Strange World Little Cooking Saint

Chapter 107: Charcoal Grilled Garlic Oysters (10) [Second Watch]


"I don't quite understand..." Shi Yu said, why did he ask to temporarily borrow part of his spiritual power

"Refining the Fire Spirit is not that simple. According to your current cultivation, if you want to refine the Fire Spirit, it's basically a dream, and you will probably be burned into a pile of ashes before you encounter it. This Haixinyan has spiritual wisdom, The purpose is to improve your strength, so it didn't hurt you at all. It took part of its own energy to transfer to your body, but if it leaves your body, your cultivation level will fall back again. Now you understand gone?"

"… "I see. Knowing that his current cultivation was only temporary, Shi Yu felt a little disappointed.

But thinking about it again, this sudden improvement in cultivation was not achieved by him step by step, so there is no pity for doing well.

"Can the fire spirit help me practice?" Shi Yu asked, "For example, speed up my cultivation or something."

"Of course, with the help of the fire spirit, it's hard for you to think about it quickly." All the energy of the heaven and earth must be calcined by the fire spirit before being absorbed by Shi Yu, and the mottled impurities in it will be burned instantly, and Shi Yu will not It takes extra time to remove, and the natural speed will be much faster.

After getting this answer, Shi Yu said: "Then this is enough." Some things are more stable if you step on the ground step by step.

Standing up, Shi Yu came to the spring water pool. All the precious medicines, except Jade Petal Fairy Lotus, were burned. She originally wanted to see what was left, but she saw that the three Enlightenment tea leaves beside the spring were still green. One of them is even faintly golden in the veins.

"Enlightenment tea is indeed a good thing." Being able to withstand the burning of the fire spirit already shows that it is unusual.

After tidying up the space a bit, Shi Yu flashed out of the space.

There is a sea of water outside the space, and she is still staying in the old place before. In order not to let those powerhouses in the Transformation God Realm discover and catch up, she surfaced as fast as she could.

After surfacing from the sea, the surrounding sea was boundless as far as the eye could see. When she came out now, she couldn't tell where the north, south, east, and west were. It was Fat Mao who pointed her in a direction, "Go to the left, there are people over there."

Shi Yu immediately swam in that direction, but the person Sha Mao said was not very close to her. At least one hour later, she saw a ship from a distance.

Not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble, she messed up her hair, pretended to faint, and secretly used her spiritual power to push her body into the sight of the people on the ship.

Sure enough, someone found her on the bed soon, and sailors came over immediately and rescued her.

At this time, due to the soaking in sea water, her skin was white and swollen, and her lips were dry and cracked. The spiritual power on her body was concealed by the Immortal Mansion, so no one could detect that she was a cultivator. So everyone on the boat thought she was a little girl who fell into the water and died.

The ship is a three-storey passenger ship designed to carry passengers on the ocean. There are common people, dignitaries and practitioners in it. The lowest floor is for civilians, the second floor is for dignitaries, and the third floor is for practitioners.

The ship owner probably saved many people who fled at sea, so he didn't question Shi Yu too much. It is impossible for him to send the passenger ship to us to check the identity of the guests. As long as the other party can afford the shipping fee, then there is no problem.

But the problem is, Shiyu can't afford the boat fee. Back when she was in Fengcheng, she brought her younger brothers and sisters to buy and buy all day long. There were hundreds of thousands here, and millions there.

She rarely has anything to spend money on, and she doesn't pay attention to the fact that she doesn't have money on her body. Now the boat cost 10,000 taels of silver, and she really couldn't afford it.

"If you don't have money, then stay on the ship as a maid. When you have money, you can leave." Said the crew.

"Where does this ship lead to? If it docks, I can ask my family to send money over." Shi Yu said.

"The purpose of this ship is in the Western Qin Empire, are you sure where your home is?" the crew member asked suspiciously.

Western Qin Empire? Shi Yu suddenly didn't want to speak. She had never heard of this country. But how can she show timidity at this time, she said: "It is the Western Qin Empire, and I will definitely pay for the ship when I arrive at the destination."

The crew members were dubious about her words, but they thought that there was indeed such an example in the past. They rescued a person at sea, and when they arrived, they did receive a lot of thanks. Although this little girl doesn't look like a wealthy family, but what if

Even if she can't afford the money when she gets there, with so many people on board, are they still afraid that she will run away

So Shiyu stayed on the boat like this. Because there is no payment for the time being, and there is no bed, I can only bask in the stars and the moon on the deck.

But this is nothing to her, the only more difficult thing is that she is hungry. There is food and food on board, but she has no money. Even if you want to make your own food, you don't have any raw materials. In desperation, she had no choice but to find a thin thread and tie a hook, put the thin thread into the water, and pretend to drop the fish.

She was fishing on the deck below, and on the third floor of the boat, a man was sitting by the window looking at the view. He was dressed in a green shirt, his hair was tied up with a simple wooden hairpin, and his eyebrows and eyes were extremely light, making him as light and indifferent as an ink painting.

The slender fingers occasionally picked up the teacup on the small table, and when the sleeves were flipped, a "cloud" mark was faintly exposed on it.

How could Shiyu below know that she could see a beautiful man when she looked up, and she was using her mental strength to check for any fish underwater. But the sound on the boat scared away many fishes, only one bigger guy was still swimming slowly.

If the fish is too big, it will be too conspicuous for her to catch it. A big fish that can drop tens of catties with a thin line will feel weird if you say it. She doesn't want to be too high-profile.

That can only wait until the evening, when everything is quiet at night, the boat will also have time to rest. At that time, she can try her skills a little bit.

She couldn't move during the day for a few days, so she simply leaned against the railing to rest. On the surface, he was dozing off, but in fact he had already entered the state of cultivation.

With such a big ship, not many people paid attention to her small corner. Someone might have noticed, but who cares about a little beggar huddled in a corner

In the evening, the passenger ship passed by an island and stopped to rest. Shi Yu also woke up at this time. When she saw the island, her eyes lit up, and a good opportunity to catch fish came.

When everyone was not paying attention, she jumped into the water directly. Here is close to the island, in addition to some fish, there will be crabs and so on. This is all delicious!

After entering the water, I unexpectedly saw many oysters.