Strange World Little Cooking Saint

Chapter 162: Cold Eating Rabbit (5) [1w coin reward plus update]


After Wen Heng left, Shi Yu set his sights on the three Pandas. Now that I think about it, it seems that I can only focus on them.

While she was looking at the three pandas, the three pandas were also looking at her. They felt a great kindness in this human girl. At least she shouldn't scare them like the previous human race.

"Eh... You should change back to human form." Otherwise, when the little girl comes in, she might be frightened when she sees three talking pandas inside.

Without saying a word, the three pandas turned into three cute teenagers.

"What's your cultivation level now?" Shi Yu was more concerned about this.

"We have all just transformed into gods, only the eldest brother has reached the first floor." One of them said.

"Then what are your names?"

"Boss, second, third."

Shi Yu: "...what's your surname?"

"What is that?" San Xiong was confused.

"Okay, I'll change your names for you. In order of age, call them Beibei, Jingjing, and Huanhuan. If you have two younger siblings in the future, they will be called Yingying and Nini." Beijing welcomes you, Qihuo.

The three bears didn't mind the name at all. For them, they were lucky to survive.

Grandpa is right, the Ninth Heaven cannot be easily descended, there are many powerful people hidden in the human race, and it will be over if they find out. They were a little lucky at first, thinking that the human race was so weak, no matter how strong they were, they would still have a chance to escape.

But when he met the person just now, he didn't have any power to resist at all. Especially when the other party directly crossed the void, it frightened Sanxiong into a fool.

Even grandpa might not be able to do it!

Because of the fear of the human race just now, even though they saw that the human race in front of them was not stronger than themselves, they didn't have any thoughts of resistance in their hearts.

"Are you monsters? Where are you from?" Shi Yu began to ask.

"We took advantage of the thunder to split the sky and earth, and there was a crack, so we ran down."

It turned out that as early as three or four months ago, the first thunder had already opened a gap. They saw it at that time, and they had been waiting for the second thunder to strike.

Three months later, the second thunder rang, and the three brothers jumped into the gap while the family was not paying attention, and came to the ninth heaven.

As a result, he was so attracted by the smell of food from the imperial capital that he couldn't walk, so he stayed in the imperial capital and ate Hesai all the time. Later, because he ate too much, he sold out all he could sell, so he had to hide from debts everywhere, and was arrested by Wen Heng.

Speaking of which, it's fortunate that they didn't hurt anyone, otherwise I'm afraid they wouldn't be alive now.

While listening, Shi Yu couldn't laugh or cry. These three completely subverted her understanding of monsters. Ten thousand races are against each other, but these three can be regarded as one of the strange ones.

While she was listening to them, the little girl over there had already come back early.

The little girl pushed open the door and saw three more men in the yard, she thought she had gone to the wrong place. But at first glance, it was clear that there was nothing wrong, so he glared at Shi Yu again: "This is our lady's yard, can you stop inviting strangers here!"

"This is my distant cousins, it's rare to come here. Ah Lu, you should be flexible." Shi Yu said.

"Who is Ah Lu!" The girl frowned.

"You, aren't you wearing green clothes?"

"My name is Yun Duo. Also, what do you mean by what you just said? Will my lady come back?" The girl said as she put the food on the table.

"Then I will definitely come back!" Shi Yu brought a steamed stuffed bun over, biting into small bites. She likes buns stuffed with shredded white radish, and she drank soy milk while eating.

There are also fried dough sticks. Tear the golden fried dough sticks into small pieces, then soak them in the sweet and bean-flavored soy milk, and wrap them in your mouth. It has become another kind of wonderful enjoyment.

The girl saw that half of what she said was lost, but she started to eat her breakfast happily, and she was suddenly very angry. But the other party is a guest, she can be dissatisfied, but not too much. I had no choice but to grit my teeth and leave.

Whether she is there or not, everyone doesn't care. Shi Yu was busy eating breakfast, and while she was eating, she suddenly felt something was wrong. I always feel that the sight next to me is too hot. Turning his face to the side, all three eyes were fixed on the dishes in front of him in unison.

Well, it looks like I should be hungry.

"Want to eat?" she asked.

The three streaming halazi nodded in unison.

"It's too little. Let's go, I'll take you out." It is said that monsters eat a lot, and the little girl is not happy to ask her to guess again.

"Yeah!" The three were ecstatic, there was a human race leading them, so they probably won't be caught this time.

Shi Yu led the three of them directly into the sky, and after leaving Shi's house, they made it down in one of the busiest teahouses.

In a strange place, if you want to know the taste of a store, you only need to see how many customers there are.

After the four of them came in, they chose a seat with a good view near the railing on the second floor and sat down. Then, under Xiao Er's warm hospitality, he ordered a portion of everything.

When the food arrived, Shi Yu had already eaten it, and after trying a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, he didn't move his chopsticks again.

The three brothers were eating food, Shi Yu let them eat whatever they wanted, and if they didn't have enough, they would order more, while he himself looked at the following.

She looked over with this gaze, and she had a panoramic view of the Shi family's courtyard. There were people sneaking around there, and she could see them all.

Sure enough, he was targeted.

I don't know where Xiao Shu is now

Just as I was thinking about it, a group of people came upstairs again.

"Congratulations Ling Fei this time. I heard that only those with extraordinary talents can enter the Imperial College of the Tobu Empire. This time, the vice president personally wrote a letter to recommend you, and you will definitely be able to enter. I heard before that, There are a few powerhouses who have turned into gods in the Towu Empire. If you can form a relationship with their old people, then don't forget about us!"

Shi Yu turned his back to them and picked up a cup of tea.

Behind her, Shen Lingfei stood up, bowed and said: "Thank you for your good words. I just want to improve my strength quickly. As for whether I can become friends with the seniors of the God Transformation Realm, it really depends on the personal relationship."

"Lingfei, you are so talented, maybe there are juniors in the family of those seniors who fell in love with you at first sight? Just like that Xiao Shu, you didn't do anything, and she automatically posted it, sending this and that to Yours, how comfortable." One person said enviously.

However, when Shen Lingfei heard him talking about Xiao Shu, his expression became ugly, "Don't mention her in front of me, I feel sick." (To be continued.)