Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 108: Hunting game 09


In the banquet hall, there are handsome men and beautiful women, and the crystal lamps hanging in the sky cast bright light, and the spotless floor reflects the elegant figures of the guests as they walk around.

The young man who walked in from the door was wearing a white suit and a light red bow tie. His well-proportioned and slender figure was vividly outlined by the suit.

His appearance is more beautiful than any star in the entertainment industry, with black hair and red lips, white skin like the finest suet jade, a pair of black and clear eyes filled with radiant water, soft and gentle.

He stood at the door looking around, as if he was looking for someone, his harmless and innocent appearance looked like a delicious lamb alone.

Everyone in the banquet hall was immediately attracted by him. Just when someone wanted to go over to strike up a conversation, the host of the banquet who was originally talking to a group of company executives suddenly left them and strode towards the young man at the door.

The rest of the people with secret thoughts sighed silently, and looked away regretfully.

After all, not long ago, Yuan Chen, the host of the banquet, just got engaged to the young man Jiang Fu at the door.

One is an S-level sentinel, and is very likely to be the next head of the Yuan family, and the other is the best guide, who is now engaged in psychoanalysis work in the national laboratory. The two are not only highly compatible, but also have outstanding looks. It is also very well matched, which can be called a match made in heaven.


The man in a pure black suit was tall and straight, with handsome features, and the moment he looked at Jiang Fu with a forceful aura, it melted into soft spring water in an instant, overflowing with affection.

Jiang Fu tilted his head to look at him, then stretched out his hand to straighten the identical light red bow tie at his neckline slightly.

One black and one white, with the same bow tie, this couple's outfits openly and aboveboard showed their intimate identities.

Yuan Chen put his arms around his waist and walked towards the center of the banquet hall, turning his head to whisper something to him from time to time, the smile on his mouth never fell.

After greeting Jiang Fu with the characters in the banquet hall one by one, Yuan Chen handed him a glass of champagne. Jiang Fu blinked, touched his champagne glass, and made a crisp sound.

"Didn't you say that the old man ordered you to hold this banquet with Yuan Ren? Why don't you see anyone else?"

Yuan Chen glanced at the people in the banquet hall, and then said.

"I don't know where he went."

After two years of military training, the three who stood out received a sum of money from the old man of the Yuan family, but the other one was deprived of the heir's qualifications because he used foreign aid privately, leaving only Yuan Chen and Yuan Ren to compete.

But after Yuan Ren came back from the army, he seemed to be a different person. His ambition for the successor of the Yuan family was not as enthusiastic as before. Yuan Chen heard that he often disappeared from the company without a trace, even today's important Didn't show up on time at all times.

"It's strange, but it's okay this way, no one will argue with you."

Jiang Fu shook the champagne glass, and the clear liquid was dyed with a flowing and brilliant color by the light.

Yuan Chen smiled, and there was a calm arrogance in his words.

"Even if he fights with me, he can't beat me."

"I know, I know, you are the best!"

At the end of the banquet, Yuan Ren came late. He was wearing an iron-gray suit, and he was impatiently talking to Yue Qin, who was following him, in a low voice, as if he was about to quarrel. .

The people in the banquet hall were frightened by his hostility, and they all avoided his sharp gaze and moved away.

After Yuan Ren looked around the audience, he stared at the positions of Yuan Chen and Jiang Fu and frowned quickly, then he said a few words to Yue Qin, and strode towards them.

Yueqin, who stayed where he was, had an ugly expression on his face.

"You are late."

Seeing Yuan Ren coming over with a fighting spirit, Yuan Chen spoke first.

"I know."

Yuan Ren replied impatiently, but his complex eyes quickly swept across Jiang Fu's face imperceptibly, as if hesitating to speak.

Jiang Fu thought he had something to chat with Yuan Chen privately, so he tugged Yuan Chen's sleeve and offered to speak.

"I'm going there first, I want to eat something."

Yuan Chen nodded, and said in a gentle voice.

"Don't wander around, I'll go find you soon."

After Jiang Fu's figure walked away, Yuan Chen, who had been staring at him all the time, spoke slowly.

"I reminded you not to be late tonight, the old man will send someone to look for you."

"Look for it, I'm afraid he won't succeed?"

Yuan Ren sneered.

From the eyes of everyone in the banquet hall, the two remaining candidates must be in a state of tension when they talk together. Although Yuan Chen has a 90% chance of winning now, the moody Yuan Ren is not willing to take it easy. With a character of giving up, it is not certain who can become the heir of the Yuan family.

But in fact, the atmosphere between the two of them is very peaceful, and they even become more close by blood because of each other's secrets.

"The one-year period is coming soon, can't you focus on the business first, and talk about other things later?"

Yuan Chen felt a little displeased with Yuan Ren's prevarication attitude towards the business. After all, they were also competitors, and Yuan Ren's self-abandonment gave him a sense of luck that he had picked up a bargain.

He would rather the two compete with all their strength, so that there will be no regrets in winning.

Yuan Ren's absent-minded eyes circled around Jiang Fu's back, as if he could see a similar figure through him.

"You also saw it in the first half of the year. I'm not a business material, so why waste time on this."

His eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't know what to think of, his always proud and arrogant expression showed a little bit of distress, and his self-deprecating voice was a little lower.

"What's more, I don't plan to stay in Yuan's house anymore. They have already selected a matching guide for me, but I don't want any guide at all."

Yuan Chen frowned slightly, and said disapprovingly.

"Yuan Ren, I didn't want to stop you just because he is Cheng Cheng's father. They are not biological father and son. It is Jiang Qing's freedom to choose a partner. But I must remind you that a sentinel without a guide will be very dangerous. Jiang Qing is just an ordinary person, are you confident that you will never hurt him, and can he bear you?"

Yuan Ren's fist clenched tightly, he didn't say a word, his eyes were dim.

After a while, he shook his head.

"I can't guarantee it, but it's impossible for me to let him go."

Seeing Yuan Ren's attitude was so stubborn, Yuan Chen couldn't persuade him anymore, and there was a hint of warning in the reminder voice.

"In that case, you'd better pay attention to Yueqin, he's too obvious about you. Jiang Qing is Cheng Cheng's father, if Jiang Qing gets hurt because of you, then I won't let you go."

Mentioning Yueqin, Yuan Ren's eyebrows twisted with disgust and irritability, he drank the champagne in the glass, and then said coldly.

"I know."

After turning around and taking two steps, he stopped again and said to Yuan Chen hesitantly.

"Don't tell Jiang Fu about this, Jiang Qing doesn't want him to know."

After seeing Yuan Chen nodding, Yuan Ren strode out of the banquet hall, and Yue Qin who was waiting at the door followed him and left immediately.

Due to Yuan Ren's absence, this banquet was organized by Yuan Chen alone, so the cakes prepared were all prepared according to Jiang Fu's preferences.

Jiang Fu ate the delicate and exquisite dim sum in small bites. Many people around him were looking at him, but they were afraid of Yuan Chen's identity and status and dared not go forward.

Until there was a somewhat familiar voice beside Jiang Fu.

"Jiang Fu, what a coincidence."

Jiang Fu raised his head, glanced at Gao Ting in a suit and leather shoes in front of him, and then turned his head to look for Yuan Chen's figure.

Gao Ting turned sideways to block his sight, and said with a half-hearted smile.

"Is it so inseparable from Yuanchen?"

Jiang Fu raised his hand, and the silver ring on his ring finger shone brightly.

"Gao Ting, if you continue to harass married people, I will send someone to drive you out."

Gao Ting's face froze, and dark emotions flashed through his eyes.

"Jiang Fu, you are just engaged and not married, let alone what if you are married. If the sentry dies unfortunately, his guide will be assigned to other sentries. I remember that you have always been the number one at Ole Academy. One, you won’t even forget this, right?”

Sentinels have better physical fitness than ordinary people, and are the most suitable elites to defend the country, but they must be appeased by a guide to avoid losing control, so the country attaches great importance to the combination of sentries and guides.

Guides have three years to freely choose sentries after graduation, and guides who still do not have their own sentries after three years will be assigned to the combination of sentries with high compatibility, and when the sentries die, the country will save resources. Assign the sentinel's original guide to other sentries to ensure that the guide can provide necessary spiritual guidance to the sentinel.

Seeing Jiang Fu's silent appearance, Gao Ting's arrogance became more and more arrogant. His mental body was a python, and he greedily wrapped Jiang Fu's trousers at his master's command.

Jiang Fu frowned, and the Persian cat that appeared in the next second swung its paw and scratched the python severely, and then meowed angrily.

But after all, it is a lovely snow-white cat, just as weak and harmless as its owner.

Gao Ting stared at Jiang Fu's exquisitely drooping eyebrows, and couldn't help but took a step closer to him. Just when he was about to speak, the unsuspecting spiritual realm was suddenly intruded violently, and his temples seemed to be savagely smashed with an iron rod. Stirring, he yelled in pain.

Jiang Fu smiled and said.

"Gao Ting, you'd better pray that you don't see me again, or I will destroy your spiritual realm next time."

His voice was clear and pleasant, as calm as ever.

But Gao Ting could clearly see the way he looked at him, the beautiful face with a smile was like a jade-faced Rakshasa, and the black eyes filled with water mist were full of icy chill.

In an instant, he looked very similar to Yuan Chen.

Gao Ting's face suddenly turned pale, and he knelt down convulsively while covering his head, watching the extra pair of leather shoes in front of him stand beside Jiang Fu, and then Yuan Chen's displeased voice sounded in disgust.

"Kick him out, and he is forbidden to enter in the future."

The trembling boa constrictor was thrown to the wall by the tail of the clown who suddenly appeared, and then fell down dying.

The clown glanced at the furious Persian cat squatting beside Jiang Fu, and quickly ran to the wall to vent its anger at the python, breathing fire and stomping on the python. After a while, he ran back joyfully, to please the cat. Smirking next to the Persian cat.

The Persian cat meowed proudly, then ran to play in the small garden behind the banquet hall, and the clown who was left behind hurriedly followed.

Yuan Chen didn't know how Gao Ting got in. After he came back from the army, he tried every means to bring down Gao Ting's family company. It was tolerance to keep Gao Ting alive, but he didn't expect him to have the guts to sneak in.

"Sorry, nothing like this will happen in the future."

Jiang Fu fed him the bright red cherries on the plate, then pinched his gloomy face, and said with a smile.

"You're still holding grudges. I told you that every time he came to make trouble, he never succeeded, and Chang Yue protected me for you, so you really don't have to worry."

Yuan Chen's face softened a little, he grabbed Jiang Fu's hand and kissed the ring on his knuckles, his violent and restless heart gradually calmed down.

During the two years when Yuanchen joined the army, Jiang Fu, who was alone, became the key target of the sentries. Those sentries often went to his milk tea shop to propose to him, and Gao Ting was the worst among them. Ole Academy also used all the tricks of stalking, and even deliberately screwed up the business of the milk tea shop to force Jiang Fu.

However, Jiang Fu's mental strength is strong, and sometimes when he gets impatient, the cheeky sentries will experience the pain of mental backlash, scaring them so much that they dare not come again, and Yuan Chen also asked Chang Yue to help take care of Jiang Fu before going to the army , Chang Yue often went to the milk tea shop, took out the sentries who harassed Jiang Fu, beat them up, and kept his brother's promise with all his heart.

Chang Yue was an upright person with high military strength, and he was the only one who knew the secrets of Jiang Fu and Yuan Chen at that time, so Yuan Chen asked Chang Yue to take care of Jiang Fu.

But he didn't completely trust Chang Yue, he hired a private killer for two years before going to the army, once he found out that Chang Yue had any misconduct towards Jiang Fu, then Yuan Chen would deal with him mercilessly Lose.

Fortunately, Chang Yue did not do anything out of line, so he gained more trust from Yuan Chen. In the year of Yuan Chen's business, Chang Yue also became Yuan Chen's closest partner, mutual benefit, win-win.