Strange World Little Cooking Saint

Chapter 130: Takoyaki (3) [Second update]


She sat cross-legged on a rock above the cave, with a wider view. Fortunately, there are basically no people here, and they will not be disturbed for a while.

After sitting quietly like this for a day and a night, suddenly there was the sound of the second child screaming in pain in the cave. Shi Yu suddenly opened his eyes from the samadhi, but then the voice disappeared.

Fat Mao should have set up a spiritual barrier, otherwise, the sound would have attracted many people.

Thinking of his second son's screams, Shi Yu couldn't help but lift his heart.

Not sure what it will be like inside.

in the cave.

At this time, the second child was thundering and flashing, and blood flowed from his body. On some parts of his body, the flesh and blood were blasted, exposing the white bones inside. When Fat Cat saw this, he poured water from the spring in the space to the wound. After the wound healed as quickly as possible, it was split open again by the lightning.

The bathtub next to him had been shattered, and the second child kept rolling in pain, but he never asked for help. He knew that once he spoke, he would never have another chance.

Shiyu couldn't see the tragedy inside, but he could imagine it. But at this time, the only thing she can do is to pray that the second child can survive by himself.

Time passed little by little, from the sun rising in the east to setting in the west, it was an extremely long day. It wasn't until almost midnight that the fat cat came out of it.

"Okay, it's over."

Shi Yu immediately jumped down and asked eagerly, "How is the second child? Is there anything wrong?"

"He's fine."

"Then does he have a spiritual root?"

Fat Cat shook his head, "It failed. The Thunder Seed did not turn into a spiritual root in his body, it can be said that it just reborn him. But it is not hopeless, because the Thunder Seed tempered his body, he The body can replace the dantian to contain spiritual power, but it will never break through to the alchemy state."

Shi Yu was a little disappointed, "It turns out that not everyone can succeed...why did I succeed in the first place?" She didn't think that her conditions were better than that of the second child.

"I can only say that you are lucky. He is inside, you can take him back." Fat Cat disappeared after finishing speaking.

Shi Yu walked into the cave, and the second child was sitting there cross-legged, his eyes were open, but there was no focus in the pupils, it seemed that he had been hit hard.

"Second..." Shi Yu called out, seeing that he still didn't move. I had to go to his side, trying to help him up.

Only at this time did he make some moves.

"Sister, I'm fine." He breathed very weakly, "Actually, I was ready to fail long before I started. Failure is as expected as success." These words seem to be explaining to Shi Yu Listen, it's more like explaining to himself, "It's a big deal again."

"Hmm! It doesn't matter, at worst, my sister will help you find Thunder Seeds. One won't work, then two, three. It's impossible to fail every time." Shi Yu said.

But the second child glanced at her, "No, sister, you have helped me enough. Let me go on my own. As long as I don't die, I won't give up!" After finishing speaking, he rolled his eyes and passed out .

Shi Yu sighed, carried him on his shoulder, and brought him back to the attic.

In the attic, because Uncle Eleven was healed, he planned to go back to Yunxiaozong to recuperate slowly. Eleventh Master Uncle is leaving, Qingchen and Xuanyin will naturally follow.

There is always a banquet in the world, Shiyu can only wave goodbye to everyone.

The night before their departure, Shiyu couldn't sleep well, so he went downstairs and sat on the steps in front of the house to watch the falling snow outside.

In winter in the imperial capital, the snow never stops. Sometimes big and sometimes small, the outside has been completely flooded. After a while, someone sat down beside her.

Shi Yu turned his head to look at him, and couldn't help but said: "I'm so cold for you because you wear so little."

Qing Chen looked at his clothes, the Zongmen's clothes are like this, blame him.

"What are you going to do next?" he asked.

"Should be leaving too." Shi Yu said, she didn't want to fall behind too much when everyone was moving forward. And he still hasn't done what he promised Mr. Qi!

"Where are you going?"

"Xuanchu Empire. You are more knowledgeable than me. Have you ever heard of this place?" Shi Yu asked suddenly.

Qing Chen didn't answer this, but looked at her and asked: "Have you thought about going back to Yun Xiaozong with me? Although you have a good cultivation, but lack of martial arts skills. I can teach you everything I know. Give you."

Shi Yu was stunned for a moment, seeing that Qing Chen didn't want to be joking, he couldn't help but said: "So you think so too. In fact, I also found that I only know how to cook and knife, and I don't know much about anything else. However, You don't have to worry about me, I have a teacher. Believe he will teach me."

Although the teacher has been dead for N years, but Sha Mao is left behind by him, which means that he is teaching himself.

It seemed that Shiyu had never thought that Shiyu had a teacher, Qingchen frowned, wanting to persuade her again, but saw that although her expression was smiling, her eyes were very firm. Seeing this, I had no choice but to sigh softly, "That's good. I know something about the Xuanchu Empire. But it's far away from here. There are at least a dozen countries in between."

As he said that, he took out a blueprint, "This is a blueprint I drew in my early years. Take it, maybe it will be useful to you."

Shi Yu took it over and opened it to see that there were many directions of countries painted on it. And the Xuanchu Empire is impressively in the southeast corner.

"It's so far away!" Shi Yu couldn't help saying.

"When are you going?" Qing Chen asked.

"Probably after you leave, I should leave too." At that time, entrust the second child and the seventh child to be taken care of by others, and that's about it.

"En." Qing Chen nodded, and said again: "I don't know what your teacher will teach you, but I still hope you can learn these martial arts."

Shi Yu took a look and saw that there was another pile of scrolls and cheat books in his hand.

Regarding this, knowing that it was his kindness, Shi Yu also fully accepted it.

"Thank you. Reciprocity, I will give these to you!" She took out some precious medicines, all of which were very old, and none of them were less than a thousand years old.

Qing Chen didn't seem to think that her family property was quite rich, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "I originally wanted to give you some, but since you have it yourself, then I won't take it out."

"Eh..." Shiyu felt a little embarrassed, "I'm so embarrassed to keep taking what you have. This is good, and when I come back, I will give you the gift in return." Now she has nothing but medicine on her body. Give it to him, maybe he I won't charge either. How about brewing some medicinal wine by yourself, as a gift in return, he probably won't refuse at that time.