she forcibly held back the tears so as not to let the tears run across her pretty cheeks. I didn't know what to say for a while, and I was very confused, even more confused than when I received a call from Yuetong just now.

I suddenly felt that the distance I had just narrowed with Zhen Zhen had become estranged again, and our relationship had returned to the level of colleagues, which even added a layer of estrangement. The scenes of passion that I experienced today are like a spring dream, but the residual warmth still remains on my lips, and let me know that all this is not a dream.

I was speechless all the way with Zhen Zhen, even though I had stepped on the accelerator, I still felt that the car was driving very slowly, and tonight, for some unknown reason, the traffic police set up road checks at major intersections, so when I arrived at the crematorium, I felt as if It's been a century. I parked the car directly in front of the crematorium and got out to check. The doorman's room was lit, but there was not a single person.

Although I have been here before, the crematorium at night is completely different from that during the day. Like a rotting corpse, it can only make people sick in broad daylight, but it can be terrifying in the dead of night.

The crematorium under the night was filled with an indescribable and mysterious aura. After passing through the door with Zhen Zhen and crawling inside, it felt like entering another world, a world of the dead. The dwarf trees in the flower beds are like little ghosts on the Yellow Springs Road, peeping at us silently, as if waiting for an opportunity to pounce on us and tear us to pieces.

What troubles me, however, is not the impish dwarf trees, but the danger that may be lurking within them. Maybe the next moment, something will jump out from behind the dwarf tree, it may be a man covered in blood, it may be a vicious dog, or even a rotting corpse.

I really don't understand why Xueqing, a girl, dares to spy on Liu Xin here. I can't stand it if it is replaced. However, Liu Xin is happy to be on the night shift here, and I don't believe it if he is not motivated by considerable interests.

Although I don't know Xueqing's current location, in order to avoid her being discovered, I didn't call or text her, I had to rely on myself to find her. However, I also don't run around like a headless fly. Liu Xin once made people humiliate the corpse in the morgue, and claimed that Liang Jin was insane in the cremation room, so it is necessary to investigate these two places first.

The mortuary is at the back of the crematorium, and the distance is relatively far, so I plan to go to the cremation room with Zhen Zhen first. To get to the cremation room, you have to go through the condolence hall. You don't feel much when you pass by during the day, even if of course there are family members and friends inside to see off the deceased. But now it's completely different. Walking through the dark corridor, you can see the situation in the condolence hall through the window. Although I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, I always felt that every condolence hall was like someone was hiding in it, and they would come out to attack us at any time. Or there is a corpse on the shelf that carries the coffin, and when my eyes pass by, it will sit up and give me a weird smile...

The corridor was very silent, except for the sound of footsteps, I could only hear my own heartbeat. Before reaching the crematorium, I noticed movement inside. It was some very subtle sounds, and it seemed that there was an object squirming on the ground, but it was hard to tell what kind of object it was, maybe it was a person, maybe it was... a corpse! Zhen Zhen and I both quickened our pace and moved quickly towards the cremation room without making too much noise.

Turning a corner, the entrance to the crematorium appeared, bright but unsettling light shone from it. The crematorium will not be lit at night for no reason, and there must be people in it.

I walked in front of Zhen Zhen, crept close to the entrance, and quietly probed to check the situation inside. Who knew that as soon as he stretched his head out a little, there was a chilling feeling on his forehead. I felt a tube of metal sticking to my forehead, and although I couldn't see it clearly, I could guess with my toes that it was the barrel of a gun, and I was being pointed at my head.

My God, is my life coming to an end? It's a shame that I haven't done a "gift" for Zhen Zhen yet! The wicked Yuetong, I won't let her go even if I'm a ghost, I'll get into her bed and touch her thighs every night in the middle of the night.

I slowly raised my hands, closed my eyes and prepared to accept the judgment of fate. An indifferent voice came from in front of me: "You are too late." half dead.

I pushed away the muzzle attached to my forehead, and said with lingering fears: "If you have time, get me a bowl of Jingjing tea, I almost scared you out of your soul." As I said that, I reached out and wiped my forehead. After a cold sweat, he calmed down and said, "What's going on here, Liu Xin

"He's inside, you'll know when you come in." She put away the pistol and took Zhen Zhen and I into the cremation room.

After entering the crematorium, I found two people lying on the floor. One is Liu Xin, his hands and feet are tied together by his own shoelaces, showing an ugly posture. I think this is the "pig binding method" commonly used by soldiers. Fortunately, I rarely wear shoes with shoelaces, otherwise Xueqing was upset that day and tied me up like a pig. His mouth was also stuffed into the cloth, unable to speak, he could only wriggle on the ground, as if trying to break free from the shackles of his hands and feet and escape. However, this is futile. If he is tied so that he can untie it on his own, can he go with David? Copperfield ate.

The other is a raw face. Judging from his age, he should be a college student. He was in a very strange situation. He closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep, but he was sleeping in the wrong place, inside a black tarpaulin bag. His entire body was inside the cloth bag, and only his bare shoulders and head could be seen. In addition, I also saw a lot of ice cubes in the cloth bag, but no water came out of the cloth bag, it should be dry ice.

It is impossible for a man to sleep naked in a bag full of dry ice unless he is dead. So, I quickly stepped forward and reached out to his nose to probe his breath. In the end, as I imagined, he was already dead. However, his face is not pale, almost the same as a living person, and I think the time of his death should be not long ago.

After I called Liu Nian and asked him to come to the crematorium immediately, I began to examine Liu Xin. He was slightly panicked, which was only natural. Anyone who was bound with hands and feet would not be afraid. I didn't plan to take out the cloth that was gagging his mouth for a while, not only because I found out that it was one of his smelly socks, but also because I wanted to find out what's going on with Xueqing first.

"Originally I wanted you to come and help capture the person who brought the body, but you came too late, or the person walked too fast..." Xue Qing briefly recounted what happened before we arrived—

Tonight is Liu Xin's night shift. In order to monitor him, I hid in the crematorium under the arrangement of Director Xu as before. After all the employees on the spot left, I hid in the flower bed again and monitored the situation in the guard room.

Before the early morning, Liu Xin had been staying in the security room watching TV, but tonight he seemed restless again, or should be said to be excited, just like the night he humiliated the body. I know he's definitely going to make a move tonight.

Sure enough, at 0:16 in the morning, he answered a call, and then he walked out of the guard room from time to time and looked out the door. Thirty-three minutes later, a light spot came out of the gate. Unlike the last time, this time it was not a high-end car, but a dilapidated van.

Although the van is relatively old, the speed is not slow, and it will drive to the door in no time. Liu Xin did not open the door to let the other party drive in the car, but went out to greet the other party.

A man with a scar on his face got out of the van, opened the side door of the car, pulled out a large black cloth bag and threw it on the ground, and then handed a large envelope to Liu Xin. Liu Xin opened the envelope and seemed to be counting the contents...

Seeing this, I already understood what they wanted to do, so I immediately sent you a text message, hoping that you could rush over to stop the scarred man. However, after the text message was sent, I found that the situation was slightly different from what I had imagined. After Liu Xin finished counting the contents of the envelope, the man with scars got in the car and started the engine, as if he was going to leave immediately, instead of leaving after I expected Liu Xin to deal with the contents in the black bag.

I knew that you guys wouldn't be able to stop him in time, so at the risk of being discovered, I immediately called the team leader and told him the van's license plate number and the characteristics of a scarred man. Ask him to contact the traffic police immediately to arrange a road check.

Fortunately, because I was hiding far away from them, they didn't notice my existence. After the scarred man drove away, Liu Xin took the envelope in his arms, then picked up the bag on the ground and walked towards the cremation room...

"Could it be that when I came here just now, traffic police stopped and checked passing vehicles at almost all major intersections. It turned out to be the boss's arrangement. I thought it was the traffic police team that was making money at the end of the year!" After hearing Xueqing's words, I understood what was going on. What happened - Liu Xin took the money from the scarred man and "destroyed the corpse and traces" for him! I opened Liu Xin's clothes and found the envelope that Xueqing said from his arms. When I opened it, it turned out to be full of money, a total of one hundred thousand yuan. In addition, I also found a key, the more I looked, the more like the one Guo Ting gave him at noon. I suddenly remembered that he should not have the key to the cremation room, so I used this key to open the door of the cremation room. The result was as I imagined, this is indeed the key to the cremation room, so Guo Ting has nothing to do with this.

I took out the stinky socks from Liu Xin's mouth, took out bundles of banknotes from the envelope, folded them on the ground, and said to him with a smile, "Illegal cremation of corpses for the purpose of destroying criminal evidence is not a petty crime. Oh! This crime alone will keep you in prison for at least ten or twenty years. Plus you let Boss Zhong insult the body, and the illegal cremation of the body last time frightened Liang Jin crazy, these charges add up If you don't get a life sentence, you will be sentenced to 30 to 40 years. When you get out of jail, I'm afraid your hair will turn white."

In fact, there is no crime of "illegal cremation of corpses" in the laws of our country at all, but there are relevant provisions on "unauthorized cremation of corpses" in the Regulations on Funeral and Interment Management. But it is only to pay compensation to the family of the deceased, without going to jail. And Liu Xin's situation obviously constitutes a crime, and can be dealt with in Article 307 of the "Criminal Law", which is related to the destruction of evidence, but the maximum penalty is three years. The maximum sentence for insulting a corpse is three years, so he was sentenced to six years. However, of course, I won't tell him these things truthfully, and if I don't scare him, how can I get evidence from his mouth!

Sure enough, he was so frightened by me that his face changed. A desperado who dares to do anything for money, the most fearful thing is getting money but dying to spend it. Even if he has already earned millions of illicit money, after three or forty years in prison, no matter the social changes during the period, currency devaluation and other issues, he will not have a few years of life to enjoy the money. .

"Liang didn't frighten me crazy, nor did I burn the goods before!" He was obviously intimidated by me and defended himself emotionally.

In fact, I have already guessed what he said. Liang Jin had to cremate his corpse every day. Even if he found out that he cremated an unknown corpse in the middle of the night, he would be very surprised instead of going crazy. After Liang Jin's accident, he was willing to help in the cremation room, but he didn't want to be a cremator. In fact, he wanted to familiarize himself with the operation and prepare for the illegal cremation tonight. However, I still have a lot of things I can't figure out, so I have to force him to tell me the truth at that time. So he said sharply to him: "How did Liang Jin go crazy? What happened that night? If you don't tell the truth, you will be ready to sit in prison for the rest of your life!"

Originally, I thought that it was not an ordinary thing to scare Liang Jin crazy, but when I heard Liu Xin's answer, I felt even more incredible: "It's none of my business, it's really none of my business! He is a scammer. Scared crazy..." I know that the "goods" he was talking about were the corpses that were prepared to be illegally cremated, but how did the corpses scare Liang Jin crazy