Strange Investigations Team

Chapter 97: Psychological murder


As soon as I woke up from a nightmare, I heard the phone, and an unfamiliar number was displayed on the screen. After the phone was connected, there was a moan like a ghost in purgatory: "Help me..." I was so scared that I bounced all over and almost didn't fall. Get out of bed.

I squeezed my thigh hard to make sure I was still dreaming. The pain in my thigh was very clear, but then I remembered that the pain I felt in the dream was a million times stronger than now. In other words, although I felt pain, I still couldn't tell if I was still dreaming!

I began to realize the terrifying feeling that Huang Zhao mentioned. When the dream is almost the same as the reality, and all the feelings in the dream are the same as the reality, then there is no way to draw the line between the two. Moreover, the most frightening thing is that since you can also feel pain in a dream, being killed in a dream is likely to be the same as reality, and the body will die in real life. Kao Weixiong's bizarre suddenness is a terrifying example.

Because I was so scared, I hung up the phone in a panic, and threw the phone away and covered my head. I thought if I was still dreaming, please wake me up! However, the phone rang again, tormenting me like a lullaby. It seemed that this disaster could not be avoided, so I had to answer it again. There was another ghost-like moan from the receiver: "Why do you keep hanging up on my phone... I used someone else's phone to make a call."

Strange, I only hung up on him once, how could he say I keep hanging up on him? However, at this moment, I was in a panic, and when I had the mind to think about this question, I just asked tremblingly: "Who, who are you!"

The ghost-like groan came from the receiver again: "I'm Viagra..."

"Damn! Why are you calling me in the middle of the night to scare me!" I found out that it was Viagra, a wretched man who scared me to death. The fear in my heart instantly turned into anger. ".

"I don't want to find you so late! But how come no one will come to save me except you..." His voice was still half-dead, but it didn't make me feel scared now, anyway, it made me more and more annoyed.

"If you want to die, just die far away, just don't pollute the environment. Goodbye!" I said, and I was ready to hang up.

Before I hung up the phone, he hurriedly said, "Don't let me die, I'm a hospital now!"

"You're in the hospital, it's none of my business!" Although I was righteous in my heart, I still asked him where he was in the hospital. Anyway, he's already awake, and he may not be able to fall asleep no matter how long he sleeps. It's better to see if he's dead.

When I came to the hospital, I found a disheveled Viagra sitting outside the emergency room with arms folded and his legs trembling. I walked up to him and asked if he was dead? Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly shivered, covering his buttocks extremely indecently and running to the toilet. When he came back, he had an exhausted expression and said feebly, "Did you bring any money?"

"What do you want the money for?" I asked.

"Go to the doctor..." It turned out that he had diarrhea in the middle of the night, and his legs were weak. After finally crawling to the hospital, he found that he had nothing in his wallet and mobile phone. He didn't bring any money, and he looked like a beggar. Although the doctor gave him a prescription, the aunt at the toll office wouldn't sell it, so he had to pay for the medicine. He wanted to go home to get the money, but found that he didn't even have the keys. In desperation, I had to go to the emergency room to borrow a phone from the doctor and ask me for help. Fortunately, the doctor saw that he was pulling differently, so pitifully borrowed the phone to call him, otherwise he would not know when to pull it.

After paying for his medical bills and getting the medicine, we went to the injection room together and waited for the nurse to give him a drip. While waiting for the nurse to dispense the medicine, I asked him what he had eaten, and he answered weakly: "Kombucha, I saw someone selling it on the Internet, so I bought it and made my own drink. I thought it was easy to make, no I just put it in black tea and sugar water for a few days. It must be difficult for me. I brewed it in black tea when I bought it, and it lasted for ten days. I even forgot about it. I just remembered, I poured a glass and drank it. Maybe I soaked it for a long time, but after drinking it... "

"People like you dare to make kombucha, and you won't be killed." When I was a child, my mother also made kombucha for me to drink. I heard her say that the most important thing to do is to pay attention to disinfection. If the utensils are not clean, not only the kombucha I can't feed it, and the beverages made will have a lot of bacteria, which will cause diarrhea. The kombucha drink made by a sloppy cat like Viagra, he has already considered his life hard if he doesn't drink it to death.

"You're too cruel. You even hung up the phone twice. If I kill you, I won't let you go." Viagra looked at me with mournful eyes.

"You called in the middle of the night, and your voice still sounded like a ghost. Who wouldn't be afraid! I was scared to death by you and didn't ask you to settle the account. You have the nerve to complain to me!" Hang up his phone once, what about the second time? So I asked him if he was stupid with diarrhea.

"It's the second time. If you don't believe me, check the call records yourself. The first time you didn't even listen, you hung up." He looked very serious, and his tone was very positive.

In my impression, I only hung up his call once, but when I checked the call records, I found that he called three times in total, and the first time was rejected. I suddenly remembered that I heard the phone ring in my dream, but I didn't see the phone there. Could it be that I accidentally pressed the reject button during the dream? Maybe this is the only explanation.

Just when I was amused at the fact that I would also reject calls from Viagra in my dreams, I suddenly found a fine hair in the gap between the keyboard of the mobile phone. I asked the nurse to borrow a clip to clip the hair out and carefully observe it under the light. The more I looked at it, the more it looked like the mysterious hair found in Gao Weixiong's house. Thinking back carefully, the window of Gao Weixiong's room was open when he died, and I also opened the window of the room before going to bed. Could it be that a little animal just walked into my room and hung up the call from Viagra? Is this mysterious creature related to Song Yufeng? Could it be that Song Yufeng's ghost is attached to it

The injection room near dawn was very quiet and suitable for thinking, so I let Viagra go to the side to cool off, sit in a chair and stare at the case in my mind. The terrifying nightmare mentioned by Huang Zhao, I have already experienced it, and it is so real that I cannot distinguish between dream and reality. Therefore, I believe that Gao Weixiong was killed by Song Yufeng in a dream. Although it is very inconceivable, only this explanation is credible.

If Gao Weixiong really died of ghosts, then Xiaona's psychological analysis would be meaningless, and Huang Zhao may have died of homicide as Song Yufeng said. Since Huang Zhao died of homicide, the documents found in his computer are very suspicious. Because according to the content of the document, his boss Zhao Song was not involved in the matter at all, or even didn't know it. However, with his and Gao Weixiong's ability and social connections, he certainly couldn't bribe Lao Su and the people in the crematorium. Therefore, I suspect that this document was created by Zhao Song to stay out of it.

Based on this inference, Zhao Song is very suspicious, and he is likely to be the murderer of Huang Zhao. However, according to my investigation, only one person was at home when Huang Zhao died, and he still died of myocardial infarction. How did he kill Huang Zhao

"Oops!" Viagra's scream brought me back to reality from my contemplation. It turned out that the nurse was giving him an IV. They are already 30 years old, and they are still afraid of injections, like a child.

When I saw the nurse inserting the needle into the blood vessel, I suddenly remembered the tiny depression on Huang Zhao's wrist, and every detail of the murder phenomenon flashed in my mind - the chaise longue with armrests, the broken vase, the toothpick box on the coffee table, the accumulation on the ground. Water, wet sleeves and trousers, and dents on wrists…

"I know how Huang Zhao was killed!" I yelled and jumped up from my chair, startling Viagra and the nurse. They looked at me with the eyes of a lunatic. I smiled awkwardly and said to Viagra: "You slowly beat your drip, I have to go first." I took out a hundred yuan from my wallet and dropped it on him, saying One he often said when I lost money playing mahjong with me: "Take it to buy medicine." Then he left in a hurry under their strange eyes.

When I walked to the door of the injection room, I heard the nurse say: "I was shocked by your friend, the needle was shot crooked." Viagra's screams rang out all over the injection room.

I called Zhen Zhen, I thought I would be scolded by her for waking her up so early, but I didn't expect that she had already woken up, and then I remembered that she has morning exercises and habits. She didn't know if she wanted to make fun of me, but she said in a surprised tone, "It's a rare encounter in a century. You actually got up so early."

"What does it mean to get up, treat me like a dog!" I complained a little and then got to the point: "I already know who killed Huang Zhao, join me now, and we'll go to his house right away. "

"Didn't he die of a myocardial infarction?" She asked with a little doubt: "Did you say last night that he was scared to death because he and Gao Weixiong scare each other unintentionally?"

"Don't talk like an old woman, you'll know when you get to his house. I'll pick you up where you are now."

"I'm having morning tea, just..." She said the name of a restaurant, and I drove over immediately.

I thought I could take advantage of it, so I went to the restaurant to pick up Zhen Zhen and asked her to invite me for morning tea, but when I got there, I found out that she was drinking morning tea with Uncle Shrimp and some of his apprentices. If I had known that Uncle Shrimp was here, I would have told her to go there by herself.

Uncle Shrimp was very enthusiastic and insisted that I stay and have morning tea together. I evaded that there was still work to be done, but he forced me to sit on a chair with a smile that would make me feel chills and said: "Even if I want to If you go to work, you have to have a full stomach first!" As the saying goes, it is hard to be generous, and his apprentices have repeatedly persuaded me to stay and chat. I'm afraid that if I refuse again, they will say that I don't give face, and maybe I won't be able to eat and walk away. So, I stayed and had morning tea with them. Anyway, I originally wanted to eat buns.

I rarely drink morning tea, and I always feel like it's a waste of time, but it doesn't matter that it's early. They had tea and cakes with Uncle Shrimp and the others, and chatted about some innocuous homely things. On the surface, they seemed to be at peace with each other. However, whenever Zhen Zhen went to get some snacks, several disciples of Uncle Shrimp would surround me and interrogate me like a prisoner. They asked about my family background and whether I had bullied Zhen Zhen. The vicious guy even asked me when I would marry Zhen Zhen, did he not want to take responsibility

Long live! Zhen Zhen and I are still only colleagues! Although I had kissed her before and had a good impression of her, since she found out that I liked Yuetong a little, she has always been detached from me. Now our relationship is only a little further than friends, and there is still a lot of distance between lovers. It seems that it is very far away to talk about marriage. Although Uncle Shrimp didn't ask this question like his apprentice, he didn't stop them either. He just gave me a very chilling smile. Dare to be affectionate is what he instructed his apprentice to do!

After finally getting through this Hongmen banquet, Uncle Shrimp finally escaped the clutches and went to Huang Zhao's house with Zhen Zhen. On the way, I bought an infusion tube, a disposable infusion warmer and normal saline in a pharmacy, and called A Yang and asked him to join me at Huang Zhao's house. It was almost eight o'clock at this time, and I hoped that Huang Zhao's wife, Li Jiexin, hadn't gone out yet, otherwise she would have to make another trip. However, it doesn't matter even if she has already gone to work. Anyway, she is working in Zhao Song's company, so sooner or later I have to find Zhao Song, a profiteer.

When I came to Huang Zhao's house, I happened to meet Li Jiexin who was neatly dressed and was about to go out, so she asked with a smile: "Mrs. Huang, you are going to work so soon, your boss Zhao didn't give you a few days off, and asked you to take care of your husband. What happened behind you?" Zhen Zhen suddenly stabbed me in the waist, as if to blame me for not saying such things.

Li Jiexin nodded to us slightly embarrassedly: "The boss asked me to rest for half a month, but I also got the company to explain the work at hand."

"You don't have to go there. I'll just tell Boss Zhao later. I'll find him anyway."

She was probably puzzled by what I said, and after a while, she said, "I'd better go there."

"You really don't need to go there, because you've already been arrested. This book is reprinted on the website of Luk Literature." I took out the handcuffs after saying that.

She looked at me in astonishment: "You, did you make a mistake, why did you arrest me when I didn't do anything!"

Zhen Zhen also seemed to feel strange and asked me what was going on. I put on a serious expression and said to her, "She is the one who killed Huang Zhao!" Then I turned my head and said to Li Jiexin, "I am officially arresting you now because you are suspected of murdering your husband Huang Zhao!"

"Don't wrong me! When my husband had an accident, I was attending my nephew's Miyue Banquet, and there were more than 100 people who could testify for me." Although she was righteous and stern, posing as if she had been wronged, but she did not Consciously took a step back.

"You did have alibi when Huang Zhao died, but you were still at home half an hour before his death, that is, at 18:30 yesterday. Do you admit that?" I said, taking a step closer to her.

She stepped back unconsciously again, but she still plausibly said, "So what? He had an accident after I left for half an hour. Can he depend on me?"

I sneered: "If you bleed him before going out, he will probably be able to stay up for half an hour to an hour. By this time, you are already having fun with your relatives and friends at the banquet."

"You, you're crazy! My husband was killed by a ghost. He didn't have any trauma at all. If you want to wrong me, you have to find a reasonable excuse!" Although she was still plausible, her face was obviously much paler than before.

"Amu, did you make a mistake? Huang Zhao died of a myocardial infarction." Zhen Zhen was confused by what I said.

"I'm not mistaken, I know Huang Zhao died of myocardial infarction, and I also know why he suffered from myocardial infarction. The reason is not ghosts, but because of his wife's clever tricks!" I suddenly pointed at Li Jiexin.

"You, you, you're crazy, what evidence do you have!" Her face was even paler, almost bloodless.

I took out the things I bought in the pharmacy just now and raised them in front of her: "The evidence is here!" She was still holding on just now, but when she saw the things in my hand, she was as powerless as a deflated ball. leaning against the wall.

"Amu, what tricks are you playing!" A male voice came from behind. It turned out that Ayang had already brought his subordinates. I let them all come into the house with me, and asked A Yang to do me a favor by lying on the chaise longue that Huang Zhao was lying on when he died. He asked without knowing, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

"You'll find out later." I pressed him on the chaise longue, then found four soft towels in the bathroom, wrapped two of his forearms each, and wrapped the towels with his shoelaces Their forearms were tied to the armrests of the chaise longue, and then asked, "Okay, now try to see if you can move."

He moved his hands vigorously, but he couldn't break free, and he couldn't get out of the chaise longue. He asked me with a puzzled look, "I can't move, but what does this have to do with the case?"

"You'll find out soon." After I said that, I covered his eyes with a towel. Although he yelled at me not to sell him, he still cooperated with me. Then I asked Zhen Zhen to help assemble the saline solution, infusion tube, etc., and then went to the coffee table and took a toothpick from the toothpick box.

When everything was ready, I said to Ayang, "I want to test now how long it will take you to bleed you before you die."

"Amu, what are you joking about!" He smiled, as if he thought I was joking with him.

I put on an indifferent tone and said to him, "Who is joking with you, I'm here for real!" After that, I poked his wrist with a toothpick, and immediately used an infusion tube to let the warmed saline drain from his wrist. slowly to the ground.

"Aren't you kidding me! I still have a wife and son at home!" he yelled and kept twisting.

I fixed the infusion tube with tape, then stuffed the rest of the towel into his mouth, and said indifferently, "If you make a noise, just wait to die!" I called his subordinates. Winking, "Looking at how you usually treat your subordinates, you are almost dead, and no one wants to save you."

"I don't want to save him. I usually only scold people. It's great to think I'm the team leader!" "That's right, I've endured enough, I'm still waiting for your funeral! Captain." "Captain, you Don't worry, we won't save silk and gold." A Yang's subordinates cooperated with you and me, while A Yang, who was gagged by me, was struggling, but he couldn't break free.

About ten minutes later, A Yang's body actually started to spit. I think the test is almost done. If we continue, I'm afraid it will really frighten him to death.