Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 93: one day one Night


What happened in the day and night before Song Yufeng's death

In order to investigate this matter, Zhen Zhen and I went to the traffic police to find the record of Song Yufeng's car accident a year ago. From the photos of the accident scene, it can be seen that the car accident was really serious. The car broke the guardrail at the corner of the highway and rushed under the elevated road. The entire front of the car was deformed, but the rear of the car was relatively intact. According to the accident investigation records, the speed of the car must have exceeded 150 kilometers per hour when the accident occurred, otherwise it would be impossible to break the guardrail. As for the cause of the car accident, the record is simply that the party Song Yufeng drove recklessly after drinking, resulting in a traffic accident. Apart from the death of the person involved in the accident, there were no other casualties. But the strangest thing is that the accident happened on a highway leading to the out-of-town.

After looking at some of the crash records, I can be sure that there is something hidden in this crash. First of all, Xiaoyan said that there was a joke in the Land and Resources Bureau that Song Yufeng was driving slower than riding a bicycle, and Zhiyao also said that he was driving very carefully, so how could he be driving at a speed of more than 150 kilometers per hour? Secondly, the accident site is a highway leading to other places. Why did he take this road? He had been there all night before the accident. If he was going on a business trip on the day of the accident, at least he had to call home. This bizarre car accident is really suspicious.

Just when I was thinking about all the doubts in the car accident, Zhen Zhen pointed to one of the live photos and said to me: "Look here, was he being chased by someone?"

The photos she pointed to clearly showed minor damage to the rear of the car, which should not have been caused by the car crashing off the guardrail. The car was flushed down the elevated road by a water plug, and there was no sign of overturning, so although the front of the car was seriously deformed, the rear of the car was relatively intact. That is, the rear of the car should not be hit.

Zhiyao said that her father drove very carefully and did not scratch the car before, which means that the damage to the rear of the car was caused after he left home. Therefore, Zhen Zhen's guess is not impossible, the damage to the rear of the car may have been caused by being chased. However, when I looked at it carefully, it seemed that things were not so simple. Because the rear of the car was only scratched a little, if it was chasing at a high speed, even a small collision should be serious, and this damage is more likely to be caused when driving at a slow speed. Furthermore, if Song Yufeng was being chased at the time, he should have fled to a place with a lot of people, rather than fleeing to the highway where it was easier for the opponent to hurt him.

I told Zhen Zhen about my analysis, and after thinking for a while, she lifted up her sleeves and threw a fist at me. I don't know what I said wrong, I just know that if I don't avoid it, I will have a dark circle under my eyes like a national treasure, so I quickly dodge to the side. However, due to excessive panic, I didn't pay attention to the chair next to me. When I found out, it was too late, and I stumbled to the ground with a scream. The fall almost shattered my bones.

I moaned and got up, Zhen Zhen actually looked at me and laughed loudly, I asked her why she was deliberately harassing me, she laughed for a long time before answering me: "I want you to know what's 'fighting the way'. Under normal circumstances, Song Yufeng would of course not run to the highway, but if he was really being chased at that time, he might just walk away, just like you."

Could it be that he was really being chased at that time, so could it be Gao Weixiong who was chasing him? I quickly knew the answer to this question, because when I continued to read the records, I found that the reporters of the car accident were Gao Weixiong and Huang Zhao. According to the records, they had just finished eating with Song Yufeng and planned to drive to a resort outside the country to soak in the hot springs. Their confessions were ambiguous, implying that the trip was to please Song Yufeng so that their company could gain the support of the other party in the land purchase. They even more secretly mentioned that the purpose of the trip was to find flowers and ask willows. They also said that Song Yufeng drank a lot of alcohol at the previous dinner party, thinking that he might be too impatient, so he drove the car too fast and caused a car accident.

I think the reason why this car accident was classified as an accident was that the police officers who handled the case were either too low-IQ or charged black money, because there was an obvious problem with their confessions. Just imagine, their actions are strictly speaking of bribing Song Yufeng, then someone would be so stupid and dare to speak out when bribing others. Furthermore, even if they really wanted to go to find flowers and willows after eating, firstly, they didn’t need to go out of town; secondly, most people who had enough to eat and drink didn’t want to bother too much, let alone drive a long-distance car. It's enough to drive one car when you go out to play, why should you drive two? And, want their sweethearts to drive their own cars

Even putting aside these doubts, it is already a question whether Song Yufeng will go to find flowers and ask willows. Judging from Xiaoyan and Zhiyao's comments on him, he should not be someone who can fool around. Even assuming that he really wanted to fool around, he would at least call home to report safety, but he hadn't called home from home until the day and night before the accident.

Based on the above doubts, I speculate that his personal freedom was restricted when he left home to make an appointment. Although he was able to escape the next day, he was discovered by Gao Weixiong and Huang Zhao and pursued him. Because he was too panic, he fled to the highway in a panic, and eventually caused a car accident.

The best way to know if my conjecture is correct is to ask the parties in the case directly. It is a pity that two of the three parties involved in this case have passed away one after another. Although Huang Zhao is still alive, I don't think he will give me any more clues. But it doesn't matter, he and Gao Weixiong are just scumbags, I don't believe that no one is instructing them. And the people who instructed them, except their boss Zhao Song, I don't think there will be a second one. Perhaps, I should look for a breakthrough from Zhao Song, but it is doubtful whether he will cooperate.

We came to Zhao Song's company and found that his business was quite busy. There were six people outside his office, all of whom should have come to discuss business with him. I thought it would take a long time to meet him, but after his secretary surnamed Cheng passed the message for us, he instructed the secretary to bring us in.

When entering Zhao Song's office, he found a man pestering him. From the content of their conversation, it was known that this man should be a contractor who came to ask for project funds. However, when he saw us coming in, he immediately perfunctory words and sent the other party away.

"Is there any progress in Xiao Gao's case?" Zhao Song greeted us very warmly and asked the secretary to make tea for us, which was completely different from the impatience he had with the contractor just now. As the saying goes, no adulterer can't be a businessman. It seems that he is also a profiteer who speaks to others and speaks to ghosts. But that's fine. From his attitude, we can see that we are still somewhat useful to him, otherwise we will get the same treatment as the contractor.

After tasting the tea that the secretary handed me, I indicated my intention: "We are here for Gao Weixiong's case, and I hope Boss Zhao can provide us with some information."

"Okay, Xiaogao is also my subordinate. If I can help, I will definitely help. What do you need to know?" He said and gave me a cigarette. I paid a little attention, and he turned out to be the kind of high-priced cigarettes that Director Mo smoked, and these cigarettes can top a pack of the ones I usually smoke.

I didn't rush to ask questions, and first took a puff on the cigarette. However, the high-priced cigarettes did not feel as good as I imagined, just a little purer than the ones I usually smoke. It seems that I am not suitable for living the luxurious life of the rich, so I should do my job well, so I asked, "Do you know Song Yufeng?"

With a blank expression, he thought for a long time before he said, "Song Yufeng... Oh, I remembered, it's Director Song! Isn't he already dead?" He acted as if he was very strange to Song Yufeng, but I noticed the look in his eyes. There is only slightly observable flickering.

"Well, he passed away a year ago, but according to our investigation, Gao Weixiong's death seems to be related to him." I paid special attention to his eyes and found that his eyes flickered again.

"No, everyone has been dead for so long, how could it have anything to do with Xiaogao!" He showed an unbelievable expression, and raised his hand to the secretary: "Xiaocheng, go out and do things first, it's nothing. The important thing is that others let people come in and disturb us."

After Xiao Cheng nodded and agreed, he exited the door and closed the door. After the secretary left, Zhao Song smiled embarrassedly: "She's rather timid, I'm afraid I'll frighten her." He was slightly frightened, and added, "It's really Director Song's ghost. Do you have any trouble?"

I suddenly felt that he seemed to want to talk to me, so I gave him an official tone: "As a criminal police officer, I can only tell you that there are no ghosts in this world. But in this case, there are too many common sense. Unexplainable things, so I'm afraid I can't give you a clear answer to this question."

"I can understand this, the government promotes atheism!" He smiled awkwardly.

"It's good to understand, but I hope you can actively cooperate while understanding."

"How do you want me to cooperate?"

"As far as I know, Song Yufeng was with your two subordinates Huang Zhao and Gao Weixiong who just passed away when the accident happened. I think you should know why they were together at that time!"

"Well, I know I should know, but it's already a year ago, let me think about it." Although his expression was not wrong, he unconsciously took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it. However, the cigarette he put on the ashtray was only half smoked. He must be very nervous.

After pretending to think for a while, he suddenly realized: "Ah, I remembered, they should be talking to Director Song about the purchase of land in Fengyu Garden."

"Fengyu Garden is a villa area developed by your company!" I asked.

"Yeah, the location there is very good, not only the environment is beautiful, but also the transportation is convenient, the bustling and quiet, just in..." He seemed to sell me.

I have been to the location he mentioned before, but in my previous impression, it seems to be cultivated land, and cultivated land cannot be arbitrarily changed, which means that it should not be used to build villas. So I said, "Oh, I know that place, it's the place full of sugar cane, the environment is really good, and I heard that there will be a subway station nearby, and the traffic is very convenient."

He seemed to realize that I had found the problem, and immediately said with a sneer: "The first phase is almost completed, are you interested in buying a house? Now the property market has almost bottomed out, and this villa area is in a first-class location, whether it is for self-occupation. It’s a good choice to invest. If you want to buy it, I can give you an internal price, which is absolutely so cheap that you don’t believe it.”

He did this clearly to bribe us. The businessman would not make a loss-making investment. Since he wants to bribe, it must be of use to us. This makes me more certain that he has a great connection with Song Yufeng's death. However, I don't have any evidence against him right now, and he is a person of honor after all. I can't just take him back and torture him to extort a confession. I can only talk to him carefully, hoping to get some clues from it. So I pretended to be happy and said, "Really? I'm thinking of buying a house and getting married!"

"Of course it's true. The most important thing we do in business is credit. I'll tell Xiao Cheng and let her arrange it for you. Do you want to go and see now? I can ask the driver to take you there for a visit. Just a moment." He really knew how to strike while the iron was hot.

Although I don't mean to buy a house, I have to cooperate with him and pretend to be eager to move: "Is that convenient?"

"What's the inconvenience of that? Anyway, there are people in my company. Now I'll ask Xiaocheng to find someone to take you there." After he said that, he pressed the internal line of the phone, really wanting to find someone to take us to the building.

"Wait a minute!" Zhen Zhen stopped him with a displeased face, his face sank a little, but immediately returned to a flattering look, and asked Zhen Zhen what was the matter. Zhen Zhen glared at me first, then said to him seriously, "We are here to work, not to see the house."

He gave me an inquiring look, and I shrugged and gave him a wink, indicating that I wanted to see the building, but my partner disagreed. At the same time, I gently kicked Zhen Zhen to signal her not to interrupt and let me continue the trick. Then he pretended to be embarrassed and smiled: "I almost forgot the purpose of coming here today. Let's talk about work first before going to the building."

He also smiled slightly embarrassedly: "It's important to do business, what else do you want to know?"

"As far as I know, Song Yufeng told his family that he was going to talk to you about something the day before the accident. I want to know what he did the day and night before the accident." In fact, Zhiyao only told Song Yufeng that he had official business that night. To do it, I didn't say I was meeting them, I said that to induce him to talk.

"I remember that at that time it seemed that Xiao Gao and Xiao Huang would go and entertain him well..." He was indeed induced by me, and he said that Song Yufeng had been with his subordinates the day before his death. Then he told me what he had discovered that day and night—

In fact, everything was ready for Fengyu Garden to buy the land at that time, so it was just that Director Song nodded and sealed it. I have been in real estate for some years, and of course I understand the rules inside, so I asked Xiao Gao and Xiao Huang to entertain him and see what instructions he has. That night, the two of them booked a room in the hotel, ordered a table full of abalone, ginseng and belly, and ordered two bottles of foreign wine. This meal alone cost me more than 20,000 yuan.

(I asked if he was there?)

I originally wanted to go, after all, Director Song is not someone we can offend, but I had other things to do at the time, and I was out of control for a while, so I had to let Xiao Gao and Xiao Huang entertain him. But I have repeatedly explained to them that it doesn't matter how much it costs, as long as Director Song is satisfied. As a result, they really didn't let me "disappointed". The next day, Xiao Gao called and told me that they ate more than 20,000 yuan for dinner alone. Then they went to the nightclub to drink and order a few ladies and spent more than 20,000 yuan, and then went to the bath center. Take a bath and massage, and then give Director Song a room for two young ladies to stay overnight in the hotel.

They spent 60,000 to 70,000 yuan for me overnight, which really hurt me. But this is just the first game. Director Song asked them to wash their feet as soon as they woke up, and then they went to drink and have fun. At dusk, Xiao Huang called me and said that Director Song was going to a hot spring in a resort outside the country, and asked me what to do? I said what could be done. Of course he had to accompany him if he wanted to go. He had already spent tens of thousands of dollars, and it was not bad to spend another ten or eighty thousand. Although it is a little distressed, the money can not be spent.

I originally just wanted to make Director Song feel at home, but I didn't expect an accident in the end...

Boss Zhao is really an old man. He put all the responsibilities on Song Yufeng. Although he didn't say it plainly, he clearly implied that the other party wanted to eat and drink, and even the responsibility of the car accident was shied away by the other party's request to go to the resort to have fun. On the surface, there is nothing wrong with his statement. It is true that many officials treat businessmen who ask for themselves in this way, but the problem with this matter is why Song Yufeng didn't call his family one day and one night after he left home

Before Song Yufeng left home, he did not say that he would not go home for the night, and before that, he had never tried to stay home all night. If the mobile phone is out of power or lost, Gao Weixiong or Huang Zhao's mobile phone can be used, and the hotel and restaurant he goes to will not have no phone for him to use. It is not difficult to call his family to report safety. What's more, judging from his old subordinate Xiaoyan's evaluation of him, he doesn't look like an official with a corrupt life style.

Moreover, Fengyu Garden is a key project for Zhao Song's company, and the funds used need to be calculated in billions of yuan. And Song Yufeng is the key person who can decide the success or failure of this project. I really can't think of any reason why he should not entertain the other party in person. He obviously didn't tell me the truth, so I didn't need to ask any further, so I said goodbye. When he left, he also asked me if I wanted to visit the villa area, and repeatedly emphasized that he could give me the best price. I pretended to be very interested, but unfortunately I still had something important to do, so I said regretfully, "I'll come back to you when I'm free."

After walking out of his office, I said a few words to his secretary, Xiao Cheng, and immediately asked about Huang Zhao. She told that since Gao Weixiong's bizarre death, Huang Zhao had been taking leave and not going to work. I originally wanted to get some clues from him, but now I can only find him at his house, so I asked Xiao Cheng for his home address.

As soon as she stepped out of Zhao Song's company, Zhen Zhen said strangely: "It's not convenient to take a woman home when you live in the police dormitory!"

I think she really thought I was going to buy Zhao Song's villa, so she smiled and said, "Yeah, it's really inconvenient. There shouldn't be any acquaintances in Fengyu Garden, so I don't need to be sneaky next time I take you home. "

"Who will go home with you!" Her face immediately turned red, and then she changed the subject: "Are we going to find Huang Zhao now?"

"Don't worry, it's not too late to find him later. Now I want to find out first, where did Song Yufeng's ashes go?" Actually, I didn't care that his ashes were left there, I just wanted to know why he was in the body He was cremated without the consent of his family, because I suspect that his personal freedom was restricted before his death, and he may have scars on his body. If I can confirm that he was beaten or bound before his death, then I can force Huang Zhao to tell the truth.

However, what happened after that made my wishful thinking fail, maybe I should go to Huang Zhao first...