Strange World Little Cooking Saint

Chapter 1142


Tang Yuan knew that Ji Lanlan was very guilty.

I was so guilty that I couldn't speak well, and my emotions were almost out of control. Tang Yuan just approached her slightly, and her reaction was like a mouse whose tail was stepped on.

There was a bloody murder weapon in her schoolbag, combined with the pile of "jellies" in front of the door, it was basically certain that she had killed someone before.

As for who the deceased was, Tang Yuan speculated that it might be the "classmate" she mentioned, or "the classmate who bullied her."

They met here, and then they had a conflict. In the end, Ji Lanlan couldn't bear it anymore and killed the person who bullied her to avenge her.

Tang Yuan walked up to the pile of jelly, stretched out his hand as if holding a knife, and stabbed downward.

"I'm Ji Lanlan now. I had a conflict with a classmate who bullied me, and then I took out a Swiss Army knife and stabbed him, and then killed him for revenge."

"Anyway, no one will know in this kind of place, right, I want revenge."

Tang Yuan simulated the scene of the first murder of a high school girl. He caressed his heart, his heart was beating so hard, his brain was buzzing, did I really kill him

"There is a room here where I can rest. Compared with darkness, light is more secure." Tang Yuan walked to the room and closed the door.

"I'm here to calm down, ready to dispose of the murder weapon or eat something to supplement?" Tang Yuan stood in the room.

[Under normal circumstances, an ordinary high school girl who has been bullied all the year round will be afraid, sick, and vomit after killing someone.]

"Oh, yes, I overlooked that." Tang Yuan said to himself. "Well, now I'm scared, and I want to puke, g-"


Tang Yuan ran to the door, pretending to be just coming in.

"At this time, a person pushes the door and enters. The little girl who just killed someone will naturally panic. She is not prepared for someone to break in. It is no less than the foreplay is over, and the husband suddenly comes back. .”

Well, if you think about it this way, all of Ji Lanlan's reactions just now are reasonable.

But the most important thing is not Ji Lanlan's murder.

It was the reason why Ji Lanlan's attitude was so weird, Tang Yuan finally understood.

It wasn't that she reacted strangely, or that she was inexplicable, but that Ji Lanlan and Tang Yuan were at different angles at the beginning. If you ask Ji Lanlan, she probably thinks Tang Yuan is a strange man with changeable emotions.

The order in which Tang Yuan met Ji Lanlan was completely opposite to the order in which Ji Lanlan met Tang Yuan.

Just like the video in the camera before, the newest video is always at the front, and the time of the actual video must be flipped forward from the last video.

In order to facilitate organization, ECHO has already made a record.

[Do you want to check the log?]

Tang Yuan pulled out all the records.

[Around zero floor (your subjective floor number, not the real floor number), a searchlight and a camera were found at the birth point, which turned out to be Ji Lanlan's camera.]

[About forty floors, you met Ji Lanlan for the first time, she hid behind the door and gave you a sap, and thought you were a cold and heartless man. She didn't notice that you were holding the camera in your hand as your own.]

[Around the forty-fifth floor, you checked Ji Lanlan's camera.]

[About the fifty-fifth floor, you met Ji Lanlan for the second time. She expressed that she was very happy to see you again and told you about the parallel dimension guess. You return the camera to her, and she expresses that she regrets losing it and has been looking for it. Then when she is about to disappear, you tell her to meet on the next floor, and if you are scared, take something to protect yourself.]

[About the sixty-first floor, you found a large hole with a diameter of one meter in the ground, and took a photo inside.]

[About five hundred floors, you met Ji Lanlan for the third time. She was carrying a backpack and thought it was a coincidence to see you again. There are three pieces of bread in her backpack. You tested the law of this space, and you found that she did not bring the video camera you just returned to her, but she said that she had thrown it away a long time ago.]

[About the 800th floor, you found a hole in the ceiling, and a light flashed quickly, judging that this hole should be connected to the hole on the 61st floor.]

[About 800 floors, you met Ji Lanlan for the fourth time, but she was very wary of you, like a stranger meeting for the first time. Since she had just killed someone, she was very guilty, and in order not to be exposed, she urgently wanted to leave the room.]

This is the order in which Tang Yuan met Ji Lanlan, he walked from upstairs to downstairs.

But Ji Lanlan was just the opposite, she actually climbed up from the bottom. If you look at this record from bottom to top, it is the order in which she met Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan's space and Ji Lanlan's space are exactly reversed.

"So, the inanimate things on Ji Lanlan's side, in my opinion, have become highly corrupt things."

Tang Yuan touched his chin, recalling the rotten bread crumbs and "jellies" he had eaten.

On Ji Lanlan's side, the bread crumbs were probably fresh.

And the "jelly" is naturally fresh, having just passed away.

"I always feel that I ate something wrong." Tang Yuan regretted eating indiscriminately. After all, he can eat anything now, and he can't die from it, so he wants to taste something when he encounters it.

By the way, analyze what substance it is, so that ECHO eyes can quickly analyze the composition.

Tang Yuan is not surprised that he will appear in this world, because he is a dead person to the world of normal living people.

The world of the dead is naturally a world of corruption and darkness.

[You have cracked 50% of the world view. ]

Eh? It has cracked to 50% of the worldview.

Tang Yuan suddenly realized that he could actually go back.

What a wasteful task, it takes a lot of brains, go back and cook a meal and set up a stall, I am happy.

Well, no more deciphering, Tang Yuan decided to go home, going down the stairs all the time would be boring to death.


That's what Tang Yuan thought. It's rare to have a prop that can confuse the system's normal scoring. He won't waste the opportunity in vain.

He was looking for that shabby hat, of course he remembered that. But the clues about the hat are not yet known, so let's crack the worldview of this main task first.

"But if you want to interfere with her world, you have to find a way to get there..."

Tang Yuan was not in a hurry, he hadn't finished collecting the information yet. Since the Ji Lanlan he met for the first time was actually "the last Ji Lanlan", then if he continues to go down, time will also advance in the past, and eventually he will know how Ji Lanlan got in.

This is very important.

If it can be deciphered, it will be possible to know who Ji Lanlan killed, and the motive of her killing can even be speculated about the final development.

The main mission asked Tang Yuan to bring Ji Lanlan to the ground, but is it just that simple

Tang Yuan knew that he had to go down. This was the only way he could know what happened in the past. Once back in the normal world, he has no chance.

He went downstairs quickly and smoothly, and he didn't meet that face along the way.

It seems that as long as he walks down honestly, the human face will not come out.

In other words, the human face was deliberately letting Tang Yuan go down.

Tang Yuan felt that he had never descended so many stairs in his life, and finally he reached the bottom.

The ground floor is unremarkable, with only one door.

Tang Yuan opened the door and walked out.

The eyes lit up, this is a school corridor.

Then a group of students came over, but they were like phantoms that could dissipate at any time, they did not belong to this space.

"Let me go!" Ji Lanlan came to the door after being pushed by a group of students.