Strange World Little Cooking Saint

Chapter 31: Rouge meat (1)


It was evening when Shiyu arrived at the foot of the imperial capital city gate. There is no vision of clouds and clouds burning half red in the sky, only the towering and majestic city gate.

Looking at the Heiyan City Wall, which must be more than ten stories high, Shi Yu's eyes were filled with amazement. In the era of supernatural power, even the architecture has a tyrannical atmosphere.

With a feeling of reverence, Shi Yu stepped into this city known as the heart of the Tobu Empire. After all, the capital of a country is the capital of a country, and it is much more spectacular than the previous Qingshan City or the cities passing by along the way. Just the avenue after entering the city, eighteen carriages walking side by side will feel spacious, and the black rocks under their feet are the same color as the city wall. There are row upon row of teahouses and restaurants on both sides of the road. At a glance, there are many buildings that are higher than the city wall. .

In addition, this complete Han-style architecture gave Shi Yu an inexplicable sense of belonging in his heart. In a different time and space, the civilization of China is also blossoming and bearing fruit here.

There are many pedestrians on the street, even though it will be late now. Shi Yu randomly found an inn to rest, and asked the waiters in the inn where some of the more famous restaurants were, and after getting a series of answers, he was ready to set off.

Unexpectedly, within a few steps of the inn, I saw a long queue in front of a store in front, and the business was very hot. Usually such a scene only shows one problem, that is, the things in this store must be very good.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a food shop. Shiyu knew what it was selling, and she also liked to eat glutinous rice cakes. This thing is very simple to make, just mix glutinous rice flour with water, and fry it directly in the pan.

However, this store obviously did not choose this simpler method. Shi Yu saw that inside the store, there were four strong men holding round sticks with thick thighs and constantly crushing the glutinous rice with great force.

This is a more labor-intensive method. Steaming glutinous rice flour and then rolling it not only has a more resilient taste, but also can be stored for a winter or even longer when air-dried. But obviously this store does not have the problem of storage time when it is made and sold now. It seems that it should be for the taste.

Following the queue that had been queuing for a while, Shi Yu walked to the stall. On the table in front of me are fried golden glutinous rice cakes, which are square and eye-catching.

Ask the price, one tael and two yuan, if this price is placed in Qingshan City, it will definitely be a robbery. But there are so many people queuing up to buy it at such an expensive price, which also shows a problem, that is, the taste is absolutely delicious.

Bought two yuan, Shi Yu couldn't wait to take a bite as soon as Shi Yu took it. The first feeling is crisp, the second is soft, and the third is fragrant. Both crispness and toughness were expected by Shi Yu, but the fragrance was unexpected.

Most of the ones she had eaten before were tasteless, purely for the texture. But what I ate in my hand really contained the fragrance of rice and the crispy aroma of being fried. No need for salt or sugar to taste, it's delicious on its own.

This is definitely not Fanmi, it seems that it should be the Lingmi of this world.

Shi Yu sighed a little. In this world where ingredients are more extensive and diverse, I don't know if her cooking skills can break through the past.

When she was in Qingshan City, she thought she was far ahead of the world. But after going down this road, I realized that I was completely wrong. Maybe people in this time and space really don't know how to use more ingredients, but a really good chef will cook simpler dishes to the ultimate taste.

For example, the glutinous rice cake she ate just now has reached a peak in texture and taste, and no matter how hard other people try to make it, they can't make it better. It's like a 100-point paper, he has already scored 100 points, even if you have a higher education, you can't surpass him in this paper.

My only advantage in this world is that I know more types of ingredients than others, but these are limited to ordinary ingredients, and I don't know anything about spiritual ingredients or even other more advanced ingredients.

It is precisely because of this that we can continue to grow!

Looking at the street full of people coming and going, Shi Yu once again experienced the feeling of learning to cook for the first time. This is the feeling of anticipation, tension, but ambition.

Back at the inn, Shiyu was going to take a good rest, and then go to a doctor to solve his inexplicable situation. Zhu Guo ate too much, and she didn't even feel the slightest progress in her cultivation now. But the meridians were tense again. If this continues, she will be farther and farther away from Lin Fan.

Just as she was about to go to bed, the bag moved, and then a fat, white doll came out. This doll is only the size of a palm, but Yuxue is cute. Shi Yu was startled at first, and then realized that this might be radish essence.

"Three Fatty, are you awake?" Shi Yu was pleasantly surprised. Recently, everyone around her was talking, and she panicked in loneliness.

"Of course." San Pang shook his body, "It can be considered as a human, but why is it so small?"

Shi Yu tapped it on the head, "Otherwise you still want to grow bigger. By the way, are you male or female?"

"I don't know! Generally speaking, we are all asexual..." Halfway through speaking, San Pang suddenly got into the package again, and after a while he got out and said, "He seems to be a boy."

"..." Shi Yu looked him up and down, and then said: "If you peek at me taking a shower in the future, I will kill you!"

"Young master is not interested. Are we going to the imperial capital?" The little fat man wrapped his arms around Shiyu, "Did you go to the Imperial College when you came to the emperor? Let's go to the Imperial College, there are many good things in there." something."

Shi Yu picked him up and looked at him suspiciously, "How do you know this?"

"Of course I heard it!"

"Huh? You have always lived in the deep mountains, where there are few people around, where did you hear about this?" Shi Yu's doubts deepened.

I think that after she fell headlong into the river, she woke up in a lake with a fat carrot floating beside her. At that time, she wanted to use this radish for cooking, but a few days later, she discovered that this guy could talk.

Is this really ordinary radish essence? I'm afraid it's not!

But this time, San Fatty pretended to be dead, and did not answer the question at all, but continued to seduce: "Imperial College has a lot of rare treasures, maybe you can find what you need inside?"

Shi Yu saw that he was avoiding the serious and taking the light, so he stopped forcing him. Everyone has secrets, so why bother to get to the bottom of it.

"Let's talk about the academy, let me ask you, what's the matter with that vermilion fruit? How come I didn't increase my cultivation level after eating it, and now it's useless to cultivate?" This was a question that had always troubled her, I didn't take it seriously at first, but now I faintly feel that something is wrong.

"Of course Zhu Guo is a good thing, but how do you eat it?"

"Eat it directly as a wild fruit..."

"..." Sanpang tried his best to endure it, and finally couldn't help but yelled: "You prodigal bitch! You can eat like this!"