Strange World Little Cooking Saint

Chapter 39: Sashimi (4) [Second update]


When I came to Imperial College, I was surrounded by lush greenery as soon as I entered. Every tree in it is very strong and ancient, and Feng Luo also introduced: "Most of these trees are over a thousand years old. When the college was first established, these trees were all moved from the Monster Mountain Range. Now almost A hundred years later, it seems to have become one of the characteristics of the academy."

The range of the woods is very large, and after walking for half an hour, the eyes are empty. First there is a huge square, and behind the square are tall and quaint pavilions. It still inherits the style of Han-style architecture, with green tiles and flying scorpions, hidden among green trees. It's just that when you look closer at these buildings, most of them are carved from stone.

Their purpose was to follow Lin Fan to find the mentor Pingting, so they didn't go shopping for a while.

When she saw the mentor, Pingting, she smiled at them and led them alluringly to the back mountain.

There are also towering green trees and beautiful scenery at the back of the mountain. But unlike other places, there are a lot of houses here. Each house does not occupy a large area, but it is small and exquisite. From Shi Yu's point of view, this is the place for top students or rich people to live.

When they came to a bamboo house, Instructor Pin Ting took out a bunch of keys to them and said, "This will be your residence from now on. The monthly contribution point is 10,000, just because you are a freshman. This month's contribution points can be handed in next month. Then, I wish you good luck."

Pin Ting gave Lin Fan a seductive smile, and threw another card to him, "This is a card with contribution points for you, and the initial value for new students is 100. I hope you won't postpone the 10,000 points next month." .Come back, little ones."

After Mentor Pin Ting left, Shi Yu fiddled with the contribution card curiously. She originally wanted to ask Feng Luo what the teacher meant, but she saw Feng Luo stared blankly.

"..." Shi Yu felt a bad premonition.

"I really didn't expect that Mentor Pin Ting would let you live here." Feng Luo patted Lin Fan's shoulder, "Take care from now on!"

"… "what's the situation

Seeing that the two of them looked confused, Feng Luo coughed and explained: "In the entire academy, there are only fifty such houses in total. Only the top fifty of the academy's overall list are eligible to live in, which is equivalent to A symbol of glory in disguise now!

The school has an age list and a general list, and the students living in the house must accept a challenge from others at the end of each month. Now that you're making eye contact as soon as you come in, it's probably going to be very lively at the end of the month. "

Shi Yu and Lin Fan looked at each other, Shi Yu said: "I believe you won't let us be kicked out!"

Lin Fan exhaled, "This place will always be mine!"

Facing the self-confidence of these two people, Feng Luo shook his head and laughed, he was not as confident as the two of them.

Turning around and opening the door, the three walked into the house. The house is not very big, and the bamboo fence that is one person high blocks everyone's view from the outside. In the middle of the yard is a path paved with stones. Flowers and plants should have been planted on both sides, but it is estimated that no one takes care of it, and it is now a bit barren. At the end of the path is an exquisite two-story bamboo loft.

Shi Yu took a look, and there were three rooms below, with the kitchen on one side, the living room in the middle, and a study room with floor-to-ceiling windows on the other side. There are also three rooms upstairs, Shi Yu chose the one on the far left, and Lin Fan chose the one on the far right.

No one lived in the attic before, so a thick layer of dust accumulated. Shi Yu was in pain until when would such a big place be cleaned, but Lin Fan waved his hand, and it turned out that more and more water appeared around the attic. With another movement of his hand, the water washed away, and the attic was instantly clean.

Look, this is the fantasy world!

While Shi Yu was amazed, he beckoned Feng Luo to come in and sit down.

Someone moved into the bamboo building here, which attracted the attention of many people. Later, when they found out that the newcomers moved in, many people were not happy. These old students are not qualified to live in it yet. How dare this freshman

But Mentor Pingting said that the challenge must be at the end of the month, and offenders will be fined 1,000 contribution points, which made some people temporarily suppress the urge to challenge. And when the news broke that Lin Fan beat the former rookie first, it attracted the attention of many militants.

However, for Shi Yu, none of this has anything to do with her.

Night, dead of night. After Shi Yu closed the door, he entered the space with the dagger obtained from the auction during the day.

When she got the dagger during the day, she really felt the space vibration in the dantian. But because there are people around, she can't just disappear casually. It was hard to restrain until now.

Once in, there is not much change in the space. It's just that when he walked to the stone table, the book had an extra page that could be turned. The picture of the dagger in her hand is drawn on the page, and there are a few sentences about the dagger beside it.

"Taishang Wangqing, the first knife cast by someone in the past."

Shi Yu carefully looked at the dagger in his hand, and finally saw several seal characters on the tip of the handle: Taishang Wangqing.

So this dagger was used as a knife in the first place

Turning to the other side of the page, I saw recipes on the other side. There are nine dishes in total, with different names and different methods. But the common point is that the requirements for knife skills are particularly high.

No matter how hard I tried to turn the pages at the back of the recipe, they couldn't be turned.

"Don't turn it over, even if you drink the milk of eight horses, you won't be able to turn it over."

Shi Yu was also taken aback by the fact that there were other people in the space. She looked around vigilantly, but saw a fat black cat falling out of the book.

She was not mistaken, the cat did fall out of the book. It stretched itself, walked up to Shi Yu with its fat buttocks shaking, and said, "Did you see those nine dishes?"

Shi Yu nodded.

"Learn them and feed them to me. I'm satisfied, and I'll let you read the content on the next page."

"To satisfy you? But who are you?" Shi Yu asked.

"You don't need to know that." Fat Cat said lazily, "You just need to know that the content on the next page is very important to you."

"Can you tell me a little bit?"

The fat cat half-closed its eyes, "About how to evolve the fire in your body."

"!!!" Shi Yu gasped, "I'm going to learn now!"

Fat Cat lay on the book and smiled, with a lazy and mocking expression, but he didn't say anything. It's just that when I rubbed my head against the book, there was a trace of nostalgia in my eyes.

This is your chosen successor, I hope she will not disappoint you.


Shi Yu went to catch fish the next day, and the first dish was sashimi. She has also made sashimi before, and she thinks the taste is okay. So she is confident about this dish.

However, when she was ready and brought it to Fat Cat, it only sniffed it, then swiped its tail, and the whole plate fell to the ground.

"It smells bad."

After repeating this three or four times, Shiyu lost his temper completely. Don't you cats love the smell of fish? Are you tired of the fishy smell now

But Sha Mao just refused to accept it, and Shi Yu couldn't do anything about it, but this failure made her calm down.

I am still too eager for quick success.

After adjusting his mentality, Shi Yu decided to take his time. An occasional fluke does not mean that her level has really reached that level. After all, she still has to study hard.

After living in the bamboo building, she began to think about the flower garden in the yard. It took me an afternoon to take care of it, and then I bought some vegetable and flower seeds from outside. But thinking that the germination time of the seeds was too slow, she threw the seeds into the space first.

As a result, when I woke up the next morning, I saw that the previous seeds inside had bloomed, and the flowers were red and willows were green.

Transplant these vegetables from the space to the vegetable garden, and when you are done, the vegetable garden is full of greenery. In the corner, loofahs are entwined, and there are rows of juicy cabbages, leeks, shallots and garlic. On the other side, some wild vegetables that she dug in the Monster Mountain Range were planted, the red and green are very beautiful.

Behind the attic, there is also an open space. Shi Yu didn't intend to make a vegetable garden, so Lin Fan smashed a small pond with the epee on his back at the corner of the wall, and then brought in the spring water from the back mountain. Come and take out a dozen fish and put them in.

As for the rest of the open space, transplanting all the flowers and plants in the space is already full. A table and a few chairs were placed under one of the flower trees, and the small garden at the back was completed.

Then there is the attic. Shiyu planted ivy around the attic, thinking that when the ivy grows up, the attic should become a sea of green.

After refurbishing everything in the residence, the day passed quietly.

At night, Shiyu was exhausted, but the meridians blocked by Zhu Guo showed signs of loosening, which made her fall asleep very satisfied.

In the silent night, no one noticed that the plants in this yard were just about to move. In particular, the creeper planted at the foot of the attic was climbing up at a speed visible to the naked eye, but after a while, it actually covered the entire attic...

Looking from a distance, there is a faint white mist circulating in the sky above the courtyard. But if you don't look carefully, no one will notice at all.

When the sky turned white in the morning, Lin Fan woke up. As usual, he was about to climb up to the roof to absorb the first ray of purple air in the morning, but he was stunned as soon as he reached the roof.

The entire roof is covered with a layer of green leaves, and when the wind blows, it looks like green waves. Look below, the front and back of the house are colorful.

At the moment when he was in a daze, an illusory old man appeared beside him, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "That little friend of yours also has a lot of secrets!"