Strange World Little Cooking Saint

Chapter 160: Eating rabbits cold (3) [Second update]


Do you dare to accept it

Of course you dare!

But how could Mrs. Shi give such a rare thing away so easily.

"I want to know why you gave it to me." Shi Yu said. Once this is accepted, it is bound to be a heavy favor.

"Actually, I also have selfish intentions." Mrs. Shi showed a trace of shame, "I know you are not from Dawn City, and your origin should not be simple. Now that the essence of the soul jade should be exposed, it means that I can't keep it. Shi The family may have a background, but the scope of deterrence is at most around the city of Shuguang, and other people will not be able to guard against it.

Sleeping in this piece of soul jade essence is my child, no matter who falls into the hands of her in the future, I am afraid that she will not be able to escape the fate of being obliterated. Since I can't keep it anymore, I might as well give it to you. I only hope you can help me keep her forever. Maybe one day in the future, she will be resurrected. "

Although the hope is very slim, but in the end there is a hope.

Shi Yu understood.

The Shi family is just a local family, not comparable to those wealthy families. When the news that they possessed the essence of the soul jade leaked out, people from all walks of life rushed to them. Even if the Shi family offered the essence of the soul jade, they might not be able to escape the fate of exterminating the clan.

Humans are greedy and suspicious. The Shi family can take out a piece of soul jade essence, who knows if they have other good things hidden. And how to get the essence of the soul jade, there will always be people who use all kinds of methods to attack the Shi family.

"Okay!" Shi Yu agreed.

Mrs. Shi saw her answer, her expression relaxed a little, and she saw another black paper, said: "This is with the soul jade essence, why don't you take it away together."

Shi Yu's heart skipped a beat.

The purpose of coming to Dawn City this time is not just these two things. Unexpectedly, because of Xiao Shu, these two things are now in her hands.

"I don't know what this thing is, but it must be extraordinary." Mrs. Shi handed the thing into Shi Yu's hands, "You are from Qingshan City, Dongwu Empire. Speaking of which, I took my child to seek medical treatment back then. When I passed by there, these two things came from there.”

Shi Yu was taken aback, and said: "Then madam, can you give a brief introduction to the matter?" The broken chapter comes from Qingshan City, maybe there are some secrets there.

"My second daughter was very weak after she was born. At that time, everyone said that she would not live to be one year old. I didn't believe it, so I took her to seek medical treatment in various places.

Later, passing by Qingshan City, I saw a child hanging on a tree branch, covered in blood. At first I thought the child was dead, but then I felt that she was still breathing, so I took it with me on the road. The black paper and soul jade essence were wrapped together in that swaddle. "

Even when Mrs. Shi is talking about it now, she still feels sad when she sees that child.

"But that child is not the same. It doesn't cry or fuss, and its eyes are dull. It's like... without a soul." Mrs. Shi thought for a while, and found that she could only describe it as having no soul, "I brought that baby in the I kept it with me for three days, and Xiao Shu was very obedient at that time, and often helped me hold her.

I originally thought that if my child is really gone, maybe it is God's compensation for me, and let her accompany me instead of my daughter. But while on the way, there was a mountain torrent on the road, and when everyone was rescued, the child had disappeared.

Later, I also asked people to search along the river, but there was no whereabouts, and I don't know if the child is alive or dead.

Then, it's time for baby girl. She was very quiet and kept holding my hand as she left. She is still so young, I really miss her. When she closed her eyes, I saw a ball of light flying into the soul jade essence. You know how I felt at that time? Really ecstatic. "

Even after many years, Mrs. Shi can still recall the ecstasy at that time.

"I asked around everywhere what it was, and then I was sure that it was the essence of soul jade. I was very disturbed, maybe this piece of soul jade essence was left to her by the parents of the previous child, but now it is taken by my daughter-in-law.

It is not your own thing, and there will be a cause and effect in the end. So for all these years, I have always known that such a day would come. I just want to look forward to it coming one day later. "

I didn't expect things to be so twists and turns, and it still happened in Qingshan City.

Shi Yu thought of herself, it seems that this body was also a fool before she took over, she is also in her teens now...

"Mrs. Shi, do you still remember the color of that child's swaddle?"

"I definitely remember this. It's Dahong's wishful cloud pattern. I was on my way at that time, so I could only use Nannan's."

"That's it." Shi Yu nodded, comforting Mrs. Shi and said: "One cause and one result, it's because Mrs. Shi is kind-hearted and saves the child first, so that you can get such benefits. I accept these two things, niece I will also help you keep her soul well. If there is a chance for her to come out in the future, I will definitely let her come to see you."

"Thank you!" Mrs. Shi grabbed her hand, "You can leave now. If possible in the future, help me take care of Xiao Shu."

"What about you?" Shi Yu asked.

"I'll just wait here for those people to come." They were a big family, and they couldn't run away even if they wanted to. She can only let those irrelevant people leave. As the one who knows the most, no matter where she goes, it is useless.

"Mrs. Shi, have you heard a saying? Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. I accept the things you gave me, and I will also bear this disaster."

Mrs. Shi couldn't believe it, "But..."

"You don't need to persuade me any more, I have my own measure in this matter. In addition, if I take the things away in front of everyone, the Shi family might be able to escape. Anyway, let's make a decision first."

Mrs. Shi stared at her for a long time, and saw that her eyes were firm, and she was not as flamboyant as ordinary young people, so she nodded worriedly, "Let's go and see."

After returning from Mrs. Shi's residence, Shi Yu got into the room and came into the space.

Now she is eager to restore her mental strength, but she doesn't know if such a move will hurt the little soul inside, she has to ask Fat Cat for advice.

"Is the essence of this soul jade used less? Will it hurt the soul inside?"

"Don't you have spring water? Drop in drop by drop."

"That's right!" Shi Yu hurriedly walked to the edge of the spring water, reached out his hand to dip a drop of spring water into it, the radiance of the essence of the soul jade shone brightly, and the vitality inside immediately became stronger.

Looking at the hazy ball of light, Shi Yu asked Fat Mao curiously: "This spring water must be a good thing, where does it come from?" (To be continued.)