Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 1: wedge


"Jiang Fu, can you plead guilty?"

The one who made the sound was a middle-aged man with a serious face. The intense white light in the room cast on his cold outline, like a soulless robot.

In fact, he was not really a human being. In the technologically advanced Milky Way Age, human life spans have been extended to hundreds of thousands of years, and clumsy and degenerated organs have become obsolete objects that can be replaced by alloy machinery. Any human being who desires to match the rapid development of the Milky Way Age will choose It is very common to use mechanical organs to get more agile and healthier bodies.

But the young man sitting opposite him was a very rare, complete and vivid human being.

His jet-black hair is fluffy and soft, and his white and greasy skin exudes a seductive luster like suet jade. His eyebrows and eyes are beautiful, just like the darling carefully crafted by God. His pair of twinkling eyes are filled with soft water. The smiling lips curled up into an innocent and elegant curve, and the shallow pear dimples were slightly sunken, exuding a thrilling charm, which made people willingly offer their whole heart at a glance.

The hand of the young man casually resting on the table has distinct joints, and the bluish blue blood vessels are clearly visible. When he lightly taps on the table, it crawls like a green snake, and silently gets into the cracks in the bones full of flaws.

"Sir, I'm just an honest and good citizen, have you arrested the wrong person?"

The middle-aged man was indifferent to the smiling young man, he opened the documents on the table indifferently, and read one by one.

"'Article 723 of the "Interstellar Law" stipulates that no one may plunder or buy and sell human emotions by illegal means, and all forms of emotional transactions should be prohibited." Jiang Fu, you have traded human beings at underground auctions. Emotion twenty-three times, the evidence is conclusive, what else do you want to say?"

The young man's eyes darkened slightly, but his smile was still bright, and his clear voice was warm and soft, like an innocent and ignorant young deer.

"Sir, I don't understand what you are saying at all."

Seeing that he was so uncooperative, the middle-aged man's face became colder and colder, and the mechanical arm slammed on the metal tabletop, cracking several obvious cracks on the extremely hard tabletop. Seemingly satisfied with such a deterrent, the middle-aged man sneered.

"Jiang Fu, the interstellar court will not give you a chance to argue."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and left the room.

Surrounded by smooth and dark black, only the light from the top of the head hits straight down, laying pale on the appalling cracks on the metal table, the suffocating silence and mottled and strange light and shadow fill the cold room, like a heavy The huge boulder pressing down on the top can easily make the prisoner collapse and confess his guilt in the cramped interrogation.

But the young man was just lazily leaning on the back of the uncomfortable chair, his hands pinched to each other's thin white fingers boredly, and his two long legs stretched loosely.

His leisurely posture shows no fear of impending death in prison, and looks like he is on vacation rather than accepting an unquestionable interrogation, but his mind is running fast.

Tomorrow/clothes are seamless, why is she so unlucky this time but was caught right

Thinking of all the debts accumulated before, the young man leaned his head on the back of the chair in frustration, and sighed sadly.

Human beings in the Milky Way Age have been completely transformed by technology. At first, some people regarded their innate emotions as a burden, so they borrowed technology to eliminate the emotional factors that they did not want to leave, such as laziness, jealousy, and fatigue. As more and more emotions disappear, until a human being with excessive emotion suddenly goes mad and commits a terrible event that mutilates others and even threatens the safety of the interstellar, the frightened human finally realizes the importance of emotional integrity Sex, and began to find ways to retrieve the incomplete emotional fragments.

However, there are not many emotional fragments left, and the federal interstellar, which is concerned with the overall situation, has formulated corresponding laws to manage the confiscated emotional fragments for the needs of interstellar soldiers who are responsible for safeguarding the safety of the interstellar or the noble and prominent federal nobles. The "rainbow trade" in which folks buy a variety of emotions at high prices is strictly prohibited. Even so, it cannot completely prevent the crazy popularity of underground auctions.

And because of the amazing advantages of natural beauty, the young man makes a living by extorting human emotions and then reselling them at auction in the interstellar world where the world is merging. Although the emotional factors he handles are not complete, they are enough to become rare items that dignitaries scramble to snatch.

What should I do if I get caught? Why don't I ask for help

The young man lay down on the table in distress, scratching his face, but when he thought of those deceived people who were obsessed with and paranoid about him, he immediately dismissed the idea that just popped up.

... I might as well be in jail.

While in a daze, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and three strangers came in. Their old faces showed that they had lived in the Milky Way Age for quite a long time, but they trembled with childish excitement. His eyes fixed on the young man, as if he was a delicious meal in the mouth of a hungry eagle.

The young man turned his body slightly vigilantly, and assumed a defensive posture.

"Sir, won't you take me away?"

He spoke to the middle-aged man behind the three of them, his smiling eyes still cautiously staring at the strange three of them.

The middle-aged man frowned tightly, as if reluctantly said coldly.

"You follow them."

As soon as the voice fell, the light cuffs on the young man's hands were detached from the metal table, but they were still imprisoning the young man's hands, emitting a light blue light circle, in order to send out a strong current to shock the young man's electricity in an emergency. to fainting.

The young man glanced around the three of them slowly, and then said.

"All right."

Passing through the transparent suspended corridor, the three brought the youth to a starship. The young man glanced at the Federation logo on the starship and the strict guards behind him, touched his nose, and walked in resignedly.

The starship was flying very smoothly. The young man enjoyed the scenery outside through the skylight, quietly pricked up his ears, but focused on the whispers in a circle not far away, and looked at the three of them with creepy eager eyes from time to time.

... Tsk, what the hell.

The starship flew extremely fast, and stopped steadily after a while. The young man stepped out of the starship and was stunned when he saw the snow-white building in front of him.

He has seen the sign on the building—the research base of top interstellar scientists, where all experiments are created and developed, including the technology of cutting emotions into pieces that can be peeled and extracted, or the technology of implanting machinery into the human body to change the structure.

The young man's face froze immediately.

Shouldn't he be thrown as a felon to scientists as a guinea pig without even a trial? ?

He began to regret why he chose to conduct the rainbow transaction at the underground auction in the federal central city this time. Although the price will be higher, but now it seems that life is more important!

Following the three of them into the research base dejectedly, they met a lot of people along the way, and all of them humbly smiled and saluted the three of them, but the three of them just looked back at the young man from time to time, then kept talking excitedly, and turned towards a certain Go in the given direction.

Almost dizzy in the research base, the young man finally arrived at his destination.

As if bewitched, he walked towards the transparent glass made of top-secret material suspiciously and curiously, looking at the naked/naked man lying inside.

"Who is this?"

The man is tall even when he is lying down. His perfect body proportions are like a unique and wonderful sculpture. He is slender, with clear texture, tight and smooth, and his eyebrows are handsome, with high nose and deep eyes, long eyebrows and thin lips. He looks like sleeping peacefully. It is a breathtaking painting, and it can be said that it is the most beautiful person the young man has ever seen.

Even the kind of person that young people want to get in touch with.

The three of them saw him showing interest, and after exchanging glances with each other, one of them asked eagerly.

"Do you know artificial humans?"

Young people certainly know.

One of the remarkable new technologies in the Milky Way Age is the invention of artificial humans. They are no different from humans on the surface and can do many things instead of humans. However, due to lack of self-awareness, even if they are widely used in homes, restaurants or various places, artificial humans Still not considered a true living organism.

An incredible conjecture floated in the young man's heart, and he pointed his thin white fingers at the man inside the glass.

"Is he an artificial human?"

"Yes, he is the most perfect artificial human we have developed so far."

No wonder it looks much better than ordinary artificial humans.

The young man muttered in a low voice, the previous enthusiasm had disappeared without a trace, he just stared at the man's face and asked absently.

"Then what are you looking for me for?"

"We would like to ask you to cooperate with us in an experiment."

"What experiment?"

"Using catalysis to make artificial humans autonomously derive emotions."


The young man stared dumbfounded at the three with serious faces, suspecting that he had heard wrongly, he laughed out loud.

"That's right, he's a cyborg, how could he develop emotions on his own?"

One of the scientists took a step forward, looked at the young man with more earnest eyes than before, and even pinned all his hopes on him, and said firmly.

"That's why we brought you here."

After the artificial man was invented, the serious phenomenon of incomplete emotional fragments in the stars led scientists to come up with an extremely bold idea - to invent artificial man that can autonomously derive emotions, and then strip the emotions to fill them for the interstellar residents, so that every Individuals have complete emotions again, so that the society can become stable again.

Therefore, scientists began to try to connect volunteers with the spiritual world of artificial humans, so that volunteers could catalyze and awaken the emotional factors of artificial humans, thus developing advanced artificial humans that can autonomously derive emotions.

But every attempt ended in failure, and all the volunteers woke up from the test bench exhausted, saying that they could not affect the emotions of artificial people in the spiritual world. The scientists were unwilling to give up this challenging adventure. After many searches, they found the young man who appeared most frequently at the auction and who could get human emotions the fastest.

She is as charming as a ghost, and is good at playing tricks on people's hearts. No matter how you look at it, she is the best candidate for this experiment.

"So this is ah."

The young man tapped the glass lightly with his fingers, looked at the unresponsive android inside, and refused with a smile.

"But I don't want to cooperate."

The three scientists turned pale with fright, stepped forward and grabbed his arm in disbelief, their eyes bursting with excitement and hope.

"Why? Why are you unwilling to cooperate? If more advanced artificial humans can be developed, this will bring about the most shocking era!"

The young man withdrew his hand gently, took a step back, his smiling face was beautiful and ruthless.

"Because I don't like artificial humans."

It is obviously a machine object without emotion, how can it try to possess precious human emotions.

It's ridiculous.

The faces of the three of them changed drastically, and they instantly turned into resentment and hatred, as if it was because of his lack of cooperation that human history could not overcome obstacles to reach a new era.

After another round of whispering, they spoke with confidence.

"Don't you want to be free?"

The young man's eyes moved slightly, and he raised his eyes.

"What's the meaning?"

"As long as you agree to cooperate, we will apply to exonerate you from all charges after the experiment is over."

The young man's eyes lit up, he thought for a while, and asked suspiciously.

"How can you have such great power?"

The three smiled and announced their names. That is the name that young people often hear in federal reports, and they have incomparable privileges because of their great contributions to the interstellar world.

As long as you cooperate with the experiment, you can become a free person again.

The irresistible temptation made the young man's eyes flicker slightly, and then lowered his eyes, evoking a faint smile, like a cunning child quietly doing a prank that no one noticed.

Since he is a cold artificial human, it doesn't matter if his spiritual world is turned upside down.

"Okay, I agree."

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